Note: A change is required to the core language.
1. Introduction
While it is currently possible to return an unmovable-and-uncopyable class by value from a function:
std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > FuncReturnsByValue ( unsigned const a , unsigned const b ) { return std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > ( a + b ); }
It is not possible to emplace this return value into an
int main () { std :: optional < std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > > var ; var . emplace ( FuncReturnsByValue ( 1 , 2 ) ); // compiler error }
This paper proposes a solution to this debacle, involving an addition to the standard library, along with a change to the core language.
2. Motivation
2.1. emplace ( FuncReturnsByValue () )
There is a workaround to make this possible, and it is to use a helper class with a conversion operator:
int main () { std :: optional < std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > > var ; struct Helper { operator std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > () { return FuncReturnsByValue ( 1 , 2 ); } }; var . emplace ( Helper () ); }
This is possible because of how the
member function is written:
template < typename ... Params > T & emplace ( Params && ... args ) { . . . :: new ( buffer ) T ( forward < Params > ( args )... ); . . . }
The compiler cannot find a constructor for
which accepts a sole argument of type
, and so it invokes the conversion operator, meaning we effectively have:
:: new ( buffer ) T ( FuncReturnsByValue ( 1 , 2 ) );
In this situation, where we have a prvalue returned from a function, we have guaranteed elision of a copy/move operation.
This proposal aims to simplify this technique by adding a new class to the standard library called
which can be used as follows:
int main () { std :: optional < std :: counting_semaphore < 8 > > var ; var . emplace ( std :: elide ( FuncReturnsByValue , 1 , 2 ) ); }
3. Possible implementation
#include <functional>// invoke #include <tuple>// apply, tuple #include <type_traits>// invoke_result, is_same, remove_reference, true_type #include <utility>// move namespace std { template < typename F_ref , typename ... Params_refs > class elide { public : typedef std :: true_type tag_elide ; private : using R = invoke_result_t < F_ref , Params_refs ... > ; static_assert ( is_same_v < R , remove_reference_t < R > > ); // F must return by value using F = remove_reference_t < F_ref > ; F && f ; // 'f' is always an Rvalue reference tuple < Params_refs ... > const args_tuple ; // just a tuple full of references public : template < typename F , typename ... Params > explicit elide ( F && arg , Params && ... args ) noexcept // see explicit deduction guide : f ( move ( arg )), args_tuple ( static_cast < Params &&> ( args )... ) {} operator R ( void ) noexcept ( noexcept ( apply ( static_cast < F_ref > ( f ), move ( args_tuple )))) { return apply ( static_cast < F_ref > ( f ), move ( args_tuple ) ); } /* -------- Delete all miranda methods -------- */ elide ( void ) = delete ; elide ( elide const & ) = delete ; elide ( elide && ) = delete ; elide & operator = ( elide const & ) = delete ; elide & operator = ( elide && ) = delete ; elide const volatile * operator & ( void ) const volatile = delete ; template < typename U > void operator ,( U && ) = delete ; /* -------------------------------------------- */ }; template < typename F , typename ... Params > elide ( F && , Params && ...) -> elide < F && , Params && ... > ; // explicit deduction guide template < typename T > concept has_tag_elide_true = T :: tag_elide :: value ; }
Thoroughly tested on GodBolt:
You can comment out Line #85 in the godbolt to see the effect of the core language change.
4. Design considerations
4.1. template constructor
The above implementation of
will not work in a situation where a class has a constructor which accepts a specialisation of the template class
as its sole argument, such as the following
class AwkwardClass { std :: mutex m ; // cannot move, cannot copy public : template < typename T > AwkwardClass ( T && arg ) { cout << "In constructor for AwkwardClass, \n " "type of T = " << typeid ( T ). name () << endl ; } }; AwkwardClass ReturnAwkwardClass ( int const arg ) { return AwkwardClass ( arg ); } int main ( int const argc , char ** const argv ) { std :: optional < AwkwardClass > var ; var . emplace ( std :: elide ( ReturnAwkwardClass , -1 ) ); }
This program will print out:
-- In constructor for AwkwardClass, type of T = std::elide< AwkwardClass, AwkwardClass (&)(int), int&& > --
The problem here is that the constructor of
has been instantiated with the template parameter type
set to a specialisation of
, when really we wanted
to be set to
. We want the following output:
-- In constructor for AwkwardClass, type of T = int --
A workaround here is to apply a constraint to the constructor of
as follows:
template < typename T > requires ( ! ( ( 1u == sizeof ...( Params )) && ( is_elider < Params > || ...) )) AwkwardClass ( T && arg ) { cout << "In constructor for AwkwardClass, \n " "type of T = " << typeid ( T ). name () << endl ; }
In order that class definitions do not have to be altered in order to
apply this constraint to template constructors, this proposal makes a
change to the core language to prevent the constructor of any class
from having a specialisation of
as its sole parameter.
This constraint is achieved by detecting the presence of a
for which
evaluates to true
The programmer can write their own custom class to use instead of
and in order to take advantage of the core language feature which prevents
the instantiation of constructors, the programmer must give their custom
class an accessible
as follows:
typedef std :: true_type tag_elide ;
Furthermore, if the programmer so wishes, they can derive their own
class from
and change the
in order to disable
the failure of template instantiation:
template < typename F_ref , typename ... Params_refs > class MyElide : public std :: elide < F_ref , Params_refs ... > { public : typedef std :: false_type tag_elide ; . . . };
5. Proposed wording
The proposed wording is relative to [N4950].
In subclause [temp.deduct.general], append a paragraph under the heading "Type deduction can fail for the following reasons:"
11 -- Attempting to instantiate a constructor that has exactly one parameter, and the sole parameter is a type which contains an accessible typedef for a type whose 'value' evaluates to true, for example: typedef std::true_type tag_elide;
6. Impact on the standard
This proposal is a library extension combined with a change to the core language. The change to the core language is a paragraph to be added to [temp.deduct.general]. The addition has no effect on any other part of the standard.
7. Impact on existing code
No existing code becomes ill-formed. The behaviour of all existing code is unaffected.
8. Revision history
R0 => R1
The class
is not defined asstd :: elide final -
Template instantiation only fails if the constructor has exactly one parameter.
Template instantiation fails based upon the presence of a
tag whosetypedef
evalutes tovalue true
9. Acknowledgements
For their feedback and contributions on the mailing list [email protected]:
Jens Mauer, Ville Voutilainen, Jonathan Wakely
And for their insightful blogs:
Andrzej Krzemieński, Arthur O’Dwyer