- published: 31 Dec 2024
- views: 1277807
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Mix, mixes, mixture, or mixing may refer to:
A DJ mix or DJ mixset is a sequence of musical tracks typically mixed together to appear as one continuous track. DJ mixes are usually performed using a DJ mixer and multiple sounds sources, such as turntables, CD players, digital audio players or computer sound cards, sometimes with the addition of samplers and effects units, although it's possible to create one using sound editing software.
DJ mixing is significantly different from live sound mixing. Remix services were offered beginning in the late 1970s in order to provide music which was more easily beatmixed by DJs for the dancefloor. One of the earliest DJs to refine their mixing skills was DJ Kool Herc.Francis Grasso was the first DJ to use headphones and a basic form of mixing at the New York nightclub Sanctuary. Upon its release in 2000, Paul Oakenfold's Perfecto Presents: Another World became the biggest selling dj mix album in the US.
A DJ mix is often put together with music from genres that fit into the more general term electronic dance music. Other genres mixed by DJ includes hip hop, breakbeat and disco. Four on the floor disco beats can be used to create seamless mixes so as to keep dancers locked to the dancefloor. Two of main characteristics of music used in dj mixes is a dominant bassline and repetitive beats. Music mixed by djs usually has a tempo which ranges from 120 bpm up to 160 bpm.
Audio mixing is the process by which multiple sounds are combined into one or more channels. In the process, the source signals' level, frequency content, dynamics, and panoramic position are manipulated and effects such as reverb may be added. This practical, aesthetic, or otherwise creative treatment is done in order to produce a mix that is more appealing to listeners.
Audio mixing is practiced for music, film, television and live sound. The process is generally carried out by a mixing engineer operating a mixing console or digital audio workstation.
Before the introduction of multitrack recording, all the sounds and effects that were to be part of a recording were mixed together at one time during a live performance. If the mix wasn't satisfactory, or if one musician made a mistake, the selection had to be performed over until the desired balance and performance was obtained. However, with the introduction of multitrack recording, the production phase of a modern recording has radically changed into one that generally involves three stages: recording, overdubbing, and mixdown.
Silva (or da Silva or D'Silva) is the most common surname in the Portuguese-speaking countries, such as Portugal and Brazil. Its meaning is derived from the latin word 'silva' meaning "forest or woodland".
It is also widespread in regions of the former Portuguese Empire in America, Africa and Asia, including India and Sri Lanka. Movement of people has led to the name being used in many places; da Silva is the fifth most common surname in the French department of Val-de-Marne, outside Paris and it was the 19th most-common family name given to newborns between 1966 and 1990 in France.
Silva is a 1944 Soviet musical film directed by Aleksandr Ivanovsky and starring Zoya Smirnova-Nemirovich and Sergei Martinson. It was part of a cycle of operetta films made in European cinema during the era.
The film is an adaptation of the 1915 operetta Die Csárdásfürstin (also known as Silva after its title character) composed by Emmerich Kalman with a libretto by Leo Stein and Béla Jenbach. It was made at the Sverdlovsk Film Studios in Yekaterinburg.
The film proved a major success with Soviet audiences, who during the later stages of the Second World War sought escapist entertainment and largely rejected films with war themes. The money it earned per copy of the film issued exceeded even that of the most popular films of the year Guilty Without Fault.
The manga and anime series Shaman King features several characters created by Hiroyuki Takei. As a result of being focused on shamanism the series' cast is divided between humans and spirits, the latter not being able to go the afterlife due to their alliance with the former.
The series primarily focuses on a teenager named Yoh Asakura, who reveals to his classmate Manta Oyamada that he is a shaman when fighting a group delinquents led by Ryu. Wishing to lead a peaceful life, Yoh has been training from an early age to become the titular "Shaman King", who will be able to change the world according to his will. During Yoh's training, Manta meets Yoh's demanding fiancee, Anna Kyoyama and Yoh's spirit partner, the samurai Amidamaru. In his journey to become Shaman King, Yoh also meets with a number of rival shamans who seek to become Shaman King for their own reasons and visions of the future, some who become his allies and others who become his enemies. The series' sequel, Shaman King Flowers, deals with Yoh's son, Hana Asakura, on his development as a shaman.
New Year Music Mix 2025 ♫ Best Music 2024 Party Mix ♫ Remixes of Popular Songs 🎄 Listen on Spotify: https://sndl.ink/soundlink/OgVZZ6FXvm2T2dRYOSFRM 🎄 Immerse yourself in the joyful and spirited atmosphere of Christmas as we present a carefully curated selection of the best Christmas songs from various eras. "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and other timeless classics come together to create a harmonious blend of holiday cheer. Whether you're preparing for a festive gathering, decorating your home, or simply enjoying the magic of Christmas, our playlist is designed to add the perfect musical touch to your celebrations. 🎅 Experience the magic of the season with melodies that have stood the test of time and continue to bring joy to hearts around the world. From traditional carols to cont...
NEW YEAR MIX 2025 | Party Club Dance Music 2025 | Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2025 (DJ Silviu M) ⚡ Guys, Check out the Playlist with My Mixes 2024 ➡️ • Party Dance Music Mix 2024 | New Mash... Support My Work/Become a Patron for More ➡️ / djsilvium ➡️ Subscribe and Hit the 🔔 to join the notification ! Thank you 😍 ➡️ LIKE and SHARE Mix + Comment ! for More INFO , just OPEN ⬇️ Subscribe / Follow DJ Silviu M -▸Youtube Channel DSM ► http://bit.ly/1WbdvqU -▸ Visit Website ► http://www.djsilvium.com -▸Like Page Facebook : ► / djsilvium Follow Me : Instagram ► http://bit.ly/2gdAklf -Soundcloud ► / djsilvium Photo Credit : Please, Contact ME 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything, or question please write to...
New Year Music Mix 2025 ♫ Top Songs 2024 Party Mix ♫ Happy New Year Songs ♫ New Year's Eve MusicNew Year Music Mix 2025 ♫ Top Songs 2024 Party Mix ♫ Happy New Year Songs ♫ New Year's Eve MusicNew Year Music Mix 2025 ♫ Top Songs 2024 Party Mix ♫ Happy New Year Songs ♫ New Year's Eve Music New Years Eve Party Mix / New Years Eve Party Playlist / New Years Rockin Eve Live Show / New Year's Eve Music #NewYearMusic #NewYearSongs #NewYearPlaylist #NewYearsEveMusic
NO FERPA NO PARTY - - - Follow - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ferpalaci0/ - - - - Contrataciones: https://www.ferpalacio.com.ar/ - - - 💼MGMT: https://www.instagram.com/charlie.manager/ - - - 🗺 LOCATION: https://www.instagram.com/cruzapolo_/ 📽 SHOT BY: https://www.instagram.com/pachirivass/ 💻EDICION: https://www.instagram.com/cerebriumstudio/ - - - 00:00 KAROL G - Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido 01:34 Tiago PZK, Ke Personajes - PIEL (REMIX) - DJ Gabi Riveros 02:13 PERDONARTE, ¿PARA QUÉ? (Remix) - LOS ÁNGELES AZULES, EMILIA - Braian Leiva 03:11 HOY (Remix) - THE LA PLANTA, VALENTINO MERLO - Braian Leiva Ft. DJ MAURIMIX 04:30 QUE VAS HACER HOY (Techengue) - OMAR COURTZ, DE LA ROSE - Braian Leiva 06:26 ALEGRIA - Tiago Pzk x Anitta x Emilia | ELIAS GOMEZ x SAMUEL E SCALISE 07:5...
ESKA Hity na Czasie - Oficjalny Mix Gorąca 100 Radia ESKA https://tinyurl.com/ESKAHityNaCzasieSubskrybuj Sprawdź też: https://www.youtube.com/c/EskaTvOfficial http://www.eska.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/radioeska/ #ESKA #HityNaCzasie #EskaGoraca100
Mix con las canciones trending verano 2024 si les gusta dejen un like y un comentario. REDES SOCIALES: https://linktr.ee/djvetta https://www.instagram.com/djvettanyc/ https://www.facebook.com/djvetta https://soundcloud.com/djvettanyc ------------------------------------------------------ LISTADO DE MUSICA: 00:00 - Kapo - Uwaie 02:37 - Beèle - Morena 04:38 - Boza x Elena Rose - Orion 07:24 - Nicky Jam & Beèle - Calor 08:47 - Kapo - Ohnana 10:37 - Beéle x Farruko x Natti Natasha x Manuel Turizo - Loco Remix 12:36 - Maluma X Beéle x Rauw Alejandro x Darell x Dj Luian & Mambo Kingz - Aloha 14:07 - Hamilton x @Zaider x @TheProdigiez_ - Madrid 15:53 - Jhayco x Kapo - Passoa 20:12 - Nanpa Básico x Beéle - Hasta Aquí Llegué #latino #latindancehall #dancehall #afrodancehall #beele #kapo #...
AFROBEAT MIX 2024 NAIJA 💥 The Best and Latest Afrobeat Jams of 2024 💥 Ayra Starr, Burna Boy, CKay, Rema #afrobeats #afrobeat #afrobeatmix #afrobeatmix2024 #afropop Discover Afrobeat Rhythm: Your Ultimate Afrobeat Music Destination! Are you searching for the infectious rhythms and energetic melodies of Afrobeat? Look no further than Afrobeat Vibes! Dive into a rich collection of Afrobeat mixes, filled with vibrant beats and electrifying sounds that will keep you grooving all day long. From the biggest hits by Burna Boy, Wizkid, Rema, Ayra Starr, Omah Lay, Tyla, Asake, Davido, and more, our channel is your gateway to the pulsating heart of Afrobeat. Afrobeat Vibes celebrates the spirit of West Africa, blending traditional rhythms with modern sounds to create unforgettable music exper...
НОВОГОДНИЕ ХИТЫ! 🎉2025 НОВОГОДНИЕ ХИТЫ! 🎉2025 НОВОГОДНИЕ ХИТЫ! 🎉2025 #happynewyear #topnewyearmix #newyear2025 #opendeep #trending @MagicClub686 @TropicalMage-kn6se @heliosdeep236 🟢 Stream/Download: https://sndl.ink/soundlink/uESyCCM6Yfowb9wmC6veE 🎉 Вступая в 2025 год, пусть этот год принесет вам изобилие радости, новых начинаний и бесконечных возможностей. Пусть проблемы прошлого станут уроками, и пусть каждый день этого нового года будет наполнен надеждой, любовью и успехом. За новые старты, незабываемые воспоминания и мечты, которые взлетают. Желаю вам года, который будет ярче звезд и более полноценным, чем когда-либо прежде. С Новым годом! 🎉 ✔️ Follow Open Deep ➤ Spotify → https://spoti.fi/3c7MnrY ➤ YouTube → http://bit.ly/3JThICM ➤ Facebook → http://bit.ly/magicclub_...
Kafanska Muzika - Zvanicni Kanal Pretplati se za najpopularnije redovne narodne Mixeve! Officially allowed and whitelisted by IDJ powered by EMDC Network U slucaju bilo kakve povrede prava, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na [email protected] EMDC Network ✔Facebook: http://emdc.yt/EMDCFB ✔Instagram: http://emdc.yt/EMDCIN ✔Web: http://emdcnetwork.com #hitovi #kafanskamuzika #balkanmusic #balkan
DJ REMIX SONG 2024 - Mashups & Remixes of Popular Songs 2024 | DJ Songs Club Music DJ Remix Mix 2024 | Real mixed and selected by Valentino Sirolli. 👉🏻 TRACKLIST : https://bit.ly/32JRH25 On ear headphones used : MEE audio site: http://bit.ly/3kvG37h PRO MEE audio site: https://bit.ly/3ZOqnvW MX PRO product: http://bit.ly/3GP3dwO 🔥 Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/valentinosirolli 👉🏻 FREE CLUB MUSIC (no mixed) : https://hypeddit.com/track/rcw86l 🎁 Support me with a gift via my Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.it/hz/wishlist/ls/3VPXBYJRX9Z0B 👍Support me: https://paypal.me/valentinosirolli 💬 Join to my Discord server: https://discord.gg/EZEST4c 💬 Join to my Telegram channel: http://t.me/valentinosirollitelegram 🔥 Follow my Spotify playlist : http://bit.ly/D...
DJ MIX 2025 - Mashups & Remixes of Popular Songs 2025 | DJ Dance Songs Remix Club Music Mix 2024 | Real mixed and selected by Valentino Sirolli. 👉🏻 TRACKLIST : https://bit.ly/44pKstY 👉🏻 TRACKS PACK : https://bit.ly/46yzt3i On ear headphones used : MEE audio site: http://bit.ly/3kvG37h PRO MEE audio site: https://bit.ly/3ZOqnvW MX PRO product: http://bit.ly/3GP3dwO 🔥 Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/valentinosirolli 👉🏻 FREE CLUB MUSIC (no mixed) : https://hypeddit.com/track/rcw86l 🎁 Support me with a gift via my Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.it/hz/wishlist/ls/3VPXBYJRX9Z0B 👍Support me: https://paypal.me/valentinosirolli 👕 Club Music Merch: https://teespring.com/club-music-gang 💬 Join to my Discord server: https://discord.gg/EZEST4c 💬 Join to my Telegram ch...
Support our channel & Donate on PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8MZN7NAUDG8Z2 Recopilación de éxitos de los 80s: Pop Rock: Queen, Baltimora, Rick Astley, Michael Jackson, Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, Cyndi Lauper y muchos mas!! Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1lftAMjOdjX5jh42uvIvwc?si=179390b4ef2545b0 00:01 Queen - I Want to Break Free 02:08 Laura Branigan - Self Control 03:57 Survivor - Eye of the Tiger 05:48 Baltimora - Tarzan Boy 07:31 Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing 08:49 Erasure - A Little Respect 10:51 INXS - New Sensation 12:49 Rick Astley - Together Forever 14:12 Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure 16:16 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 17:54 Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody 19:37 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want to Have Fun 21:19 Rick Ast...
Mix Premier - l'ORACLE Achetez l'album EMPIRE sur : Tidal : https://tidal.com/browse/album/126674651 Itunes : https://music.apple.com/us/album/empire/1492487107?app=itunes Googleplay: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Mix_Premier_Empire?id=Bpfrk72udyetn6dib2vqbez5fca&hl=en_US Anghami : https://play.anghami.com/album/1009887355 Qobuz : https://www.qobuz.com/ch-fr/album/empire-mix-premier/ctm15eml4ebxb Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/7vPmYXXTeuon71dQIQ1s6p Boomplay : https://www.boomplaymusic.com/share/album/6356202?srModel=COPYLINK&srList=IOS Itunes : https://music.apple.com/us/album/empire/1492487107?app=itunes Apple music : https://music.apple.com/us/album/empire/1492487107?app=music Amazon: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0859BLLV6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_oUpxEbAR12...
Welcome to Ep.4 of Good Music by DJ Darryl J. This is the Throwback Grown Folks Mix featuring 80s, 90s, 2000s R&B, New Jack Swing, Soul, Funk. Shout out to my mom who asked me to make something for the Grown Folks. I hope you enjoy it. Follow DJ Darryl J. for more Updates on New Mixes: IG: https://www.instagram.com/darryljweddings/ Website: www.gqinvites.com Thank you for watching. This video is not monetizable. You can support the channel by sending tips here: Cashapp: https://cash.app/$gqinvites *****DISCLAIMER****** This video is for promotional use only. We do not own the rights to the music. Tracklist: 1. Belly Intro - Soul II Soul - Back To Life 2. Mary J. Girls - All Night Long 3. Mary J. Blige - All Night Long 4. Eugene Wilde - Gotta Get You Home Tonight 5. Foxy Brown feat...
010 DJames DJames came through with something different! Listen carefully to the wordplay blends 🔥 MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE Hit that “LIKE” button if you enjoyed this video 😔 LISTEN TO THE FULL MIX ON SOUNDCLOUD → https://soundcloud.com/culturfm LINKS Follow us on IG ↓ https://www.instagram.com/cultur.fm/ Follow us on TikTok ↓ https://www.tiktok.com/@cultur.fm Sign-up for priority access to our live events and be the first to hear about future mixes. ↓ https://cultur.fm/ CONTACT INFO DJ FEATURES [email protected] GENERAL ENQUIRIES [email protected] #afrobeats #afrobeatsmix #djmix #afrobeatsparty #afrobeatsmix2024 #nonstopafrobeats #djholup #naijamix2024 #afrobeats2024 #afrobeatspartymix2024 #afrobeatsmusic #afrobeattypebeat #afrobeats #djmix #afronation2024 #wizkidmadeinlagos #af...
Un mix creado para los amantes del hip hop y pop Si te gustó comparte y disfrútalo en tu lugar favorito❤️ 🎧🎵🎹=❤️ Dj Sandy D🍓nato Booking: 0997710280 Sígueme en mis redes sociales Instagram: https://instagram.com/djsandydonato?utm_medium=copy_link TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLNmaYje/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DjSandyDonatoEcuador/
Music Mix 2024 | Party Club Dance 2024 | Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2024 MEGAMIX (DJ Silviu M) ⚡ Guys, Check out the Playlist with My Mixes 2024 ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKy3bbkdNbdH38x7z5XZ70ZrlP3mp9fV_ Support My Work/Become a Patron for More ➡️https://www.patreon.com/djsilvium ➡️ Subscribe and Hit the 🔔 to join the notification ! Thank you 😍 ➡️ LIKE and SHARE Mix + Comment ! for More INFO , just OPEN ⬇️ Subscribe / Follow DJ Silviu M -▸Youtube Channel DSM ► http://bit.ly/1WbdvqU -▸ Visit Website ► http://www.djsilvium.com -▸Like Page Facebook : ►https://www.facebook.com/DjSilviuM/ Follow Me : Instagram ► http://bit.ly/2gdAklf -Soundcloud ► https://soundcloud.com/djsilvium Photo Credit : Please, Contact ME 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues...
AUDIO DOWNLOAD LINK ON MY INSTAGRAM BIO ➡ https://www.instagram.com/djkelden254 VIDEO MIX DOWNLOAD LINK ➡ https://t.me/djkeldenmixes/66 For Booking or Music Promotion Whatsapp/Call - +254702443042 Follow on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/djkelden254 SUPPORT THE DJ BUY GOODS TILL 8449536 [KELVIN DENNIS] Sendwave +254702443042 Mpesa - +254702443042 PayPal - [email protected] LETS CONNECT ▶FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/DJKELDEN/ ▶INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/djkelden254 ▶TWITTER https://twitter.com/Dj_kelden ▶SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/dj-kelden ▶MIXCLOUD https://m.mixcloud.com/djkelden-theantidote ▶TELEGRAM https://t.me/ALL_DEEJAYING_SOFTWARES ❗❗FOR PROMOTION USE ONLY❗❗ Disclaimer: This video is for promotional use only. We do not own the rights. Copyrig...
credits: @itsrestricted_ on ig
Getting a good mix is simpler than you think... In this video, @DanWorrall explains four essential ingredients of every great mix. Check out Dan Worrall's channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanWorrall 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Tips For A BEDA Mix 01:58 - Balance 08:04 - EQ 12:24 - Dynamics 16:59 - Ambience Book a one to one call: https://audiouniversityonline.com/one-to-one/ Website: https://audiouniversityonline.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AudioUniversityOnline/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/audiouniversity Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiouniversity/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audiouniversity #AudioUniversity
In this video, you'll learn an ear training technique that will instantly improve your mixes. If you practice consistently, you'll notice a massive improvement in the sound of your mixes in just a few weeks. Get started now with the free guide below! Ear Training Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/ear-training-guide/ Instrument Frequency Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/instrument-frequency-guide/ Full Post (Audio University Website): https://audiouniversityonline.com/ear-training-for-mixing-engineers/ How To Use Ear Training For Mixing: https://youtu.be/75xj8ZHAoOo Book a one to one call: https://audiouniversityonline.com/one-to-one/ Website: https://audiouniversityonline.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AudioUniversityOnline/ Twi...
In the first episode of this season We're looking at basic mixing theory : What is mixing, and what do we want to achieve with a mix? This highly visual episode will explain the basic theory of making a simple mix and will help you 'visualize' your mix a lot better. In this first episode we don't really look at what we will be physically performing behind our mixing console, but mainly at the concept of what we will be creating. From episode 2 on we will be diving into mixing consoles, channelstrips and their functions to understand the signalflow. From there on we will be going into some basic mixing sessions and grow into more advanced types of mixes. Graphic design of the band-characters by : Anne-Julia (http://www.annejulia.nl) ---------------------------------------------------...
Foundational music production course + community access: https://alexromesound.com/pages/edm-bootcamp Interested in 1 on 1 coaching with me? Apply here: https://alexromesound.com/pages/coaching [FREE Chord Building Blueprint Guide]: https://alexromesound.com/pages/7-step-chord-building-blueprint Sound packs and vocal packs: https://www.alexromesound.com Are you a student and unsure how to access the student-only discord? Email me and I'll get ya setup: [email protected] MY GEAR: DAW (Music making software): Logic Pro and Ableton Live Studio monitors (speakers): Yamaha HS8's Headphones: Audeze LCD X (open back) Camera: Canon 80d Computer: Mac Studio with M2 Ultra chip and 2 TB hardrive Midi controller (keyboard): Komplete Kontrol 61 Interface: Scarlett Clarett 2 pre Desk: a cheap ...
Learn how to mix a song even if you're not a professional mix engineer. Discover the basics of mix organization, learn about polarity and phase issues, dive into processing techniques like EQ and compression, learn about mix bus processing, and more. By the end of this video, you’ll have a strong foundation to help you get a professional sound in your mixing session, along with a ton of great resources to learn more about mixing music. How to organize your mix: https://youtu.be/7un1I8Kcs04?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=how_to_mix_a_song_if_youre_not_a_mix_engineer Discover iZotope RX audio repair plug-in: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=how_to_mix_a_song_if_youre_not_a_mix_engineer Get FREE Michael Brow...
More videos like this mixer lesson video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlczpwSXEOybJLExI9WQwRA7ARVxPCPEG Shop mixers at Sweetwater 👉 https://www.sweetwater.com/shop/studio-recording/mixers-control-surfaces/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=oXFiXWbj7Jc We get a lot of questions about mixers here at Sweetwater — how they're used, what different features do, and which ones are right for certain applications. Join Mitch Gallagher as he answers these and other questions about audio mixers. After you watch, check out Sweetwater.com today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! 👉 https://www.Sweetwater.com/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=oXFiXWbj7Jc 0:00 - Intro 0:40 - Intro to Controls 1:56 - Source 1: Microphone 2:44 - Source 2:...
Today we're going to dive into the difference between the mixing process & the mastering process! There is a lot of confusion around what each one is and how they relate to one another! In this video I will explain the difference by showing you on screen examples as well as letting you hear audio examples of a mixed song verses a mastered song. I hope this brings clarity to your brain and allows you to communicate clearly with music make friends or producers you are working with! -Dean Hear The New Single HERE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAo0HlYX1Rs Become A Patron As I Produce+Release Pop Worship Songs! https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=15060464 How I Mix Vocals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4C5DxOepsM Become An Email Subscriber Here At The Studio (and get my free GarageB...
These are my 5 tips for a balanced mix. Apply these in Pro Tools, FL Studio, Logic, Ableton, Cubase, Studio One, Reason, or any other DAW. ► Website: https://www.mixwithjerry.com ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mixwithjerry #mixing #mastering
Want to learn how to use an audio mixer? Learn the basic layout, channel strip controls, and more features in this video. Thanks to @mackietv for sponsoring this video! Mackie ProFX12v3+ Mixer: https://geni.us/nrXqHJ Watch this video next (Microphone Feedback): https://youtu.be/z2ceO8D_MUw?si=Gw5GmvPTErcSEID4 DI Box Video: https://youtu.be/_xybjiuD9K0?si=wNzrcEnKA3cfeqH9 ======================================== 00:00 Mixer Setup Tutorial 00:22 Basic Layout of a Mixer 01:17 Connecting outputs 02:52 Recording 04:03 Connecting Sources 05:39 Selecting Outputs 06:35 Adjusting Levels 07:19 The Significance of Unity Gain 08:02 Alternatives Uses for Stereo Channels 08:30 Connecting Inputs 10:50 Selecting Sources for Recording 12:02 Channel Strip Controls 12:16 Hi-Z 12:39 Low-Cut 13:48 Compress...
🔗 DOWNLOAD PROJECT FILES https://www.streaky.com/free-download-reverse-eq-sidechain?sl=YouTube 🎛️ TRY OUT MY NEW PLUGIN COLOURBOX FOR FREE: https://streakyaudio.com/products/colourbox 🔥 GET 10% OFF COLOURBOX PLUGIN! Use Code: 'YOUTUBE10' https://streakyaudio.com/discount/YOUTUBE10?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Fcolourbox 💌 AUDIO ANORAKS Sign up to my free weekly tips & tricks email - https://www.streaky.com/aa?sl=YouTube 🌍 STREAKY ACADEMY Learn to mix & master from professional engineers here - https://www.streaky.com/?sl=YouTube 🍿 WATCH NEXT: Pro Engineer Mastering Chain 2023: https://youtu.be/NdH1sIRzP0o 🚀 MY FREE ONLINE TRAINING Streaky's Mixing Pyramid Method - https://www.streaky.com/signup-mix-pyramid?sl=YouTube Streaky's Mastering Method - https://www.streaky.com/signup-mastering-tr...
In this video, I turned the camera on while mixing to show you the steps I took to get a balanced mix. I use an approach called "Top-Down Mixing" where I start by setting a static mix before adding effects and automating. These techniques can be applied when mixing many types of music. Feel free to ask me any questions about these methods in the comments below. ►The song is called "You" by The Workday Release. Listen to the final mix here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/a7iy1OZlG3g The final mix was done by Andy Toy (@andytoymusic), a brilliant engineer and mixer. I am using the stems in this video because I wanted to try my hand at the mix too. ►Gear/Software used: DAW: FL Studio 20 (all DAWs have similar function) Free Plugins: TDR Kotelnikov, Nova Dynamic EQ, Molotok Compressor and Sli...
1 song, 5 mix engineers ranging in price from $75 to $1000...and I'm one of them! Find out which one came out on top in this blind mix test. ☛ Learn the go-to starting points for EQ and compression in heavy mixes with my FREE Mixing Cheatsheet: https://hardcoremusicstudio.com/mixcheatsheet Thanks to Matthew LeFevers for contributing the song & multitracks! https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Br4iFZdf7YUopxjRcREdr?si=DCC1gyW1SQqZoq5esGI43Q Watch the mastering shootout for this song next: https://youtu.be/E9ssuVxXCdI Music I’ve Worked On: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6I7P7AIIWRB6ocsjQjGPKX?si=e89941db94084b03 Website: https://hardcoremusicstudio.com ------------------------- MY FAVORITE GEAR: Computer / Interface: Mac M1 Studio Max https://sweetwater.sjv.io/anOMOo Avid Carbon http...
Learning the psychoacoustic principles behind the way we hear sound will improve your mixes and critical listening skills! To learn more, check out Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Seeber's video series here: https://geni.us/mbwlC Full Post (Audio University Website): https://audiouniversityonline.com/masking/ Thank you to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Seeber and the @audioinformationprocessing YouTube channel for making this information available online! Instrument Frequency Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/instrument-frequency-guide/ Ear Training Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/ear-training-guide/ Ear Training for Audio Engineers (Video): https://youtu.be/0fckQLQWhe0 iZotope Neutron Plug-in Suite: - Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/5b99O3 - B&H: https:/...
UPDATED VIDEO: https://youtu.be/3nhk0CD_NKg Find the full tutorial with pictures here: https://audiouniversityonline.com/mixing-console-tutorial/ This video will teach you everything you need to know to feel comfortable operating any analog audio mixing console. You'll learn about the layout of a mixer as well as the common inputs and outputs of a mixer. I'll walk you step by step through every knob, button, and fader on an audio mixer channel strip. Instrument Frequency Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/instrument-frequency-guide/ EQ User Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/eq-user-guide/ Ear Training Guide (Free Download): https://audiouniversityonline.com/ear-training-guide/ Full Post (Audio University Website): https://audiouniversityonl...
Mix, mixes, mixture, or mixing may refer to: