Fix C++26 by optimizing linalg::conjugated for noncomplex value types

Document #: P3050R1
Date: 2024/04/08
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Mark Hoemmen

1 Authors

2 Revision history

3 Abstract

We propose the following change to the C++ Working Paper. If an mdspan object x has noncomplex value_type, and if that mdspan does not already have accessor type conjugated_accessor<A> for some nested accessor type A, then we propose to change conjugated(x) just to return x. Delaying this until after C++26 would be a breaking change.

4 Design justification

4.1 Introduction

LWG finished its review of P1673 at the Kona 2023 WG21 meeting. One reviewer (see Acknowledgments) pointed out that linalg::conjugated could be optimized by having it be the identity function if conj-if-needed would have been the identity function anyway on the input mdspan’s value_type. This paper proposes that change. Specifically, if an mdspan object x has noncomplex value_type, and if that mdspan does not already have accessor type conjugated_accessor<A> for some nested accessor type A, then we propose to change conjugated(x) just to return x.

This change has two observable effects.

  1. The result’s accessor type will be different. Instead of being conjugated_accessor<A> for some A, it will just be A.

  2. If x has noncomplex value_type, then conjugated(x) will no longer have const element_type.

We consider Effect (2) acceptable for two reasons.

  1. in-vector, in-matrix, and in-object already do not need to have const element_type. Users can pass in views-of-nonconst mdspan as read-only vector or matrix parameters. Thus, making the element_type of conjugated(x) nonconst would not break existing calls to linalg functions that take input vector or matrix parameters.

  2. conjugated(conjugated(z)) for z with nonconst complex element_type already has nonconst element_type. Thus, generic code that depends on the element_type of the result of conjugated already cannot assume that it is const.

4.2 Current behavior of conjugated

Currently, conjugated has two cases.

  1. If the input has accessor type conjugated_accessor<NestedAccessor>, then the result has accessor type NestedAccessor;

  2. otherwise, if the input has accessor type A, then the result has accessor type conjugated_accessor<A>.

This is correct behavior for any valid value_type, because conjugated_accessor::access uses conj-if-needed to conjugate each element. The exposition-only helper function object conj-if-needed uses namespace-unqualified conj if it can find it via argument-dependent lookup; otherwise, it is just the identity function. As P1673 explains, conj-if-needed exists for two reasons.

  1. It preserves the type of its input (unlike std::conj, which returns complex<T> if the input is a floating-point type and therefore noncomplex).

  2. It lets the library recognize user-defined types as complex numbers, as long as conj can be found for them via argument-dependent lookup.

The as-if rule would let conjugated_accessor::access skip calling conj-if-needed and just dispatch to its nested accessor if conj-if-needed would have been the identity anyway. However, the accessor type of the mdspan returned from conjugated is observable, so implementations cannot avoid using conjugated_accessor.

4.3 Why change the current behavior?

The current behavior of conjugated is correct. The issue is that conjugated throws away the knowledge that its input mdspan views noncomplex elements. P1673 functions can optimize internally by using conjugated_accessor::nested_accessor to create a new mdspan for noncomplex element_type. However, that costs build time, increases the testing burden, and adds tedious boilerplate to every P1673 function.

This issue also increases the complexity of users’ code. For example, users may reasonably assume that if they are working with noncomplex numbers and matrices that live in memory, then they only need to specialize their functions to use default_accessor<ElementType>. Such users will find out via build errors that conjugated(x) uses conjugated_accessor instead. Users may have to pay increased build times and possible loss of code optimizations for this complexity, especially if they write their own computations that use the result of conjugated directly as an mdspan.

As discussed in P1673 (see the section titled “Why users want to ‘conjugate’ matrices of real numbers”), linear algebra users commonly write algorithms that work for either real or complex numbers. The BLAS assumes this: e.g., DGEMM (Double-precision General Matrix-matrix Multiply) treats TRANSA='C' or TRANSB='C' ('Conjugate Transpose' in full) as indicating the transpose (same as 'T' or 'Transpose'). The Matlab software package uses a trailing single quote, the normal syntax for transpose in Matlab’s language, to indicate the conjugate transpose if its argument is complex, and the transpose if its argument is real. Thus, we expect users to write algorithms that use conjugate_transposed(x) or conjugated(transposed(x)), even if those users never use complex number types or custom accessors. The current behavior means that such users will need to make their functions’ overload sets generic on accessor type. This proposal would let those users ignore conjugated_accessor if they never use complex numbers.

4.4 P1673 layouts and accessors are not “just tags”

Even though we propose to change the behavior of conjugated, conjugate_accessor needs to retain its current behavior. A key design principle of P1673 is that

… each mdspan parameter of a function behaves as itself and is not otherwise “modified” by other parameters.

P1673’s nonwording section “BLAS applies UPLO to original matrix; we apply Triangle to transformed matrix” gives an example of the application of this principle.

Another way to say that is that the layouts and accessors added by P1673 are not “tags.” That is, P1673’s algorithms like matrix_product ascribe no special meaning to layout_transpose, conjugated_accessor, or scaled_accessor, other than their normal meaning as a valid mdspan layout or accessors. P1673 authors definitely intended for implementations to optimize for the new layouts and accessors in P1673, but a correct implementation of P1673 can just treat the mdspan types generically.

4.5 Change: conjugated(x) may no longer have const element_type

Both conjugated_accessor and scaled_accessor have const element_type, to make clear that they are read-only views. This also avoids confusion about what it means to write to the complex conjugate of an element, or to the scaled value of an element. This proposal would change conjugated(x) to return x for x with noncomplex value_type and with accessors other than conjugated_accessor<A> for some A. As a result, the result of conjugated(x) would no longer have const element_type if x did not have const element_type.

We consider this change acceptable for two reasons.

  1. in-vector, in-matrix, and in-object already do not need to have const element_type. Users can pass in views-of-nonconst mdspan as read-only vector or matrix parameters. Thus, making the element_type of conjugated(x) nonconst would not break existing calls to linalg functions that take input vector or matrix parameters.

  2. conjugated(conjugated(z)) for z with nonconst complex element_type already has nonconst element_type. Thus, generic code that depends on the element_type of the result of conjugated already cannot assume that it is const.

Regarding Reason (2), the current behavior of conjugated for an input mdspan object x with nonconst complex element_type is that

This proposal would not change that behavior. The following example illustrates.

constexpr size_t num_rows = 10;
constexpr size_t num_cols = 11;
vector<complex<float>> x_storage(num_rows * num_cols);

// mdspan with nonconst complex element_type
  dextents<size_t, 2>, layout_right,
  default_accessor<complex<float>>> x{, num_rows, num_cols

// conjugated(x) has const element_type,
// because `conjugated_accessor` does.
auto x_conj = conjugated(x);
    const complex<float>, // element_type
    dextents<size_t, 2>, layout_right,
// x_conj retains the original nested accessor and data handle,
// even though these are both nonconst.
// The data handle being nonconst means that we'll be able to
// create conjugated(x_conj), even though conjugated(x_conj)
// has nonconst data handle.
// You can't modify the elements through x_conj, though,
// because the reference type is complex<float>,
// not complex<float>&.

// x_conj_conj = conjugated(conjugated(x));
auto x_conj_conj = conjugated(x_conj);
// x_conj_conj has x's original nested accessor type.
// That means its element_type is nonconst, ...
// ... its data_handle_type is pointer-to-nonconst, ...
// ... and its reference type is nonconst as well.

4.6 What if the input mdspan has conjugated_accessor with noncomplex element_type?

What should conjugated(x) do if x has accessor type conjugated_accessor, but noncomplex element_type? The current behavior already covers this case: just strip off conjugated_accessor and restore its nested accessor. This proposal does not change that.

Before this proposal, conjugated could produce an mdspan with accessor type conjugated_accessor but noncomplex element_type. The only thing that this proposal changes is that it eliminates any way for conjugated to reach this case on its own. Users could only get an mdspan like that by constructing an mdspan explicitly with conjugated_accessor, like this.

std::vector<float> x_storage(M * N);
std::mdspan x{,
  std::layout_right::mapping{M, N},

There’s no reason for users to want to do this, but the resulting mdspan still behaves correctly. We don’t prohibit users from doing this.

5 Implementation

This proposal is implemented as PR 268 in the reference mdspan implementation.

6 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Tim Song ([email protected], Jump Trading) for making this suggestion during LWG review of P1673. We have his permission to acknowledge him by name for an LWG review contribution.

7 Wording

Text in blockquotes is not proposed wording, but rather instructions for generating proposed wording.

Change [linalg.conj.conjugated] paragraphs 1 and 2 to read as follows. (Paragraph 1 has been reorganized from a sentence into 3 bullet points, where the new Paragraph 1.2 was inserted as the middle bullet point. Paragraph 2 has had Paragraph 2.2 changed to 2.3, and a new bullet point inserted as Paragraph 2.2.)

1 Let A be

2 Returns: