Chris Jones, the Corporate Vice President for Windows Live, recently launched a new engineering blog called Inside Windows Live. The new blog provides a place for engineers and others who work on Windows Live to share insight into what it takes to build and maintain the Windows Live products and services, how they’re distributed and used worldwide, as well as some of the reasoning behind how and why we’ve built things in particular ways. It is written for an audience of software engineers, web industry folks, and anyone else who want to dig a little deeper into the technical details of our products.
There are a few initial posts on this blog already. The introductory post from Chris Jones provides a good summary of what the new blog is about. There is also some in-depth insight on Hotmail history as well as architecture and the challenges of managing spam and phishing on an e-mail service of this magnitude. Most recently, our security specialist goes in-depth about how we work behind the scenes to keep phishing mail out of your Hotmail inbox.
Keep checking back here for interesting tips, updates and other essential news and info about Windows Live, and for links to the latest stuff on the Inside Windows Live blog. You can subscribe to the Inside Windows Live RSS feed here.
– The Windows Live team
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