This SVG roundel contains embedded raster graphics.[1] Such images are liable to produce inferior results when scaled to different sizes (as well as possibly being very inefficient in file size). If appropriate to do so, they should be replaced with images created using vector graphics. Note: This template is only supposed to be used if the SVG file mixes vector and raster graphics. If the SVG file only contains raster graphics {{FakeSVG}} is supposed to be used. See also {{TopoSVG}}.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This image is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Montenegro ("Службени Лист ЦГ/Službeni list CG", бр. 61/2007), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
Law, sub-law act or other kind of law act.
Official materials of state authorities or materials published by any other person or institution which do public function.
Official translations of materials of state authorities or translation of materials published by any other person or institution which do public function.
Any of acts in judgment processes."
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into public domain.
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