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Ada journal will be on hiatus after Issue 16. Therefore we have no current CFP.

Under Review:
Issue 16 CFP

Current Issue

Issue No. 15:  

Edited by Pallavi Guha, Radhika Gajjala and Carol Stabile,
February 2019
Cover illustration:
cc logo
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Issue Archives

Issue No. 14: Visualizing Protest: Transnational Approaches to the Aesthetics of Dissent 

Edited by Ela Przybylo Veronika Novoselova Sara Rodrigues(Review), November 2018
Cover illustration: Paula Rego, “Self-Portrait in Red” 1962 .


Issue No. 12: Radical Speculation and Ursula K. Le Guin

Edited by Alexis Lothian (Review), November 2017
Cover illustration by Tuesday Smillie.


Issue no. 11

Edited by Radhika Gajjala and Carol Stabile (Review) (CFP), May 2017
Cover illustration by Sun Hye Jeong.


Issue no. 10

Edited by Carol Stabile, Radhika Gajjala, and Sarah T. Hamid (Review) (General Section CFP, Special Section CFP), November 2016
Cover illustration by David McCallum.

Ada: a Journal of Gender, New Media & Technology, #9, Open Call

Issue no. 9: Open Call

Edited by Carol Stabile and Radhika Gajjala (Review) (CFP), May 2016
Cover illustration by David McCallum.


Issue no. 8: Gender, Globalization and the Digital

Edited by Roopika Risam (Review) (CFP), November 2015
Cover illustration by David McCallum.


Issue no. 7: Open Call

Edited by Carol Stabile and Radhika Gajjala (Review) (CFP), April 2015
Cover illustration by David McCallum.


Issue no. 6: Hacking the B/W Binary

Edited by Brittney Cooper and Margaret Rhee (Review) (CFP),
January 2015
Cover illustration by Ameryah Henderson.

Ada issue no. 5: Queer Feminist Media Praxis

Issue no. 5: Queer Feminist Media Praxis

Edited by Aristea Fotopoulou, Kate O’Riordan,
and Alex Juhasz (Review) (CFP), July 2014
Cover illustration by David McCallum.

Ada issue no. 4: Politics and its Discontents

Issue no. 4: Publication and its Discontents: Peer Review, Publishing, and the Politics of the Open

Edited by Bryce Peake and Karen Estlund (Review),
April 2014
Cover illustration by Azle Malinao-Alvarez.

Ada issue no. 3: Feminist Science Fiction

Issue no. 3: Feminist Science Fiction

Edited by Alexis Lothian (Review) (CFP),
November 2013
Cover illustration by Jeanne Gomoll.

Ada issue no. 2: Feminist Game Studies cover

Issue no. 2: Feminist Game Studies

Edited by Nina Huntemann (Review) (CFP),
June 2013
Cover illustration by Mara Williams & Bryce Peake.

Ada Issue no. 1: Conversations across the field cover

Issue no. 1: Conversations Across the Field

Edited by Kim Sawchuk and Carol Stabile,
November 2012
Cover illustration by Mara Williams & Bryce Peake.

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology
ISSN 2325-0496