• been thinking about fiver, esp shadowbringers, and i think im going to retcon his appearance a bit and make the light streaks in his hair a little residual effect of the light poisoning. his eyes paled a bit too, which was just remaking him for the new graphics for dt but now thats also the light lmao

    something that traumatic needs some sort of lasting effect, you know

  • let's hear it for the nonbinary folks who:

    • don't present androgynously
    • use "binary" pronouns in any capacity
    • identify partially with a binary gender
    • have a "gendered" name
    • don't experience body dysmorphia
    • don't experience gender dysphoria
    • DO experience gender dysphoria/body dysmorphia but aren't sure what gender or body would suit them
    • just experience body/gender apathy instead
    • can't be open about their gender identity yet

    you're all absolutely valid.

    don't ever feel like you're "not nonbinary enough" because you absolutely are! 💖

  • What the hell is happening???

    A friend lost 200 followers. Someone else lost a bunch of followers too. And I also lost 100?

    Is something happening?! Is there a purge?!

  • image

    The health insurance industry has a term for this sadistic practice. It's called "step therapy." If the choice is between a more expensive medication that works and a cheaper one that doesn't work as well and might have worse side effects, the insurance company requires that the cheaper drug be used first.

    One benefit to the insurance company is that the patient on the cheaper drug might die before they get a chance to use the drug that works but is more expensive. That's money in the bank for the insurance company.

    Or, the patient might be so worn down and harmed by the cheaper drug that they just give up the fight to get the drug that will help them. Again, that's bank for the insurance company.

  • Can't even describe how many times the latter has occurred to me. It's fucking exhausting.

    You CAN get exceptions sometimes but the insurance company can just...decide to change their mind, or not honor it, randomly. Or force you to renew it.

    My BF gets monthly harassing letters from United pressuring him to go on a medication that doesn't fucking exist. "Friendly" of course, very "Oh heyyy bestie, we're your cute little gatekeepers, tee hee, and we noticed you were on this dumb little druuuug, so icky and expensive. But how about this other one, the generic? Yeah. It hasn't actually been made available yet or anything, this has been an issue for moooonths but it'd be great if you could swiiiitch. We just enjoy making sure you make the best decisions and would love it if you just, like, became unable to hold the job that gets you insured with uuuuuus." *Intense vocal fry*

  • i know that life isn't a race and that everyone does things on their own schedule and that i shouldn't compare myself to other people who haven't lived the same life that i have and overcome the same obstacles i have. BUT

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