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A suplex is an offensive move used in both professional and sport wrestling. A suplex is a throw that involves lifting the opponent and bridging or rolling to slam the opponent on their back. Though there are many variations, the term suplex (without qualifiers) can also refer specifically to the vertical suplex.


In Olympic and amateur wrestling there exists a move called a suplay, a Greco-Roman wrestling term. During his career, pro wrestling commentator Gordon Solie used the soo-PLAY pronunciation (as have the AWA's Rod Trongard and Terry Taylor), but almost all other pro wrestling talent pronounces it SUE-plex; this suggests the two names define the same kind of move. The origin of the word suplex is Latin sub "under" and plexus "an intricate network or web-like formation".

Suplex variants

Professional wrestling features many different varieties of suplexes. The following are among the most common, but many more exist, particularly as the signature techniques of individual wrestlers.


  • Best suplex ever!

    Freestyle wrestling at 195lbs+. Not my best but something decent for only being a 2nd year wrestler at the time.

    published: 02 Jun 2012
  • Brock Lesnar’s dominant suplexes: WWE Top 10, Feb. 20, 2022

    Watch the most devastating suplexes from Brock Lesnar against the likes of John Cena, AJ Styles, Big Show and more. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out our other ...

    published: 20 Feb 2022
  • How to Suplex

    published: 23 May 2023
  • How to Suplex: Instruction & Heavybag Drills

    Bubba Jenkins teaches the suplex, one of his signature wrestling takedowns. The suplex is a powerful throw where you launch your opponent upside-down by locking your arms around their waist, thrusting your hips, and arching your back. In this video are some drills you can practice safely on a heavy bag. Subscribe to FIGHTTIPS►http://bit.ly/1APnzvw Follow Bubba: https://www.instagram.com/bubba_jenkins FOLLOW: Facebook | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSFacebook Twitter | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSTwitter Instagram | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSInstagram

    published: 05 Jul 2018
  • She’s handing out free flights to suplex city 😳 #wrestling #takedown #crazy #girl #trending #sport

    published: 20 Jun 2023
  • Suplex 🤼 #wrestling

    published: 07 Dec 2022
  • Beautiful German Suplex

    Nice sequence to build up to an astonishingly great German Suplex Hold by Katsuhiko Nakajima.

    published: 30 Jul 2010
  • How to suplex

    published: 28 Nov 2021
  • chris benoit suplex big show 500pound wwe

    chris benoit suplex 500 pound .suplex of chris benoit .power of chris benoit wwe

    published: 18 Jul 2018
  • Demetrious Johnson Suplex to Armbar - Slow motion HD

    Source footage credit : UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship - UFC 216 Fight Motion Using the latest frame interpolation techniques I have transformed the source video into smooth hype - slow footage . Besides just looking cool , This footage gives a new perspective and appreciation for the skill, techniques and athleticism oc high level MMA fighters

    published: 21 Sep 2020
developed with YouTube
Best suplex ever!

Best suplex ever!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:36
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Jun 2012
  • views: 843552
Freestyle wrestling at 195lbs+. Not my best but something decent for only being a 2nd year wrestler at the time.
Brock Lesnar’s dominant suplexes: WWE Top 10, Feb. 20, 2022

Brock Lesnar’s dominant suplexes: WWE Top 10, Feb. 20, 2022

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Feb 2022
  • views: 493536
Watch the most devastating suplexes from Brock Lesnar against the likes of John Cena, AJ Styles, Big Show and more. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Watch WWE on Disney+ Hotstar in Indonesia: http://www.wwe.com/hotstar Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out our other channels! --------------------------------------------- The Bella Twins: https://www.youtube.com/thebellatwins UpUpDownDown: https://www.youtube.com/upupdowndown WWEMusic: https://www.youtube.com/wwemusic Total Divas: https://www.youtube.com/wwetotaldivas ------------------------------------ WWE on Social Media ------------------------------------ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wwe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwe/ Giphy: https://giphy.com/wwe ------------------------------------
How to Suplex

How to Suplex

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:20
  • Uploaded Date: 23 May 2023
  • views: 4794000
How to Suplex: Instruction & Heavybag Drills

How to Suplex: Instruction & Heavybag Drills

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:09
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Jul 2018
  • views: 2478852
Bubba Jenkins teaches the suplex, one of his signature wrestling takedowns. The suplex is a powerful throw where you launch your opponent upside-down by locking your arms around their waist, thrusting your hips, and arching your back. In this video are some drills you can practice safely on a heavy bag. Subscribe to FIGHTTIPS►http://bit.ly/1APnzvw Follow Bubba: https://www.instagram.com/bubba_jenkins FOLLOW: Facebook | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSFacebook Twitter | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSTwitter Instagram | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSInstagram
She’s handing out free flights to suplex city 😳 #wrestling #takedown #crazy #girl #trending #sport

She’s handing out free flights to suplex city 😳 #wrestling #takedown #crazy #girl #trending #sport

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:08
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Jun 2023
  • views: 15954669
Suplex 🤼 #wrestling

Suplex 🤼 #wrestling

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:05
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Dec 2022
  • views: 568682
Beautiful German Suplex

Beautiful German Suplex

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:25
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Jul 2010
  • views: 516861
Nice sequence to build up to an astonishingly great German Suplex Hold by Katsuhiko Nakajima.
How to suplex

How to suplex

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:13
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Nov 2021
  • views: 128828
chris benoit suplex big show 500pound wwe

chris benoit suplex big show 500pound wwe

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Uploaded Date: 18 Jul 2018
  • views: 183783
chris benoit suplex 500 pound .suplex of chris benoit .power of chris benoit wwe
Demetrious Johnson Suplex to Armbar - Slow motion HD

Demetrious Johnson Suplex to Armbar - Slow motion HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Sep 2020
  • views: 238720
Source footage credit : UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship - UFC 216 Fight Motion Using the latest frame interpolation techniques I have transformed the source video into smooth hype - slow footage . Besides just looking cool , This footage gives a new perspective and appreciation for the skill, techniques and athleticism oc high level MMA fighters
developed with YouTube
  • Most Related
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  • Top Rated
developed with YouTube

Best suplex ever!

Freestyle wrestling at 195lbs+. Not my best but something decent for only being a 2nd year wrestler at the time.
Best suplex ever!
Freestyle wrestling at 195lbs+. Not my best but something decent for only being a 2nd yea...
published: 02 Jun 2012
Play in Full Screen
Brock Lesnar’s dominant suplexes: WWE Top 10, Feb. 20, 2022
Watch the most devastating suplexes from Brock Lesnar against the likes of John Cena, AJ S...
published: 20 Feb 2022
Play in Full Screen
How to Suplex
published: 23 May 2023
Play in Full Screen
How to Suplex: Instruction & Heavybag Drills
Bubba Jenkins teaches the suplex, one of his signature wrestling takedowns. The suplex is ...
published: 05 Jul 2018
Play in Full Screen
She’s handing out free flights to suplex city 😳 #wrestling #takedown #crazy #girl #trending #sport
published: 20 Jun 2023
Play in Full Screen
Suplex 🤼 #wrestling
published: 07 Dec 2022
Play in Full Screen
Beautiful German Suplex
Nice sequence to build up to an astonishingly great German Suplex Hold by Katsuhiko Nakaji...
published: 30 Jul 2010
Play in Full Screen
How to suplex
published: 28 Nov 2021
Play in Full Screen
chris benoit suplex big show 500pound wwe
chris benoit suplex 500 pound .suplex of chris benoit .power of chris benoit wwe
published: 18 Jul 2018
Play in Full Screen
Demetrious Johnson Suplex to Armbar - Slow motion HD
Source footage credit : UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship - UFC 216 Fight Motion Using...
published: 21 Sep 2020
Play in Full Screen


A suplex is an offensive move used in both professional and sport wrestling. A suplex is a throw that involves lifting the opponent and bridging or rolling to slam the opponent on their back. Though there are many variations, the term suplex (without qualifiers) can also refer specifically to the vertical suplex.


In Olympic and amateur wrestling there exists a move called a suplay, a Greco-Roman wrestling term. During his career, pro wrestling commentator Gordon Solie used the soo-PLAY pronunciation (as have the AWA's Rod Trongard and Terry Taylor), but almost all other pro wrestling talent pronounces it SUE-plex; this suggests the two names define the same kind of move. The origin of the word suplex is Latin sub "under" and plexus "an intricate network or web-like formation".

Suplex variants

Professional wrestling features many different varieties of suplexes. The following are among the most common, but many more exist, particularly as the signature techniques of individual wrestlers.

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Latest News for: superplex


PVR Inox Is Looking to Add Two More Superplexes This Year

NDTV 20 Jul 2023
PVR INOX on Thursday claimed that it's looking to add two more superplexes this year as part of plans to expand its large format offering. The company opened its new 12-screen superplex in... .

PVR Inox plans to add two more superplexes this year

The Economic Times 20 Jul 2023
The company has opened its latest 12-screen superplex in ...

PVR INOX remodeles its Mall of India superplex

Financial Express 27 Apr 2023
PVR INOX has remodeled its 7-screen superplex at Mall of India, Noida ... It has been PVR’s strategy to make cinemas more experiential and this Superplex in Noida is a step in that direction.
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