12 May 2016
Several folks will attend the DTrace Conf on May 25, including Arun, Mark, Shirkanth, Graeme and George.
- Continuing issues with stack tracing on ARMv7. Robert has a local version for L41 but it is not generally applicable to the kernel. Andy Turner has some ideas on this but they are not yet code. We will connect Shrikanth and Andy Turner.
- Hannes at Cambridge would really like an if() statement but short of that an snprintf() might also help out so we can stack up results at run time.
- Matt Ahrens may have implemented if() and loop constructs so we should talk to him at DTraceConf about this.
- Robert favors bounded loops if we have them at all. BPF might be a place to look for this.
- Mark continues to improve SDTs along with Ruslan. He has shared some performance data and is looking to continue the improvements.
- Bjoern asks if the SDT perf changes can be under a kernel config.
- Graeme explains the addition of a random() function in the CADETS branch of FreeBSD. Bjoern or George will help Graeme setup a Phabrictor and Mark will review the code. We may try to get this upstreamed into Illumos at the DTrace Conf.