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Akira Yamaoka

Akira Yamaoka (山岡 晃 Yamaoka Akira, born February 6, 1968) is a Japanese video game composer, sound designer, guitarist, and producer, who is best known for composing the music in the Silent Hill series by Konami. He also worked as a producer on the series, as well as serving as a composer and producer of the Silent Hill film and its sequel.


Early life

Yamaoka attended Tokyo Art College, where he studied product design and interior design. He originally planned to follow a career in design.


Yamaoka joined Konami on September 21, 1993. He immediately began to work on the games Contra: Hard Corps, Sparkster, and Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2. He then shortly thereafter worked on the music for the PC Engine and Sega CD versions of Snatcher. When Konami began searching for a musician to compose Silent Hill's score, Yamaoka volunteered because he thought he was the only one capable of making the soundtrack. Although initially hired as a composer, he soon became involved in overall sound design.




  • Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!!!!!

    SONG LIST i dont own this song its from konami and akira 1.silent hill hometown 0:00 2.silent hill shot down in flames 5:00 3.silent hill i want love (studio mix) 9:16 4. 'A Letter from the Lost Days' 13:49 5.silent hill acceptane 17:48 6.silent hill cradel of the forest 21:48 7.silent hill i want love 28:22 8.silent hill youre not here 31:06 9.silent hill promise 34:53 10.silent hill theme of laura 39:34 11.silent hill always on my mind 43:07 12.silent hill hell frozen rain 48:07 13.silent hill room of angels 53:53 14.silent hill youre rain 1:00:56 15.silent hill waiting for you 1:05:40 16.silent hill when youre gone 1:11:29 17.silent hill 1 theme song 1:14:41 18.silent hill one more soul to call 1:17:31 19.silent hill elle theme 1:24:05 20.silent hill sicknes unto foolish death ...

    published: 26 Jun 2011
  • Akira Yamaoka - Selected Hits (HQ)

    Track List: 1. Sine Mora - High Score (Results) 0:00 2. Liberation Maiden - Mountains of Daisetsuzan 2:08 3. Silent Hill 4 - Pulsating Ambience 3:59 4. Silent Hill - Alessa's Gift 7:05 5. Silent Hill - Sermon 8:07 6. Silent Hill - Results 9:55 7. Silent Hill 3 - Planning at the Motel 12:06 8. Slient Hill 2 - Laura Plays the Piano 15:09 9. Silent Hill 3 - Casual Background 17:00 10. Silent Hill 2 - Heaven's Night 18:47 11. Contra: Shattered Soldier - S-Power 20:51 12. Silent Hill 2 - Wish Ending (Part 1) 22:21 13. Silent Hill 4 - Fever Chill 24:57 14. Silent Hill 2 - A World of Madness 27:20 15. Silent Hill 2 - The Day of Night 29:07 16. Silent Hill 2 - Peace & Serenity 30:44 17. Silent Hill 2 - Rebirth Ending 34:00 18. Silent Hill 2 - Pizza & Bowling 37:33 19. Silent Hill 2 - Pianissimo Ep...

    published: 10 Apr 2023
  • Akira Yamaoka - Eternal Rest

    From OST of Silent Hill 1 (PSX GAME) Akira Yamaoka, Eternal Rest

    published: 15 May 2012
  • A K I Я A 1 6 [Akira Yamaoka & Mary Elizabeth McGlynn LIVE DVD 2016]

    Akira Yamaoka and the Silent Hill Band feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn LIVE in Saint Petersburg [06.11.2016] AKIRA16 PROJECT is a non-commercial concert film. All the rights remain courtesy of their respective owners. It is an incredible honor to be able to create this film for Yamaoka-san, Mary, Israel and Yoshi. Special thanks: To T H E S I L E N T H I L L B A N D To Israel (for helping us with some backstage footage and more...) To Geometria.ru (for photo coverage of the event.) The agency that organized the event. To the crew of the Cosmonavt Club. To Vadim Romanov (for helping out our sound engineer). To folks who provided footage of "Polyushko-polye" performance during the 15" concert: Evgeniy Urgalkin Alex Sulima Alex Esipov Vladislav (from INFINITY agency) Alex Konfe...

    published: 08 Nov 2017
  • me listening to my unorganized silent hill playlist

    All of this is genuinely me whenever listening to these sixteen songs. Honest to God.

    published: 25 Jun 2023
  • Theme of Laura

    Provided to YouTube by Rightsscale Theme of Laura · AKIRA YAMAOKA SILENT HILL2 (Original Soundtrack) ℗ Konami Digital Entertainment Co.,Ltd. Released on: 2001-10-03 Composer: AKIRA YAMAOKA Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 16 Apr 2020
  • Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka! (Remade)

    Song List right here! 0:00 Theme of Laura 3:21 Elle Theme 8:43 Tears of... 11:58 Witchcraft 15:54 Shot Down in Flames 19:53 Hole in The Sky 24:05 Snowblind 26:06 One More Soul To The Call 32:06 Silent Hill Theme 34:54 Alex Theme (Machine Head Remix) 39:43 Promise 44:23 True 47:28 I Want Love (Studio Mix) 52:10 A Stray Child 57:40 Dance With Night Wind 1:03:03 Hometown 1:08:01 I Want Love 1:10:48 Letter From The Lost Days 1:14:44 Never Forgive Me Never Forget Me 1:17:04 Please Love Me... Once More 1:18:59 Sickness Unto Foolish Death 1:22:06 Walk On Vanity Ruins 1:24:53 You're Not Here 1:28:36 Tender Sugar 1:34:07 Waiting For You 1:40:07 Cradle Of Forest 1:46:36 Room Of Angel 1:53:46 Underground Dawn Never 1:55:59 Your Rain The reason why i remade ''Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From T...

    published: 02 Oct 2018
  • Akira Yamaoka - The day of night (slowed+extended)

    published: 15 Dec 2022
  • Theme Of Laura (Akira Yamaoka) live

    Шикарнейшее исполнение

    published: 20 Sep 2012
  • Akira Yamaoka Full Set | Live at Gamers City (Santiago, Chile) | April 16th 2023

    #akirayamaoka #silenthill #gamerscity Presentación en vivo completa de Akira Yamaoka en Gamers City, Santiago, Chile, 16 de abril, 2023, ¡junto a una inesperada sorpresa de David Hayter! Su excelente banda se compone de: IG: esther_ortega_canto (voz) IG: yoshitsugu_imai (bajo) IG: israel:ull (batería) SETLIST: 0:00 Intro 1:35 Overdose Delusion 5:23 Love Psalm 9:55 Silent Scream 15:21 Waiting for You 20:57 HellfrozenRain 26:40 Tender Sugar 32:56 One More Soul to the Call 38:40 Shot Down in Flames 43:09 Letter 47:42 Room of Angel 54:40 Ashes (Drum Solo) 1:01:11 Promise 1:05:39 Your Rain 1:11:30 SNAKE EATER (Metal Gear Solid 3) 1:17:02 When Yuu're Gone 1:22:40 Theme of Laura 1:26:56 You're Not Here ¡Pongan LIKE! NERDO - EN DIRECTO SE TRANSMITE TODOS LOS LUNES A LAS 20 HRS EN TWITCH 👉 h...

    published: 17 Apr 2023
Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!!!!!

Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!!!!!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:25:38
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2011
  • views: 1970332
SONG LIST i dont own this song its from konami and akira 1.silent hill hometown 0:00 2.silent hill shot down in flames 5:00 3.silent hill i want love (studio mix) 9:16 4. 'A Letter from the Lost Days' 13:49 5.silent hill acceptane 17:48 6.silent hill cradel of the forest 21:48 7.silent hill i want love 28:22 8.silent hill youre not here 31:06 9.silent hill promise 34:53 10.silent hill theme of laura 39:34 11.silent hill always on my mind 43:07 12.silent hill hell frozen rain 48:07 13.silent hill room of angels 53:53 14.silent hill youre rain 1:00:56 15.silent hill waiting for you 1:05:40 16.silent hill when youre gone 1:11:29 17.silent hill 1 theme song 1:14:41 18.silent hill one more soul to call 1:17:31 19.silent hill elle theme 1:24:05 20.silent hill sicknes unto foolish death 1:29:13 21.silent hill witchcraft 1:32:29 22.silent hill please love me once more 1:36:15 23.silent hill 1:38:41 Under Ground Dawn 24.silent hill snowblind 1:40:25 25.silent hill alex theme 1:42:23 26.silent hill hole in the sky 1:47:18 27.silent hill true 1:51:28 28.silent hill stray child 1:54:42 29.silent hill Dance With Night Wind 2:00:05 30.silent hill never forgive me never forget me 2:05:40 31.silent hill walk on vanity ruins 2:08:33 32.silent hill cradel of the forest (piano version) 2:10:30 33.silent hill tears of...:( 2:16:16 34.silent hill tender of sugar 2:20:00 top 100 soundtracks from akira /watch?v=rxme2JejoMM silent hill part 1 and 2 in one vidoe so i call this part 3 :P http://www.silentnerd.net Great website https://www.facebook.com/Thesilenthillfan-1535497586764676/4
Akira Yamaoka - Selected Hits (HQ)

Akira Yamaoka - Selected Hits (HQ)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12:16
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2023
  • views: 132210
Track List: 1. Sine Mora - High Score (Results) 0:00 2. Liberation Maiden - Mountains of Daisetsuzan 2:08 3. Silent Hill 4 - Pulsating Ambience 3:59 4. Silent Hill - Alessa's Gift 7:05 5. Silent Hill - Sermon 8:07 6. Silent Hill - Results 9:55 7. Silent Hill 3 - Planning at the Motel 12:06 8. Slient Hill 2 - Laura Plays the Piano 15:09 9. Silent Hill 3 - Casual Background 17:00 10. Silent Hill 2 - Heaven's Night 18:47 11. Contra: Shattered Soldier - S-Power 20:51 12. Silent Hill 2 - Wish Ending (Part 1) 22:21 13. Silent Hill 4 - Fever Chill 24:57 14. Silent Hill 2 - A World of Madness 27:20 15. Silent Hill 2 - The Day of Night 29:07 16. Silent Hill 2 - Peace & Serenity 30:44 17. Silent Hill 2 - Rebirth Ending 34:00 18. Silent Hill 2 - Pizza & Bowling 37:33 19. Silent Hill 2 - Pianissimo Epilogue 40:04 20. Silent Hill 2 - True 41:40 21. Silent Hill 2 - Mary's Invitation 44:47 22. Silent Hill 2 - Failing Maria Again 46:34 23. Silent Hill 2 - Mary's Twin 48:39 24. Silent Hill 2 - Mirrored Guilt 51:27 25. Silent Hill - Meeting Cybil 53:46 26. Silent Hill 2 - Lost Innocence 56:25 27. Silent Hill 3 - A Sad Return Home 58:02 28. Silent Hill 3 - Bitter Tears 1:03:04 29. Silent Hill 2 - Angela's Hell 1:05:10 30. Sine Mora - Near Moneta Point 1:06:46
Akira Yamaoka - Eternal Rest

Akira Yamaoka - Eternal Rest

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Uploaded Date: 15 May 2012
  • views: 402579
From OST of Silent Hill 1 (PSX GAME) Akira Yamaoka, Eternal Rest
A K I Я A 1 6 [Akira Yamaoka & Mary Elizabeth McGlynn LIVE DVD 2016]

A K I Я A 1 6 [Akira Yamaoka & Mary Elizabeth McGlynn LIVE DVD 2016]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:00:05
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Nov 2017
  • views: 262458
Akira Yamaoka and the Silent Hill Band feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn LIVE in Saint Petersburg [06.11.2016] AKIRA16 PROJECT is a non-commercial concert film. All the rights remain courtesy of their respective owners. It is an incredible honor to be able to create this film for Yamaoka-san, Mary, Israel and Yoshi. Special thanks: To T H E S I L E N T H I L L B A N D To Israel (for helping us with some backstage footage and more...) To Geometria.ru (for photo coverage of the event.) The agency that organized the event. To the crew of the Cosmonavt Club. To Vadim Romanov (for helping out our sound engineer). To folks who provided footage of "Polyushko-polye" performance during the 15" concert: Evgeniy Urgalkin Alex Sulima Alex Esipov Vladislav (from INFINITY agency) Alex Konferno Alex Serookiy Time codes: 00:00 WELCOME 06:11 BETRAYAL + OVERDOSE DELUSION 11:35 LOVE PSALM 15:50 SILENT SCREAM 22:06 WAITING FOR YOU 27:25 TENDER SUGAR 33:30 ONE MORE SOUL TO THE CALL 40:05 CRADLE OF FOREST 46:56 SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES 50:33 A STRAY CHILD + RIDERS OF THE LOST HEART (DRUM SOLO) 55:50 JUSTINE FOR ALL + THE DAY OF NIGHT + PROMISE (REPRISE) (BASS SOLO) 59:55 ROOM OF ANGEL 01:06:45 LETTER FROM THE LOST DAYS 01:11:47 REALITY 01:18:10 YOUR RAIN 01:23:10 HELL FROZEN RAIN 01:29:00 WHEN YOU'RE GONE 01:32:40 SILENT HILL (OTHER SIDE) + KATYUSHA + BALALAIKA-HILL 01:36:10 THEME OF LAURA 01:40:10 PROMISE 01:45:30 YOU'RE NOT HERE
me listening to my unorganized silent hill playlist

me listening to my unorganized silent hill playlist

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:25
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Jun 2023
  • views: 336216
All of this is genuinely me whenever listening to these sixteen songs. Honest to God.
Theme of Laura

Theme of Laura

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:25
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Apr 2020
  • views: 4348305
Provided to YouTube by Rightsscale Theme of Laura · AKIRA YAMAOKA SILENT HILL2 (Original Soundtrack) ℗ Konami Digital Entertainment Co.,Ltd. Released on: 2001-10-03 Composer: AKIRA YAMAOKA Auto-generated by YouTube.
Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka! (Remade)

Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka! (Remade)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:00:41
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Oct 2018
  • views: 349980
Song List right here! 0:00 Theme of Laura 3:21 Elle Theme 8:43 Tears of... 11:58 Witchcraft 15:54 Shot Down in Flames 19:53 Hole in The Sky 24:05 Snowblind 26:06 One More Soul To The Call 32:06 Silent Hill Theme 34:54 Alex Theme (Machine Head Remix) 39:43 Promise 44:23 True 47:28 I Want Love (Studio Mix) 52:10 A Stray Child 57:40 Dance With Night Wind 1:03:03 Hometown 1:08:01 I Want Love 1:10:48 Letter From The Lost Days 1:14:44 Never Forgive Me Never Forget Me 1:17:04 Please Love Me... Once More 1:18:59 Sickness Unto Foolish Death 1:22:06 Walk On Vanity Ruins 1:24:53 You're Not Here 1:28:36 Tender Sugar 1:34:07 Waiting For You 1:40:07 Cradle Of Forest 1:46:36 Room Of Angel 1:53:46 Underground Dawn Never 1:55:59 Your Rain The reason why i remade ''Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!'' because it had bunch of copyright issue. And people couldn't watch it anymore. So i remade it using the same songs. But i did remove some songs because or else it will block countries from watching the video.
Akira Yamaoka - The day of night (slowed+extended)

Akira Yamaoka - The day of night (slowed+extended)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34:33
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2022
  • views: 1380675
Theme Of Laura (Akira Yamaoka) live

Theme Of Laura (Akira Yamaoka) live

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:41
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Sep 2012
  • views: 645733
Шикарнейшее исполнение
Akira Yamaoka Full Set | Live at Gamers City (Santiago, Chile) | April 16th 2023

Akira Yamaoka Full Set | Live at Gamers City (Santiago, Chile) | April 16th 2023

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  • Duration: 1:36:12
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Apr 2023
  • views: 11849
#akirayamaoka #silenthill #gamerscity Presentación en vivo completa de Akira Yamaoka en Gamers City, Santiago, Chile, 16 de abril, 2023, ¡junto a una inesperada sorpresa de David Hayter! Su excelente banda se compone de: IG: esther_ortega_canto (voz) IG: yoshitsugu_imai (bajo) IG: israel:ull (batería) SETLIST: 0:00 Intro 1:35 Overdose Delusion 5:23 Love Psalm 9:55 Silent Scream 15:21 Waiting for You 20:57 HellfrozenRain 26:40 Tender Sugar 32:56 One More Soul to the Call 38:40 Shot Down in Flames 43:09 Letter 47:42 Room of Angel 54:40 Ashes (Drum Solo) 1:01:11 Promise 1:05:39 Your Rain 1:11:30 SNAKE EATER (Metal Gear Solid 3) 1:17:02 When Yuu're Gone 1:22:40 Theme of Laura 1:26:56 You're Not Here ¡Pongan LIKE! NERDO - EN DIRECTO SE TRANSMITE TODOS LOS LUNES A LAS 20 HRS EN TWITCH 👉 https://www.twitch.tv/nerdocl Recuerden que pueden realizar donaciones para apoyar a nuestro canal directamente desde 👉 https://www.nerdo.cl Outro: furanmusic.com & Pablo M. -- Sitio Web https://www.nerdo.cl Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/nerdocl Discord: http://bit.ly/DiscordNerdo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerdo.cl/ Spotify http://bit.ly/SpotifyNerdo YouTube⁠ https://www.youtube.com/nerdocl Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nerdo.cl
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 11:01:20

Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!!!!!

SONG LIST i dont own this song its from konami and akira 1.silent hill hometown 0:00 2.silent hill shot down in flames 5:00 3.silent hill i want love (studio mix) 9:16 4. 'A Letter from the Lost Days' 13:49 5.silent hill acceptane 17:48 6.silent hill cradel of the forest 21:48 7.silent hill i want love 28:22 8.silent hill youre not here 31:06 9.silent hill promise 34:53 10.silent hill theme of laura 39:34 11.silent hill always on my mind 43:07 12.silent hill hell frozen rain 48:07 13.silent hill room of angels 53:53 14.silent hill youre rain 1:00:56 15.silent hill waiting for you 1:05:40 16.silent hill when youre gone 1:11:29 17.silent hill 1 theme song 1:14:41 18.silent hill one more soul to call 1:17:31 19.silent hill elle theme 1:24:05 20.silent hill sicknes unto foolish death 1:29:13 21.silent hill witchcraft 1:32:29 22.silent hill please love me once more 1:36:15 23.silent hill 1:38:41 Under Ground Dawn 24.silent hill snowblind 1:40:25 25.silent hill alex theme 1:42:23 26.silent hill hole in the sky 1:47:18 27.silent hill true 1:51:28 28.silent hill stray child 1:54:42 29.silent hill Dance With Night Wind 2:00:05 30.silent hill never forgive me never forget me 2:05:40 31.silent hill walk on vanity ruins 2:08:33 32.silent hill cradel of the forest (piano version) 2:10:30 33.silent hill tears of...:( 2:16:16 34.silent hill tender of sugar 2:20:00 top 100 soundtracks from akira /watch?v=rxme2JejoMM silent hill part 1 and 2 in one vidoe so i call this part 3 :P http://www.silentnerd.net Great website https://www.facebook.com/Thesilenthillfan-1535497586764676/4
Silent Hill Best Soundtracks From The Legend Akira Yamaoka!!!!!
SONG LIST i dont own this song its from konami and akira 1.silent hill hometown 0:00 2.si...
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Akira Yamaoka Full Set | Live at Gamers City (Santiago, Chile) | April 16th 2023
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Akira Yamaoka

Akira Yamaoka (山岡 晃 Yamaoka Akira, born February 6, 1968) is a Japanese video game composer, sound designer, guitarist, and producer, who is best known for composing the music in the Silent Hill series by Konami. He also worked as a producer on the series, as well as serving as a composer and producer of the Silent Hill film and its sequel.


Early life

Yamaoka attended Tokyo Art College, where he studied product design and interior design. He originally planned to follow a career in design.


Yamaoka joined Konami on September 21, 1993. He immediately began to work on the games Contra: Hard Corps, Sparkster, and Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2. He then shortly thereafter worked on the music for the PC Engine and Sega CD versions of Snatcher. When Konami began searching for a musician to compose Silent Hill's score, Yamaoka volunteered because he thought he was the only one capable of making the soundtrack. Although initially hired as a composer, he soon became involved in overall sound design.

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