Episode 3: Peer Gynt by Edvard Grieg
How Norway's most famous composer transformed Norway's most famous playwright's scintillating thriller - with great reluctance, but much success!
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Listen to the piece in full with IDAGIO, our favourite classical music streaming service 👇
Composer: Edvard Grieg
Work: Peer Gynt, Op.23
Performer: London Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Per Dreier
Year: 1978
Label: Unicorn
Catalogue No: UKC361/2
With thanks to Emilia Strachevskaia.
published: 22 Feb 2018
Les Vampires-1er épisode, de Louis Feuillade, musique de Yannis Galitis
Yannis Galitis, compositeur contemporain grec, a mis en musique le 1er épisode "La Tête Coupée" du feuilleton cinématographique "Les Vampires" réalisé par Louis Feuillade (1915), diffusé lors de l'inauguration du Festival International Zagori Fiction Days consacré aux livres adaptés en séries tv , le 28 Septembre 2020.
published: 26 Oct 2020
Mozart becomes uncanny
Music: Mozart - various
I make these videos in my spare time as a student, so if you would like to support me I'd really appreciate it!
This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act, under the purpose of educational content.
#mozart #piano #concerto #plays #composer #trumpet #vintage #footage
published: 27 Dec 2022
Türk Sinemasının Unutulmayan Annesi Şükriye Atav.. Tiyatro, Operet Ve SİNEMA Oyuncusu, Şevkiye May..
Şevkiye May, Türk tiyatro, operet ve sinema dünyasının önde gelen isimlerinden biri olarak 1915 yılında İstanbul'da doğmuştur. Kantocu Mari Ferah Hanım ve ünlü komedyen Komik Şevki Bey'in kızı olarak dünyaya gelmiştir. Henüz dört yaşındayken babasını kaybetmiştir. Küçük yaşlardan itibaren sahne hayatına adım atan May, ilk sahne deneyimini 1927'de Cemal Sahir'in topluluğunda İmre Kalman'ın eseri "Kontes Mariça" ile yaşamıştır.
1933 yılında İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları'na katılan May, burada Rey Kardeşler'in operetleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli oyunlarda başarılı performanslar sergilemiştir. Peer Gynt'ten Shakespeare'in eserlerine, Victorien Sardou'nun yapıtlarından Giraoudoux'un eserlerine kadar geniş bir repertuvara sahiptir. Sahne kariyeri boyunca birçok farklı toplulukta yer alarak sanatı...
published: 06 Apr 2024
Top 100 IMDb Movies of 1915
🎥 Get ready for a cinematic journey like no other! Join us as we count down the top 100 movies of 1915, according to IMDb ratings. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, this epic list covers the best of the best in the world of cinema.
🍿 Whether you're a movie buff looking to revisit your favorites or a cinephile in search of hidden gems, this video has it all. We've carefully curated this list based on IMDb's user ratings and reviews, ensuring you won't miss a single iconic film.
🏆 From thrilling adventures to heartwarming dramas, each movie on this list has left an indelible mark on the history of film. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and prepare to relive unforgettable moments from the silver screen.
🌟 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel...
published: 09 Oct 2023
Hva betyr det at Trump brukte Edvard Griegs melodi i en tweet?
Musikk kan for oss virke tilsynelatende uavhengig av tid eller sted, og helt løsrevet fra omgivelsene den oppsto i, den såkalte historiske konteksten. Arnulf underviser i musikkhistorie ved UIB, hvor han forsker på hvordan vi forstår musikk, ikke bare i dens opprinnelige kontekst når den ble lagd, men også hvordan musikk fra fortiden virker i dag.
published: 11 Oct 2023
La Grande Guerra
Trailer dello spettacolo "La Grande Guerra". Rappresentazione teatrale e musicale dei ragazzi dell'Istituto Comprensivo "Daniele Spada" di Sovere. In collaborazione con l'attore regista Michele Marinini e del Coro ANA di Sovere.
published: 24 Mar 2018
Charlie & Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024
Actor Charlie Ruggles & brother Director Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024.
Actor. Remembered for his comedic roles in a career that spanned six decades. Born to Charles Sherman and Theresa Maria (Heinsch) Ruggles. His younger brother was director Wesley Ruggles. His parents divorced when he was young. He lived in San Francisco as a teenager. He started acting in 1905 and played a variety of roles in stock companies. He married actress Adele Rowland in 1914. They divorced in 1916. He made his Broadway debut in "Help Wanted" in 1914. His Broadway successes included "Battling Buttler" and "Queen High". He also acted in silent films, including "The Majesty of the Law" (1915), "Peer Gynt" (1915), and "The Heart Raider" (1923). He married act...
published: 27 Apr 2024
In The Hall of the Mountain King (Edvard Grieg)
The very first Horror High School film in 1915. Written, starring and directed by James McGee.
Music: Edvard Grieg; In The Hall of the Mountain King
published: 17 Apr 2011
Jim Larkin's oration at Joe Hill's funeral 1915
On November 19th, 2015, during the “Decade of Centenaries”, remember Joe Hill who was executed in Salt Lake City, Utah, one hundred years ago.
About fifty years ago, when I was still in primary school, my older brothers used to buy the “Sing Out Reprints” from Waltons Music Shop, which was then located on Nth. Frederick Street, Dublin, and through browsing these, and listening to my brothers' tales of folk and traditional music sessions at the Neptune Rowing Club, I was introduced to songs both about, and by, Joe Hill, as well as several other folk songs and songs of protest. Hill’s story always fascinated me and as a child I just could n't get it that his main crime seemed to be his songs, such as "Rebel Girl", "and "The Preacher and the Slave (Pie in the Sky)", and also the song based...
published: 16 Nov 2015
Episode 3: Peer Gynt by Edvard Grieg
How Norway's most famous composer transformed Norway's most famous playwright's scintillating thriller - with great reluctance, but much success!
Like, share,...
How Norway's most famous composer transformed Norway's most famous playwright's scintillating thriller - with great reluctance, but much success!
Like, share, leave your comments and support us on PATREON! 👇
👇Visit https://www.classicsexplained.com for official merch👇
Listen to the piece in full with IDAGIO, our favourite classical music streaming service 👇
Composer: Edvard Grieg
Work: Peer Gynt, Op.23
Performer: London Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Per Dreier
Year: 1978
Label: Unicorn
Catalogue No: UKC361/2
With thanks to Emilia Strachevskaia.
How Norway's most famous composer transformed Norway's most famous playwright's scintillating thriller - with great reluctance, but much success!
Like, share, leave your comments and support us on PATREON! 👇
👇Visit https://www.classicsexplained.com for official merch👇
Listen to the piece in full with IDAGIO, our favourite classical music streaming service 👇
Composer: Edvard Grieg
Work: Peer Gynt, Op.23
Performer: London Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Per Dreier
Year: 1978
Label: Unicorn
Catalogue No: UKC361/2
With thanks to Emilia Strachevskaia.
- published: 22 Feb 2018
- views: 156776
Les Vampires-1er épisode, de Louis Feuillade, musique de Yannis Galitis
Yannis Galitis, compositeur contemporain grec, a mis en musique le 1er épisode "La Tête Coupée" du feuilleton cinématographique "Les Vampires" réalisé par Loui...
Yannis Galitis, compositeur contemporain grec, a mis en musique le 1er épisode "La Tête Coupée" du feuilleton cinématographique "Les Vampires" réalisé par Louis Feuillade (1915), diffusé lors de l'inauguration du Festival International Zagori Fiction Days consacré aux livres adaptés en séries tv , le 28 Septembre 2020.
Yannis Galitis, compositeur contemporain grec, a mis en musique le 1er épisode "La Tête Coupée" du feuilleton cinématographique "Les Vampires" réalisé par Louis Feuillade (1915), diffusé lors de l'inauguration du Festival International Zagori Fiction Days consacré aux livres adaptés en séries tv , le 28 Septembre 2020.
- published: 26 Oct 2020
- views: 290
Mozart becomes uncanny
Music: Mozart - various
I make these videos in my spare time as a student, so if you would like to support me I'd really appreciate it!
Music: Mozart - various
I make these videos in my spare time as a student, so if you would like to support me I'd really appreciate it!
This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act, under the purpose of educational content.
#mozart #piano #concerto #plays #composer #trumpet #vintage #footage
Music: Mozart - various
I make these videos in my spare time as a student, so if you would like to support me I'd really appreciate it!
This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act, under the purpose of educational content.
#mozart #piano #concerto #plays #composer #trumpet #vintage #footage
- published: 27 Dec 2022
- views: 1501367
Türk Sinemasının Unutulmayan Annesi Şükriye Atav.. Tiyatro, Operet Ve SİNEMA Oyuncusu, Şevkiye May..
Şevkiye May, Türk tiyatro, operet ve sinema dünyasının önde gelen isimlerinden biri olarak 1915 yılında İstanbul'da doğmuştur. Kantocu Mari Ferah Hanım ve ünlü ...
Şevkiye May, Türk tiyatro, operet ve sinema dünyasının önde gelen isimlerinden biri olarak 1915 yılında İstanbul'da doğmuştur. Kantocu Mari Ferah Hanım ve ünlü komedyen Komik Şevki Bey'in kızı olarak dünyaya gelmiştir. Henüz dört yaşındayken babasını kaybetmiştir. Küçük yaşlardan itibaren sahne hayatına adım atan May, ilk sahne deneyimini 1927'de Cemal Sahir'in topluluğunda İmre Kalman'ın eseri "Kontes Mariça" ile yaşamıştır.
1933 yılında İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları'na katılan May, burada Rey Kardeşler'in operetleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli oyunlarda başarılı performanslar sergilemiştir. Peer Gynt'ten Shakespeare'in eserlerine, Victorien Sardou'nun yapıtlarından Giraoudoux'un eserlerine kadar geniş bir repertuvara sahiptir. Sahne kariyeri boyunca birçok farklı toplulukta yer alarak sanatını geliştirmiştir.
Sinema dünyasına adım atan May, Muhsin ERTUĞRUL ve Nâzım HİKMET'in yönettiği "Cici Berber" ile başlamış ve daha sonra çeşitli filmlerde rol almıştır. Muhsin Ertuğrul'un "Aynaroz Kadısı" ve "Tosun Paşa" gibi önemli yapımlarında yer almıştır. Sinema kariyeri, tiyatro kariyeri kadar parlak olmasa da onun çok yönlü bir sanatçı olduğunu göstermiştir.
1972 yılında Dormen Tiyatrosu'nda 41. sanat yılını kutlayan May, bir sonraki yıl, 23 Mart 1973'te havagazı ile intihar etmiştir. Sanat camiasında büyük bir iz bırakan May, Türkiye'nin önde gelen kadın sanatçılarından biri olarak anılmaktadır. Temmuz 1917 tarihinde, İstanbul’da doğdu. 1919’da ailesiyle birlikte Rusya’ya gitti. Orada eğitim aldı. 1931’de Türkiye’ye döndü. 1932’de, halk oyunlarında gösterdiği başarıyla keşfedildi, amatör olarak tiyatroya başladı. Ardından İstanbul Şehir Tiyatrosu’na geçti.
Sinemaya 1943 yapımı “Nasreddin Hoca Düğünde” filmiyle başladı. 1988’de Yeşilçam’dan ayrıldı. “Merhametli anne” rollerini başarıyla canlandırdı.
1972’de Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali’nde, “Emine” filmiyle En İyi Kadın Karakter Oyuncu Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. 8 Ekim 2000’de, Antalya’da öldü.
Şevkiye May, Türk tiyatro, operet ve sinema dünyasının önde gelen isimlerinden biri olarak 1915 yılında İstanbul'da doğmuştur. Kantocu Mari Ferah Hanım ve ünlü komedyen Komik Şevki Bey'in kızı olarak dünyaya gelmiştir. Henüz dört yaşındayken babasını kaybetmiştir. Küçük yaşlardan itibaren sahne hayatına adım atan May, ilk sahne deneyimini 1927'de Cemal Sahir'in topluluğunda İmre Kalman'ın eseri "Kontes Mariça" ile yaşamıştır.
1933 yılında İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları'na katılan May, burada Rey Kardeşler'in operetleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli oyunlarda başarılı performanslar sergilemiştir. Peer Gynt'ten Shakespeare'in eserlerine, Victorien Sardou'nun yapıtlarından Giraoudoux'un eserlerine kadar geniş bir repertuvara sahiptir. Sahne kariyeri boyunca birçok farklı toplulukta yer alarak sanatını geliştirmiştir.
Sinema dünyasına adım atan May, Muhsin ERTUĞRUL ve Nâzım HİKMET'in yönettiği "Cici Berber" ile başlamış ve daha sonra çeşitli filmlerde rol almıştır. Muhsin Ertuğrul'un "Aynaroz Kadısı" ve "Tosun Paşa" gibi önemli yapımlarında yer almıştır. Sinema kariyeri, tiyatro kariyeri kadar parlak olmasa da onun çok yönlü bir sanatçı olduğunu göstermiştir.
1972 yılında Dormen Tiyatrosu'nda 41. sanat yılını kutlayan May, bir sonraki yıl, 23 Mart 1973'te havagazı ile intihar etmiştir. Sanat camiasında büyük bir iz bırakan May, Türkiye'nin önde gelen kadın sanatçılarından biri olarak anılmaktadır. Temmuz 1917 tarihinde, İstanbul’da doğdu. 1919’da ailesiyle birlikte Rusya’ya gitti. Orada eğitim aldı. 1931’de Türkiye’ye döndü. 1932’de, halk oyunlarında gösterdiği başarıyla keşfedildi, amatör olarak tiyatroya başladı. Ardından İstanbul Şehir Tiyatrosu’na geçti.
Sinemaya 1943 yapımı “Nasreddin Hoca Düğünde” filmiyle başladı. 1988’de Yeşilçam’dan ayrıldı. “Merhametli anne” rollerini başarıyla canlandırdı.
1972’de Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali’nde, “Emine” filmiyle En İyi Kadın Karakter Oyuncu Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. 8 Ekim 2000’de, Antalya’da öldü.
- published: 06 Apr 2024
- views: 42082
Top 100 IMDb Movies of 1915
🎥 Get ready for a cinematic journey like no other! Join us as we count down the top 100 movies of 1915, according to IMDb ratings. From timeless classics to con...
🎥 Get ready for a cinematic journey like no other! Join us as we count down the top 100 movies of 1915, according to IMDb ratings. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, this epic list covers the best of the best in the world of cinema.
🍿 Whether you're a movie buff looking to revisit your favorites or a cinephile in search of hidden gems, this video has it all. We've carefully curated this list based on IMDb's user ratings and reviews, ensuring you won't miss a single iconic film.
🏆 From thrilling adventures to heartwarming dramas, each movie on this list has left an indelible mark on the history of film. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and prepare to relive unforgettable moments from the silver screen.
🌟 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting film-related content! What's your all-time favorite movie from this list? Let us know in the comments below, and join the discussion with fellow movie enthusiasts. Enjoy the show! 🎬🌟
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
Free No Copyright Music Download
1 Les vampires
2 The Dictator
3 It's No Laughing Matter
4 1915 World's Championship Series
5 Balgaran e galant
6 Cap'n Eri
7 War and Peace
8 The Wolf Man
9 Zhenshchina vampir
10 The Devil
11 Wildfire
12 Ruslan i Lyudmila
13 Jane
14 Flood
15 Inspiration
16 The Island of Regeneration
17 Din viata lui Pacala
18 The Habitant of the Desert Isle
19 The Immigrant
20 Destruction
21 Four Feathers
22 The Stolen Voice
23 Rags
24 A Girl of Yesterday
25 The Dawn of a Tomorrow
26 The History of the World's Greatest War
27 The Lone Star Rush
28 The Plunderer
29 Far from the Madding Crowd
30 The Rogues of London
31 Sieg auf der ganzen Linie
32 Saved from the Harem
33 Anafartalarda itilaf ordularinin püskürtülmesi
34 The Rug Maker's Daughter
35 Are You a Mason?
36 L'héroïsme de Paddy
37 Within Our Gates
38 Mistress Nell
39 Pesn torzhestvuyushchey lyubvi
40 The Romance of Elaine
41 The Lily and the Rose
42 The Loyal Rebel
43 Via Wireless
44 The Dust of Egypt
45 From the Valley of the Missing
46 Badehotellet
47 Passing of the Oklahoma Outlaws
48 Vampire
49 Robert und Bertram, die lustigen Vagabunden
50 Eminescu. Veronica, Creanga
51 The Master of Merripit
52 Hampels Abenteuer
53 Golfo
54 Britain Prepared
55 In the Grip of the Sultan
56 Mizpah; or, Love's Sacrifice
57 Triple entente
58 Nurse and Martyr
59 Kreutzer Sonata
60 Who Pays?
61 The Devil's Daughter
62 Silvio Pellico
63 On the Firing Line with the Germans
64 L'énigme de dix heures
65 Jeanne Doré
66 The Middleman
67 Japan
68 Penge
69 La piccola vedetta lombarda
70 An American Gentleman
71 Betty in Search of a Thrill
72 Georgia Pearce
73 The Broken Coin
74 Caste
75 The Gentleman from Indiana
76 Kindling
77 Mysteries of London
78 Camille
79 Ultus, the Man from the Dead
80 The Disciple
81 Fior di male
82 All for the Movies: Universal City, California, the Wonder City of the World
83 Ahasver
84 L'aventurier
85 Der springende Hirsch oder Die Diebe von Günstersburg
86 The Jockey of Death
87 Pennington's Choice
88 Une page de gloire
89 Under the Red Robe
90 L'empreinte de la patrie
91 Playing Dead
92 La signora delle camelie
93 Sweet Alyssum
94 Hämnaren
95 Peer Gynt
96 The Folly of Sin
97 Tsar Ivan Vasilevich Groznyy
98 Temptation
99 The Darkening Trail
100 The Eternal City
🎥 Get ready for a cinematic journey like no other! Join us as we count down the top 100 movies of 1915, according to IMDb ratings. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, this epic list covers the best of the best in the world of cinema.
🍿 Whether you're a movie buff looking to revisit your favorites or a cinephile in search of hidden gems, this video has it all. We've carefully curated this list based on IMDb's user ratings and reviews, ensuring you won't miss a single iconic film.
🏆 From thrilling adventures to heartwarming dramas, each movie on this list has left an indelible mark on the history of film. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and prepare to relive unforgettable moments from the silver screen.
🌟 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting film-related content! What's your all-time favorite movie from this list? Let us know in the comments below, and join the discussion with fellow movie enthusiasts. Enjoy the show! 🎬🌟
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
Free No Copyright Music Download
1 Les vampires
2 The Dictator
3 It's No Laughing Matter
4 1915 World's Championship Series
5 Balgaran e galant
6 Cap'n Eri
7 War and Peace
8 The Wolf Man
9 Zhenshchina vampir
10 The Devil
11 Wildfire
12 Ruslan i Lyudmila
13 Jane
14 Flood
15 Inspiration
16 The Island of Regeneration
17 Din viata lui Pacala
18 The Habitant of the Desert Isle
19 The Immigrant
20 Destruction
21 Four Feathers
22 The Stolen Voice
23 Rags
24 A Girl of Yesterday
25 The Dawn of a Tomorrow
26 The History of the World's Greatest War
27 The Lone Star Rush
28 The Plunderer
29 Far from the Madding Crowd
30 The Rogues of London
31 Sieg auf der ganzen Linie
32 Saved from the Harem
33 Anafartalarda itilaf ordularinin püskürtülmesi
34 The Rug Maker's Daughter
35 Are You a Mason?
36 L'héroïsme de Paddy
37 Within Our Gates
38 Mistress Nell
39 Pesn torzhestvuyushchey lyubvi
40 The Romance of Elaine
41 The Lily and the Rose
42 The Loyal Rebel
43 Via Wireless
44 The Dust of Egypt
45 From the Valley of the Missing
46 Badehotellet
47 Passing of the Oklahoma Outlaws
48 Vampire
49 Robert und Bertram, die lustigen Vagabunden
50 Eminescu. Veronica, Creanga
51 The Master of Merripit
52 Hampels Abenteuer
53 Golfo
54 Britain Prepared
55 In the Grip of the Sultan
56 Mizpah; or, Love's Sacrifice
57 Triple entente
58 Nurse and Martyr
59 Kreutzer Sonata
60 Who Pays?
61 The Devil's Daughter
62 Silvio Pellico
63 On the Firing Line with the Germans
64 L'énigme de dix heures
65 Jeanne Doré
66 The Middleman
67 Japan
68 Penge
69 La piccola vedetta lombarda
70 An American Gentleman
71 Betty in Search of a Thrill
72 Georgia Pearce
73 The Broken Coin
74 Caste
75 The Gentleman from Indiana
76 Kindling
77 Mysteries of London
78 Camille
79 Ultus, the Man from the Dead
80 The Disciple
81 Fior di male
82 All for the Movies: Universal City, California, the Wonder City of the World
83 Ahasver
84 L'aventurier
85 Der springende Hirsch oder Die Diebe von Günstersburg
86 The Jockey of Death
87 Pennington's Choice
88 Une page de gloire
89 Under the Red Robe
90 L'empreinte de la patrie
91 Playing Dead
92 La signora delle camelie
93 Sweet Alyssum
94 Hämnaren
95 Peer Gynt
96 The Folly of Sin
97 Tsar Ivan Vasilevich Groznyy
98 Temptation
99 The Darkening Trail
100 The Eternal City
- published: 09 Oct 2023
- views: 88
Hva betyr det at Trump brukte Edvard Griegs melodi i en tweet?
Musikk kan for oss virke tilsynelatende uavhengig av tid eller sted, og helt løsrevet fra omgivelsene den oppsto i, den såkalte historiske konteksten. Arnulf un...
Musikk kan for oss virke tilsynelatende uavhengig av tid eller sted, og helt løsrevet fra omgivelsene den oppsto i, den såkalte historiske konteksten. Arnulf underviser i musikkhistorie ved UIB, hvor han forsker på hvordan vi forstår musikk, ikke bare i dens opprinnelige kontekst når den ble lagd, men også hvordan musikk fra fortiden virker i dag.
Musikk kan for oss virke tilsynelatende uavhengig av tid eller sted, og helt løsrevet fra omgivelsene den oppsto i, den såkalte historiske konteksten. Arnulf underviser i musikkhistorie ved UIB, hvor han forsker på hvordan vi forstår musikk, ikke bare i dens opprinnelige kontekst når den ble lagd, men også hvordan musikk fra fortiden virker i dag.
- published: 11 Oct 2023
- views: 4
La Grande Guerra
Trailer dello spettacolo "La Grande Guerra". Rappresentazione teatrale e musicale dei ragazzi dell'Istituto Comprensivo "Daniele Spada" di Sovere. In collaboraz...
Trailer dello spettacolo "La Grande Guerra". Rappresentazione teatrale e musicale dei ragazzi dell'Istituto Comprensivo "Daniele Spada" di Sovere. In collaborazione con l'attore regista Michele Marinini e del Coro ANA di Sovere.
Trailer dello spettacolo "La Grande Guerra". Rappresentazione teatrale e musicale dei ragazzi dell'Istituto Comprensivo "Daniele Spada" di Sovere. In collaborazione con l'attore regista Michele Marinini e del Coro ANA di Sovere.
- published: 24 Mar 2018
- views: 98
Charlie & Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024
Actor Charlie Ruggles & brother Director Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024.
Actor. Remembered for his comed...
Actor Charlie Ruggles & brother Director Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024.
Actor. Remembered for his comedic roles in a career that spanned six decades. Born to Charles Sherman and Theresa Maria (Heinsch) Ruggles. His younger brother was director Wesley Ruggles. His parents divorced when he was young. He lived in San Francisco as a teenager. He started acting in 1905 and played a variety of roles in stock companies. He married actress Adele Rowland in 1914. They divorced in 1916. He made his Broadway debut in "Help Wanted" in 1914. His Broadway successes included "Battling Buttler" and "Queen High". He also acted in silent films, including "The Majesty of the Law" (1915), "Peer Gynt" (1915), and "The Heart Raider" (1923). He married actress Barbara Guillan before 1920 and they remained married until her death in 1941. His first talkie was "Gentleman of the Press" (1929), in which he played a drunken news reporter. He became renowned for his partnership with Mary Boland. He played the henpecked husband. Their films included "Mama Loves Papa" (1933), "Six of a Kind" (1934), and "Ruggles of Red Gap" (1935). In the late thirties, he opened See Are Kennels, a dog boarding kennel. In 1938 he portrayed big game hunter Major Horace Applegate in "Bringing Up Baby", which is one of his best-remembered roles. In addition to his film appearances, he acted on multiple radio shows and performed in USO tours during the 1940s. Programs he appeared on include "Barrel of Fun," "Suspense," "Mayor of the Town" and "Lux Radio Theater," In 1942 he married Marion La Barba, who he was married to for the remainder of his life. In 1947 he appeared in "It Happened on 5th Avenue" as Michael J. O'Connor, a millionaire who discovers his mansion is taken over by homeless people. He halted his film career to try television. He flourished, starring in the shows "The Ruggles" and "The World of Mr. Sweeney," He made guest appearances on "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Playhouse 90," "The Life of Riley," and "Bewitched," among others. He was president of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 1953. In 1958 he returned to Broadway as Mackenzie Savage in "The Pleasure of His Company." He won a Tony Award for his performance. He also voiced the "Aesop and Son" segment on "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show." He returned to films in the early 1960s, playing grandfather roles. They included "The Parent Trap" (1961) and "Papa's Delicate Condition" (1963). "Follow Me, Boys!" (1966) was his final film. His final acting credit was on "The Danny Thomas Hour" in 1968. Two years later he died of cancer at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California. He was a versatile actor, excelling at both comedy and drama, and was able to transition to different forms of entertainment.
Motion Picture Director. Remembered for "Cimarron" (1931), the first Western to win Best Picture. Younger brother of actor Charlie Ruggles. He started out as an actor during the 1910s. He acted in musical comedy on the stage. His first screen role was in "Caught in a Park" (1915). He appeared in Syd and Charlie Chaplin films from 1915 to 1918. Films include "The Bank," "A Submarine Pirate," and "The Pawn Shop." He played a variety of roles, including cops. He started directing in 1917 with "Bobby, Movie Director". His career was halted temporarily when he served in World War I. He was a camera operator. The majority of his silent films are lost. His silent films include "Uncharted Seas" (1921), "The Age of Innocence" (1924) and "The Plastic Age" (1925). He also directed Laura La Plante vehicles and entries in "The Collegians" film series. In 1920, he married Virginia Caldwell. They divorced in 1924. He married Arline Judge in 1931. That same year, he was nominated for Best Director. He lost to Norman Taurog. He directed the only screen pairing of Carole Lombard and Clark Gable. The film was "No Man of Her Own" (1932). In 1933, he directed Mae West in "I'm No Angel" featuring Cary Grant. His son, Wesley Jr. was born that year as well. He directed three comedies starring Claudette Colbert during the mid-1930s. They are "The Gilded Lily," "The Bride Comes Home," and "I Met Him in Paris." In 1936, he directed Gladys George to a Best Actress nomination for the drama "Valiant Is the Word for Carrie." In 1937, he and Arline Judge divorced. His career was waning. His last successes include "Arizona" and "See Here, Private Hargrove." He married Marcelle Rogez in 1940. His last film was "London Town" (1946), a British musical. It was a flop. Following this disappointment, he retired.
Actor Charlie Ruggles & brother Director Wesley Ruggles Graves Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California USA April 26, 2024.
Actor. Remembered for his comedic roles in a career that spanned six decades. Born to Charles Sherman and Theresa Maria (Heinsch) Ruggles. His younger brother was director Wesley Ruggles. His parents divorced when he was young. He lived in San Francisco as a teenager. He started acting in 1905 and played a variety of roles in stock companies. He married actress Adele Rowland in 1914. They divorced in 1916. He made his Broadway debut in "Help Wanted" in 1914. His Broadway successes included "Battling Buttler" and "Queen High". He also acted in silent films, including "The Majesty of the Law" (1915), "Peer Gynt" (1915), and "The Heart Raider" (1923). He married actress Barbara Guillan before 1920 and they remained married until her death in 1941. His first talkie was "Gentleman of the Press" (1929), in which he played a drunken news reporter. He became renowned for his partnership with Mary Boland. He played the henpecked husband. Their films included "Mama Loves Papa" (1933), "Six of a Kind" (1934), and "Ruggles of Red Gap" (1935). In the late thirties, he opened See Are Kennels, a dog boarding kennel. In 1938 he portrayed big game hunter Major Horace Applegate in "Bringing Up Baby", which is one of his best-remembered roles. In addition to his film appearances, he acted on multiple radio shows and performed in USO tours during the 1940s. Programs he appeared on include "Barrel of Fun," "Suspense," "Mayor of the Town" and "Lux Radio Theater," In 1942 he married Marion La Barba, who he was married to for the remainder of his life. In 1947 he appeared in "It Happened on 5th Avenue" as Michael J. O'Connor, a millionaire who discovers his mansion is taken over by homeless people. He halted his film career to try television. He flourished, starring in the shows "The Ruggles" and "The World of Mr. Sweeney," He made guest appearances on "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Playhouse 90," "The Life of Riley," and "Bewitched," among others. He was president of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 1953. In 1958 he returned to Broadway as Mackenzie Savage in "The Pleasure of His Company." He won a Tony Award for his performance. He also voiced the "Aesop and Son" segment on "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show." He returned to films in the early 1960s, playing grandfather roles. They included "The Parent Trap" (1961) and "Papa's Delicate Condition" (1963). "Follow Me, Boys!" (1966) was his final film. His final acting credit was on "The Danny Thomas Hour" in 1968. Two years later he died of cancer at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California. He was a versatile actor, excelling at both comedy and drama, and was able to transition to different forms of entertainment.
Motion Picture Director. Remembered for "Cimarron" (1931), the first Western to win Best Picture. Younger brother of actor Charlie Ruggles. He started out as an actor during the 1910s. He acted in musical comedy on the stage. His first screen role was in "Caught in a Park" (1915). He appeared in Syd and Charlie Chaplin films from 1915 to 1918. Films include "The Bank," "A Submarine Pirate," and "The Pawn Shop." He played a variety of roles, including cops. He started directing in 1917 with "Bobby, Movie Director". His career was halted temporarily when he served in World War I. He was a camera operator. The majority of his silent films are lost. His silent films include "Uncharted Seas" (1921), "The Age of Innocence" (1924) and "The Plastic Age" (1925). He also directed Laura La Plante vehicles and entries in "The Collegians" film series. In 1920, he married Virginia Caldwell. They divorced in 1924. He married Arline Judge in 1931. That same year, he was nominated for Best Director. He lost to Norman Taurog. He directed the only screen pairing of Carole Lombard and Clark Gable. The film was "No Man of Her Own" (1932). In 1933, he directed Mae West in "I'm No Angel" featuring Cary Grant. His son, Wesley Jr. was born that year as well. He directed three comedies starring Claudette Colbert during the mid-1930s. They are "The Gilded Lily," "The Bride Comes Home," and "I Met Him in Paris." In 1936, he directed Gladys George to a Best Actress nomination for the drama "Valiant Is the Word for Carrie." In 1937, he and Arline Judge divorced. His career was waning. His last successes include "Arizona" and "See Here, Private Hargrove." He married Marcelle Rogez in 1940. His last film was "London Town" (1946), a British musical. It was a flop. Following this disappointment, he retired.
- published: 27 Apr 2024
- views: 8
In The Hall of the Mountain King (Edvard Grieg)
The very first Horror High School film in 1915. Written, starring and directed by James McGee.
Music: Edvard Grieg; In The Hall of the Mountain King
The very first Horror High School film in 1915. Written, starring and directed by James McGee.
Music: Edvard Grieg; In The Hall of the Mountain King
The very first Horror High School film in 1915. Written, starring and directed by James McGee.
Music: Edvard Grieg; In The Hall of the Mountain King
- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 1817
Jim Larkin's oration at Joe Hill's funeral 1915
On November 19th, 2015, during the “Decade of Centenaries”, remember Joe Hill who was executed in Salt Lake City, Utah, one hundred years ago.
About fifty yea...
On November 19th, 2015, during the “Decade of Centenaries”, remember Joe Hill who was executed in Salt Lake City, Utah, one hundred years ago.
About fifty years ago, when I was still in primary school, my older brothers used to buy the “Sing Out Reprints” from Waltons Music Shop, which was then located on Nth. Frederick Street, Dublin, and through browsing these, and listening to my brothers' tales of folk and traditional music sessions at the Neptune Rowing Club, I was introduced to songs both about, and by, Joe Hill, as well as several other folk songs and songs of protest. Hill’s story always fascinated me and as a child I just could n't get it that his main crime seemed to be his songs, such as "Rebel Girl", "and "The Preacher and the Slave (Pie in the Sky)", and also the song based on "Joe Hill's Last Will and Testament". Around the same time, The Dubliners included the song "I dreamed I saw Joe Hill Last Night" on an album, although they simply called it "Joe Hill". A few years later, after I saw the “Woodstock” film and Joan Baez singing "Joe Hill", I became even further interested in Hill as a protest icon; in the film Baez refers to her husband, anti-war protestor, David Harris, who was serving a prison sentence at the time for Draft evasion.
Decades later, in November 2011, when I was experimenting with video-editing, I put a ten minute piece together about Hill, and at the time I was determined to make another video about him at the time of the centenary of his execution, November 19th, 2015. I thought no better way than to use the words from Jim Larkin’s oration at Hill’s funeral to reflect on Hill and his times. I also use Luke Kelly’s rendition of Joe Hill and music from Grieg’s “Peer Gynt”, which Hill is reported to have played publicly once when he was a young adult in Sweden.
The IWW have very useful archives for researching Joe Hill. William Adler's biography of Hill “The Man Who Never Died” is an invaluable historical source, as is Ralph Chaplin’s account of “Joe Hill’s Funeral” and also the Walther P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, for both written and visual material. My thanks to Joe Duffy for the narration. BC.
On November 19th, 2015, during the “Decade of Centenaries”, remember Joe Hill who was executed in Salt Lake City, Utah, one hundred years ago.
About fifty years ago, when I was still in primary school, my older brothers used to buy the “Sing Out Reprints” from Waltons Music Shop, which was then located on Nth. Frederick Street, Dublin, and through browsing these, and listening to my brothers' tales of folk and traditional music sessions at the Neptune Rowing Club, I was introduced to songs both about, and by, Joe Hill, as well as several other folk songs and songs of protest. Hill’s story always fascinated me and as a child I just could n't get it that his main crime seemed to be his songs, such as "Rebel Girl", "and "The Preacher and the Slave (Pie in the Sky)", and also the song based on "Joe Hill's Last Will and Testament". Around the same time, The Dubliners included the song "I dreamed I saw Joe Hill Last Night" on an album, although they simply called it "Joe Hill". A few years later, after I saw the “Woodstock” film and Joan Baez singing "Joe Hill", I became even further interested in Hill as a protest icon; in the film Baez refers to her husband, anti-war protestor, David Harris, who was serving a prison sentence at the time for Draft evasion.
Decades later, in November 2011, when I was experimenting with video-editing, I put a ten minute piece together about Hill, and at the time I was determined to make another video about him at the time of the centenary of his execution, November 19th, 2015. I thought no better way than to use the words from Jim Larkin’s oration at Hill’s funeral to reflect on Hill and his times. I also use Luke Kelly’s rendition of Joe Hill and music from Grieg’s “Peer Gynt”, which Hill is reported to have played publicly once when he was a young adult in Sweden.
The IWW have very useful archives for researching Joe Hill. William Adler's biography of Hill “The Man Who Never Died” is an invaluable historical source, as is Ralph Chaplin’s account of “Joe Hill’s Funeral” and also the Walther P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, for both written and visual material. My thanks to Joe Duffy for the narration. BC.
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 34472