The Wayback Machine -

PDF 2014 Program

See our Breakout Sessions blog post for more information

(Subject to change)

Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome
Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry
The Battle for the Open Internet
One Year After Snowden
Bruce Schneier
How to Fight Mass Surveillance: Reset the Net
Holmes Wilson and Tiffiniy Cheng
Encryption is for Everyone
Jillian York
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by Microsoft
10:30 - Noon Surveillance and Its Discontents
A Conversation Across Cyberspace
Edward Snowden in conversation with John Perry Barlow
The Political Fight for the Open Internet
MEP Marietje Schaake
Fashioning a Defense Against Surveillance
Adam Harvey
Why We Need the IndieWeb
Tantek Çelik
Noon - 1:00 The Internet's Double-Edged Sword
The Slow Burn of Oppression / The Slow Burn of Social Change
An Xiao Mina
Why Block It? How Authoritarian Regimes Take Advantage of Social Media
Katy Pearce
Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: How Internet Activists Overcome Isolation, Fear and Apathy
Emily Parker
Movements in a Connected Age: Better at Changing Minds, Worse at Changing Power?
Zeynep Tufekci
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
912 Lunchtime Demo: Mobile Commons Advocacy - Using Mobile to Get Legislative Results
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 Organizing
From Memes to Movements (International) (description)
An Xiao Mina (moderator), Katy Pearce, Andre Banks, Jason Q. Ng
Political Tech
Tools for Democratic Self-Organizing (description)
Marci Harris (moderator), Benjamin Knight, Boaz Chen, Eyal Halamish, Charlie Detar
Civic Tech
Making Civic Tech Accessible and Useful: A Maker's Perspective (description)
Jonathan Betz (moderator), Hillary Hartley, Dan Melton, Emily Leathers
Sex, Lies and the Internet (description)
Allyson Kapin (moderator), Amanda Hess, Emily May, Rinku Sen, Gina Glantz
Activism and Policy
The Present and Future of Privacy and Security Policy (description)
Christopher Wong (moderator), Rainey Reitman, Trevor Timm, Ben Wizner, Angela McKay, Sean McDonald
Policy Responses to the Snowden Revelations: NetMundial and the Future of Internet Governance (description)
(Sponsored by Thoughtworks)
Felicity Ruby (moderator), Mishi Choudhary, Julian Assange (by video)
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by GovDelivery
3:30 - 4:30 Organizing
From Memes to Movements (US) (description)
An Xiao Mina (moderator), Andrew Slack, Scott Zumwalt, Latoya Peterson, Nicole Aro
Political Tech
How the Web is Changing Local Politics (description)
Deanna Zandt (moderator), Heidi Sieck, David Moore, Erin Barnes, Ben Berkowitz
Civic Tech
Hands-On Tech and Civic Engagement (description)
Matt Stempeck (moderator), Shannon Dosemagen, Jeff Warren, John Keefe, Catherine D'Ignazio
Defining and Debating the "Sharing Economy" (description)
Nancy Scola (moderator), Tom Slee, James Slezak, Denise Cheng, Adam Greenfield
Activism and Policy
Frontline Tech for Anti-Censorship and Anti-Surveillance (description)
Sandra Ordonez (moderator), Shauna Dillavou, Michael Carbone, Nathan Freitas, Felicity Ruby
Measurement and Benchmarking on Facebook (description)
(Sponsored by Facebook)
Kaiya Waddell (moderator), Casandra Marburger, Scooter Schaefer, Beth Carpenter
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 The Future of the Public Internet
Leapfrog Democracies: From Tunis to Tallinn, and Quito Too
David Evan Harris
The Internet's Missing Link: Tools for Turning Talk into Action
Benjamin Knight
Who's At The Table?
Andre Banks
Practices of the Minimally Viable Utopia
Adam Greenfield
The Bright Promise of Dark Fiber
Susan Crawford
Reconfiguring Democracy for the Internet Age: The Fight of a Generation
Rebecca MacKinnon
Building the Public Internet
Sue Gardner
Kimmel Center - 10th Floor
6:30 - 8:00 Cocktail Reception
Sponsored by Microsoft
Time Event
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Begins in Skirball Center
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome
Andrew Rasiej and Micah L. Sifry
Yes. Yes, We Can.
By The People: Government Service is a Civic Duty
Matthew Burton
Hidden in Plain Sight: Detroit's Invisible Information Crisis
Jerry Paffendorf
The GovStack: Delivering Government as a Platform
Mike Bracken
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by Microsoft
10:30 - Noon The Civics of Tech
The 3rd of July
Brad Smith
The Calculus of Civic Engagement
Anthea Watson Strong
Mind Mapping the Civic Tech Space
Marci Harris
Made in NYC: Civic Hacking 102
Noel Hidalgo
Stacy Donohue
Tech for Good: Tumml and Urban Impact Entrepeneurship
Julie Lein and Clara Brenner
Crowdfunding and Urban Poverty
Rose Broome
The Connected Skilled Trades Workshop
James Dunbar
Noon - 1:00 Changing Culture, Changing Politics
The Bombastic Brilliance of Black Twitter
Kimberly Ellis
The Era of Big Campaigns is Over... So What Era Are We In?
Chuck DeFeo
Virtual Jiu-Jitsu: Whose Stigma Is It Now?
Ilyse Hogue
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
905 Birds of a Feather Meetup
1:00 - 3:00 912 NYC Open Gov Model Legislation Workshop
Ben Kallos, Gale Brewer
Breakouts in Kimmel Center
2:00 - 3:00 Organizing
Understanding Hashtag Activism (description)
Colin Delany (moderator), Kimberly Ellis, Dave Karpf, Soraya Chemaly, Laura Olin
Political Tech
State of the Art Digital Campaigning, Republican-Style (description)
Patrick Ruffini (moderator), Christy Lewis, Joe Mansour, Michael Harinstein
Civic Tech
Making Civic Tech That Serves Community Needs (description)
Catherine Bracy (moderator), Mario Lugay, Julie Lein, Nigel Jacob
Governance Design for the Future Participatory Workshop (I) (description)
Facilitators: David Evan Harris, Bettina Warburg, Lindsea K. Wilbur, Jaclyn Friedman, Kate Krontiris, Matt Stempeck, Rhett Bradbury, Antony Declercq, Shruti Sannon, Robyn Caplan, Mike Zuckerman
Activism and Policy
The Present and Future of Net Neutrality (description)
David Isenberg (moderator), Craig Aaron, Steven Renderos, Sarah Morris, Holmes Wilson
Re-Imagining the Future of Advocacy to Protect the Free and Open Web (description)
(Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation)
Dave Steer (moderator), Kaiya Waddell, Sina Khanifar, Michael McGeary, Tiffiniy Cheng
Climate Change Data, Public Policy, and Sustainable Cities (description)
(Sponsored by Bloomberg)
Seth Schultz, Audrey Choi, Curtis Ravenel, Brian Forde
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by Omidyar Network
3:30 - 4:30 Organizing
Net-Centric Movement Building (description)
Chris Casey (moderator), Sharon Rubinstein, Lea Gilmore, Allison Fine
Political Tech
State of the Art Digital Campaigning, Democratic-Style (description)
Ethan Roeder (moderator), Josh Cohen, Nicole Titus, Hallie Montoya Tansey, Rachel LaBruyere
Civic Tech
City Labs for Civic Engagement (description)
John Paul Farmer (moderator), Tom Tresser, Sharon Paley, Noel Hidalgo
Governance Design for the Future Participatory Workshop (II) (description)
Facilitators: David Evan Harris, Bettina Warburg, Lindsea K. Wilbur, Jaclyn Friedman, Kate Krontiris, Matt Stempeck, Rhett Bradbury, Antony Declercq, Shruti Sannon, Robyn Caplan, Mike Zuckerman
Activism and Policy
The Ukraine Crisis and #EuroMaidan (description)
Andrea Chalupa (moderator), Mariya Soroka, Terrell Starr, Natalia Stelmakh, Michael Weiss, Natalie Sedletska (video)
Workshop: Towards a More Collaborative Democracy: What Bureaucrats and Civic Hackers Can Learn From Open Source (description)
(Sponsored by GitHub)
Matthew Burton, Ben Balter, Erie Meyer, Samantha Simpson
Returns to Skirball Center
4:30 - 6:30 Closing Plenary
Full Stack Advocacy
Joe Green
Love Thy Neighbor...Hood
Ben Berkowitz
Sharing The Future
Brian Chesky
The Problem With Petitions: Working With Leaders, Not Just At Them
Jake Brewer
The Post-Digital Decade
Patrick Ruffini
Five Ideas For A New America
Anne-Marie Slaughter
The Changing Speed Of Change
Clay Shirky

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