This program computes, for a nucleic acid duplex, the enthalpy, the entropy and the melting temperature of the helix-coil transitions. Three types of hybridisation are possible: DNA/DNA, DNA/RNA, and RNA/RNA. The program first computes the hybridisation enthalpy and entropy (by the nearest-neighbor method by default but other models can be implemented). Then the melting temperature is computed. The set of thermodynamic parameters can be easely changed, for instance based on new experimental measurements. MELTING is a free software. Its source code is open, and you can get it for free. MELTING 4 is written in ISO C and MELTING 5 in Java. It can be compiled on any operating system. Some perl scripts are provided for MELTING 4 to show how melting can be used as a block to construct more ambitious tools.

The current stable version is v5.2. MELTING 5 has been rewritten from scratch in Java (1.5) and provides a large set of thermodynamic models to compute the enthalpy and entropy of several structures in the duplex: perfectly matching sequences, single mismatch, tandem mismatch, internal loop, single dangling end, second dangling end, long dangling end (only one to four poly A), single bulge loop, long bulge loop, inosine base (I), hydroxyadenine (A*), azobenzene (cis X_C and trans X_T), locked nucleic acids (Al, Gl, Tl, Cl). MELTING 5 can manage a fourth type of hybridization : 2-o-methyl RNA/RNA. A lot of new ion corrections are available for Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Tris concentrations. New approximative formulas are available and to take into account the magnesium, tris and potassium concentrations. Some formulas are also available to correct the melting temperature when DMSO and formamide are present. The MELTING predictions accuracy has been much improved in the 5 version. See the user manual for more information. MELTING5 can also be extended with new thermodynamic models. See the user manual for more information

If you use this program, please quote:

Le Nov�re N. (2001). MELTING, computing the melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex. Bioinformatics, 17: 1226-1227. doi:
(PDF version)
Dumousseau M., Rodriguez N., Juty N., Le Nov�re N. (2012) MELTING, a flexible platform to predict the melting temperatures of nucleic acids. BMC Bioinformatics, 13: 101. doi:
(PDF version)

Software tools using MELTING 4

In addition, MELTING formed the basis of the BioPython MeltingTemp package.

Tell-us if we missed any.

Authors: Nicolas Le Nov�re, Marine Dumousseau, Nicolas Rodriguez, Piero Dalle Pezze, W John Gowers.