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'); var current = 0; countries_codes.forEach(function(country) { var selected = country.name == country_name; var country_label = "label.country_" + country.iso3.toLowerCase(); var translated_country = $.polyglot.has(country_label) && $.polyglot.t(country_label); $('#country').append($("").attr('id', 'country_option_'+current).text(translated_country || country.name).val(country.name).prop('selected', selected)); current++; }); if ($(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][zip]']").length && $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").length) { var country = $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").val(); if (country) { SetUpZipRegex({country: country}) } $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").on('change', function(){ var country = $(this).val(); if (country) { SetUpZipRegexWithValid({country: country}) } }); } } else { if ($.currentLocale == "en-ca" || $.currentLocale == "fr-ca") { changeBoxSizes(); 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} }); }); var changeBoxSizes = function() { var boxes = [ {name: 'zip', oldSize: '1-3', newSize: '1-4'}, {name: 'state', oldSize: '1-3', newSize: '1-4'}, {name: 'city', oldSize: '1-3', newSize: '1-4'} ]; boxes.forEach(function(box) { var boxDiv = $('#' + box.name).parent().parent(); boxDiv.removeClass('col-' + box.oldSize); boxDiv.addClass('col-' + box.newSize); }); }; let API_KEY_HERE = "Z2ycLDO_AMPYdqZfkCCR2Rz0Xwvb8B668dy5-Vt0Zm8"; var noAutoCompelete = ["ja-jp", "en-jp"]; if (!(noAutoCompelete.includes($.currentLocale))) { $("#address1").autocomplete({ source: addressAC, minLength: "10", select: function (event, ui) { addressAutoFill(ui.item.id, "address1"); setTimeout(function() { $('#state').trigger('focus'); $('#city').trigger('focus'); $('#zip').trigger('focus'); $('#address1').trigger('focus'); }, 500); } }); function addressAC(query, callback) { var countries_query = ""; if(countries_codes.length > 0) { countries_iso = countries_codes.map(function(country) { return country.iso3; }); countries_query = "&in=countryCode:" + countries_iso.join(); } var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var destURL = "https://autocomplete.search.hereapi.com/v1/autocomplete?apiKey=" + API_KEY_HERE + "&q=" + query.term + "&limit=8&lang=en&at=30,-30" + countries_query ; xmlHttp.open("GET", destURL, true); xmlHttp.onload = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) { //var addresses = JSON.parse(this.response).items; var addresses = JSON.parse(this.response).items.filter((item) => (item.resultType != "chainQuery" && item.resultType != "categoryQuery") ); if (addresses.length !== 0) { addresses = addresses.map(addr => { return { title: addr.address.label, value: addr.address.label, id: addr.id }; }) } } return callback(addresses) } xmlHttp.send(); } var initAutocomplete = function(address_val, address_id) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ($('#' + address_id).val().length > 5) { searchString = address_val; var countries_query = ""; if(countries_codes.length > 0) { countries_iso = countries_codes.map(function(country) { return country.iso3; }); countries_query = "&in=countryCode:" + countries_iso.join(); } destURL = "https://autocomplete.search.hereapi.com/v1/autocomplete?apiKey=Z2ycLDO_AMPYdqZfkCCR2Rz0Xwvb8B668dy5-Vt0Zm8&q=" + searchString + "&limit=8&lang=en&at=30,-30" + countries_query ; xmlHttp.open("GET", destURL, true); // true for asynchronous xmlHttp.send(null); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) { $("#here_autocomplete").text(xmlHttp.responseText); var obj = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText); var arr = []; if (obj.items) { for (i=0; i 0 && obj.address.city) { $('#'+city).val(obj.address.city); $('#'+city).valid(); } else { $('#'+city).val(''); } if($.currentLocale == "en-ph" || $.currentLocale == "en-nz") { if($('#'+county).length > 0 && obj.address.district) { $('#'+county).val(obj.address.district); $('#'+county).valid(); } } else { if($('#'+county).length > 0 && obj.address.county) { $('#'+county).val(obj.address.county); $('#'+county).valid(); } } if($('#'+state).length > 0 && obj.address.state) { if($('#delivery_date').length > 0){ if ( obj.address.state == "California" || $.siteConfiguration.registration_delivery_date_field.required){ $('label[for="delivery_date"] .label-text').text('Date of Delivery *'); $("#delivery_date").rules('add', { required: true }); $('#delivery_date').valid(); $('#disclaimer-delivery').addClass('disclaimer-delivery'); if($('#delivery_date-error.invalid').outerHeight()){ $('#disclaimer-delivery').css({'top' : $('#delivery_date-error.invalid').outerHeight() + 'px' },{'margin-bottom':"10px"}); }else { setTimeout(function(){ $('#disclaimer-delivery').css({'top' : $('#delivery_date-error.invalid').outerHeight() + 'px' },{'margin-bottom':"10px"}); }, 300); } } else { $('label[for="delivery_date"] .label-text').text('Date of Delivery '); $("#delivery_date").rules('add', { required: false }); $('#delivery_date').valid(); $('#disclaimer-delivery').removeClass('disclaimer-delivery'); $('#disclaimer-delivery').css({'top' : '0px' },{'margin-bottom':"0px"}); } } $('#'+state).val(obj.address.state); $('#'+state).valid(); } else { $('#'+state).val(''); } if(obj.address.countryName) { $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").find("option:contains('" + obj.address.countryName + "')").prop("selected", true); stripZip($('#'+country).val(), country); if ($(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][zip]']").length && $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").length) { var country = $('#'+country).val(); if (country) { SetUpZipRegexWithValid({country: country}) } } } else { $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").find("option:contains('" + country_value + "')").prop("selected", true); if ($(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][zip]']").length && $(".registria_field:input[name*='user[address_attributes][country]']").length) { var country = $('#'+country).val(); if (country) { SetUpZipRegexWithValid({country: country}) } } } } var stripZip = function(country_value, country_field) { if (country_value == ("United States")) { var zip_field = "zip"; if(!$('#'+zip_field).length && country_field == "billing_country") { zip_field = "order_billing_address_zip"; } else if(!$('#'+zip_field).length && country_field == "shipping_country") { zip_field = "order_shipping_address_zip"; 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country_value = "Guatemala"; } else if (locale == 'en-gy'){ country_val = "GUY"; country_value = "Guyana"; } else if (locale == 'es-hn'){ country_val = "HND"; country_value = "Honduras"; } else if (locale == 'es-ni'){ country_val = "NIC"; country_value = "Nicaragua"; } else if (locale == 'es-pa'){ country_val = "PAN"; country_value = "Panama"; } else if (locale == 'en-py' || locale == 'es-py'){ country_val = "PRY"; country_value = "Paraguay"; } else if (locale == 'es-pe'){ country_val = "PER"; country_value = "Peru"; } else if (locale == 'en-sr'){ country_val = "SUR"; country_value = "Suriname"; } else if (locale == 'en-tt'){ country_val = "TTO"; country_value = "Trinidad & Tobago"; } else if (locale == 'es-uy'){ country_val = "URY"; country_value = "Uruguay"; } else if (locale == 'es-ve'){ country_val = "VEN"; country_value = "Venezuela"; }else if (locale == 'en-jm'){ country_val = "JAM"; country_value = "Jamaica"; }else if (locale == 'es-do'){ country_val = "DOM"; country_value = "Dominican Republic"; }else if (locale == 'en-vc'){ country_val = "VCT"; country_value = "St Vincent and The Grenadines"; } else { country_val = "USA,ASM,PRI,VIR,GUM,MNP"; country_value = "United States"; } } $("#shipping_address1, #billing_address1").on('keyup', function() { var addr_val, addr_id; if ($(this).val().length > 5) { addr_val = $(this).val(); addr_id = $(this).attr('id'); initAutocomplete(addr_val, addr_id); } // If address length greater than 5 }); $("#shipping_address1, #billing_address1").on('blur', function() { var addr_id = $(this).attr('id'); if(addr_id == "shipping_address1") { var loc_id = $("label[for='shipping_address1'] ul.frauto-list > li.selected").attr('data-loc'); } else { var loc_id = $("label[for='billing_address1'] ul.frauto-list > li.selected").attr('data-loc'); } if(loc_id) { addressAutoFill(loc_id, addr_id); } // End of if locationid }); /****** For Zip AutoFill ******/ $("#zip, #order_shipping_address_zip, #order_billing_address_zip, #billing_zip, #shipping_zip").on('blur', function() { var addr_id = $(this).attr('id'); var zip_val; if(addr_id == "order_shipping_address_zip" || addr_id == "shipping_zip") { zip_val = $("#" + addr_id).val(); city = "shipping_city"; state = "shipping_state"; county = "shipping_county"; country = "shipping_country"; } else if(addr_id == "order_billing_address_zip" || addr_id == "billing_zip") { zip_val = $("#" + addr_id).val(); city = "billing_city"; state = "billing_state"; county = "billing_county"; country = "billing_country"; } else { zip_val = $("#zip").val(); city = "city"; state = "state"; county = "county"; country = "country"; } if(zip_val) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var obj = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (obj.items[0]) { autoFillCSC(obj.items[0], city, state, county, country); } } }; xhttp.open("GET", "https://geocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/geocode?qq=postalCode=" + zip_val +";country=" + country_val + "&apiKey=Z2ycLDO_AMPYdqZfkCCR2Rz0Xwvb8B668dy5-Vt0Zm8&limit=8&lang=en&at=30,-30" , true); xhttp.send(); } // End of if zip exists }); }); // End of main function } // End of noAutoCompelete check $('#address_type').on('click', function() { var addressType = $(this).prop("checked") ? "work" : "home"; $('#address_type_value').val(addressType); });
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