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I Want You (She's So Heavy)

"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" is a song by the Beatles, written by John Lennon, (credited to Lennon–McCartney) The song closes side one on the Beatles' 1969 album Abbey Road. This song is an unusual Beatles composition for a variety of reasons, namely its length (nearly eight minutes), few lyrics (the title makes up most of the lyrics, aside from two more phrases; only 14 different words are sung), a three-minute descent through repeated guitar chords (a similar arpeggiated figure appears in another Lennon contribution to the album, "Because"), and abrupt ending. It is one of the last songs that the Beatles mixed as a group, on 20 August 1969. Josh Hart and Damien Fanelli, writing for Guitar World, placed the song 34th in their list of the 50 Heaviest Songs Before Black Sabbath, and said the song may "have inadvertently started doom metal". Similarly, Classic Rock magazine commented that "the song pre-dated Black Sabbath's creation of doom rock by several months".

Paris (Paris Hilton album)

Paris is the debut studio album by American media personality and singer Paris Hilton. It was released on August 22, 2006 by Warner Bros. Records. The entire album was posted on AOL Music on August 14, 2006, becoming available for online stream eight days before the scheduled release date. After getting signed to the label in 2005, Hilton began working on the album with the producer Rob Cavallo, who was originally set to produce the entire record. They recorded the song "Screwed", which was intended to be the lead single. However, after meeting with Scott Storch, Hilton decided to change the musical direction of the album and make more hip hop and R&B influenced songs. She collaborated with other producers, including Fernando Garibay, J.R. Rotem, Dr. Luke and Greg Wells. Musically, Paris is a pop album that is influenced by hip hop and R&B. It also incorporates elements of other genres, such as reggae, soul and pop rock, in its production.

Upon its release, Paris received generally mixed reviews from music critics, but noted a commercial success, peaking at number six on the Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 77,000 copies. As of October 2013, the album has sold 200,000 copies in the United States and over 600,000 copies worldwide.


  • Savage Garden - I Want You

    Savage Garden's official music video for 'I Want You'. Click to listen to Savage Garden on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/SGSpot?IQid=SGIWY As featured on Truly Madly Completely - The Best of Savage Garden. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SGTMCiTunes?IQid=SGIWY Google Play: http://smarturl.it/SGIWYPlay?IQid=SGIWY Amazon: http://smarturl.it/SGTMCAm?IQid=SGIWY More from Savage Garden Crash and Burn: https://youtu.be/W60IPexop30 Hold Me: https://youtu.be/CFAlR7tWekc Truly Madly Deeply: https://youtu.be/WQnAxOQxQIU More Great Ultimate Hits Of The Nineties videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate90?IQid=SGIWY Follow Savage Garden Website: http://www.savagegarden.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SavageGarden/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/savagegarden Subsc...

    published: 19 Feb 2014
  • I Wanted You - Ina (Lyrics)

    #IWantedYou #Ina #PstartLyrics I Wanted You - Ina (Lyrics) Lyrics video for 'I Wanted You' by Ina [Lyrics from: https:/lyrics.az/inna/-/i-wanted-you.html] I Wanted You Lyrics : Lately I've been thinking about what I can do I've been stressing to fall back in love with you I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through But I can't go on this way. I've gotta stop it babe You've been wonderful in all that you can be But it hurts when you say that you understand me So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I've...

    published: 15 Apr 2021
  • I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Remastered 2009)

    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Remastered 2009) · The Beatles Abbey Road ℗ 2009 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) Released on: 1969-09-26 Associated Performer, Vocals, Background Vocalist, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Sound Effects, Percussion: John Lennon Associated Performer, Vocals, Background Vocalist, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Sound Effects, Wind Controller, Clapping, Percussion: Paul McCartney Associated Performer, Background Vocalist, Guitar, Harmonium, Synthesizer, Percussion, Acoustic Guitar, Clapping: George Harrison Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion, Background Vocalist: Richard Starkey Associated Performer, Harpsichord, Organ,...

    published: 17 Jun 2018
  • SB19 'I WANT YOU' Music Video

    1Z Entertainment, Black Star Entertainment, and First Light Studios present I WANT YOU starring SB19 Pablo | Josh | Stell | Ken | Justin Music Written by August Rigo and RADKIDZ (PABLO) Produced by August Rigo Mixed and Mastered By Heo chan-goo @ Knob Sound Korea (Assisted by OhWon Lee) Executive Producers: John Paulo Nase Josh Cullen Santos Stellvester Ajero Felip Jhon Suson Justin de Dios Director and Cinematographer: Jed Regala Creative Director: Xi-Anne Avanceña Producer: Krizzia Alvarez and Bea Charlyn Laiño Production Manager: Joyce Lavastera STUDIO UNIT Camera Operator: Garren Bustarde Production Designer: Angelu Jane Lagazo Assistants: Airish Tayag, Jersey Carabot, and Jan Jan Quinza Utility: Jobert Rima, Ramesis Ogalesco, and Michael Beltran Behind-the-scene Camera Operator...

    published: 09 Jun 2023
  • SB19 - I WANT YOU ( Full performance)

    SB19 - I WANT YOU ( Full performance) at the Pagtatag Manila Concert Day 2 #SB19 #sb19_stell #sb19_josh #sb19_justin #sb19_ken #sb19_pablo

    published: 25 Jun 2023
  • SB19 performs "I Want You" LIVE on Wish 107.5 Bus

    P-pop act SB19 performs "I Want You" live on the Wish 107.5 Bus! A track off their "PAGTATAG!" EP, the R&B-leaning piece follows a narrator expressing the intense desire that they have for someone. Follow Wish 107.5's social media accounts! Facebook: https://facebook.com/WishFM1075/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wish1075 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wish1075/ Visit Wish 107.5's awesome official website: www.wish1075.com Stream this song on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/16GGH8OF6LiSUTTbm8421f?autoplay=true Follow SB19 on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SB19Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/SB19Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialsb19 Get updates from Sony Music Philippines and follow their social media accoun...

    published: 08 Aug 2023
  • Marvin Gaye - I Want You (1976)

    "I Want You" is a song written by songwriters Leon Ware and Arthur "T-Boy" Ross and recorded and released as a single by singer Marvin Gaye. Released as a single in 1976 on the Tamla label, the song introduced a change in musical styles for Gaye, who before then had been recording songs with a funk edge. Songs such as this gave him a disco audience thanks to Ware, who produced the song alongside Gaye. The song also stood to be one of Marvin's most popular singles during his later Motown period followed by his sabbatical following the release of 1973's Let's Get It On. The song eventually reached number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on the Hot Selling Soul Singles chart. It also became a disco hit, reaching number ten on the Disco Singles Chart alongside "After the Danc...

    published: 10 Apr 2012
  • Mitski - I Want You (Official Video)

    "I Want You" from the album Retired from Sad, New Career in Business by Mitski. Listen to Retired from Sad, New Career in Business: https://mitski.deadoc.co/retired New album Laurel Hell out now. Listen + order: https://mitski.deadoc.co/laurel-hell The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We out now. Listen + order: https://mitski.lnk.to/TLIIASAW Find a Mitski tour date near you. If tickets aren't available, join the waitlist: https://mitski.com/tour Credits: Music - Mitski Video - Jovon Outlaw Featuring Angelina Torreano and Mitski Mitski: https://mitski.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MitskiLeaks/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitskileaks/ Store: https://mitski.com/collections/all Tour Dates: https://mitski.com/pages/tour Lyrics: I want you I hold one card That I can't...

    published: 08 Aug 2013
developed with YouTube
Savage Garden - I Want You

Savage Garden - I Want You

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:52
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Feb 2014
  • views: 62374342
Savage Garden's official music video for 'I Want You'. Click to listen to Savage Garden on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/SGSpot?IQid=SGIWY As featured on Truly Madly Completely - The Best of Savage Garden. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SGTMCiTunes?IQid=SGIWY Google Play: http://smarturl.it/SGIWYPlay?IQid=SGIWY Amazon: http://smarturl.it/SGTMCAm?IQid=SGIWY More from Savage Garden Crash and Burn: https://youtu.be/W60IPexop30 Hold Me: https://youtu.be/CFAlR7tWekc Truly Madly Deeply: https://youtu.be/WQnAxOQxQIU More Great Ultimate Hits Of The Nineties videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate90?IQid=SGIWY Follow Savage Garden Website: http://www.savagegarden.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SavageGarden/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/savagegarden Subscribe to Savage Garden on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/SAGSub?IQid=SGIWY --------- Lyrics: Ooh, I want you I don't know if I need you But, ooh, I'd die to find out Ooh, I want you I don't know if I need you But, ooh, I'd die to find out
I Wanted You - Ina (Lyrics)

I Wanted You - Ina (Lyrics)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:49
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Apr 2021
  • views: 14654622
#IWantedYou #Ina #PstartLyrics I Wanted You - Ina (Lyrics) Lyrics video for 'I Wanted You' by Ina [Lyrics from: https:/lyrics.az/inna/-/i-wanted-you.html] I Wanted You Lyrics : Lately I've been thinking about what I can do I've been stressing to fall back in love with you I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through But I can't go on this way. I've gotta stop it babe You've been wonderful in all that you can be But it hurts when you say that you understand me So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I've been pushing hard to open up the door Trying to take us back to where we were before But I'm done. I just can't do this anymore 'Cuz we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now We've been walking around in circles for some time And I think we should head for the finish line So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I, I.. I'm so sorry baby But I, I.. I gotta pack up and leave But I, I'll always remember how we came close ..to being how I wanted to be I wanted you baby I wanted you I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you 🔔 Subscribe for the latest lyric videos more:https://youtube.com/channel/UCRn4XR7Ri9huS43TimZZ0jQ mi
I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Remastered 2009)

I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Remastered 2009)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:48
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Jun 2018
  • views: 39056190
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Remastered 2009) · The Beatles Abbey Road ℗ 2009 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) Released on: 1969-09-26 Associated Performer, Vocals, Background Vocalist, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Sound Effects, Percussion: John Lennon Associated Performer, Vocals, Background Vocalist, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Sound Effects, Wind Controller, Clapping, Percussion: Paul McCartney Associated Performer, Background Vocalist, Guitar, Harmonium, Synthesizer, Percussion, Acoustic Guitar, Clapping: George Harrison Associated Performer, Drums, Percussion, Background Vocalist: Richard Starkey Associated Performer, Harpsichord, Organ, Percussion, Producer, Studio Personnel, Mixer: George Martin Associated Performer, Hammond Organ: Billy Preston Programmer: Mike Vickers Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mixer: Geoff Emerick Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mixer: Phil McDonald Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Alan Parsons Composer Lyricist: Paul McCartney Composer Lyricist: John Lennon Auto-generated by YouTube.
SB19 'I WANT YOU' Music Video

SB19 'I WANT YOU' Music Video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Jun 2023
  • views: 7243661
1Z Entertainment, Black Star Entertainment, and First Light Studios present I WANT YOU starring SB19 Pablo | Josh | Stell | Ken | Justin Music Written by August Rigo and RADKIDZ (PABLO) Produced by August Rigo Mixed and Mastered By Heo chan-goo @ Knob Sound Korea (Assisted by OhWon Lee) Executive Producers: John Paulo Nase Josh Cullen Santos Stellvester Ajero Felip Jhon Suson Justin de Dios Director and Cinematographer: Jed Regala Creative Director: Xi-Anne Avanceña Producer: Krizzia Alvarez and Bea Charlyn Laiño Production Manager: Joyce Lavastera STUDIO UNIT Camera Operator: Garren Bustarde Production Designer: Angelu Jane Lagazo Assistants: Airish Tayag, Jersey Carabot, and Jan Jan Quinza Utility: Jobert Rima, Ramesis Ogalesco, and Michael Beltran Behind-the-scene Camera Operator: Neil Aldrin Alfante UNDERWATER UNIT Camera Operator: Ivan Torres Safety Diver: Kristofer Morales Head Photographer, Colorist, and Graphic Artist: Mico Gonzales Assistant Photographer: Jasper Josue Production Assistant: Jeff dela Cruz Video Editor: Aletheia Cloi De Guzman Video Colorist: Adrielle Esteban Assistant Colorist: Ian Galicia Artist Road Manager: Leah Gonzales Production Assistant: Jovs Aloro Head of Security: Jojo Santos Security Crew: Arjay Molina Head Wardrobe Stylist: Em Millan and Rain Dagala Designer: Aram Loe Wardrobe Coordinator: James De Vera Styling Associates: Rioliza Camantigue, Elaine Villapando Studio Custodian: Jay-Anne Aguirre Makeup Artist: Mac Igarta Makeup Assistants: Alfredo Mendoza, Ashley Evangelista Hair Stylist: Mark Familara Hair Assistant: Jodi Flong Hair color and style: Hairticulturebycarldana — 1Z ENTERTAINMENT Operations Manager: Yani De Dios PAGTATAG! General Manager: Bea Charlyn Laiño Creative Director: Xi-Anne Avanceña Marketing & Accounts Director: Irmay Ledesma Communications Manager: Elisabeth Baumgart Art Director: Louis Anthony Duran Content Producer: Sean Fuentes BTS Videographer: Kevin Nase Admin Team: Rachel Dayson, Nicole Magalong, Princess Geñorga, Ken Carpena BLACK STAR ENTERTAINMENT General Manager: J Pinto Artist Manager: Leah Gonzales Operations Manager: DK Communications Manager: Rhanica Restrivera Project Manager: Joyce Lavastera Performance Director: Loraine Macatangay Technical Coordinator: Jun Gaviola Admin: MJ Lazaro Photos and Videos by Firstlight Studios FIRSTLIGHT STUDIOS Head of Productions: Jed Regala Project Manager: Kesh Alvarez — Special Thanks to: Sony Music Entertainment Philippines Roslyn Pineda Maan Atienza Boogs Rosales B&B Studios CineJepoy Arsenal Cinematography Company Scuba Studios A’TIN Friends and Family of SB19 Follow SB19's SNS for more updates: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SB19Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/SB19Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialsb19/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialsb19 Spotify: https://www.bit.ly/SB19onSpotify
SB19 - I WANT YOU ( Full performance)

SB19 - I WANT YOU ( Full performance)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:48
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Jun 2023
  • views: 230245
SB19 - I WANT YOU ( Full performance) at the Pagtatag Manila Concert Day 2 #SB19 #sb19_stell #sb19_josh #sb19_justin #sb19_ken #sb19_pablo
SB19 performs "I Want You" LIVE on Wish 107.5 Bus

SB19 performs "I Want You" LIVE on Wish 107.5 Bus

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Aug 2023
  • views: 1305434
P-pop act SB19 performs "I Want You" live on the Wish 107.5 Bus! A track off their "PAGTATAG!" EP, the R&B-leaning piece follows a narrator expressing the intense desire that they have for someone. Follow Wish 107.5's social media accounts! Facebook: https://facebook.com/WishFM1075/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wish1075 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wish1075/ Visit Wish 107.5's awesome official website: www.wish1075.com Stream this song on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/16GGH8OF6LiSUTTbm8421f?autoplay=true Follow SB19 on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SB19Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/SB19Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialsb19 Get updates from Sony Music Philippines and follow their social media accounts: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonymusicphilippines Twitter: https://twitter.com/sonymusicph Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusicphl #WISHclusive *** Wish 107.5 is an all-hits FM radio station based in Quezon City, Philippines. It has truly gone out, beyond the conventional, to provide multiple platforms where great Filipino talents can perform and showcase their music. With the Wish 107.5 Bus, people now don't need to buy concert tickets just to see their favorite artists perform on stage. However, innovation doesn’t stop in just delivering the coolest musical experience — Wish 107.5 has set the bar higher as it tapped the power of technology to let the Filipino artistry shine in the global stage. With its intensified investment in its digital platforms, it has transformed itself from being a local FM station to becoming a sought-after WISHclusive gateway to the world. For more information, visit www.wish1075.com. For all-day and all-night wishful music, tune in via your radio or download the Wish 107.5 app (available for both iOS and Android users). Feel free to SHARE this video but DO NOT REUPLOAD. Thank you!
Marvin Gaye - I Want You (1976)

Marvin Gaye - I Want You (1976)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2012
  • views: 34651304
"I Want You" is a song written by songwriters Leon Ware and Arthur "T-Boy" Ross and recorded and released as a single by singer Marvin Gaye. Released as a single in 1976 on the Tamla label, the song introduced a change in musical styles for Gaye, who before then had been recording songs with a funk edge. Songs such as this gave him a disco audience thanks to Ware, who produced the song alongside Gaye. The song also stood to be one of Marvin's most popular singles during his later Motown period followed by his sabbatical following the release of 1973's Let's Get It On. The song eventually reached number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on the Hot Selling Soul Singles chart. It also became a disco hit, reaching number ten on the Disco Singles Chart alongside "After the Dance".
Mitski - I Want You (Official Video)

Mitski - I Want You (Official Video)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Aug 2013
  • views: 4057419
"I Want You" from the album Retired from Sad, New Career in Business by Mitski. Listen to Retired from Sad, New Career in Business: https://mitski.deadoc.co/retired New album Laurel Hell out now. Listen + order: https://mitski.deadoc.co/laurel-hell The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We out now. Listen + order: https://mitski.lnk.to/TLIIASAW Find a Mitski tour date near you. If tickets aren't available, join the waitlist: https://mitski.com/tour Credits: Music - Mitski Video - Jovon Outlaw Featuring Angelina Torreano and Mitski Mitski: https://mitski.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MitskiLeaks/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitskileaks/ Store: https://mitski.com/collections/all Tour Dates: https://mitski.com/pages/tour Lyrics: I want you I hold one card That I can't use But I want you You're coming back And it's the end of the world We're starting over And I love you, darling And I am done, dear You're in the house And I am here in the car I just need a quiet place Where I can scream How I love you I found you I found the door But when I stepped through There was no floor You're coming back And it's the end of the world We're starting over And I love you, darling And I am done, dear You're in the house And I am here in the car I just need a quiet place Where I can scream How I love you I want you I want you #mitski #iwantyou #retiredfromsad
  • Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

    Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to moth...

    published: 29 Jun 2017
  • Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Audio) | Paris Hilton

    Paris Hilton Turn You On Lyrics Everybody's looking at me But it's alright, I like attention The club's not hot until I walk through They stop and stare and watch me move Like "Damn, I like that" I'm sexy and you know it Clap your hands Oh, it's like that I'm not afraid to show it, understand? Yeah, I'm hot, bitch Don't be mad at me go check your man Girls and boys are looking at me I can't blame 'em 'cause I'm sexy, ow! Don't care who's watching me I do just what I want Just 'cause I dance with you Don't mean you're getting some Don't get excited baby 'Cause I might turn you on Turn you on, turn you out Give 'em something to write about All the boys are looking up at me As I dance on the table top Tonight I'll be their liquid dreams They want a piece of what I got Damn I like that She...

    published: 06 Sep 2017
  • Paris Hilton - Turn It Up (Audio) | Paris Hilton

    Paris Hilton Screwed Lyrics Please don't let it begin You're under my skin Same old story Boys meets girl and she falls much harder than him Baby, where's the glory If all night, all night, you're attention's not mine Please don't let it begin You're under my skin It's a sin cause you're starting to win Since I'm already screwed Here's a message to you My heart's wide open I'm just not getting through to the lover in you Yet I'm still hoping That tonight, tonight, you're gonna turn down the lights And give me a little more room just to prove it to you What do I gotta do? Just push her aside She's not your type So cliché when a boy falls under the spell Of a woman from hell It's hard to take cause Tonight, tonight, you could have found out I might Have been the girl of your dreams Baby,...

    published: 19 Aug 2017
  • Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Lyric Video)

    Official lyric video for "I'm Free" Listen to "I'm Free": https://parishilton.lnk.to/imfreeKM Photographer @brianziff Creative Director + Editor @matthew.daniel.siskin Director Photography @caseycurry Executive Producer @marcduron Production @loveartistsagency Stylist @sammykstyle Hair Stylists @prestonwada + @florido Makeup Artist @mugopus Nail Artists @britneytokyo + @bytouko 3D @ethanchancer + @wstapel Lighting Techs @dannergardner + @max_flick Set Design @a.lilieholm PA @theshift.is Connect with Paris Instagram: http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://twitter.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton?hl=en Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io Watch more music vide...

    published: 21 Jun 2024
  • Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Audio)

    Paris Hilton Stars Are Blind Lyrics I don't mind spending some time Just hanging here with you 'Cause I don't find too many guys That treat me like you do. Those other guys all wanna take me for a ride But when I walk they talk of suicide Some people never get beyond their stupid pride But you can see the real me inside And I'm satisfied, oh no, ohh Even though the gods are crazy Even though the stars are blind If you show me real love baby I'll show you mine I can make it nice and naughty Be the devil and angel too Got a heart and soul and body Let's see what this love can do Maybe I'm perfect for you Ohh, ohh, ohh I could be your confidante Just one of your girlfriends But I know that's not what you want If tomorrow the world ends Why shouldn't we be with the one we really love? Now...

    published: 09 Sep 2017
  • Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Visualizer)

    Official visualizer for "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama Listen to "I'm Free": https://parishilton.lnk.to/imfreeKM Photographer @brianziff Creative Director + Editor @matthew.daniel.siskin Director Photography @caseycurry Executive Producer @marcduron Production @loveartistsagency Stylist @sammykstyle Hair Stylists @prestonwada + @florido Makeup Artist @mugopus Nail Artists @britneytokyo + @bytouko 3D @ethanchancer + @wstapel Lighting Techs @dannergardner + @max_flick Set Design @a.lilieholm PA @theshift.is Connect with Paris Instagram: http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://twitter.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton?hl=en Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io Watc...

    published: 21 Jun 2024
  • Paris Hilton - Turn You On (Audio) | Paris Hilton

    Paris Hilton Not Leaving Without You Lyrics I got my eye on you boy I got my eye on you boy And when I get my eye on something it's like search and destroy There's no running away Not a game that I play I wanna get to know you So come on We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight Come on just move your body Come on just move your body We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight 'Cuz your the one that I like Don't ask me for my number 'Cuz my number's undercover Don't tell me that your going I just got here and I'm hoping I'm not leaving without you I'm not leaving without you So stop looking at the clock 'Cuz baby time's on my side Tick tock, tick tock Soon you'll be mine I wanna know things about you I'm not leaving without you We can dance, we c...

    published: 03 Sep 2017
  • Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

    Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to moth...

    published: 26 Sep 2006
  • Paris Hilton - Jealousy (Audio)

    Paris Hilton Jealousy Lyrics I thought you were my best friend I felt we'd be together 'til the end You're not the girl I once knew Tell me where she is 'cause she's not you You used to be that shoulder That shoulder I could lean on through it all But now it's getting colder There's no love between these walls Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such an evil thing to watch someone have Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy Nobody wins when you're full of envy La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la I was always happy When I was watchin' you become a star But you were only happy When the world was openin' up my scars And now I'm like the devil Well if I am, then what does that make you? You sold yourself your own fame You'd still never walk a day in my shoes Jealousy, jeal...

    published: 21 Aug 2017
  • Paris Hilton's Latest Single "I Blame You"

    My latest single produced by DJ LODATO "I Blame You" is out now: https://sym.ffm.to/iblameyou! 100% of proceeds from #IBlameYou go to #BreakingCodeSilence. SUBSCRIBE for NEW videos! ➤ https://www.youtube.com/parishilton?s... SHOP NOW ➤ https://ParisHiltonMerch.com INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ THIS IS PARIS ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOg0TY1jG3w

    published: 17 Oct 2020
developed with YouTube
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:55
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Jun 2017
  • views: 14041343
Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/6Mj776YiPCU
Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Audio) | Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Audio) | Paris Hilton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:11
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Sep 2017
  • views: 493113
Paris Hilton Turn You On Lyrics Everybody's looking at me But it's alright, I like attention The club's not hot until I walk through They stop and stare and watch me move Like "Damn, I like that" I'm sexy and you know it Clap your hands Oh, it's like that I'm not afraid to show it, understand? Yeah, I'm hot, bitch Don't be mad at me go check your man Girls and boys are looking at me I can't blame 'em 'cause I'm sexy, ow! Don't care who's watching me I do just what I want Just 'cause I dance with you Don't mean you're getting some Don't get excited baby 'Cause I might turn you on Turn you on, turn you out Give 'em something to write about All the boys are looking up at me As I dance on the table top Tonight I'll be their liquid dreams They want a piece of what I got Damn I like that She's sexy and she's shaking over me She's hot and I can't take her I need a drink I'm hot yeah She's cooler than I ever thought she'd be Don't dance too close, I might turn you on Don t try to impress me, my papers no Don t believe all that you read my ish out loud We can dance all night but you ain t getting none, none Sorry I turned you on Take a cold shower when you get home Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Audio) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/KYIOdoG93Uc
Paris Hilton - Turn It Up (Audio) | Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - Turn It Up (Audio) | Paris Hilton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:13
  • Uploaded Date: 19 Aug 2017
  • views: 783899
Paris Hilton Screwed Lyrics Please don't let it begin You're under my skin Same old story Boys meets girl and she falls much harder than him Baby, where's the glory If all night, all night, you're attention's not mine Please don't let it begin You're under my skin It's a sin cause you're starting to win Since I'm already screwed Here's a message to you My heart's wide open I'm just not getting through to the lover in you Yet I'm still hoping That tonight, tonight, you're gonna turn down the lights And give me a little more room just to prove it to you What do I gotta do? Just push her aside She's not your type So cliché when a boy falls under the spell Of a woman from hell It's hard to take cause Tonight, tonight, you could have found out I might Have been the girl of your dreams Baby, you might have seen what it means just to really be free Since I'm already screwed Here's a message to you My heart's wide open I'm just not getting through to the lover in you Yet I'm still hoping That tonight, tonight, you're gonna turn down the lights And give me a little more room just to prove it to you What do I gotta do? Tell me that you do Tell me that you do Tell me that you wanna take my number There will come a day A hazy day in May or a storm in mid-December When you need someone just to have a little fun I could be the perfect girl for you When you need someone just to have a little fun I could be the perfect girl for you to ruin Since I'm already screwed Here's a message to you My heart's wide open I'm just not getting through to the lover in you Yet I'm still hoping That tonight, tonight, you're gonna turn down the lights And give me a little more room just to prove it to you What do I gotta do? Since I'm already screwed Here's a message to you My heart's wide open I'm just not getting through to the lover in you Yet I'm still hoping That tonight, tonight, you're gonna turn down the lights And give me a little more room just to prove it to you What do I gotta do? Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Turn It Up (Audio) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/LUlVysVnHvc
Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Lyric Video)

Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Lyric Video)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2024
  • views: 283527
Official lyric video for "I'm Free" Listen to "I'm Free": https://parishilton.lnk.to/imfreeKM Photographer @brianziff Creative Director + Editor @matthew.daniel.siskin Director Photography @caseycurry Executive Producer @marcduron Production @loveartistsagency Stylist @sammykstyle Hair Stylists @prestonwada + @florido Makeup Artist @mugopus Nail Artists @britneytokyo + @bytouko 3D @ethanchancer + @wstapel Lighting Techs @dannergardner + @max_flick Set Design @a.lilieholm PA @theshift.is Connect with Paris Instagram: http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://twitter.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton?hl=en Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io Watch more music videos from Paris Hilton Stars Are Blind: https://youtu.be/6Mj776YiPCU?feature=shared Nothing In This World: https://youtu.be/PdmzmOYM7DE?feature=shared Stream my Music Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJFCwstOoJO7yQ4lTtLK?si=A4o7DZHyQMiSjNHrxGgT4w Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0010QAW2E/paris-hilton
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Audio)

Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Audio)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Sep 2017
  • views: 262608
Paris Hilton Stars Are Blind Lyrics I don't mind spending some time Just hanging here with you 'Cause I don't find too many guys That treat me like you do. Those other guys all wanna take me for a ride But when I walk they talk of suicide Some people never get beyond their stupid pride But you can see the real me inside And I'm satisfied, oh no, ohh Even though the gods are crazy Even though the stars are blind If you show me real love baby I'll show you mine I can make it nice and naughty Be the devil and angel too Got a heart and soul and body Let's see what this love can do Maybe I'm perfect for you Ohh, ohh, ohh I could be your confidante Just one of your girlfriends But I know that's not what you want If tomorrow the world ends Why shouldn't we be with the one we really love? Now tell me who have you been dreaming of? I and I alone, oh, no Even though the gods are crazy Even though the stars are blind If you show me real love baby I'll show you mine I can make it nice and naughty Be the devil and angel too Got a heart and soul and body Let's see what this love can do Baby I'm perfect for you Excuse me for feeling This moment is critical Might be we feel it It could get physical, oh no, no, no Even though the gods are crazy Even though the stars are blind If you show me real love baby I'll show you mine I can make it nice and naughty Be the devil and angel too Got a heart and soul and body Let's see what this love can do Oh Let's see what love can do (Oh) Maybe I'm perfect for you Maybe I'm perfect for you (Oh) You (Oh) Maybe I'm perfect for you Even though the gods are crazy (Oh) Even though the stars are blind (Oh) Even though the gods are crazy (Oh) Even though the stars are blind (Oh) Connect with Paris! Instagram - http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton Twitter- http://Twitter.com/ParisHilton Spotify - https://bit.ly/2kDFiqF iTunes - https://iTunes.com/ParisHilton Fragrances - http://www.Perfumania.com/ParisHilton Skincare - http://www.ParisHiltonSkinCare.com
Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Visualizer)

Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Visualizer)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2024
  • views: 290400
Official visualizer for "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama Listen to "I'm Free": https://parishilton.lnk.to/imfreeKM Photographer @brianziff Creative Director + Editor @matthew.daniel.siskin Director Photography @caseycurry Executive Producer @marcduron Production @loveartistsagency Stylist @sammykstyle Hair Stylists @prestonwada + @florido Makeup Artist @mugopus Nail Artists @britneytokyo + @bytouko 3D @ethanchancer + @wstapel Lighting Techs @dannergardner + @max_flick Set Design @a.lilieholm PA @theshift.is Connect with Paris Instagram: http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://twitter.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton?hl=en Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io Watch more music videos from Paris Hilton Stars Are Blind: https://youtu.be/6Mj776YiPCU?feature=shared Nothing In This World: https://youtu.be/PdmzmOYM7DE?feature=shared Stream my Music Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJFCwstOoJO7yQ4lTtLK?si=A4o7DZHyQMiSjNHrxGgT4w Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0010QAW2E/paris-hilton
Paris Hilton - Turn You On (Audio) | Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - Turn You On (Audio) | Paris Hilton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Sep 2017
  • views: 189436
Paris Hilton Not Leaving Without You Lyrics I got my eye on you boy I got my eye on you boy And when I get my eye on something it's like search and destroy There's no running away Not a game that I play I wanna get to know you So come on We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight Come on just move your body Come on just move your body We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight 'Cuz your the one that I like Don't ask me for my number 'Cuz my number's undercover Don't tell me that your going I just got here and I'm hoping I'm not leaving without you I'm not leaving without you So stop looking at the clock 'Cuz baby time's on my side Tick tock, tick tock Soon you'll be mine I wanna know things about you I'm not leaving without you We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight Come on just move your body Come on just move your body So whatcha got on your mind? Whatcha got don't hide I need to know that there is something more to you then those eyes I need someone who's sweet Someone who wants me for me And when I'm not around he's not gonna cheat We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight Come on just move your body Come on just move your body We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight 'Cuz your the one that I like Don't ask me for my number 'Cuz my number's undercover Don't tell me that your going I just got here and I'm hoping I'm not leaving without you I'm not leaving without you So stop looking at the clock 'Cuz baby time's on my side Tick tock, tick tock Soon you'll be mine I wanna know things about you I'm not leaving without you We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, we can dance tonight Come on just move your body Come on just move your body I wanna know whatcha dream about I wanna know whatcha thinking now I wanna know whatcha dream about I wanna know whatcha thinking now And when the lights go down and you come around Let me see what it's all about I wanna know whatcha dream about I wanna know whatcha thinking now And when the lights go down and you come around Let me see what it's all about I wanna know whatcha dream about I wanna know whatcha thinking now And when the lights go down and you come around Let me see what it's all about I wanna know whatcha dream about I wanna know whatcha thinking now And when the lights go down and you come around Let me see what it's all about Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Turn You On (Audio) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/WvLDs88-q0M
Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:28
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Sep 2006
  • views: 16981880
Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/PdmzmOYM7DE
Paris Hilton - Jealousy (Audio)

Paris Hilton - Jealousy (Audio)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Aug 2017
  • views: 245509
Paris Hilton Jealousy Lyrics I thought you were my best friend I felt we'd be together 'til the end You're not the girl I once knew Tell me where she is 'cause she's not you You used to be that shoulder That shoulder I could lean on through it all But now it's getting colder There's no love between these walls Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such an evil thing to watch someone have Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy Nobody wins when you're full of envy La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la I was always happy When I was watchin' you become a star But you were only happy When the world was openin' up my scars And now I'm like the devil Well if I am, then what does that make you? You sold yourself your own fame You'd still never walk a day in my shoes Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such a thing to watch someone Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy Nobody wins when you're full of envy La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la [Spoken:] I only wanted what was best for you Everything I did, I did because I cared So how did all the good between us turn so bad? Maybe someday we'll get back, what we had Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It's such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy (Jealousy) Nobody wins when you're full of envy La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Connect with Paris! Instagram - http://Instagram.com/ParisHilton Twitter- http://Twitter.com/ParisHilton Spotify - https://bit.ly/2kDFiqF iTunes - https://iTunes.com/ParisHilton Fragrances - http://www.Perfumania.com/ParisHilton Skincare - http://www.ParisHiltonSkinCare.com
Paris Hilton's Latest Single "I Blame You"

Paris Hilton's Latest Single "I Blame You"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Oct 2020
  • views: 562686
My latest single produced by DJ LODATO "I Blame You" is out now: https://sym.ffm.to/iblameyou! 100% of proceeds from #IBlameYou go to #BreakingCodeSilence. SUBSCRIBE for NEW videos! ➤ https://www.youtube.com/parishilton?s... SHOP NOW ➤ https://ParisHiltonMerch.com INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ THIS IS PARIS ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOg0TY1jG3w
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Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton

Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my CD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9MD6D9D #ParisHilton #Sliving #InfiniteIcon Don't miss a video! Subscribe NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@ParisHilton?sub_confirmation=1 About Paris Hilton: Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction. In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother. Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras. Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in. Connect with Me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ParisHilton/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@parishilton X: https://x.com/ParisHilton Threads: https://www.threads.net/@parishilton Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/parishilton Komi: https://parishilton.komi.io/ Stream my Music! Presave "Chasin'": https://ParisHilton.lnk.to/chasinYT Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vkJF... Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/paris-hilton/159264092 Amazon Music: https://amazon.com/music/player/artis... Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton https://youtu.be/6Mj776YiPCU
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Official Music Video) | Paris Hilton
Pre-save my new album "Infinite Icon": https://infiniteicon.parishilton.com Preorder my C...
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Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World (Audio) | Paris Hilton
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Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Lyric Video)
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Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Audio)
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Paris Hilton - "I'm Free" ft. Rina Sawayama (Official Visualizer)
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Paris Hilton - Turn You On (Audio) | Paris Hilton
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Paris Hilton's Latest Single "I Blame You"
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