Personal Democracy Forum 2014
NYC | Jun 5-6
PDF 2014 Program
See our Breakout Sessions blog post for more information
(Subject to change)
Time | Event | |
8:00 - 9:00 | Breakfast and Registration | |
Begins in Skirball Center | ||
9:00 - 10:00 |
Welcome Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry |
The Battle for the Open Internet | ||
One Year After Snowden Bruce Schneier |
How to Fight Mass Surveillance: Reset the Net Holmes Wilson and Tiffiniy Cheng |
Encryption is for Everyone Jillian York |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break Sponsored by Microsoft |
10:30 - Noon | Surveillance and Its Discontents | |
A Conversation Across Cyberspace Edward Snowden in conversation with John Perry Barlow |
The Political Fight for the Open Internet MEP Marietje Schaake |
Fashioning a Defense Against Surveillance Adam Harvey |
Why We Need the IndieWeb Tantek Çelik |
Noon - 1:00 | The Internet's Double-Edged Sword | |
The Slow Burn of Oppression / The Slow Burn of Social Change An Xiao Mina |
Why Block It? How Authoritarian Regimes Take Advantage of Social Media Katy Pearce |
Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: How Internet Activists Overcome Isolation, Fear and Apathy Emily Parker |
Movements in a Connected Age: Better at Changing Minds, Worse at Changing Power? Zeynep Tufekci |
1:00 - 2:00 | Lunch | |
912 | Lunchtime Demo: Mobile Commons Advocacy - Using Mobile to Get Legislative Results | |
Breakouts in Kimmel Center | ||
2:00 - 3:00 |
Organizing 808 |
From Memes to Movements (International) (description) An Xiao Mina (moderator), Katy Pearce, Andre Banks, Jason Q. Ng |
Political Tech 802 |
Tools for Democratic Self-Organizing (description) Marci Harris (moderator), Benjamin Knight, Boaz Chen, Eyal Halamish, Charlie Detar |
Civic Tech 905/907 |
Making Civic Tech Accessible and Useful: A Maker's Perspective (description) Jonathan Betz (moderator), Hillary Hartley, Dan Melton, Emily Leathers |
Ideas 914 |
Sex, Lies and the Internet (description) Allyson Kapin (moderator), Amanda Hess, Emily May, Rinku Sen, Gina Glantz |
Activism and Policy 804/805 |
The Present and Future of Privacy and Security Policy (description) Christopher Wong (moderator), Rainey Reitman, Trevor Timm, Ben Wizner, Angela McKay, Sean McDonald |
Sponsored 803 |
Policy Responses to the Snowden Revelations: NetMundial and the Future of Internet Governance (description) (Sponsored by Thoughtworks) Felicity Ruby (moderator), Mishi Choudhary, Julian Assange (by video) |
3:00 - 3:30 |
Coffee Break Sponsored by GovDelivery |
3:30 - 4:30 |
Organizing 808 |
From Memes to Movements (US) (description) An Xiao Mina (moderator), Andrew Slack, Scott Zumwalt, Latoya Peterson, Nicole Aro |
Political Tech 802 |
How the Web is Changing Local Politics (description) Deanna Zandt (moderator), Heidi Sieck, David Moore, Erin Barnes, Ben Berkowitz |
Civic Tech 914 |
Hands-On Tech and Civic Engagement (description) Matt Stempeck (moderator), Shannon Dosemagen, Jeff Warren, John Keefe, Catherine D'Ignazio |
Ideas 905/907 |
Defining and Debating the "Sharing Economy" (description) Nancy Scola (moderator), Tom Slee, James Slezak, Denise Cheng, Adam Greenfield |
Activism and Policy 804/805 |
Frontline Tech for Anti-Censorship and Anti-Surveillance (description) Sandra Ordonez (moderator), Shauna Dillavou, Michael Carbone, Nathan Freitas, Felicity Ruby |
Sponsored 803 |
Measurement and Benchmarking on Facebook (description) (Sponsored by Facebook) Kaiya Waddell (moderator), Casandra Marburger, Scooter Schaefer, Beth Carpenter |
Returns to Skirball Center | ||
4:30 - 6:30 | The Future of the Public Internet | |
Leapfrog Democracies: From Tunis to Tallinn, and Quito Too David Evan Harris |
The Internet's Missing Link: Tools for Turning Talk into Action Benjamin Knight |
Who's At The Table? Andre Banks |
Practices of the Minimally Viable Utopia Adam Greenfield |
The Bright Promise of Dark Fiber Susan Crawford |
Reconfiguring Democracy for the Internet Age: The Fight of a Generation Rebecca MacKinnon |
Building the Public Internet Sue Gardner |
Kimmel Center - 10th Floor | ||
6:30 - 8:00 |
Cocktail Reception Sponsored by Microsoft |
Time | Event | |
8:00 - 9:00 | Breakfast and Registration | |
Begins in Skirball Center | ||
9:00 - 10:00 |
Welcome Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry |
Yes. Yes, We Can. | ||
By The People: Government Service is a Civic Duty Matthew Burton |
Hidden in Plain Sight: Detroit's Invisible Information Crisis Jerry Paffendorf |
The GovStack: Delivering Government as a Platform Mike Bracken |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break Sponsored by Microsoft |
10:30 - Noon | The Civics of Tech | |
The 3rd of July Brad Smith |
The Calculus of Civic Engagement Anthea Watson Strong |
Mind Mapping the Civic Tech Space Marci Harris |
Made in NYC: Civic Hacking 102 Noel Hidalgo |
Introductions Stacy Donohue |
Tech for Good: Tumml and Urban Impact Entrepeneurship Julie Lein and Clara Brenner |
Crowdfunding and Urban Poverty Rose Broome |
The Connected Skilled Trades Workshop James Dunbar |
Noon - 1:00 | Changing Culture, Changing Politics | |
The Bombastic Brilliance of Black Twitter Kimberly Ellis |
The Era of Big Campaigns is Over... So What Era Are We In? Chuck DeFeo |
Virtual Jiu-Jitsu: Whose Stigma Is It Now? Ilyse Hogue |
1:00 - 2:00 | Lunch | |
905 | Birds of a Feather Meetup | |
1:00 - 3:00 | 912 |
NYC Open Gov Model Legislation Workshop Ben Kallos, Gale Brewer |
Breakouts in Kimmel Center | ||
2:00 - 3:00 |
Organizing 802 |
Understanding Hashtag Activism (description) Colin Delany (moderator), Kimberly Ellis, Dave Karpf, Soraya Chemaly, Laura Olin |
Political Tech 804/805 |
State of the Art Digital Campaigning, Republican-Style (description) Patrick Ruffini (moderator), Christy Lewis, Joe Mansour, Michael Harinstein |
Civic Tech 914 |
Making Civic Tech That Serves Community Needs (description) Catherine Bracy (moderator), Mario Lugay, Julie Lein, Nigel Jacob |
Ideas 905/907 |
Governance Design for the Future Participatory Workshop (I) (description) Facilitators: David Evan Harris, Bettina Warburg, Lindsea K. Wilbur, Jaclyn Friedman, Kate Krontiris, Matt Stempeck, Rhett Bradbury, Antony Declercq, Shruti Sannon, Robyn Caplan, Mike Zuckerman |
Activism and Policy 803 |
The Present and Future of Net Neutrality (description) David Isenberg (moderator), Craig Aaron, Steven Renderos, Sarah Morris, Holmes Wilson |
Sponsored 808 |
Re-Imagining the Future of Advocacy to Protect the Free and Open Web (description) (Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation) Dave Steer (moderator), Kaiya Waddell, Sina Khanifar, Michael McGeary, Tiffiniy Cheng |
Sponsored 909 |
Climate Change Data, Public Policy, and Sustainable Cities (description) (Sponsored by Bloomberg) Seth Schultz, Audrey Choi, Curtis Ravenel, Brian Forde |
3:00 - 3:30 |
Coffee Break Sponsored by Omidyar Network |
3:30 - 4:30 |
Organizing 803 |
Net-Centric Movement Building (description) Chris Casey (moderator), Sharon Rubinstein, Lea Gilmore, Allison Fine |
Political Tech 802 |
State of the Art Digital Campaigning, Democratic-Style (description) Ethan Roeder (moderator), Josh Cohen, Nicole Titus, Hallie Montoya Tansey, Rachel LaBruyere |
Civic Tech 804/805 |
City Labs for Civic Engagement (description) John Paul Farmer (moderator), Tom Tresser, Sharon Paley, Noel Hidalgo |
Ideas 905/907 |
Governance Design for the Future Participatory Workshop (II) (description) Facilitators: David Evan Harris, Bettina Warburg, Lindsea K. Wilbur, Jaclyn Friedman, Kate Krontiris, Matt Stempeck, Rhett Bradbury, Antony Declercq, Shruti Sannon, Robyn Caplan, Mike Zuckerman |
Activism and Policy 808 |
The Ukraine Crisis and #EuroMaidan (description) Andrea Chalupa (moderator), Mariya Soroka, Terrell Starr, Natalia Stelmakh, Michael Weiss, Natalie Sedletska (video) |
Sponsored 914 |
Workshop: Towards a More Collaborative Democracy: What Bureaucrats and Civic Hackers Can Learn From Open Source (description) (Sponsored by GitHub) Matthew Burton, Ben Balter, Erie Meyer, Samantha Simpson |
Returns to Skirball Center | ||
4:30 - 6:30 | Closing Plenary | |
Full Stack Advocacy Joe Green |
Love Thy Neighbor...Hood Ben Berkowitz |
Sharing The Future Brian Chesky |
The Problem With Petitions: Working With Leaders, Not Just At Them Jake Brewer |
The Post-Digital Decade Patrick Ruffini |
Five Ideas For A New America Anne-Marie Slaughter |
The Changing Speed Of Change Clay Shirky |
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