Doctor Who Confidential is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to complement the revival of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Each episode was broadcast on BBC Three on Saturdays, immediately after the broadcast of the weekly television episode on BBC One. The first and second series episodes ran 30 minutes each; third series installments ran 45 minutes. BBC Three also broadcast a cut-down edition of the programme, lasting 15 minutes, shown after the repeats on Sundays and Fridays and after the weekday evening repeats of earlier seasons.
Described as focusing on the human element of the series, Confidential features behind-the-scenes footage on the making of Doctor Who through clips and interviews with the cast, production crew and other people, including those who have participated in the television series over the years of its existence. Each episode deals with a different topic, and in most cases refers to the Doctor Who episode that preceded it.
"Heartbreak Hotel" is a song recorded by American singer Elvis Presley. It was released as a single on January 27, 1956, Presley's first on his new record label RCA Victor. It was written by Tommy Durden and Mae Boren Axton.
A newspaper article about the suicide of a lonely man who jumped from a hotel window inspired the lyrics. Axton presented the song to Presley in November 1955 at a country music convention in Nashville. Presley agreed to record it, and did so on January 10, 1956, in a session with his band, the Blue Moon Boys, the guitarist Chet Atkins, and the pianist Floyd Cramer. "Heartbreak Hotel" comprises an eight-bar blues progression, with heavy reverberation throughout the track, to imitate the character of Presley's Sun recordings.
The single topped Billboard's Top 100 chart for seven weeks, Cashbox's pop singles chart for six weeks, was number one on the Country and Western chart for seventeen weeks and reached number three on the R&B chart, becoming Presley's first million-seller, and one of the best-selling singles of 1956. "Heartbreak Hotel" achieved unheard of feats as it reached the top 5 of Country and Western, pop, and Rhythm 'n' Blues charts simultaneously. It would eventually be certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. Presley had first performed "Heartbreak Hotel" during a live show in December 1955 during a tour of the Louisiana Hayride, but the song gained strong popularity after his appearance on Stage Show in March 1956. It became a staple of Presley's repertoire in live appearances, last performed by him on May 29, 1977 at the Civic Center in Baltimore, Maryland.
"This Place Hotel" (originally named "Heartbreak Hotel") was a hit recording by The Jacksons when it was released in 1980.
Written and composed by Michael (and produced by The Jacksons), the song would precede Jackson's own hit, "Billie Jean", in its insecurity-plagued tale of confusion. While his brothers did not sing background vocals, they were credited with playing percussion on the album while brother Tito contributed a guitar solo. The song has a tempo of 98 beats per minute, making it notably slower than many of the other disco-based songs on the album. In the song, the protagonist speaks of a time when ten years ago, he took his girlfriend to a hotel for a romantic night - only to find out that it was designed specifically to break couples up. The staff at the hotel gave the girl the impression that he had cheated on her with someone else, something he did not do, which caused her to break up with him in the hotel.
The song reached number twenty-two on the Billboardpop singles chart and number two on the R&B singles chart when it was released and became the group's second biggest single off their Triumph album, behind "Can You Feel It." The song, in turn, became a popular concert performance for the group's next two tours right into Michael's own Bad tour.
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel (Live At Wembley Stadium) (Remastered)
Techniques used:
-High quality deinterlacing
-Noise reduction
-A little color correction
-Some brightness and contrast adjustment
-DeHalo (To eliminate the excess of sharpening that the estate put to the want to "improve" the quality)
-High quality upscale
-Encoded with H.265 (HEVC)
Note: This improvement was not made with AI
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel (Live At Wembley Stadium 1988) (Remastered)
#MichaelJackson #HeartbreakHotel #LiveAtWembley
published: 16 Jul 2021
Heartbreak Hotel David Keith & Charlie Schlatter
published: 20 Mar 2015
Michael Jackson Heartbreak Hotel Live in Kansas City 1988
published: 30 Apr 2012
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel - Live Yokohama 1987 - HD
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel - Live Yokohama (Japan) 1987 Bad World Tour
High Definition 720P 60FPS
published: 13 Aug 2017
Michael Jackson - This Place Hotel (a.k.a. Heartbreak Hotel) | Live in Tokyo, 1988 (Remastered)
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak hotel Live in Basel 1988
published: 03 Feb 2013
Michael Jackson | Heartbreak Hotel, Bad Tour live in Hockenheim 1988
published: 18 Jun 2015
Heartbreak Hotel TV Spot (1988) (windowboxed)
TV spot for the film Heartbreak Hotel from 1988. Windowboxed.
Like what you see? Buy me a coffee:
published: 13 Aug 2018
Michael Jackson | This place hotel, live in Rome 1988 (Bad World Tour) - LOGO REMOVED
Remastered In 60fps.
published: 20 Dec 2015
Heartbreak Hotel (Original Music Video For The 1988 Movie)
Here is the rare promo music video for the 1988 fantasy movie Heartbreak Hotel. The version here is soundtrack album version, although i think the movie version is the best, this is still a great version.
Techniques used:
-High quality deinterlacing
-Noise reduction
-A little color correction
-Some brightness and contrast adjustment
-DeHalo (To eliminate the exce...
Techniques used:
-High quality deinterlacing
-Noise reduction
-A little color correction
-Some brightness and contrast adjustment
-DeHalo (To eliminate the excess of sharpening that the estate put to the want to "improve" the quality)
-High quality upscale
-Encoded with H.265 (HEVC)
Note: This improvement was not made with AI
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel (Live At Wembley Stadium 1988) (Remastered)
#MichaelJackson #HeartbreakHotel #LiveAtWembley
Techniques used:
-High quality deinterlacing
-Noise reduction
-A little color correction
-Some brightness and contrast adjustment
-DeHalo (To eliminate the excess of sharpening that the estate put to the want to "improve" the quality)
-High quality upscale
-Encoded with H.265 (HEVC)
Note: This improvement was not made with AI
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel (Live At Wembley Stadium 1988) (Remastered)
#MichaelJackson #HeartbreakHotel #LiveAtWembley
Here is the rare promo music video for the 1988 fantasy movie Heartbreak Hotel. The version here is soundtrack album version, although i think the movie version...
Here is the rare promo music video for the 1988 fantasy movie Heartbreak Hotel. The version here is soundtrack album version, although i think the movie version is the best, this is still a great version.
Here is the rare promo music video for the 1988 fantasy movie Heartbreak Hotel. The version here is soundtrack album version, although i think the movie version is the best, this is still a great version.
Techniques used:
-High quality deinterlacing
-Noise reduction
-A little color correction
-Some brightness and contrast adjustment
-DeHalo (To eliminate the excess of sharpening that the estate put to the want to "improve" the quality)
-High quality upscale
-Encoded with H.265 (HEVC)
Note: This improvement was not made with AI
Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel (Live At Wembley Stadium 1988) (Remastered)
#MichaelJackson #HeartbreakHotel #LiveAtWembley
Here is the rare promo music video for the 1988 fantasy movie Heartbreak Hotel. The version here is soundtrack album version, although i think the movie version is the best, this is still a great version.
Doctor Who Confidential is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to complement the revival of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Each episode was broadcast on BBC Three on Saturdays, immediately after the broadcast of the weekly television episode on BBC One. The first and second series episodes ran 30 minutes each; third series installments ran 45 minutes. BBC Three also broadcast a cut-down edition of the programme, lasting 15 minutes, shown after the repeats on Sundays and Fridays and after the weekday evening repeats of earlier seasons.
Described as focusing on the human element of the series, Confidential features behind-the-scenes footage on the making of Doctor Who through clips and interviews with the cast, production crew and other people, including those who have participated in the television series over the years of its existence. Each episode deals with a different topic, and in most cases refers to the Doctor Who episode that preceded it.
Well, since my baby left me, I found a new place to dwell. It's down at the end of lonely street at Heartbreak Hotel. You make me so lonely baby, I get so lonely, I get so lonely I could die. And although it's always crowded, you still can find some room. Where broken hearted lovers do cry away their gloom. You make me so lonely baby, I get so lonely, I get so lonely I could die. Well, the Bell hop's tears keep flowin', and the desk clerk's dressed in black. Well they been so long on lonely street They ain't ever gonna look back. You make me so lonely baby, I get so lonely, I get so lonely I could die. Hey now, if your baby leaves you, and you got a tale to tell. Just take a walk down lonely street
What happened at AZ Biltmore hotel? ... Hendrix said the sprites at the Biltmore were created in the mid-1980s and gifted to the hotel in 1988. "The news about the passing of the child at the Biltmore is truly heartbreaking.
Historic hotels in Phoenix where famous people have stayed ... Hendrix explained that the Biltmore sprites were created in the mid-1980s and gifted to the hotel in 1988. "The news about the passing of the child at the Biltmore is truly heartbreaking.
Historic hotels in Phoenix where famous people have stayed ... Hendrix explained that the Biltmore sprites were created in the mid-1980s and gifted to the hotel in 1988. "The news about the passing of the child at the Biltmore is truly heartbreaking.
Historic hotels in Phoenix where famous people have stayed ... Hendrix said the sprites at the Biltmore were created in the mid-1980s and gifted to the hotel in 1988. "The news about the passing of the child at the Biltmore is truly heartbreaking.