ARIA Contribution
Public Comments
The ARIA WG accepts public comments on publications on the public-aria list. This is primarily used for input on formal publications.
Github Issues and pull requests
Technical work is done in a set of GitHub repositories. Pull Requests are open to the main w3c/aria repository. Issues are open to the child spec repos. See below for details.
Work follows the ARIA Process document.
Repositories maintained by the ARIA Working Group include:
- w3c/aria for spec development;
- w3c/core-aam for issues related to Core Accessibility API Mappings;
- w3c/accname for issues related to Accessible Name and Description Computation;
- w3c/dpub-aria for issues related to Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module;
- w3c/dpub-aam for Digital Publishing Accessibility API Mappings;
- w3c/graphics-aria for issues related to WAI-ARIA Graphics Module;
- w3c/graphics-aam for issues related to Graphics Accessibility API Mappings;
- w3c/svg-aam for issues related to SVG Accessibility API Mappings, now developed by the SVG Working Group;
- w3c/html-aam for issues related to HTML Accessibility API Mappings, now developed by the Web Platform Working Group;
- w3c/css-aam for issues related to CSS Accessibility API Mappings, with the CSS Accessibility Task Force;
- w3c/aria-practices for WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices, with the ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force;
- w3c/aria-at for Assistive Technology ARIA Experience Assessment, with the ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group;
A GitHub account is required for the following functionality. In addition to using the comments list described above to submit input, you may:
- Watch the repository;
- File issues;
- Submit pull requests.
Mailing list discussions
If you would like to monitor the work of the ARIA WG and contribute on-line, you may subscribe to the following mailing lists. You will not be considered a formal participant but may comment and contribute. The ARIA WG uses the following mailing lists:
- [email protected] - Working Group discussion list; public archive; public can post; inquire to subscribe (public-aria archives).
- [email protected] - discussion list for Authoring Practices Task Force; anyone may post or subscribe (public-aria-practices archives)
- [email protected] - Public discussion list for people working on ARIA testing; anyone may post or subscribe (public-aria-test archives).
- [email protected] - Announcements only Working Group activities; public archive; anyone may post or subscribe (w3c-wai-ig archives).