Mobile Accessibility Task Force (MATF) of the AG WG
Announcements and Meetings
4 January 2024 New facilitator appointed: Jan Jaap de Groot has been appointed as the new MATF facilitator. The MATF direction is changing to creating guidance for Android and iOS apps. The MATF is currently regrouping and welcoming new participants. If you are interested, please reach out to Jan Jaap at: [email protected]
Meetings and Communication
The Mobile Accessibility Task Force conducts its work using a variety of synchronous and asynchronous tools. Most work is done via email and issues as shown below, supplemented by occasional teleconferences.
- Email lists;
- IRC discussion (server:, port: 6665, channel: #matf) is used by some members during the teleconferences. Please type “present+” your name in the IRC channel when joining a meeting.;
- Web-Based Surveys (WBS);
These tools are used by participants of the Task Force. For ways non-participants can contribute, see how to participate in the Working Group.
Online Meetings
Meeting Minutes
Mailing Lists
- The Mobile Accessibility Task Force uses the [email protected] mailing list for email discussion; members of the public can post to this list to send input to the task force. Mobile Accessibility Task Force mailing list archives are publicly available for the Mobile A11Y TF main mailing list.
- Participants are automatically added to the mailing list when the become a participant of the Task Force.
Current Work
The editors’ draft of Mobile Accessibility: How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C/WAI Guidelines Apply to Mobile is on Github. Issues and pull requests are welcome.
The Task Force stores their current work and discussions in their wiki. You can also follow email discussion on the email list archive.
- Creating mobile techniques for WCAG using HTML5, ARIA, CSS and JavaScript
- Developing design guidance or mobile web accessibility best practices
- Reviewing existing resources, including those outside of W3C
Work Statement
The MATF is currently regrouping and creating a new Work Statement for its new direction.
To join the Mobile Accessibility Task Force, individuals must be participants of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG). Participants are expected to actively contribute to the work of the Task Force, including:
- Minimum 2 hours per week of MATF work (this time also counts towards the individual’s participation requirement in the sponsoring WG through which they have joined);
- Remain current on the MATF mailing list and respond in a timely manner to postings;
- Participate in MATF meetings at least once per month.
If you are interested in participating in the Mobile Accessibility Task Force, please send e-mail to: Jan Jaap de Groot, Kevin White and Roy Ran include a little bit about what you’re interested in and how you think that you may be able to contribute to the Task Force.
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