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Iva Walker

Iva Walker

G-H Rotary News

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary held a lively meeting on July 29, 2024, featuring guest Rachelle Yarnell, a former member who reconnected with the group. The meeting covered a range of ongoing activities: Golf Outing Accounting: Invoices and thank you notes for the recent Golf Outing are being prepared. Mural Measurements: Cleveland Wraps...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News

The July 22, 2024 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary was a mix of somber reflection and celebration. The group mourned the loss of recent past president Mark Brady while also celebrating the imminent departure of Owen Bass, who will be leaving for India as a Rotary Exchange Student for...

G-H Rotary News

Checks are still rolling in from the recent Golf Outing at SugarBush. Final touches on the TCMRT at the park—such as paving, benches, and signage—are progressing well, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony planned upon completion. The mural project might take a new direction with a vinyl approach; more details to...

“Over My Dead Body”

Or words to that effect....the topic of a recent program presented at the Freedom Historical Society on July 19, 2024 at their lovingly-restored Drakesburg School #2...all about cemeteries and, specifically, headstones, their features and care.The topics covered included cemetery law in Ohio (The states are all different, even the...

G-H Rotary News

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met on July 8, 2024, at Cal’s II in Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, to conduct several pieces of business. Final financials for the recent golf outing are still being finalized, with bills paid and sponsorships pending. Paving operations for the TCMRT at the park are scheduled,...

The hinges of where now?!

H-E-double toothpicks, you say?  Wowzah! I guess so. My car temperature reading was 92.  My house all-purpose thermometer (date, time, indoor/outdoor air pressure, humidity) showed that I was escaping from 93 degrees outside and lolling about in just 77 measly degrees–the air conditioning was set at the recommended 78 degrees to...

Y? Y not!

Why not ? We are in real danger of losing the operation of the Garrettsville Family YMCA. This is NOT because of lack of activity at the operation, contrariwise, it is more because of the many and varied activities going on there that are, increasingly, more than staffing can...

G-H Rotary News

The June 10, 2024 meeting of the Garettsville-Hiram Rotary met to cover the following topics: The winner of the mural design competition was JAG art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney; execution of the project will be coming up. Preparations for the Golf Outing slated for June 21 are proceeding apace–still a few...

G-H Rotary News

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary greeted the “unofficial opening” of Summer with official business concerning the selection of a design for the new mural, plans for a ceremony for the opening of work on the Tom Collins Memorial Rotary Walking Trail at the South Street (Bill Phelps) Park–ground-breaking, final preparations for the...

Head’s Up Bikers!

Naw, not you leatherjacket, totally-tattooed, scoff-law tough guys (and gals) who go roaring through wide spots in the road, hell-bent on scaring the beejeesus out of rural observers; you can just disregard this message. I’m talking here to the more sedate–slow, even–three-speed, ten-speed, fifteen-speed on a good day, peddlers...

On Memorial Day

Can we talk HEROES ?...the ones we honor here today, who gave what Abraham Lincoln called their “last full measure of devotion” , the ones who–as we sing in “America the Beautiful”–“more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life,” as well as those whose heroism has...

It’s All Relative!

Relatives , that is. Relatives and friends and neighbors and classmates and teachers and stray passers-by…we’re talkin’ OPEN here. Bud. It is officially Open House Season. Graduation is coming right up over the horizon, invitations are going out–informal/verbal or online or accompanying graduation announcements or in full-page ads in the...

G-H Rotary News

The May 20, 2024, meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club covered several key agenda items. The upcoming Golf Outing on June 21 was discussed, along with the progress on the TCMR Walking Trail at the South Street (Bill Phelps) Park, which is expected to commence soon. Plans for a...

A Century Old Legacy: Celebrating the Ravenna Thursday Literary Club

There are birthdays…and there are BIRTHDAYS (Notice the capital B, et al.) Recently, at the Reed Memorial Library, in the Haymaker Room downstairs, the Thursday Literary Club of Ravenna met to celebrate its 100th year of exploring society through books, discussing timely topics and contributing to community at all levels,...


Heck of a word, eh? Followed closely by catastrophe, catastrophism, catatonia and cat-a-wampus( next column in my Webster’s New World College Dictionary has catchpoll, catechesis and catechin–totally unrelated). Amazing what words are out there, just waiting to be used, if only we had some idea what they meant. In any...

Highlights from the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club’s May 6, 2024 meeting was characterized by engaging discussions covering a range of topics. These included plans for the upcoming presentation of the G-H Rotary Scholarship at the Garfield Senior recognition night on May 13, ongoing efforts to recruit players, workers, and sponsors for the...

Wet enough for ya?

Well, the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers. “ Right?That being so, my yard and everybody else’s for that matter, should be resembling the Amazon rainforest. Of course, the late-season plunge down to frost warnings may have put the kibosh on that scenario, at least temporarily. All of...

G-H Rotary News

At the April 29, 2024 meeting, new member Renee Walker issued invitations to Garrettsville–Hiram Rotary Club for an Open House at Inn at the Pines on May 23 featuring hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, networking and campus tours. All are welcome. The principal topics of discussion at the meeting included the meeting...

Aaaaand we’re off !

It’s that time of year again. That time when Spring has–sorta–come but Winter makes occasional encore appearances, indoor sports are, basically, over and everybody heads outside–where the rain is, and athletic directors everywhere are living on their communication devices–scheduling, scheduling, re-scheduling, re-scheduling, contemplating cancellations. Bus drivers are stuck waiting to...

The Disney Chronicles: Part II

Ever been on a bus or a similar crowded situation with “wound-up” young persons when singing (and other such expressions of high spirits) breaks out and at some point, there is a raucous announcement of what is to come, namely : “Second verse! Same as the first! A little...

Democracy, Disney and other March Madness

Anybody else remember that sort of current events/comedy show from back in the Dark Ages? “That Was The Week That Was”? Well, I just had one of those that was about ten days long. What a ride…literally! Not even including the regular third Monday of the James A. Garfield Historical...

We’re off to see the Wizard… er the Mouse!

Heading off to the Magic Kingdom, or whatever they call it in Florida. I really don’t know, having never been there. I’m hoping that enjoyment of the place will not be based solely on “riding the rides”, because I have not been on one of those things since godknowswhen,...

Teeing up for success: Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary’s golf outing a focus of...

On to the Golf Outing! That was the principal focus of the March 18, 2024 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club. Catering confirmation and other arrangements and finishing details will move on to another meeting. The recent Scotch Doubles Bowling event at SkyLanes was deemed a success–good baskets, good...

20th Century Club explores the Hiram College Field Station

Continuing the year’s focus on local places and people of note, members of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville gathered on March 7, 2024 at Hiram College’s James H. Barrow Biological Field Station on Wheeler Road. There they were met by Michael Benedict, Ph.D., director of the station and...

Rotary Golf Outing at SugarBush Gears Up for June 21st

Preparations for the highly anticipated Rotary Golf Outing at SugarBush on June 21 are in full swing, with meticulous attention to details such as catering, signage, and sponsorships. The event promises a fantastic opportunity for both golfers and sponsors to enjoy a good time while making valuable contributions to...

G-H Rotary continues planning for memorial trail

On February 19, 2024, Presidents’ Day marked the gathering of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary at Cal’s II in Sky Plaza, Garrettsville. Rutherford B. Hayes would have seamlessly blended into the occasion. Plans are underway to invite the district governor for lunch on February 26, with confirmation pending. Owen Bass, the...

Citizens Awaken!

It’s that time again – Ohio’s primary voting is scheduled for March 19 this year, so mark your calendars. Ensure your driver’s license is valid, as state-issued identification is now a requirement; electric bills or bank statements won’t suffice. Speaking of state-issued documents, a friendly policeman in Streetsboro alerted...

20th Century Club explores local history

The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville convened on February 15, 2024, at the residence of Carol Smith, complete with valet parking. The purpose of the gathering was to delve into the history of inventions and inventors hailing from Garrettsville and its surrounding areas. Pam Montgomery, who initiated her research...

Okay, how do I add a title?

One of the great mysteries of the digital age, as far as I am concerned. Actually, it is a question followed by another : What do I do to send it off, if it has no title?    I went to the very informative session at the PCDL—there are more...

20th Century Club Chills Out

Members of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met at the home of Iva Walker on February 1, 2024 to “Chill Out”. Response to the roll call asked for the members’ personal de-stressors and brought about wide-ranging activities, from reading of all sorts through online games, dogs & cats &...

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