Social Web FooCamp 2009
We've invited about 150 Friends Of O'Reilly (aka Foo), people who're doing interesting works around social networking, the social graph, and technologies for data portability. We'll have some planned activities, but much of the agenda will be determined by you. We'll provide space, electricity, a wireless network, and a wiki. You bring your ideas, enthusiasms, and projects. We all get to know each other better, and hopefully come up with some cool ideas about how to change the world.
Last year we hosted a similar event, Social Graph FooCamp (see last year's videos), which helped to bring together a wide variety of people throughout the industry and has led to some real progress when it comes to the evolution of the social web. We're now at a point where many social networks are building their platforms with the same underlying technologies and actual interoperability between large networks and small sites is becoming a reality. This year we hope to continue building on that progress by pulling together an absolutely amazing group of thinkers and doers.
Like past FooCamps which O'Reilly organized, a Foo Camp is as good as participants make it. Be prepared to lead or participate in a session, ask interesting questions, show off what you're working on, and generally leave your mark on the weekend. It's a little like Burning Man in that there are no spectators, only participants (much less dust, however). People sometimes ask "what can I do to be invited back" and your best bet is to make a (positive) impression by engaging and presenting.
Lost and Found
Seems to be the season for lost Ray-Bans:
- Lost sunglasses - Pair of pink/brown lensed girl's Ray-Bans, lost by @suw ([email protected]).
- Lost sunglasses - Ray-Bans with gold rims in a blue case, lost by @rsarver
Session Followup:
- Building for scale from scratch (@shafferj) work in progress notes at:
- Please add/update if you're interested in this topic.
- The Social Book session - for anyone interested in playing with Book Oven, please visit to register with one of these invitation codes: KtfBk9mt, FUgpMkC8, rpAO7KsB, DuqjQoJZ, qc3pDO00, exD85nxN, TsZjKFcN, ynXx92aK, iSlhFQvQ (please delete the code when you've used it!).
O'Reilly's Sebastopol Campus. (driving directions)
Friday April 17th through Sunday April 19th. Plan on arriving Friday afternoon (4ish) and leaving mid-day Sunday. There will be heavy traffic on 101N starting at 3pm (or before); leave early to avoid the worst of it.
Join the Official Social Web Dopplr Group to connect with everyone else coming in:
Generally people will "camp" at O'Reilly's campus either outside in tents or throughout their offices/cubicles in sleeping bags. is a good reference too.
One of the biggest differences from last year and this year is about 65 people... :-) That means we want to strongly encourage folks to bring camping gear for this event. There will be indoor showers, but we really can't stress enough how we're pushing the limits of the space so that all of you awesome people can come meaning that not everyone will be able to sleep inside. Last year it was held in February and the temps were rather low outside but now, being in mid-April there is no excuse not to camp folks! :-)
There is some covered space outside to setup a tent though there will also be limited space indoors to sleep. Expect to get a little cozy with your neighbors, but we'll do our best to make it work! As G.K. Chesterton said, "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered."
Please also remember that we're guests at O'Reilly's campus and will need to use some of the sleeping areas for sessions during the day so please do your best to help keep the campus clean. Speaking of clean, there will be showers but this is a BYOT (bring your own towel) event!
If you're not feeling adventurous enough to camp at O'Relly, then there are a few hotels nearby. Be warned that the rest of the group might heckle you a bit for doing so and that there's nothing better than random 3am conversations.
The Marriott Fairfield Inn in Sebastopol has about 40 rooms available. To get the O'Reilly rate ($85-105, depending on room size), just say you're with O'Reilly when you reserve your room.
Do you need a ride to or from Sebastopol? Do you have free space in your car for others? Sign up here!
I have a car...
- <your name here> <how many people can you fit> <how should people contact you>
- Dave Morin - I have rented the official Facebook RV :) We have room to bring a few people up and will be leaving early afternoon today. Drop me a message on Facebook if you need a ride!
- Justin Shaffer - Leaving from downtown SF at around 2:30-3. Have one seat. text please if you'd like it. 646-996-3698. Coming back Sunday, but not sure if i have room for the return. Timing variable.
- Greg Whalin - Arriving at SFO around 12:30 on Friday; returning to SFO by 12:30. Should have a van, so can fit at least 4 others (I think?). Twitter: @gwhalin or gwhalin [at]
- Rob Farrow_ Driving up from San Diego on Thursday, will be in city that night and into Friday Returning Sunday if anyone needs a ride (808) 753 1923 or [email protected]. Have truck can fit 4 inside (Big Truck).
- Pete Grillo - can fit 3 more (maybe 4) - Arrive Santa Rosa/Sonoma Airprot 11:30am Friday. P: 503-781-2772, E: [email protected] or T: @petegrillo
- Nate DiNiro - Can fit 1 more person, depending on size & baggage ;) @SFO on Friday late-morning, city just after. I'm flexible - unclenate[at]gmail[dot]com
Dick Hardt - Can take 2-3 others, rental car from SFO Friday, stopping at In-N-Out on way up, returning Sunday - dick at blame dot ca.
- Tony Mak - I can take 1-2 and will be driving up from San Francisco. Probably departing sometime between noon to 3pm. Returning Sunday. [email protected]
Evan Prodromou - 1-2, maybe. I have a car, coming up from Los Altos, probably leave mid-afternoon. I've also got a pretty crazy schedule. Booked schedule, can't take anyone. Sorry!
- Ryan Sarver - 2-3. Renting a car from SFO around noon on Friday, can head up whenever. Headed to OAK on sunday. ryan dot sarver gmail
- Niall Kennedy - 2-3. Driving from SoMa in San Francisco at ~13:00. contact
- Charlie O'Donnell - Renting a care from SFO after landing at 11AM... will prob look to get up there a little bit early, but will def stop for lunch somewhere. Also flying out at 3PM Sunday. charlie at path 101 dot com
- Max Ventilla - 2. Driving down from SF, leaving around 5pm from 10th and Minna. Coming back sometime Sunday. ventilla AT gmail
- Edwin Aoki - 2-3. Leaving Sunnyvale/Mt. View mid-afternoon Fri, returning Sunday. aoki [at] aol [dot] net or @edwinaoki
- Noel Dickover - I will have a car. Arriving at SFO around 12:00 Friday; leaving Sunday night. Can take at least 2. Contact me on twitter @NoelDickover or at ndickover [at]
- Liza Sabater - I will have a car. Arriving at SFO tonight around 10pm. Will pick up a car at the ZipCar location on 546 Howard street between 1st street and 2nd street at aroun 11:30am. Coming back to San Fran sometime on Sunday. Can fit 3 more people if you don't mind my stopping at a Whole Foods to pick up my hypoallergenic grub :) Please twitter or email me [ nyc.blogdiva at gmail dot com ]
- Christy Canida - have a space in the front passenger seat of my shiny Prius driving up on Friday, leaving from East Bay around noonish. You'll have to look for other rides home, though, as Eric is only biking one-way. Email canida*at*instructables dot com.
I need a ride...
- <your name here> <when do you arrive/leave> <how should people contact you>
Gwen Bell - 2p Arrive SFO Fri/8p Depart SFO Sun - gwendolynbell [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Ben Smith - whole event, travelling from SanFran - ben [at] thesmith [dot] co [dot] uk
- Ralph Meijer - whole event, travelling from SF, the Mission - ralphm [at] ik [dot] nu (e-mail and Jabber)
Cycling up
Riding bikes from San Francisco, through wine country. Meet 11am Friday @ the Ferry Building. Absolutely gorgeous 75 mile, 5-6 hour ride.
- Brian Ellin - brianellin[at]
- Luke Shepard - lshepard[at]
- Eric Wilhelm - ewilhelm*at*instructables*dot*com
The following companies (beyond O'Reilly donating their awesome campus) are helping to make Social Web Foo possible and it's being organized by David Recordon, Scott Kveton, Sara Winge and Dave Morin.
- Facebook
- Google
- MySpace
- Yahoo!
Be Prepared to Demo or Speak
We'll put the program together on Friday evening at about 7:30pm, so if you want to lead a session, sign up for a slot then. Don't worry if you arrive late, there should be enough sessions to go around. We'll have a variety of spaces–conference rooms and open areas. Several of the rooms have projectors, but we could use more, so if you have one to lend, do bring it along. For more information about past Foo Camps, Tim has posted "
Why Foo Camp" and there are
tips from past campers.
Blogging & otherwise recording Social Web Foo
We don't have a strict policy about blogging, but we do expect that if someone tells you something in confidence, you'll respect that confidence as if it were told to you under NDA. We call this frieNDA. Much of the free interchange that happens at a Foo Camp comes from people's confidence that they can tell each other things off the record, so please respect any request for privacy.
Foo Camp conversations tend to be a mixture of public knowledge (here's what we're up to, here's a fact about X that you probably didn't already know) and private conversations (we tried X and it didn't work, we're going to compete against Y by doing Z). Be aware of this and confirm the status of a nugget before you blog or write up something you heard.
We'd rather not have the sessions recorded or live-blogged. We're hoping to encourage spontaneous conversation, and the idea that someone is recording can act as an inhibitor to that spontaneity.
If you want to do a detailed writeup on a presentation you attended, do check with the presenter, or in the case of a discussion, the participants. That being said, many sessions benefit from someone taking notes and making them available to others. So the point is really just to do what serves the group and the event. There's a big difference between recording what went on for the benefit of the participants, and turning your experience into a media event. We'd prefer that you write about SW Foo as a participant, not a reporter, and focus on your own experience of the weekend.
That said, there are so many interesting people and ideas at a Foo Camp that some kind of documentation seems desirable. At the last Foo Camp, Carl Malamud had the good idea to set up a video room away from the action, where we can film people talking about their sessions, what they've learned at Camp, and/or what they see coming down the road. We're going to do just that at SW Foo. More details at Camp about how to participate (it's voluntary, of course).
Private, invite-only microblogging server at, email [email protected] (or someone you know) to get an invitation. Feel free to share invites with other campers; no non-attendees, please. Site DB will be wiped Sunday night -- just for campers!
Keep up and stay connected on Twitter with hashtags #swfoo and #foocamp
Confirmed Campers
- Adam D'Angelo
- Adam Flaherty (O'Reilly)
- Adriana Lukas (The Mine! Project / VRM Hub)
- Alec Muffett
- Alex Faaborg (Mozilla)
- Alex Lines (Path101)
- Alex Payne (Twitter)
- Allen Hurff (MySpace)
- Allen Tom (Yahoo!)
- Amber Rae Lambke (Leverage Software)
- Anand Iyer (Microsoft BizSpark)
- Andrew Kortina (
- Andrew Stone (O'Reilly)
- Artur Bergman (Wikia)
- Ben Laurie (Google)
- Ben Lorica (O'Reilly)
- Ben Smith (BBC)
- Ben Ward (Yahoo! Dev Network / Fire Eagle / Microformats)
- Beth Robson (O'Reilly)
- Betsy Weber (TechSmith)
- Bill May (US State Department)
- Biz Stone (Twitter)
- Blaine Cook (BT)
- Brad Fitzpatrick (Google)
- Bradley Horowitz (Google)
- Brady Forrest (O'Reilly)
- Breno Medeiros (Google)
- Brian Ellin (JanRain)
- Brian McCallister (Ning / Apache)
- Brittany Bohnet (Google)
- Brynn Evans (UCSD)
- Cal Henderson (Flickr)
- Cameron Marlow (Facebook)
- Caroline McCarthy (CNet)
- Caterina Fake (Hunch)
- Charlie O'Donnell (Path 101)
- Chris Bissell (MySpace)
- Chris Hemphill (salesforce, snowtick, @chrishemphill)
- Chris Messina (OpenID Foundation)
- Chris Wanstrath (GitHub)
- Christy Canida (Instructables)
- Christy Dena (Universe Creation 101)
- Clara Shih (The Facebook Era / salesforce)
- Cody Simms (Yahoo!)
- Dan Peterson (Google / OpenSocial)
- Daniel Burka (Digg)
- Dave McClure (500 Hats)
- Dave Morin (Facebook)
- David King (Little Green Patch)
- David Recordon (Six Apart / OpenID)
- Dawn Foster (Shizzow / Fast Wonder)
- Deb Schultz
- Derek Gottfrid (NY Times API)
- Derek Powazek
- DeWitt Clinton (Google)
- Dick Hardt (Identity 2.0, Microsoft)
- Dion Almaer (Mozilla / Bespin / Ajaxian)
- DJ Patil (LinkedIn)
- Dylan Field (O'Reilly)
- Edwin Aoki (AOL Architect)
- Elizabeth Churchill (Yahoo! Research)
- Elizabeth Lawley (Rochester Institute of Technology / Microsoft Research)
- Eran Hammer (Yahoo!)
- Eric Case (
- Eric Marcoullier (Gnip)
- Eric Wilhelm (Instructables)
- Ethan Beard (Facebook)
- Evan Prodromou (
- Glenn Jones (Madgex)
- Greg Hu (Apple)
- Greg Whalin (Meetup)
- Gwen Bell
- Heather Champ (Flickr)
- Henrik Werdelin (Joost)
- James Walker (Drupal OpenID)
- Janetti Chon (TechWeb)
- Jason Glaspey (Bac'n, Unthirsty, Black Tonic)
- Jason Shellen (Plinky)
- Jay Graves (Slanket / Coathangr)
- Jen Pahlka (Techweb/Web 2.0 Expo)
- Jeremiah Owyang (Forrester)
- Jeremy Norberg
- Jessica Vascellaro (Wall Street Journal)
- Joe Green (Causes)
- Joe Stump (Digg)
- John Adams (Twitter)
- John Earner (Playfish)
- John Hayes (YAP / Caja)
- John McCrea (Plaxo)
- John Panzer (Google)
- Joseph Smarr (Plaxo)
- Josh Elman (Facebook)
- Josh McHugh (Attention Span Media / Wired)
- Josh Williams (Alamofire)
- Joshua Schachter (Google)
- Julia Allison (Nonsociety)
- Justin Shaffer (HotPotato)
- Justin Thorp (Clearspring/AddThis)
- Jyri Engstrom (Google)
- Kaliya Hamlin
- Katie Stanton (Obama Administration)
- Kellan McCrea (Flickr)
- Kevin Marks (microformats, OpenSocial, Google blog)
- Lane Becker (Get Satisfaction)
- Lane Liabraaten (OpenSocial / Google)
- Laura Fitton (Pistachio; oneforty)
- Larry Chiang (Duck9)
- Larry Halff (Ma.gnol.ia)
- Linda Stone
- Liza Sabater
- Luke Shepard (Facebook)
- Marc Canter (BBM)
- Marsee Henon (O'Reilly)
- Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)
- Martin Atkins (Six Apart)
- Matt Brezina (Xobni)
- Matt King (Instrum3nt)
- Matt Savarino (@Ridertech & K2 Skis/Snowboards)
- Matt Tucker (Jive Software)
- Max Engel (MySpace)
- Max Newbould (MySpace)
- Max Ventilla (Aardvark)
- Meaghan Asha (NonSociety)
- Michael Calore (Wired)
- Michael Galpert (Aviary)
- Michael Richardson (Vidoop)
- Michael Sharon (Facebook)
- Mike Malone (Pownce / Six Apart)
- Monica Kellar (MySpace /
- Nate DiNiro (@unclenate, Earth Class Mail)
- Nate Westheimer (NY Tech Meetup)
- Neal Sample (Yahoo! Social Platform)
- Niall Kennedy (self)
- Noel Dickover (DoD)
- Ondi Timoner (We Live In Public)
- Paul Buchheit (FriendFeed)
- Pete Grillo (Iterasi)
- Ralph Meijer (Mediamatic/former jaiku)
- Randi Zuckerberg
- Rob Farrow (formerly of, @robfarrow,
- Robin Sloan (Current TV)
- Romain Huet
- Ruchi Sanghvi (Facebook)
- Ryan Sarver (Skyhook, Loki)
- Sam Lessin (
- Sam Pullara (Caja / YOS / YAP / YQL+Pipes)
- Sara Winge (O'Reilly)
- Sarah Kim (O'Reilly)
- Scott Kveton
- Seth Fitzsimmons (Fire Eagle / Yahoo!)
- Shira Lazar
- Simon Willison (Guardian News and Media /
- Steve Ganz (LinkedIn)
- Susan Wu (Ohai)
- Suw Charman
- Tantek Çelik (microformats)
- Tariq Krim (Jolicloud)
- Terrell Russell (claimID)
- Thomas Huhn ( / /
- Thomas Vander Wal (InfoCloud Solutions / Personal InfoCloud)
- Toby Segaran
- Tom Coates (Yahoo! Brickhouse)
- Tony Haile (Betaworks/Chartbeat)
- Tony Mak (O'Reilly)
- Tony Stubblebine (CrowdVine)
- Ty Ahmad-Taylor (FanFeedr)
- Ulla Maaria-Muuten (Thinglink)
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