from Library TS to
the C++ WPDocument #: | P1083R8 |
Date: | 2024-05-22 10:56 EDT |
Project: | Programming Language C++ |
Audience: |
Reply-to: |
Pablo Halpern <[email protected]> |
The pmr::resource_adaptor
class template in the Library Fundamentals TS wraps an object whose type
that meets the allocator requirements and gives it a pmr::memory_resource
interface. When the polymorphic allocator infrastructure was moved from
the Library Fundamentals TS to the C++17 working draft, pmr::resource_adaptor
was left behind. The decision not to move pmr::resource_adaptor
was deliberately conservative, but the absence of
in the standard is
a hole that must be plugged for a smooth use of
allocators as a simplified,
non-template, allocator model that is fully compatible with the general
C++ template-argument allocator model. This paper proposes that pmr::resource_adaptor
be moved from the LFTS, slightly modified, and added to the C++26
working draft.
On Oct 5, 2021, a subgroup of LWG reviewed P1083R3 and found an issue
in the way the max alignment supported by pmr::resource_adaptor
was specified in the paper. There was general consensus that a
template parameter would be
preferable, but the change was considered to be of a design nature and
therefore requires LEWG review. The R4 revision of this paper contains
the changes from LEWG review and the R5 revision contains fixes
identified in the LWG reflector discussion that followed.
On March 15, 2022 LEWG reviewed [P1083R5] in a telcon. Because of
scheduling and technical concerns, it was decided that the paper was not
ready for C++23 but that the paper should be revised and brought back to
LEWG with the intent of forwarding for C++26. The R6 revision contains
the fixes required by LEWG and the R7 revision added a missing
improved the LWG wording in one small section.
This version brings the paper up to date with the latest WP and should be ready for final LEWG review and (re)forwarding to LWG.
parameter to follow the
proper voice of the standard (thanks to Daniel Kruegler).noexcept
as inline constexpr
. Made it clear
that aligned_raw_storage
is not a
drop-in replacement for
which was not needed for this proposal, from the formal wording. This
facility might come back in a separate paper.T
for aligned_object_storage<T>
must be an object type.T
for aligned_object_storage<T>
may be cv-qualified.MaxType
as a second
template parameter to pmr::resource_adaptor
class template,
and aligned_object_storage
to kabob case.Allocator
template parameter must
support rebinding to any non-class, non-over-aligned type. This allows
the implementation of do_allocate
dispatch to a suitably rebound copy of the allocator as needed to
support any native alignment argument.resource_adaptor<A>::do_allocate()
.It is expected that more and more classes, especially those that
would not otherwise be templates, will use pmr::polymorphic_allocator<byte>
to allocate memory rather than specifying an allocator as a template
parameter. In order to pass an allocator to one of these classes, the
allocator must either already be a polymorphic allocator, or must be
adapted from a non-polymorphic allocator. The process of adaptation is
facilitated by pmr::resource_adaptor
which is a simple class template, has been in the LFTS for a long time,
and has been fully implemented. It is therefore a low-risk, high-benefit
component to add to the C++ WP.
The central new class template in this proposal is std::pmr::resource_adaptor
which wraps a class meeting the Cpp17Allocator requirements
with a class derived from std::pmr::memory_resource
Consider an allocator-aware class
that is not a template and
therefore has no Allocator
parameter. Instead an Employee
using the standard idiom:
class Employee
::pmr::string m_name;
stdunsigned m_id;
using allocator_type = std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>;
(std::string_view name, unsigned id, const allocator_type& alloc = {})
Employee: m_name(name, alloc), m_id(id) { }
// ..
() const { return m_name.get_allocator(); }
allocator_type get_allocator};
There also exists a useful allocator,
, that conforms to the
allocator requirements:
template <class T>
class MyAlloc
using value_type = T;
(void* baseptr); // arbitrary ctor parameter for illustration
MyAlloc* allocate(std::size_t n);
Tvoid deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n);
// ...
One can pass a MyAlloc
object as
an allocator to Employee
by wrapping
it in resource_adaptor
using MyAllocRsrc = std::pmr::resource_adaptor<MyAlloc<char>>;
(getBasePtr()); // Ctor argument for wrapped allocator
MyAllocRsrc theRsrc("Superman", 99, &theRsrc); // Pass allocator to `Employee` Employee e
In addition to pmr::resource_adaptor
this paper proposes:
: an alias for alignof(max_align_t)
aligned_raw_storage<Align, Size>
a buffer of bytes having the specified alignment and minimum sizealigned_type<Align>
a metafunction returning a type with the specified alignmentThese additions are needed to cleanly specify pmr::resource_adaptor
but are also useful in their own right.
The following design changes were made as a consequence of discussions in LWG on 5 October 2021. LWG felt that the scope of these changes warranted review by LEWG.
argument: A pmr::resource_adaptor
instance wraps an object having a type that meets the Allocator
requirements. Its do_allocate
virtual member function supplies aligned memory by invoking the
member function on the
wrapped allocator. The only way to supply alignment information to the
wrapped allocator is to rebind it for a
having the desired
alignment but, because the alignment is specified to pmr::resource_adaptor::allocate
at run time, the implementation must rebind its allocator for every
possible alignment and dynamically choose the correct one. In order to
keep the number of such rebound instantiations manageable and reduce the
requirements on the allocator type, an upper limit (default alignof(max_align_t)
can be specified when instantiating pmr::resource_adaptor
This recent change was made after discussion with members of LWG, and
with their encouragement.
value max_align_v
: The
standard has a type, std::max_align_t
whose alignment is at least as great as that of every scalar type. I
found that I was continually referring to the value, alignof(std::max_align_t)
In fact, every single use of
in the standard is as
the operand of
. As
a drive-by fix, therefore, this proposal introduces the constant
as a more
straightforward spelling of alignof(max_align_t)
Note that the introduction of this constant is completely severable from
the proposal if it is deemed undesirable. The name is also subject to
bikeshedding (e.g., by removing the
Alias template std::aligned_type
This alias is effectively a metafunction that resolves to a scalar type
if possible, otherwise to a specialization of
. Its use in this
specification allows pmr::resource_adaptor
to work with minimalist allocators, including those that can be rebound
only for scalar types. For over-aligned values, it uses
, below. Both
are declared in header
but LEWG could consider putting them somewhere else (e.g., in <utility>
Class template std::aligned_raw_storage
When instantiated with an alignment greater than
, std::aligned_type
could be defined vaguely in terms of an unspecified over-aligned type,
but LWG wanted to be more precise so as to better describe the allowable
set of allocators usable with
. The obvious choice
of the over-aligned type would have been std::aligned_storage
but that template has been deprecated as a result of numerous flaws
described in [P1413R3]. The class template std::aligned_raw_storage
is intended to replace std::aligned_storage
and correct the problems associated with it; specifically, it is not a
metafunction, but a
template, and it provides direct access to its data buffer, which can be
validly cast to a pointer to any type having the specified alignment (or
less). The relationship between size and alignment is specifically
described in the wording, so programmers can rely on it. Note that
is not a drop-in
replacement for the deprecated
metafunction because
the arguments are reversed and it does not provide a
member typedef.
(Not proposed) Class template std::aligned_object_storage
The alignment parameter for
, described
above, is specified as a number rather than as a type – as needed for
low-level types like pmr::resource_adaptor
– and the storage must be cast to the desired type before it’s used.
This primitive type practically screams for the introduction of an
aligned storage type parameterized on the type of object you wish to
store in it. Although not needed for this proposal, prior revisions of
this proposal included
for this
purpose. However, because of technical concerns regarding the design of
, it was
decided that it would be best to split it out into its own paper so that
it could be refined (or rejected) separately, without affecting this
is a pure library extension requiring no changes to the core language
nor to any existing classes in the standard library. A couple of
general-purpose templates
) are also added
as pure library extensions.
A full implementation of the current proposal can be found in GitHub at
The version described in the Library Fundamentals TS has been
implemented by multiple vendors in the std::experimental::pmr
This proposal is based on the Library Fundamentals TS v3 [N4873] and the April 2024 draft of the C++ WP [N4981].
In 17.2.1
[cstddef.syn]1, add the following definition
sometime after the declaration of
in header <cstddef>
inline constexpr size_t max_align_v = alignof(max_align_t);
In section 20.2.2
add the following declarations to <memory>
(probably near the top, between pointer alignment and
explicit lifetime management):
template <size_t Align, size_t Sz = Align> struct aligned_raw_storage;
template <size_t Align> using aligned_type =
see below;
Insert within 20.2.5 [ptr.align] and 20.2.6 [obj.lifetime] the description of these new templates:
20.2.? Aligned storage []
20.2.?.1 Aligned raw storage []
An instantiation of template
is a standard-layout trivial type that provides storage having the specified alignment and size, where the size is rounded up to the nearest multiple of the alignment. The program is ill-formed unlessAlign
is a power of 2.
namespace std { template <size_t Align, size_t Sz = Align> struct aligned_raw_storage { static constexpr size_t alignment = Align; static constexpr size_t size = (Sz + Align - 1) & ~(Align - 1); constexpr void* data() noexcept { return buffer; } constexpr const void* data() const noexcept { return buffer; } alignas(alignment) byte buffer[size]; }; }
20.2.?.3 Aligned type [aligned.type]
yields a typeT
, such thatalignof(T) == Align
andsizeof(T) == Align
If there exists a scalar type, meeting these requirements, thenaligned_type<Align>
is an alias for that scalar type; otherwise, it is an alias foraligned_raw_storage<Align, Align>
. If more than one scalar meets the requirements forT
, the one chosen is implementation defined, but consistent for all instantiations ofaligned_type
with that alignment. The program is ill-formed unlessAlign
is a power of 2.
template <size_t Align> using aligned_type =
see below;
In 20.4.1
add the following declaration immediately after the declaration of operator!=(const polymorphic_allocator...)
// 20.4.? resource adaptor for a given alignment. // The name resource-adaptor-imp is for exposition only. template <class Allocator, size_t MaxAlign> class resource-adaptor-imp; template <class Allocator, size_t MaxAlign = max_align_v> using resource_adaptor = resource-adaptor-imp< typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<byte>, MaxAlign>;
Before section 20.4.5 [mem.res.pool], insert the following section, taken with modifications from section 5.5 of the LFTS v3:
20.4.? Alias template resource_adaptor [memory.resource.adaptor]
An instance of
resource_adaptor<Allocator, MaxAlign>
is an adaptor that wraps amemory_resource
interface aroundAllocator
. [Note: The type ofresource_adaptor<X, N>
is independent ofX::value_type
. – end note] The Allocator parameter to resource_adaptor shall meet the Cpp17Allocator requirements ( [allocator.requirements.general]). The program is ill-formed if any of
is_same_v<typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer, allocator_traits<Allocator>::value_type*>
is_same_v<typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer, const allocator_traits<Allocator>::value_type*>
is_same_v<typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::void_pointer, void*>
, or
is_same_v<typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_void_pointer, const void*>
is false. The program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, unless calls to
allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_traits<aligned_type<N>>::allocate
andallocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_traits<aligned_type<N>>::deallocate
are well-formed for allN
, such thatN
is a power of 2 less than or equal toMaxAlign
// The name "resource-adaptor-imp" is for exposition only. template <class Allocator, size_t MaxAlign> class resource-adaptor-imp : public memory_resource { Allocator m_alloc; // exposition only public: using adapted_allocator_type = Allocator; resource-adaptor-imp() = default; resource-adaptor-imp(const resource-adaptor-imp&) noexcept = default; resource-adaptor-imp(resource-adaptor-imp&&) noexcept = default; explicit resource-adaptor-imp(const Allocator& a2) noexcept; explicit resource-adaptor-imp(Allocator&& a2) noexcept; template <class... Args> explicit resource_adaptor_imp(Args&&... args); resource-adaptor-imp& operator=(const resource-adaptor-imp&) = default; adapted_allocator_type get_adapted_allocator() const noexcept { return m_alloc; } protected: void* do_allocate(size_t bytes, size_t alignment) override; void do_deallocate(void* p, size_t bytes, size_t alignment) override; bool do_is_equal(const memory_resource& other) const noexcept override; };
constructors [memory.resource.adaptor.ctor]
explicit resource-adaptor-imp(const Allocator& a2) noexcept;
Effects: Initializes
explicit resource-adaptor-imp(Allocator&& a2) noexcept;
Effects: Initializes
template <class... Args>
explicit resource_adaptor_imp(Args&&... args);
is_constructible_v<Allocator, Args...>
is true.
Effects: Initializes
member functions [memory.resource.adaptor.mem]
void* do_allocate(size_t bytes, size_t alignment);
be an integral constant expression such thatCA == alignment
, istrue
, letU
be the typealigned_type<CA>
, and letn
be(bytes + sizeof(U) - 1) / sizeof(U)
is a power of two.
rebind_traits<U>::allocate(m_alloc, n)
Throws: nothing unless the underlying allocator throws.
void do_deallocate(void* p, size_t bytes, size_t alignment);
be an integral constant expression such thatCA == alignment
, istrue
, letU
be the typealigned_type<CA>
, and letn
be(bytes + sizeof(U) - 1) / sizeof(U)
Preconditions: given a memory resource
such thatthis->is_equal(r)
was returned from a prior call tor.allocate(bytes, alignment)
and the storage atp
has not yet been deallocated.
allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_traits<U>::deallocate(m_alloc, p, n)
bool do_is_equal(const memory_resource& other) const noexcept;
bedynamic_cast<const resource-adaptor-imp*>(&other)
is null; otherwise the value ofm_alloc == p->m_alloc
All citations to the Standard are to working draft N4981 unless otherwise specified.↩︎