The Wayback Machine -

Hi there 👋

I am an engineering graduate, programmer, and aspiring computer architect with a passion for exploring the world of computing.

About me

use Area::*;
use Languages::*;
use Skills::*;
use Tools::*;
let zakhary = Person {
about: Contact {
name: "Zakhary Kaplan",
country: "🇨🇦",
edu: vec![Degree {
school: "University of Toronto",
discipline: "Computer Engineering",
level: Level::Bachelors,
grad: 2023,
area: Hardware | Software,
work: Developer {
languages: vec![Assembly, C, Cpp, Lua, Python, Rust, Verilog],
skills: vec![Algorithms, Compilers, Embedded, Emulation, Fpga],
tools: vec![Docker, GnuMake, Neovim, Tmux, Unix, Zsh],
os: "*nix",
editor: "(neo)?vim",