Instruction set architecture is distinguished from the microarchitecture, which is the set of processor design techniques used to implement the instruction set. Computers with different microarchitectures can share a common instruction set. For example, the IntelPentium and the AMDAthlon implement nearly identical versions of the x86 instruction set, but have radically different internal designs.
The concept of an architecture, distinct from the design of a specific machine, was developed by Fred Brooks at IBM during the design phase of System/360.
Some virtual machines that support bytecode as their ISA such as Smalltalk, the Java virtual machine, and Microsoft's Common Language Runtime, implement this by translating the bytecode for commonly used code paths into native machine code. In addition, these virtual machines execute less frequently used code paths by interpretation (see: Just-in-time compilation). Transmeta implemented the x86 instruction set atop VLIW processors in this fashion.
Bit manipulation, in some cases, can obviate or reduce the need to loop over a data structure and can give many-fold speed ups, as bit manipulations are processed in parallel, but the code can become more difficult to write and maintain.
Bit twiddling and bit bashing are often used interchangeably with bit manipulation, but sometimes exclusively refer to clever or non-obvious ways or uses of bit manipulation, or tedious or challenging low-level device control data manipulation tasks.
A set (pitch set, pitch-class set, set class, set form, set genus, pitch collection) in music theory, as in mathematics and general parlance, is a collection of objects. In musical contexts the term is traditionally applied most often to collections of pitches or pitch-classes, but theorists have extended its use to other types of musical entities, so that one may speak of sets of durations or timbres, for example.
A set by itself does not necessarily possess any additional structure, such as an ordering. Nevertheless, it is often musically important to consider sets that are equipped with an order relation (called segments); in such contexts, bare sets are often referred to as "unordered", for the sake of emphasis.
Two-element sets are called dyads, three-element sets trichords (occasionally "triads", though this is easily confused with the traditional meaning of the word triad). Sets of higher cardinalities are called tetrachords (or tetrads), pentachords (or pentads), hexachords (or hexads), heptachords (heptads or, sometimes, mixing Latin and Greek roots, "septachords"—e.g.,), octachords (octads), nonachords (nonads), decachords (decads), undecachords, and, finally, the dodecachord.
Set construction is the process by which a construction manager undertakes to build full scale scenery suitable for viewing by camera, as specified by a production designer or art director working in collaboration with the director of a production to create a set for a theatrical, film or television production. The set designer produces a scale model, scale drawings, paint elevations (a scale painting supplied to the scenic painter of each element that requires painting), and research about props, textures, and so on. Scale drawings typically include a groundplan, elevation, and section of the complete set, as well as more detailed drawings of individual scenic elements which, in theatrical productions, may be static, flown, or built onto scenery wagons. Models and paint elevations are frequently hand-produced, though in recent years, many Production Designers and most commercial theatres have begun producing scale drawings with the aid of computer drafting programs such as AutoCAD or Vectorworks.
In computing, associative containers refer to a group of class templates in the standard library of the C++ programming language that implement ordered associative arrays. Being templates, they can be used to store arbitrary elements, such as integers or custom classes. The following containers are defined in the current revision of the C++ standard: set, map, multiset, multimap. Each of these containers differ only on constraints placed on their elements.
Key uniqueness: in map and set each key must be unique. multimap and multiset do not have this restriction.
Element composition: in map and multimap each element is composed from a key and a mapped value. In set and multiset each element is key; there are no mapped values.
The bit of a key is the part that actually engages the locking mechanism of a lock. (For example the tumblers in a pin tumbler lock.)
The exact geometry of modern keys is usually described by a code system. This is referred to as the bitting. The bitting instructs a locksmith how to cut a certain key, to replace a lost key or make an additional copy.
The bitting is usually a series of integers (e.g. 372164) that is usually translated from a key code chart or from a bitting code list to settings on specially designed key machines. In many code systems each digit in the bitting corresponds to a certain location on the key blank where a cut or notch is to be made and also indicates the necessary depth of the cut.
Many lock companies use their own proprietary code system. Depending on the maker, the bitting sequence can be from bow-to-tip (the bow being the larger, handle portion of the key), or can be from tip-to-bow. A smaller number is typically a shallower cut on the key, but not always. Assa bitting codes are reversed, where the higher the digit, the shallower the cut. One American manufacturer, Eagle Lock Company, used letters exclusively for bitting codes.
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ? | Computer Organization And Architecture COA
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ?
Instruction Set Architecture Explained With Example.
Definition Of Instruction Set Architecture ( ISA ) Explained.
The instruction set architecture, abbreviated as ISA and it is a part of the processor architecture.
The instruction set architecture basically works as an interface between the hardware and the software.
In simple words, the instruction set architecture is defined as the entire group of commands that the processor can perform to execute the program instructions.
Every processor design is based on one specific instruction set architecture.
The instruction set architecture, only defines, the operational capacity of the processor, in terms of set of commands th...
published: 13 Apr 2022
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Gowthami Swarna, Tutorials Point India Private Limited.
published: 30 Jan 2018
Instruction Set Architectures
We've seen logic components in action in an earlier series, but how do we work with them when they are all packed together in a CPU? In this episode, we discuss instruction sets to better understand how we can control a CPU without in-depth understanding of its construction!
0:00 Introduction
0:24 Video Overview
1:04 Why even have "Instructions"?
1:53 What are instructions?
2:47 Implementation-Independent Instructions
3:57 Representation of Data & Instructions
5:16 Examples of ISAs - The MIPS ISA
6:21 MIPS - J-Type Instructions
6:45 MIPS - I-Type Instructions
8:30 MIPS - R-Type Instructions
9:35 End of MIPS example
9:53 Assembly Languages
10:31 Example: MIPS Assembly
11:25 Higher Level Languages
12:18 Conclusion
= 0612 TV =
0612 TV, a sub-project of, ...
published: 05 Aug 2015
Design Your Own CPU Instruction Set
As part of my series about how a CPU works, it is time to try to design our own CPU instruction set. Starting from a blank sheet of paper, how would you design a new Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? In this tutorial I design the first stages of a 16-bit CPU ISA.
How does a CPU work playlist:
Introduction to Android app development:
Let Me Explain T-shirt:
Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk you through how a program operates on the machine level. We'll show you how different programs can be used to perform different tasks, and how software can unlock new capabilities that aren't built into the hardware. This episode, like the last is pretty complicated, but don’t worry - as we move forward into programming the idea of opcodes, addresses, and registers at this machine level will be abstracted away like many of the concepts in this series.
Want to know more about the Intel 4004? You can read the manual here!
published: 12 Apr 2017
Different Computer File Systems & Computer Architecture | URL | August 19, 2023
🛑 LIVE | URL | AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 9:00 AM PHT 🛑
published: 19 Aug 2023
ISA 1.1 Introduction to the ISA
Interactive lecture at, enrollment key YRLRX-25436.
Contents: ISA overview, C program to assembly to instructions, what a processor does: load instruction, decode, read data, compute, next instruction.
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ?
Instruction Set Architecture Explained With Example.
Definition Of Instruction Set Architecture ( ISA ) Explained.
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ?
Instruction Set Architecture Explained With Example.
Definition Of Instruction Set Architecture ( ISA ) Explained.
The instruction set architecture, abbreviated as ISA and it is a part of the processor architecture.
The instruction set architecture basically works as an interface between the hardware and the software.
In simple words, the instruction set architecture is defined as the entire group of commands that the processor can perform to execute the program instructions.
Every processor design is based on one specific instruction set architecture.
The instruction set architecture, only defines, the operational capacity of the processor, in terms of set of commands that the processor can decode and execute.
The processor architecture at the hardware level is also referred to as micro architecture.The term micro architecture is defined as the actual hardware implementation of the instruction set architecture.
Read More About ISA
Read Other Related Topics
#InstructionSetArchitecture #ISA #ComputerArchitecture
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ?
Instruction Set Architecture Explained With Example.
Definition Of Instruction Set Architecture ( ISA ) Explained.
The instruction set architecture, abbreviated as ISA and it is a part of the processor architecture.
The instruction set architecture basically works as an interface between the hardware and the software.
In simple words, the instruction set architecture is defined as the entire group of commands that the processor can perform to execute the program instructions.
Every processor design is based on one specific instruction set architecture.
The instruction set architecture, only defines, the operational capacity of the processor, in terms of set of commands that the processor can decode and execute.
The processor architecture at the hardware level is also referred to as micro architecture.The term micro architecture is defined as the actual hardware implementation of the instruction set architecture.
Read More About ISA
Read Other Related Topics
#InstructionSetArchitecture #ISA #ComputerArchitecture
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Gowthami Swa...
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Gowthami Swarna, Tutorials Point India Private Limited.
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Gowthami Swarna, Tutorials Point India Private Limited.
We've seen logic components in action in an earlier series, but how do we work with them when they are all packed together in a CPU? In this episode, we discuss...
We've seen logic components in action in an earlier series, but how do we work with them when they are all packed together in a CPU? In this episode, we discuss instruction sets to better understand how we can control a CPU without in-depth understanding of its construction!
0:00 Introduction
0:24 Video Overview
1:04 Why even have "Instructions"?
1:53 What are instructions?
2:47 Implementation-Independent Instructions
3:57 Representation of Data & Instructions
5:16 Examples of ISAs - The MIPS ISA
6:21 MIPS - J-Type Instructions
6:45 MIPS - I-Type Instructions
8:30 MIPS - R-Type Instructions
9:35 End of MIPS example
9:53 Assembly Languages
10:31 Example: MIPS Assembly
11:25 Higher Level Languages
12:18 Conclusion
= 0612 TV =
0612 TV, a sub-project of, is an educational YouTube channel. Started in 2008, we have now covered a wide range of topics, from areas such as Programming, Algorithms and Computing Theories, Computer Graphics, Photography, and Specialized Guides for using software such as FFMPEG, Deshaker, GIMP and more!
Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to drop me a comment or a personal message to my inbox =) If you like my work, don't forget to subscribe!
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= NERDfirst =
NERDfirst is a project allowing me to go above and beyond YouTube videos into areas like app and game development. It will also contain the official 0612 TV blog and other resources.
Watch this space, and keep your eyes peeled on this channel for more updates!
Disclaimer: Please note that any information is provided on this channel in good faith, but I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy / correctness on all content. Contributors to this channel are not to be held responsible for any possible outcomes from your use of the information.
We've seen logic components in action in an earlier series, but how do we work with them when they are all packed together in a CPU? In this episode, we discuss instruction sets to better understand how we can control a CPU without in-depth understanding of its construction!
0:00 Introduction
0:24 Video Overview
1:04 Why even have "Instructions"?
1:53 What are instructions?
2:47 Implementation-Independent Instructions
3:57 Representation of Data & Instructions
5:16 Examples of ISAs - The MIPS ISA
6:21 MIPS - J-Type Instructions
6:45 MIPS - I-Type Instructions
8:30 MIPS - R-Type Instructions
9:35 End of MIPS example
9:53 Assembly Languages
10:31 Example: MIPS Assembly
11:25 Higher Level Languages
12:18 Conclusion
= 0612 TV =
0612 TV, a sub-project of, is an educational YouTube channel. Started in 2008, we have now covered a wide range of topics, from areas such as Programming, Algorithms and Computing Theories, Computer Graphics, Photography, and Specialized Guides for using software such as FFMPEG, Deshaker, GIMP and more!
Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to drop me a comment or a personal message to my inbox =) If you like my work, don't forget to subscribe!
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= NERDfirst =
NERDfirst is a project allowing me to go above and beyond YouTube videos into areas like app and game development. It will also contain the official 0612 TV blog and other resources.
Watch this space, and keep your eyes peeled on this channel for more updates!
Disclaimer: Please note that any information is provided on this channel in good faith, but I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy / correctness on all content. Contributors to this channel are not to be held responsible for any possible outcomes from your use of the information.
As part of my series about how a CPU works, it is time to try to design our own CPU instruction set. Starting from a blank sheet of paper, how would you design ...
As part of my series about how a CPU works, it is time to try to design our own CPU instruction set. Starting from a blank sheet of paper, how would you design a new Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? In this tutorial I design the first stages of a 16-bit CPU ISA.
How does a CPU work playlist:
Introduction to Android app development:
Let Me Explain T-shirt:
As part of my series about how a CPU works, it is time to try to design our own CPU instruction set. Starting from a blank sheet of paper, how would you design a new Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? In this tutorial I design the first stages of a 16-bit CPU ISA.
How does a CPU work playlist:
Introduction to Android app development:
Let Me Explain T-shirt:
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#8085microprocessor #microprocessor #intel
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#8085microprocessor #microprocessor #intel
Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk y...
Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk you through how a program operates on the machine level. We'll show you how different programs can be used to perform different tasks, and how software can unlock new capabilities that aren't built into the hardware. This episode, like the last is pretty complicated, but don’t worry - as we move forward into programming the idea of opcodes, addresses, and registers at this machine level will be abstracted away like many of the concepts in this series.
Want to know more about the Intel 4004? You can read the manual here!
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Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk you through how a program operates on the machine level. We'll show you how different programs can be used to perform different tasks, and how software can unlock new capabilities that aren't built into the hardware. This episode, like the last is pretty complicated, but don’t worry - as we move forward into programming the idea of opcodes, addresses, and registers at this machine level will be abstracted away like many of the concepts in this series.
Want to know more about the Intel 4004? You can read the manual here!
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios:
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Interactive lecture at, enrollment key YRLRX-25436.
Contents: ISA overview, C program to assembly to instructions, what a proc...
Interactive lecture at, enrollment key YRLRX-25436.
Contents: ISA overview, C program to assembly to instructions, what a processor does: load instruction, decode, read data, compute, next instruction.
Interactive lecture at, enrollment key YRLRX-25436.
Contents: ISA overview, C program to assembly to instructions, what a processor does: load instruction, decode, read data, compute, next instruction.
What Is Instruction Set Architecture ?
Instruction Set Architecture Explained With Example.
Definition Of Instruction Set Architecture ( ISA ) Explained.
The instruction set architecture, abbreviated as ISA and it is a part of the processor architecture.
The instruction set architecture basically works as an interface between the hardware and the software.
In simple words, the instruction set architecture is defined as the entire group of commands that the processor can perform to execute the program instructions.
Every processor design is based on one specific instruction set architecture.
The instruction set architecture, only defines, the operational capacity of the processor, in terms of set of commands that the processor can decode and execute.
The processor architecture at the hardware level is also referred to as micro architecture.The term micro architecture is defined as the actual hardware implementation of the instruction set architecture.
Read More About ISA
Read Other Related Topics
#InstructionSetArchitecture #ISA #ComputerArchitecture
Introduction To Instruction Set For 8085 Microprocessor
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Gowthami Swarna, Tutorials Point India Private Limited.
We've seen logic components in action in an earlier series, but how do we work with them when they are all packed together in a CPU? In this episode, we discuss instruction sets to better understand how we can control a CPU without in-depth understanding of its construction!
0:00 Introduction
0:24 Video Overview
1:04 Why even have "Instructions"?
1:53 What are instructions?
2:47 Implementation-Independent Instructions
3:57 Representation of Data & Instructions
5:16 Examples of ISAs - The MIPS ISA
6:21 MIPS - J-Type Instructions
6:45 MIPS - I-Type Instructions
8:30 MIPS - R-Type Instructions
9:35 End of MIPS example
9:53 Assembly Languages
10:31 Example: MIPS Assembly
11:25 Higher Level Languages
12:18 Conclusion
= 0612 TV =
0612 TV, a sub-project of, is an educational YouTube channel. Started in 2008, we have now covered a wide range of topics, from areas such as Programming, Algorithms and Computing Theories, Computer Graphics, Photography, and Specialized Guides for using software such as FFMPEG, Deshaker, GIMP and more!
Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to drop me a comment or a personal message to my inbox =) If you like my work, don't forget to subscribe!
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= NERDfirst =
NERDfirst is a project allowing me to go above and beyond YouTube videos into areas like app and game development. It will also contain the official 0612 TV blog and other resources.
Watch this space, and keep your eyes peeled on this channel for more updates!
Disclaimer: Please note that any information is provided on this channel in good faith, but I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy / correctness on all content. Contributors to this channel are not to be held responsible for any possible outcomes from your use of the information.
As part of my series about how a CPU works, it is time to try to design our own CPU instruction set. Starting from a blank sheet of paper, how would you design a new Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? In this tutorial I design the first stages of a 16-bit CPU ISA.
How does a CPU work playlist:
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Let Me Explain T-shirt:
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#8085microprocessor #microprocessor #intel
Today we’re going to take our first baby steps from hardware into software! Using that CPU we built last episode we’re going to run some instructions and walk you through how a program operates on the machine level. We'll show you how different programs can be used to perform different tasks, and how software can unlock new capabilities that aren't built into the hardware. This episode, like the last is pretty complicated, but don’t worry - as we move forward into programming the idea of opcodes, addresses, and registers at this machine level will be abstracted away like many of the concepts in this series.
Want to know more about the Intel 4004? You can read the manual here!
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios:
Want to know more about Carrie Anne?
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Interactive lecture at, enrollment key YRLRX-25436.
Contents: ISA overview, C program to assembly to instructions, what a processor does: load instruction, decode, read data, compute, next instruction.
Instruction set architecture is distinguished from the microarchitecture, which is the set of processor design techniques used to implement the instruction set. Computers with different microarchitectures can share a common instruction set. For example, the IntelPentium and the AMDAthlon implement nearly identical versions of the x86 instruction set, but have radically different internal designs.
The concept of an architecture, distinct from the design of a specific machine, was developed by Fred Brooks at IBM during the design phase of System/360.
Some virtual machines that support bytecode as their ISA such as Smalltalk, the Java virtual machine, and Microsoft's Common Language Runtime, implement this by translating the bytecode for commonly used code paths into native machine code. In addition, these virtual machines execute less frequently used code paths by interpretation (see: Just-in-time compilation). Transmeta implemented the x86 instruction set atop VLIW processors in this fashion.
Honey, he doesn’t love you. Honey, he doesn’t love you. Can’t you see the resentment on his face, the subtle abuse in his tone? Can’t you hear the truth behind the jokes when he says he’d rather be alone? Honey, pookie, poodle, he doesn’t love you. Sometimes once is all it takes. Your mother and Jesus hate you. But me, I haven’t changed. Maybe you should give me a call. Give me a call. I’m still the same old guy you knew in school, the oldest 18 and so, so tired of life. And so, so tired of life. Your life is ugly and ruthless. Your mother and Jesus hate you. But me, I still like you kind of so why won’t you give me a call? So I walked through the trees you lined your house with and I thought about that guy you’re going out with. And I thought I’d be useful for a change, so I picked up a rake, but I couldn’t figure out what to do with it. So I walked around the gardens in a sorry state and I looked around the table when I came in late and I saw all the food piled on my plate so I picked up my drink, but I couldn’t figure out where to throw it first. Oh, give me a call. I’m still the same old guy you knew in school, the oldest 18 and so so, so tired of life when I kiss you,