There’s a lot of free storage for people using Windows Live these days.
In Dallas, TX, there is a Hotmail user named Ryan who uses 23GB of e-mail storage, for free. There’s Martin in Germany, who uses 21GB, and Yara in Brazil, who uses 19GB for free. And, as these users and the millions more like them who continue to use e-mail to share photos and communicate with friends need more space, Windows Live keeps giving them all they need. Free.
Beyond e-mail, we are building the best place for your photos and documents on the web, powered by tons of free and secure storage with Windows Live SkyDrive. 25 GB to be exact. This means you can store just about as many documents as you’d like, save full resolution photos, and easily create photo albums, all online where they’re safe, available anywhere, and more convenient to share with friends.
Even now our users are uploading 4 million photos each day, and we’re continuing to make this easier with features like Photomail in the Windows Live Mail program, which automatically converts the photos you send as an e-mail attachment into an online photo album for future access and easy sharing. Also, with the new Office 2010 Beta you’ll be able to save a document that’s on your PC directly to your SkyDrive storage space. So keep communicating, sharing, and creating online, and we’ll keep building the tools and providing the free storage you need for a great experience.
– The Windows Live team
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