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George W. Bush

George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009, and the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. The eldest son of Barbara and George H. W. Bush, he was born in New Haven, Connecticut. After graduating from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975, he worked in oil businesses. He married Laura Welch in 1977 and ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives shortly thereafter. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before defeating Ann Richards in the 1994 Texas gubernatorial election. He was elected president in 2000 after a close and controversial election, becoming the fourth president to be elected while receiving fewer popular votes nationwide than his opponent. He is the second president to have been the son of a former president, the first having been John Quincy Adams. He is also the brother of Jeb Bush, who is a former Governor of Florida and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 presidential election.

George W. Bush presidential campaign, 2004

This article is about the presidential campaign of George W. Bush, the former President of the United States and winner of the 2004 Presidential Election. See George W. Bush for a detailed biography and information about his full presidency, and George W. Bush presidential campaign, 2000 for a description of his first presidential campaign. See United States presidential election, 2004 for general information on the 2004 election.

George W. Bush had one major opponent, U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), whose primary campaign was successful in securing the majority of Democratic delegate votes. For his presidential campaign, see John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004.

George W. Bush's chief political strategist was Karl Rove, who had the title Senior Advisor to the President. Mark McKinnon was the chief communications strategist. He was later joined in August 2004 by Karen Hughes, a former Bush advisor who returned after some time away. His campaign manager was Ken Mehlman.

Product Red

Product Red, styled as (PRODUCT)RED, is a licensed brand that seeks to engage the private sector in raising awareness and funds to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa. It is licensed to partner companies including Nike, American Express (UK), Apple Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Starbucks, Converse, Electronic Arts, Head, Bugaboo, Penguin Classics (UK & International), Gap, Armani, Hallmark (US), SAP and Beats Electronics (Beats by Dr. Dre). The concept was founded in 2006 by U2 frontman and activist, Bono, together with Bobby Shriver of the ONE/DATA. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a recipient of (RED) money.

As part of a new business model, each partner company creates a product with the Product Red logo. In return for the opportunity to increase revenue through the Product Red license, a 50 percent of the profit gained by each partner is donated to the Global Fund. As Product Red is a private company, a portion of the contributions received from the partner brands is assigned as profit. Such an amalgamation of humanitarian aid and for-profit businesses is one example of "ethical consumerism."

Red (T'Pau album)

Red is the fourth studio album by British pop/rock group T'Pau. It was released in 1998, and was the first album since The Promise from 1991.

The group originally gained success in the late 1980s and split in the early 1990s. In 1997 original lead singer Carol Decker reformed the band with a completely new line-up and released a brand new version of their original hit "Heart and Soul". The new line-up started playing gigs and recorded this album in 1998. The album was released on Decker's own Gnatfish label, and would be released in America during late 1999 with a bonus CD featuring three extra tracks (including the 1997 version of "Heart and Soul"). In 2007, the album was officially released for download. It would be Decker's last album/single release until the 2007 solo single "Just Dream".


After the original split of T'Pau, Decker attempted a solo career. In 1993, she contributed a track to the soundtrack of the film Dirty Weekend, and the following year a small number of live performances followed. In 1995 she released the single "One Heart" - as the official anthem for the Halifax World Cup Rugby League Centenary '95. It peaked at #130 in the UK. She performed the song at Wembley Stadium during the opening and closing ceremonies. By 1997 though, Decker had taken the decision to build a 'new' T'Pau around her, and get back on the road after assembling a massive amount of new material. Although she considered continuing as a solo artist, it was advised that it would be easier if the band name was rekindled. The newly reformed band featured none of the original members aside from Decker. A brand new version of the band's original hit "Heart and Soul" was released as "Heart and Soul '97" (featuring the future Red album track "Make Love to Me"), and the band went onto Cilla Black's Surprise Surprise TV show to perform the song. However it was not a commercial success.

A Talk

A Talk is the third EP by South Korean singer Hyuna, released on July 28, 2014. It features the lead single "Red".


On June 26, 2014, Cube Entertainment announced that Hyuna would be releasing her third solo EP. A reality documentary program, Hyuna’s Free Month, was produced to show her preparation and promotional activities for the album release. On July 15, the name of the TV show was changed from Sexy Queen to Hyuna’s Free Month, and aired its first episode on July 21 on SBS MTV.

Hyuna performed the EP's lead single "Red" (빨개요; Ppalgaeyo) and album track "Blacklist" on music shows starting on July 25 on KBS's Music Bank, MBC's Show! Music Core, SBS's Inkigayo and Mnet's M! Countdown.


On August 7, 2014, A Talk debuted on Korea's Gaon Weekly Albums Chart at number 3. With sales of 8,868 units, the album reached number 17 on the monthly album chart. The single "Red" reached number 3 on the Gaon Weekly Digital Chart. On August 6, 2014, Hyuna won her first ever music show award on MBC Music's Show Champion for "Red", and won on the same show again the following week.


  • George W Bush sneaks candy to Michelle Obama at Bush funeral

    In a sweet show of friendship, George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama a piece of candy at the state funeral for his father, George H.W. Bush. The former president was greeting his predecessors and successors before the service began when he can be seen passing something to the former first lady, and she smiles and laughs in response. This is the second time Mr. Bush has slipped Mrs. Obama a treat. He was seen passing one to her at the funeral service for John McCain earlier this year. MORE ON THIS STORY: https://abc13.com/4838874/ #rememberingbush41 #bush41 #georgebush

    published: 05 Dec 2018
  • George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush Go Hunting - SNL

    While hunting together in the woods, George H. W. Bush (Dana Carvey) tries to give his advice about being President, but George W. Bush (Will Ferrell) can't stop playing with antlers or thinking about the deer that got away. [Season 26, 2000] #SNL Subscribe to SNL: https://goo.gl/tUsXwM Get more SNL: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-liv... Like SNL: https://www.facebook.com/snl Follow SNL: https://twitter.com/nbcsnl SNL Tumblr: http://nbcsnl.tumblr.com/ SNL Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcsnl SNL Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nbcsnl/

    published: 05 Oct 2013
  • George W Bush cries during George H.W Bush's eulogy

    In ending his eulogy for his father, President George W. Bush cries as he calls George H.W. Bush “the best father a son or daughter could have.” MORE ON THIS STORY: https://abc13.com/4838885/ #rememberingbush41 #bush41 #georgebush

    published: 05 Dec 2018
  • Chapter 1 | Part 1 | George W. Bush | American Experience | PBS

    Learn more about GEORGE W. BUSH including where to watch the documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/george-w-bush/ The latest addition to AMERICAN EXPERIENCE’s Peabody Award-winning series of presidential biographies, this two-part, four-hour look at the life and presidency of George W. Bush features interviews with historians, journalists and several members of the president’s inner circle. Part One chronicles Bush’s unorthodox road to the White House. The once wild son of a political dynasty, few expected Bush to ascend to the presidency. Yet 36 days after the November 2000 election, Bush emerged the victor of the most hotly contested race in the nation's history. Little in the new president’s past could have prepared him for the events that unfolded on September...

    published: 27 Apr 2020
  • President George W. Bush throws out first pitch at World Series 🔥 ⚾️ #worldseries

    #FOXSports #MLB #WorldSeries SUBSCRIBE to get the latest FOX Sports content: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeFOXSPORTS ►First Things First’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeFIRSTTHINGSFIRST ►UNDISPUTED’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeUNDISPUTED ►The Herd with Colin Cowherd’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeTHEHERD ►SPEAK's YouTube channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SUBSCRIBEtoSpeak ▶The Carton Show's YouTube channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SubscribeCartonShow ►PBC ON FOX’s YouTube Channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribePBCONFOX ►FOX Soccer’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeFOXSOCCER ►NASCAR ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeNASCARonFOX ►WWE ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeWWEONFOX ►CFB ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeCF...

    published: 28 Oct 2023
  • 1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News

    At the Republican National Convention on August 18, 1988, then-presidential candidate George H.W. Bush sends a message to Congress about his commitment to not raising taxes. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more NBC video: http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and original digital videos. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: http://nbcnews.to/ReadNBC Find NBC News on Facebook: http://nbcnews.to/LikeNBC Follow NBC News on Twitter: http://nbcnews.to/FollowNBC Follow NBC News on Google+: http://nb...

    published: 04 Dec 2018
  • Former Pres. George W. Bush speaks from Ground Zero in 2001 | ABC News

    Former Pres. George W. Bush spoke to first responders atop the pile at Ground Zero three days after Sept. 11, 2001. "I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon," he said. Responding to the president's words, some rescue workers chanted, "USA, USA!" This Monday marked 22 years since the attacks, during which 2,977 people lost their lives. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest updates: https://abcnews.go.com/ Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn.ws/3bzvQQn #news #911 #georgebush #abcnews #groundzero

    published: 11 Sep 2023
  • George W. Bush texts Jenna a bible verse every morning

    There's nothing like a little reading to start every morning! Jenna Bush Hager revealed that her dad, former president George W. Bush, sends her a Bible verse to read every morning. ☀️ #TODAYShow #JennaBushHager #GeorgeWBush » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.to...

    published: 18 Mar 2023
  • George W Bush sneaks Michelle Obama candy before father's funeral

    He did it again! In a sweet show of friendship, former Pres. George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama candy before his father's funeral. https://abc7ne.ws/2RwPZtL Welcome to the official YouTube channel for ABC7 Bay Area! We report on stories where you live -- San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Santa Rosa -- and everywhere in between. Sometimes serious. Sometimes funny. Always true. Browse our playlists to find stories that matter to you. Don't forget to leave a comment, a thumbs-up, and please subscribe! MORE ABC7 NEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD: The ABC7 News app is the best way to stay up to date on Bay Area breaking news, weather, events, traffic, politics, crime, life and more. You can customize your push notifications ...

    published: 05 Dec 2018
  • George W. Bush Delivers Emotional Eulogy for His Father George H.W. Bush

    In a heartfelt eulogy George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, pays tribute to the life of "the best father a son or daughter could have," George H.W. Bush. Photo: Getty Images Don’t miss a WSJ video, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Visit the WSJ Video Center: https://wsj.com/video On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/wsj/videos/ On Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJ On Snapchat: https://on.wsj.com/2ratjSM

    published: 05 Dec 2018
George W Bush sneaks candy to Michelle Obama at Bush funeral

George W Bush sneaks candy to Michelle Obama at Bush funeral

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2018
  • views: 1861210
In a sweet show of friendship, George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama a piece of candy at the state funeral for his father, George H.W. Bush. The former president was greeting his predecessors and successors before the service began when he can be seen passing something to the former first lady, and she smiles and laughs in response. This is the second time Mr. Bush has slipped Mrs. Obama a treat. He was seen passing one to her at the funeral service for John McCain earlier this year. MORE ON THIS STORY: https://abc13.com/4838874/ #rememberingbush41 #bush41 #georgebush
George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush Go Hunting - SNL

George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush Go Hunting - SNL

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:26
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Oct 2013
  • views: 4098290
While hunting together in the woods, George H. W. Bush (Dana Carvey) tries to give his advice about being President, but George W. Bush (Will Ferrell) can't stop playing with antlers or thinking about the deer that got away. [Season 26, 2000] #SNL Subscribe to SNL: https://goo.gl/tUsXwM Get more SNL: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-liv... Like SNL: https://www.facebook.com/snl Follow SNL: https://twitter.com/nbcsnl SNL Tumblr: http://nbcsnl.tumblr.com/ SNL Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcsnl SNL Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nbcsnl/
George W Bush cries during George H.W Bush's eulogy

George W Bush cries during George H.W Bush's eulogy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:48
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2018
  • views: 113236
In ending his eulogy for his father, President George W. Bush cries as he calls George H.W. Bush “the best father a son or daughter could have.” MORE ON THIS STORY: https://abc13.com/4838885/ #rememberingbush41 #bush41 #georgebush
Chapter 1 | Part 1 | George W. Bush | American Experience | PBS

Chapter 1 | Part 1 | George W. Bush | American Experience | PBS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:13
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Apr 2020
  • views: 584993
Learn more about GEORGE W. BUSH including where to watch the documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/george-w-bush/ The latest addition to AMERICAN EXPERIENCE’s Peabody Award-winning series of presidential biographies, this two-part, four-hour look at the life and presidency of George W. Bush features interviews with historians, journalists and several members of the president’s inner circle. Part One chronicles Bush’s unorthodox road to the White House. The once wild son of a political dynasty, few expected Bush to ascend to the presidency. Yet 36 days after the November 2000 election, Bush emerged the victor of the most hotly contested race in the nation's history. Little in the new president’s past could have prepared him for the events that unfolded on September 11, 2001. Thrust into the role of war president, Bush's response to the deadly terrorist attack would come to define a new era in American foreign policy. Part Two opens with the ensuing war in Iraq and continues through Bush’s second term, as the president confronts the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina and the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression.
President George W. Bush throws out first pitch at World Series 🔥 ⚾️ #worldseries

President George W. Bush throws out first pitch at World Series 🔥 ⚾️ #worldseries

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:40
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2023
  • views: 932201
#FOXSports #MLB #WorldSeries SUBSCRIBE to get the latest FOX Sports content: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeFOXSPORTS ►First Things First’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeFIRSTTHINGSFIRST ►UNDISPUTED’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeUNDISPUTED ►The Herd with Colin Cowherd’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeTHEHERD ►SPEAK's YouTube channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SUBSCRIBEtoSpeak ▶The Carton Show's YouTube channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SubscribeCartonShow ►PBC ON FOX’s YouTube Channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribePBCONFOX ►FOX Soccer’s YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeFOXSOCCER ►NASCAR ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeNASCARonFOX ►WWE ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeWWEONFOX ►CFB ON FOX YouTube channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeCFBONFOX Like Fox Sports on Facebook: http://foxs.pt/FOXSPORTSFacebook Follow Fox Sports on Twitter: http://foxs.pt/FOXSPORTSTwitter Follow Fox Sports on Instagram: http://foxs.pt/FOXSPORTSInstagram About FOX Sports: With exclusive highlights, original programming, and behind the scenes footage, FOX Sports' YouTube channel provides the sports content that fans are hungry for. FOX Sports coverage includes: College Basketball, College Football, MLB, NASCAR, NFL, Soccer, UFC, USGA events and the FIFA World Cup. FS1 original programs include: Undisputed, The Herd, Speak for Yourself, First Things First and more. President George W. Bush throws out first pitch at World Series 🔥 ⚾️ #worldseries https://youtu.be/hoLNbAyfZq0 Fox Sports https://www.youtube.com/c/FoxSports
1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News

1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:16
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Dec 2018
  • views: 206033
At the Republican National Convention on August 18, 1988, then-presidential candidate George H.W. Bush sends a message to Congress about his commitment to not raising taxes. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more NBC video: http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and original digital videos. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: http://nbcnews.to/ReadNBC Find NBC News on Facebook: http://nbcnews.to/LikeNBC Follow NBC News on Twitter: http://nbcnews.to/FollowNBC Follow NBC News on Google+: http://nbcnews.to/PlusNBC Follow NBC News on Instagram: http://nbcnews.to/InstaNBC Follow NBC News on Pinterest: http://nbcnews.to/PinNBC 1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News
Former Pres. George W. Bush speaks from Ground Zero in 2001 | ABC News

Former Pres. George W. Bush speaks from Ground Zero in 2001 | ABC News

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Sep 2023
  • views: 338241
Former Pres. George W. Bush spoke to first responders atop the pile at Ground Zero three days after Sept. 11, 2001. "I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon," he said. Responding to the president's words, some rescue workers chanted, "USA, USA!" This Monday marked 22 years since the attacks, during which 2,977 people lost their lives. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest updates: https://abcnews.go.com/ Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn.ws/3bzvQQn #news #911 #georgebush #abcnews #groundzero
George W. Bush texts Jenna a bible verse every morning

George W. Bush texts Jenna a bible verse every morning

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:23
  • Uploaded Date: 18 Mar 2023
  • views: 615701
There's nothing like a little reading to start every morning! Jenna Bush Hager revealed that her dad, former president George W. Bush, sends her a Bible verse to read every morning. ☀️ #TODAYShow #JennaBushHager #GeorgeWBush » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://on.today.com/FollowTODAY Follow TODAY on Instagram: http://on.today.com/InstaTODAY
George W Bush sneaks Michelle Obama candy before father's funeral

George W Bush sneaks Michelle Obama candy before father's funeral

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:22
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2018
  • views: 112250
He did it again! In a sweet show of friendship, former Pres. George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama candy before his father's funeral. https://abc7ne.ws/2RwPZtL Welcome to the official YouTube channel for ABC7 Bay Area! We report on stories where you live -- San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Santa Rosa -- and everywhere in between. Sometimes serious. Sometimes funny. Always true. Browse our playlists to find stories that matter to you. Don't forget to leave a comment, a thumbs-up, and please subscribe! MORE ABC7 NEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD: The ABC7 News app is the best way to stay up to date on Bay Area breaking news, weather, events, traffic, politics, crime, life and more. You can customize your push notifications so you get just the alerts you want. Download it for free and check out the rest of our apps here: http://abc7news.com/apps/ Website: http://abc7news.com/ -- Get all our special reports, weather, and traffic stories in one place. Facebook: https://facebook.com/abc7news --Like our page for buzzy stories, breaking news, and more. Twitter: https://twitter.com/abc7newsBayArea -- Follow us for breaking news as it happens. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abc7newsbayarea/ -- Tag your photos and videos #abc7now and you might be featured on our social media pages, website, app or TV. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel -- thanks for stopping by!
George W. Bush Delivers Emotional Eulogy for His Father George H.W. Bush

George W. Bush Delivers Emotional Eulogy for His Father George H.W. Bush

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:54
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2018
  • views: 4982309
In a heartfelt eulogy George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, pays tribute to the life of "the best father a son or daughter could have," George H.W. Bush. Photo: Getty Images Don’t miss a WSJ video, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Visit the WSJ Video Center: https://wsj.com/video On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/wsj/videos/ On Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJ On Snapchat: https://on.wsj.com/2ratjSM
  • Why Red iPhones Say 'Product' On The Back

    iPhones come in a variety of colors, but only the red models say the word ‘product’ on the back. This is due to a charity partnership Apple has that began back in 2006. The organization is called Product Red, cofounded by the singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver.

    published: 17 Dec 2021
  • History of (RED) Apple Products

    If you’ve been an Apple user for a while, you might already be familiar with the Product Red brand. Because Apple first partnered with them back in 2006 when Apple released the special edition Product Red iPod nano. But you may not know all of the details behind it. In fact, many people don’t even realize Product Red is a separate company from Apple. So let’s begin by taking a look at what exactly the Product Red brand is, and then cover the work Apple has done in partnership with them.

    published: 06 Nov 2018
  • Apple Watch Series 6: Everything New! (Product RED)

    A first look at Apple Watch Series 6 and Apple Watch SE MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/MKBHD Intro Track: http://youtube.com/20syl Playlist of MKBHD Intro music: https://goo.gl/B3AWV5 Watches provided by Apple for review. ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD

    published: 17 Sep 2020
  • Product RED iPhone 14 VS iPhone 13!

    You won't believe how different the RED looks! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼https://www.youtube.com/c/katamogz 📱Follow Me On Social Media 📱 ➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enfliquecreative/?hl=en ➽ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@katamogz ➽ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/enfliquecreative/ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: ⇢ If you are a company interested in working with me or want me to promote your product, feel free to email hello@katarinamogus.com Hey, I’m katamogz, a tech YouTuber from Toronto who loves to make tech reviews/tips, tricks, and hacks videos. You may have seen me on TikTok @katamogz or Instagram @enfliquecreative doing reviews, tips and tricks or unboxing videos for Apple iPhones, iPads, Macs, MacBooks, gaming, to help more people learn about tech! If you like Appl...

    published: 16 Oct 2022
  • Apple ad: iPhone 8 (PRODUCT)RED models

    This video was originally uploaded to Apple.com Song: “Batshit” by Sofi Tukker iPhone 8 (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition comes in a stunning red glass enclosure, matching aluminum band and sleek black front. Apple customers can purchase iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in a beautiful red and black finish while contributing to the Global Fund to fight AIDS.

    published: 09 Apr 2018
  • Product RED iPhone 8 Unboxing!

    Your exclusive first look at the NEW REALLY RED iPhone 8/8+ Red iPhone skin: http://dbrand.com/red MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Video Gear I use: http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recommendation17959 Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-0bfe542e Intro Track by Jordyn Edmonds:m https://soundcloud.com/jordynedmonds ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://snapchat.com/add/MKBHD http://google.com/+MarquesBrownlee http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD Phone provided by Apple for video.

    published: 11 Apr 2018
  • Why There's No Red iPhone 13 Pro

    Apple is known for their world class industrial design. So when they decide to use color in a product, they tend to do it well. And nowhere is this more evident than on the iPhone. The gold 5s, rose gold 6s, and midnight green 11 started new design trends that rippled through the tech industry. But one color in particular has stuck around; Product Red. It debuted with the second generation iPod nano in 2006. And has been used on several iPhone models since then. But mysteriously, the color has never been used on a pro model. And the reason comes down to marketing.

    published: 23 Apr 2022
  • RED iPhone 14 Plus Unboxing & First Impressions!

    RED iPhone 14 Plus Unboxing & First Impressions! Apple iPhone 14 Plus was released to the world today and in this video, I will share with you an unboxing of the Apple iPhone 14 Plus. This is an update to the Apple iPhone 13 but giving you a larger version now. The Apple iPhone 14 Plus features a 6.7" Super Retina XDR OLED HDR10 Dolby vision 800 nit display,12MP Dual camera with Action Mode, Apple A15 Bionic with 6GB of ram, 4323 mAH battery and launches with iOS 16 from the start. The intention of this video is to give you a first look at the Apple iPhone 14 Plus and to get your feedback as to what you would like to know or see about this iPhone next. If you have the Apple iPhone 14 Plus,iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, or iPhone 14 Pro Max, or plan on buying one please consider leaving your fe...

    published: 07 Oct 2022
  • Unboxing iPhone 14 Product Red

    Buy iPhone 14 : https://amzn.to/3DAQduH (Amazon) 🔴My Complete Youtube Set Up https://www.amazon.com/shop/peaktimeracing?listId=3TCUDLIUQ0CJS 🔴My Camera Gear • Computer https://geni.us/dAaqF • Laptop https://geni.us/rLcKBaY • Main Camera https://geni.us/M8JG • Lens https://geni.us/6EaHcq • 2nd Camera https://geni.us/lhhU • Lens https://geni.us/dO8t • Microphone 1 https://geni.us/k4haFv • Microphone 2 https://geni.us/SBukFUg • Tripod https://geni.us/RAA4 • Quick Release https://geni.us/GKYyeFM (Amazon Affiliate Links) 🐦My Socials • Facebook: http://tiny.cc/v2akwy • Twitter: http://tiny.cc/e3akwy • Instagram: http://tiny.cc/f4akwy 📩 Business Inquires: utubefurioustechnology@gmail.com Unboxing iPhone 14 Product Red #iPhone14 #ProductRed #FuriousTechnology

    published: 16 Sep 2022
  • Unknown Fact about Apple Product RED #shorts #apple #iphone

    Unknown Fact about Apple Product RED #shorts #apple #iphone Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzEy1bAsuS0RYPN53XLdZw/join Description Sachinphotography9 is a Hindi Photography Channel where you get to watch photography tutorials and lessons in Hindi. By the use of this Hindi Photography YouTube Channel I want to help all the aspiring and enthusiastic photographers and enable them to learn photography in Hindi. He loves sharing his knowledge about photography with fellow aspiring photographers in the form of videos and vlogs. For business related queries: thesachinphotography9@gmail.com GEARS I USE - CAMERA SONY A7III - https://amzn.to/3JnzmP8 CAMERA Fujifilm xt 30 - https://amzn.to/3DmpQYK Go pro Hero 9 - https://amzn.to/3wIl3wF LENS SONY ...

    published: 02 Jun 2023
Why Red iPhones Say 'Product' On The Back

Why Red iPhones Say 'Product' On The Back

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Dec 2021
  • views: 890751
iPhones come in a variety of colors, but only the red models say the word ‘product’ on the back. This is due to a charity partnership Apple has that began back in 2006. The organization is called Product Red, cofounded by the singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver.
History of (RED) Apple Products

History of (RED) Apple Products

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:40
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Nov 2018
  • views: 1060358
If you’ve been an Apple user for a while, you might already be familiar with the Product Red brand. Because Apple first partnered with them back in 2006 when Apple released the special edition Product Red iPod nano. But you may not know all of the details behind it. In fact, many people don’t even realize Product Red is a separate company from Apple. So let’s begin by taking a look at what exactly the Product Red brand is, and then cover the work Apple has done in partnership with them.
Apple Watch Series 6: Everything New! (Product RED)

Apple Watch Series 6: Everything New! (Product RED)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:09
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Sep 2020
  • views: 5354872
A first look at Apple Watch Series 6 and Apple Watch SE MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/MKBHD Intro Track: http://youtube.com/20syl Playlist of MKBHD Intro music: https://goo.gl/B3AWV5 Watches provided by Apple for review. ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD
Product RED iPhone 14 VS iPhone 13!

Product RED iPhone 14 VS iPhone 13!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:07
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Oct 2022
  • views: 253255
You won't believe how different the RED looks! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼https://www.youtube.com/c/katamogz 📱Follow Me On Social Media 📱 ➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enfliquecreative/?hl=en ➽ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@katamogz ➽ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/enfliquecreative/ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: ⇢ If you are a company interested in working with me or want me to promote your product, feel free to email hello@katarinamogus.com Hey, I’m katamogz, a tech YouTuber from Toronto who loves to make tech reviews/tips, tricks, and hacks videos. You may have seen me on TikTok @katamogz or Instagram @enfliquecreative doing reviews, tips and tricks or unboxing videos for Apple iPhones, iPads, Macs, MacBooks, gaming, to help more people learn about tech! If you like Apple iPhones, iPads, AirPods, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, Apple Watch, and any other products, you’ll love my content! If you like tips, tricks, hacks, unboxing videos, and technology updates feel free to hit the sub button for daily videos on YouTube!✅ apple,iPhone,apple hacks,katamogz,enfliquecreative,Katarina Mogus,apple tips,tech tok,tech tips,tech tricks,iPhone hacks,iOS 16,technology,Apple Watch,Apple iPhones,iPads,AirPods,MacBook Pro,MacBook Air,iMac,unboxing videos
Apple ad: iPhone 8 (PRODUCT)RED models

Apple ad: iPhone 8 (PRODUCT)RED models

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Apr 2018
  • views: 513721
This video was originally uploaded to Apple.com Song: “Batshit” by Sofi Tukker iPhone 8 (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition comes in a stunning red glass enclosure, matching aluminum band and sleek black front. Apple customers can purchase iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in a beautiful red and black finish while contributing to the Global Fund to fight AIDS.
Product RED iPhone 8 Unboxing!

Product RED iPhone 8 Unboxing!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Apr 2018
  • views: 2670191
Your exclusive first look at the NEW REALLY RED iPhone 8/8+ Red iPhone skin: http://dbrand.com/red MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Video Gear I use: http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recommendation17959 Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-0bfe542e Intro Track by Jordyn Edmonds:m https://soundcloud.com/jordynedmonds ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://snapchat.com/add/MKBHD http://google.com/+MarquesBrownlee http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD Phone provided by Apple for video.
Why There's No Red iPhone 13 Pro

Why There's No Red iPhone 13 Pro

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2022
  • views: 352753
Apple is known for their world class industrial design. So when they decide to use color in a product, they tend to do it well. And nowhere is this more evident than on the iPhone. The gold 5s, rose gold 6s, and midnight green 11 started new design trends that rippled through the tech industry. But one color in particular has stuck around; Product Red. It debuted with the second generation iPod nano in 2006. And has been used on several iPhone models since then. But mysteriously, the color has never been used on a pro model. And the reason comes down to marketing.
RED iPhone 14 Plus Unboxing & First Impressions!

RED iPhone 14 Plus Unboxing & First Impressions!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:54
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Oct 2022
  • views: 155614
RED iPhone 14 Plus Unboxing & First Impressions! Apple iPhone 14 Plus was released to the world today and in this video, I will share with you an unboxing of the Apple iPhone 14 Plus. This is an update to the Apple iPhone 13 but giving you a larger version now. The Apple iPhone 14 Plus features a 6.7" Super Retina XDR OLED HDR10 Dolby vision 800 nit display,12MP Dual camera with Action Mode, Apple A15 Bionic with 6GB of ram, 4323 mAH battery and launches with iOS 16 from the start. The intention of this video is to give you a first look at the Apple iPhone 14 Plus and to get your feedback as to what you would like to know or see about this iPhone next. If you have the Apple iPhone 14 Plus,iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, or iPhone 14 Pro Max, or plan on buying one please consider leaving your feedback down below in the comment section of this video! As always, thank you for watching and be sure to be well and peace. #iPhone14Plus #iPhone14 #iPhone14Pro #Apple #iPhone14ProMax #Technology #unboxing Watch Related Content here: iPhone 14 Unboxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKTt8nTGCdM iPhone 14 Pro Max review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnvGm9WfN9g&t=54s iPhone 14 Pro Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzBNunhbq30&t=795s (Support the channel by using my Paid Links below) TOOLS I MAKE VIDEOS WITH: (These links are "Paid Links," where I earn some commission if you purchase through them below! Thank you for your support!) 🔥Main Camera :https://amzn.to/2zL1N7T 🔥B camera/Vlog camera: https://amzn.to/39a9eDw 🔥Secondary Camera : https://amzn.to/3aNbbV9 🔥Favorite Lens: https://amzn.to/2XFRhYW 🔥Laptop I use to edit: https://amzn.to/2MBrs62 🔥Primary Tripod : https://amzn.to/2zFvUgJ 🔥Main Mic: https://amzn.to/3dbcAqn 🔥Main Headphones: https://amzn.to/3aKXW7z 🔥Favorite Headphones: https://amzn.to/35g7177 🔥Amazing editing headphones: https://amzn.to/3f3ms6q 🔥Backpack I store gear in: https://amzn.to/3eXhKH2 🔥Best SD card I use: https://amzn.to/30oWUwj 🔥External SSD to store videos: https://amzn.to/3h5hwzv LET'S CONNECT!! SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2vnja7c TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2t0IvD8 INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2uoN7pW *Disclaimer: Nick Ackerman is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which is an affiliate program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking products to www.amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Disclaimers: All opinions are my own and sponsors are acknowledged. All products reviewed on this channel are paid for by the content creator, "Nick Ackerman." If a product is given by company, sponsored, or is a paid advertisement or endorsed by another business entity or brand, this will be explicitly stated in the video and in the description.
Unboxing iPhone 14 Product Red

Unboxing iPhone 14 Product Red

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Sep 2022
  • views: 64632
Buy iPhone 14 : https://amzn.to/3DAQduH (Amazon) 🔴My Complete Youtube Set Up https://www.amazon.com/shop/peaktimeracing?listId=3TCUDLIUQ0CJS 🔴My Camera Gear • Computer https://geni.us/dAaqF • Laptop https://geni.us/rLcKBaY • Main Camera https://geni.us/M8JG • Lens https://geni.us/6EaHcq • 2nd Camera https://geni.us/lhhU • Lens https://geni.us/dO8t • Microphone 1 https://geni.us/k4haFv • Microphone 2 https://geni.us/SBukFUg • Tripod https://geni.us/RAA4 • Quick Release https://geni.us/GKYyeFM (Amazon Affiliate Links) 🐦My Socials • Facebook: http://tiny.cc/v2akwy • Twitter: http://tiny.cc/e3akwy • Instagram: http://tiny.cc/f4akwy 📩 Business Inquires: utubefurioustechnology@gmail.com Unboxing iPhone 14 Product Red #iPhone14 #ProductRed #FuriousTechnology
Unknown Fact about Apple Product RED #shorts #apple #iphone

Unknown Fact about Apple Product RED #shorts #apple #iphone

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:25
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Jun 2023
  • views: 2659
Unknown Fact about Apple Product RED #shorts #apple #iphone Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzEy1bAsuS0RYPN53XLdZw/join Description Sachinphotography9 is a Hindi Photography Channel where you get to watch photography tutorials and lessons in Hindi. By the use of this Hindi Photography YouTube Channel I want to help all the aspiring and enthusiastic photographers and enable them to learn photography in Hindi. He loves sharing his knowledge about photography with fellow aspiring photographers in the form of videos and vlogs. For business related queries: thesachinphotography9@gmail.com GEARS I USE - CAMERA SONY A7III - https://amzn.to/3JnzmP8 CAMERA Fujifilm xt 30 - https://amzn.to/3DmpQYK Go pro Hero 9 - https://amzn.to/3wIl3wF LENS SONY 24-70 F/4 - https://amzn.to/3kOwj8a TRIPOD -https://amzn.to/3wDN8Fs MICROPHONE Rode - https://amzn.to/3kOWvQ9 FOLLOW ME ON - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sachinphotography_09/ facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088279637265 E- MAIL - thesachinphotography9@gmail.com
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 34:40

George W Bush sneaks candy to Michelle Obama at Bush funeral

In a sweet show of friendship, George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama a piece of candy at the state funeral for his father, George H.W. Bush. The former president was greeting his predecessors and successors before the service began when he can be seen passing something to the former first lady, and she smiles and laughs in response. This is the second time Mr. Bush has slipped Mrs. Obama a treat. He was seen passing one to her at the funeral service for John McCain earlier this year. MORE ON THIS STORY: https://abc13.com/4838874/ #rememberingbush41 #bush41 #georgebush
George W Bush sneaks candy to Michelle Obama at Bush funeral
In a sweet show of friendship, George W. Bush appears to sneak Michelle Obama a piece of c...
published: 05 Dec 2018
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George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush Go Hunting - SNL
While hunting together in the woods, George H. W. Bush (Dana Carvey) tries to give his adv...
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George W Bush cries during George H.W Bush's eulogy
In ending his eulogy for his father, President George W. Bush cries as he calls George H.W...
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Chapter 1 | Part 1 | George W. Bush | American Experience | PBS
Learn more about GEORGE W. BUSH including where to watch the documentary: http://www.pbs.o...
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President George W. Bush throws out first pitch at World Series 🔥 ⚾️ #worldseries
#FOXSports #MLB #WorldSeries SUBSCRIBE to get the latest FOX Sports content: http://foxs....
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1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News
At the Republican National Convention on August 18, 1988, then-presidential candidate Geor...
published: 04 Dec 2018
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Former Pres. George W. Bush speaks from Ground Zero in 2001 | ABC News
Former Pres. George W. Bush spoke to first responders atop the pile at Ground Zero three d...
published: 11 Sep 2023
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George W. Bush texts Jenna a bible verse every morning
There's nothing like a little reading to start every morning! Jenna Bush Hager revealed th...
published: 18 Mar 2023
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George W Bush sneaks Michelle Obama candy before father's funeral
He did it again! In a sweet show of friendship, former Pres. George W. Bush appears to sne...
published: 05 Dec 2018
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George W. Bush Delivers Emotional Eulogy for His Father George H.W. Bush
In a heartfelt eulogy George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, pays tribut...
published: 05 Dec 2018
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George W. Bush

George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009, and the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. The eldest son of Barbara and George H. W. Bush, he was born in New Haven, Connecticut. After graduating from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975, he worked in oil businesses. He married Laura Welch in 1977 and ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives shortly thereafter. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before defeating Ann Richards in the 1994 Texas gubernatorial election. He was elected president in 2000 after a close and controversial election, becoming the fourth president to be elected while receiving fewer popular votes nationwide than his opponent. He is the second president to have been the son of a former president, the first having been John Quincy Adams. He is also the brother of Jeb Bush, who is a former Governor of Florida and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 presidential election.

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Why Red iPhones Say 'Product' On The Back

iPhones come in a variety of colors, but only the red models say the word ‘product’ on the back. This is due to a charity partnership Apple has that began back in 2006. The organization is called Product Red, cofounded by the singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver.
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iPhones come in a variety of colors, but only the red models say the word ‘product’ on the...
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History of (RED) Apple Products
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Product RED iPhone 14 VS iPhone 13!
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