Hi, I'm Vilson Vieira, a Software and Machine Learning Researcher, artist and
open source enthusiast who has being developing for Google, Mozilla, The Grid,
ExAI and most recently for Anything World.
I'm a BSc. in Computer Science and MSc. in Computational and Applied
Physics by University of São Paulo (USP) advised by
profs. Gonzalo Travieso and Luciano da Fontoura Costa.
Notion - Mastodon - Twitter - GitHub
Open Source Projects
Implementation of Karpathy's micrograd in Mojo 🔥. A reverse-mode autodiff
library with a PyTorch-like API.
Small Mojo 🔥 and Python library for creative coding powered by Cairo.
Canary Component
A React
component for interactive 3D visualization of Kusama blockchain nodes
(Sponsored by Kusama).
Bower component and easy-to-use wrapper to KLayJS, making it possible to use KLayJS as a Web Worker on modern browsers.
A dataflow programming environment for Web art by Forrest Oliphant.
C++ implementation of SLIC for paper "Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking" by Chuan Yang et al.
Developed some components libraries (ie
noflo-canvas, noflo-image) for
this dataflow programming library by Henri Bergius.
One of the first domain specific languages
for livecoding using Web Audio API. Presented on workshops and festivals on
A just-for-fun GIF-based VJ web tool.
Viz Paintings
Interactive 3D visualization
of paintings for A quantitative approach to painting syles paper (see
- 2023 - Present: Lead ML Engineer at Anything World
- 2019 - 2023: Chief of AI at ExAI
- 2020 - Present: Co-founder of 2aliens
with Gabriela Thumé
- 2018 - 2019: ML Engineer at ExAI
- 2017 - Present: Co-founder of CodAI with Gabriela Thumé
- 2014 - 2017: Software & ML Engineer at The Grid
- 2014: Software Engineer at Google/Mozilla (GSoC intership/grant)
- 2011 - 2013: MSc of Applied Physics at University of São Paulo (CAPES grant)
- 2011 - 2013: Co-founder and team leader of FLOSS collective LabMacambira
- 2012: Software Engineer at Google/Mozilla (GSoC intership/grant)
- 2009 - 2012: Co-founder of art+tech collective MuSA
- 2008 - 2010: Professor at University of Santa Catarina
- 2008 - 2010: Professor at FCJ
- 2007 - 2008: Software Enginner at Embraco/Whirpool
- 2003 - 2007: BSc of Computer Science at University of Santa Catarina
Main research interests
- AI / Machine Learning
- Generative AI
- Computer Vision
- Computational Creativity
- Game Development
- VR / AR / XR
- Digital / Software / Electronic / Generative / Procedural Art & Music
- Physical Computing
- Google Summer of Code 2012 for Mozilla
- Google Summer of Code 2014 for Mozilla
- CNPq/CAPES Postgraduation Grant from IFSC/USP
Selected Publications
- A quantitative approach to painting styles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Paper - arXiv
- A quantitative approach to evolution of music and philosophy. J. Stat. Mech. (2012). Paper arXiv
- Vivace: a collaborative live coding language and platform. SBCM 2017. Paper - arXiv
- The Algorithmic Autoregulation: Software Development Methodology. Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação, v. 12, n. 3, May-Aug 2014. doi:10.5329/RESI.2014.130200. ISSN 1677-3071. Paper - arXiv
- Musical elements in the discrete-time representation of sound. Collaborated on revision for Renato Fabbri. arXiv
- Estudo e Simulação de Algoritmos Aleatórios Quânticos e sua Aplicação em Problemas de Grafos. Bachelor's CS thesis, 2007 (in pt-br). Thesis
Selected Exhibitions, Talks and Events
- 2024 : London AI Summit : London, UK
- 2017 : 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM17) : São Paulo, BR. Presented by Renato Fabbri
- 2015 : Chaos Communication Camp : Berlin, DE : With The Grid team
- 2014 : ENCUN 2014. National Encounter of Music Composers : São Paulo, BR : Web Audio and Livecoding Workshop. With Guilherme Lunhani and Caleb Luporini
- 2014 : MozFest 2014 London. Art and Culture of the Web : London, UK : Turtle Power and Art Bazaar. With TheGrid team
- 2014 : ArtBio : Rio de Janeiro, BR : Generative Painting by Delaunay Triangulation
- 2014 : IFSC : São Carlos, BR : Master thesis defense
- 2013 : SIFISC 2013 : São Carlos, BR : A Study on Generative Paintings (exposition)
- 2012 : AVAV[7] : São Paulo, BR : Livecoding / Freakcoding. With LabMacambira
- 2012 : AVAV[6] : São Paulo, BR : AirHackTable. With LabMacambira
- 2011 : SESC Pompéia : São Paulo, BR : Ciclo Hack
- 2011 : TDC : São Paulo, BR : Making noise with JavaScript
- 2010 : Galeria Victor Kursancew : Joinville, BR : Mímesis Mulleriana uma Plágio Combinação
- 2010 : XI FISL : Porto Alegre, BR : Livecoding
- 2010 : IV SOLISC : Florianópolis, BR : Atelier Livre
- 2009 : X FISL : Porto Alegre, BR : I Festival de Robótica Livre
- 2009 : Latinoware : Foz do Iguaçú, BR : III Olimpíada de Robótica Livre Latino-americana
- 2008 : IX FISL : Porto Alegre, BR : Collective Intelligence with Lisp
- 2008 : Latinoware : Foz do Iguaçú, BR : CL-Weblocks
- 2007 : VIII FISL : Porto Alegre, BR : Uncommon Web Development with Common Lisp
- 2007 : 56th ISI : Lisboa, PT : Using the Internet to teach Statistics and the Statistical Environment R with Prof. Elisa Henning
- 2007 : XXX CNMAC : : Programando em R [...]
- 2005 : III SOLISC : Florianópolis, BR : Debian-BR-CDD: Debian à Brasileira
- Udesc : Artificial Intelligence
- Udesc : Object Oriented Programming
- Udesc : Functional Programming
- Udesc : Introduction to Computer Science
- Udesc : Programming to Engineering
- FCJ : Operational Systems
- FCJ : Algorithms and Data Structures
- FCJ : Object Oriented Programming
Participation in Events
- 2014 : Scientific Writing in English: Tools and Techniques. Prof. Ethel Schuster (Northern Essex Community College – NECC).
- 2014 : Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction. Prof. Gabriele Trovato. Waseda University.