Villainous Wiki

DanielCampCamp2 DanielCampCamp2 5 April 2022

Ask and Answer

Ask Questions here, and I’ll answer.


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Dogxcat Dogxcat 29 January 2022


i am doing a Q&A tomorrow and i will have some carters from hazbin hotel and helluva boss my oc and the villainous gang and some other carters will answer you qusteins

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IWander IWander 30 October 2021


The next episodes are out!!! Woohoo!!! They were amazing!!!

Um, I don't know if I will ever return to editing because this site (Fandom/Wikia) has had a turn for the worse, but thank you to everyone who is still editing :) I wish y'all the best!!!

Salve Black Hat~

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KittyCrafterzz1233 KittyCrafterzz1233 30 October 2021


I'm obsessed in the show and 505. Because I loved 505 so much because he shows a cheerful disposition, which is evidenced by his constant smile. He is calm, gentle and most of the time, he tries to solve problems in a peaceful manner, for it is the main reason of Black Hat, Dr. Flug and Demencia. He also speaks in a bear language, while in the he ends his sentences with "baw". On rare occasions, he can sometimes get angry. But he could be scared.

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KittyCrafterzz1233 KittyCrafterzz1233 30 October 2021


Villainous was released yesterday and was released for the HBO Max. I wanted to watch it. However, it's not available in my country because I'm not Mexican, I'm Filipino living in the Philippines. BECAUSE I WANT 505!!!!!!

However, I wish Sr. Pelo wants to watch Villainous.

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Drenica Drenica 18 November 2020


Yandex Dressica Ercetinya 14 abisini kraliyetten men etmiş ve viktorya kraliyetini kötülük kraliyetini çevirmiş.kendisi birçok krallık ele geçirip yönetici si olduğu Darklitayi kurmuş.burdaki halkın hepsi kraliçeleri için kötücül planlarına yardımcı olurlarmış çünkü dressica onlara yardımları karşılığında iyi hayatlar sunarmış.bir yerden sonra kraliyetinde bir kötülük organizasyonu kurup kahraman insanların kabusu olur.siyah kısa kabarık etek,melek misali yuvarlak aşırı güzel bir yüzü ve kontrol ettigi saçları varmış.saclari siyah-beyaz ombre olan dressica beyaz kolalı gomlek ve üzerinde tek göz olan siyah broş takarmış.black hat kadar hatta fazlasıyla gucluymus.Baska yerleri canavar olarak yok edip melek kılığında oraları düzeltip insanla…

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Dessicana Dessicana 15 November 2020

Dressica ×Black Hat iş LOVE

Mantén tu salud Un personaje tan fuerte como el odio negro, incluso un poquito demasiado, aparecerá en nuevos episodios, llamados dressica. en el negro hatin será su gran rival. El sombrero negro será el segundo en ingresar a la clase anual de malos personajes, mira esto se declararán jeans de mujer mala. Dressica es una cara surcoreana con un tema en blanco y negro y un chador ombre en blanco y negro con un signo de negatividad en las mejillas, el blanqueamiento en el eclipse estrella en la estrella de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella del eclipse, el resplandor del resplandor en el resplandor secular de la estrella de la estrella de la estrella un broche. Lleva un sombre…

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Dessicana Dessicana 15 November 2020

Dressica×Black Hat

de mí para ti

un personaje tan fuerte como el odio negro,incluso un poco demasiado,aparecerá en nuevos nombre es dressica.Hatin negro será su mayor rival.sombrero negro debutó en el ranking anual de personajes malos 2.lo hará, y lo hará, y esta malvada señora será declarada sus nuevos pantalones vaqueros. Dressica es una chica con un yuzu redondo tan hermosa como una chica surcoreana con un tema en blanco y negro y un signo de negatividad en sus mejillas con una sábana ombre blanca y negra,blanca como el eclipse en la estrella yuzu,desgarrada de los lados y con una bonita falda,un broche con un ojo en el gimlegi blanco.Hasir lleva un sombrero negro.Fiona tiene un asistente forense, un panda forense 666, y un maníaco llamado He…

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TalkingOddlySpooky TalkingOddlySpooky 24 February 2020


Hello fellow Villainous fans! I have recentely applied an adoption for this wiki, given that there aren't any active since March of 2019. I would love to see your thoughts or questions in the comments below!

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IWander IWander 25 May 2019

Gentle reminders

I've been inactive for a couple months...uh....doing important stuff...and totally not being tortured by Black Hat for being inactive in the first place...yep.

It's been rather docile while I've been gone thankfully, but there's a few things y'all could to do make the wiki a better place. It's not too hard to ask, right? 

It's 1 AM and I'm ready to catapult myself into outer space, so I apologize if this blog post seems a little rant-y or contains grammatical errors. I'm not actually mad or anything, lol. Some of these things I did myself, and didn't realize until I was an editor of Wikia/Fandom for a few years that they didn't do much to contribute info. (and I was also pretty embarassing while doing them, came with being a you…

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IWander IWander 27 May 2018

Alan Ituriel at Argentina ComicCon

Alan Ituriel visited ComicCon in Argentina. You read the title.

Here is a video of the first part of the panel. There is a link to several more parts in the description. It has English subs, don't worry.

Here is a storyboard shown off as well, if you'd just like to see that.

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IWander IWander 20 May 2018

Today is the wiki's 1st anniversary!

It's been one year of spreading evil across the web. For me at least, since I was the only one that joined that day.

Let's look back a little, shall we?

The pages created on May 20th, 2018 were:

  • The main page
  • Black Hat
  • Dr. Flug Slys
  • 5.0.5.
  • and Demencia .

The first person to join (a few days later) was IToasterrr. Since they copied my epic original name (rude), they never edited again... they didn't even respond to my message! *sniff*

It's been a nice ride! It feels like a long time, but also a short time.

Thank you for joining (or lurking)!

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IWander IWander 15 May 2018

New Discord

Hello all!

Myself and the few other people on Twitter that voted this one poll decided it was time to move to a new server. It was mostly because the old one hadn't really been active since 2017, and most people weren't editors here.

This one revolves around the wiki! Edit to your heart's content and you get shiny new roles!

Once you surpass 500 edits, you can pick your name's color :)

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Life of Brian69 Life of Brian69 14 February 2018

villainous is overrated

that's my opinion and you should repect that  and stop asking cartoon network to greenlit it  it will never happen

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IWander IWander 14 December 2017

Translation awaits

I haven't had as much time as I had before the school year started, so I haven't translated things as often as I used to. If you can also speak Spanish, feel free to translate these videos for the wiki. Please do not submit a translation that was not translated by yourself. Please do not translate from Portuguese either, as the dub is (most likely) not monitored by the original crew. 

If you need help formatting an article, contact the admin team.


Place this translation on The Lost Cases of Ooo/Transcript.

Alan Ituriel interview:

Place this on a blog post. 

Black Hat talks about his co-workers:

Place this …

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Bowhat26 Bowhat26 4 November 2017

Villainous: Backstories

A few people made up origins for blackhat and crew but alan ituriel has yet to confirmed wich origin story is real.

origin story # 1 : Blackhat hatched from an egg the egg came from the underground when dr flug as a child took blackhat's egg  and hatched him then overtime blackhat and dr flug got dementia and 505  and more years pass and they sell inventions to villains.

origin story # 2 alan ituriel rased blackhat then dr flug,dementia and 505 join blackhat when blackhat was in high school.

Origin story #3 Blackhat was a human but became a demon.

origin story #4 Blackhat was born in demon world but as a baby was adopted by dr flug's parents then some unkown villain killed flug's parents and Blackhat and dr flug grew up at a orphanage and year…

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Bodd Boward Bodd Boward 9 October 2017

all staff here is gay

IWander is gay

AntiGravityMaster is gay

Roy Petault is gay

Top-gem is not gay 

and i'm gay

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IWander IWander 1 October 2017

Halloween Favicon voting

If you don't know, a website's favicon is the icon that shows up on the tab. We need one for the Halloween theme!

Here are the icons you can pick from.

Now vote!

The winner will be added tomorrow! :)

EDIT: Bloody 5.0.5. wins. You can still vote if you'd like, there's nothing stopping you...

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IWander IWander 17 September 2017

Wiki update

Anonymous editing and Chat have been disabled. If you like to edit the wiki, create an account. This is to encourage people to edit more. 

If you'd like to discuss the wiki with the admins, (AntiGravityMaster and I) you can either contact us through our Talk pages or through Discord.

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IWander IWander 4 September 2017

Webisode order

Unfortunately there have been at least 4 Villainous webisodes lost to time. We only know the titles of 5 of them.

You can somewhat figure out the order these were released in by looking at the episode URLs. Considering Villainous Festivities is about the world ending in 2012, these shorts were probably released from 2012 to 2014, as that was the last year Alan Ituriel posted something to his DeviantART account. ( (Villainous Festivities as main video) (Hooked as main video)

One of the shorts may have just been thi…

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BettyTheDemon BettyTheDemon 2 August 2017

I feel embarassed...

For a pretty good reason, lawl.

Thing is, a long time ago when this show still needed a wiki, I jumped the gun and made one, but didn't think about... things. Like, keeping the wiki in good quality like this one, keeping up to date with info, blah blah blah. In other words, the wiki I have is a total MESS. But it does have some info that I might be able to share with this one. 

I DO want to support this wiki, and if you want to see the horrible one I made just go here:

I can't figure out if there is a way to delete it, because believe me if there was a way I would. One thing I'm worried about is that people will start confusing these two wikis, but I REALLY hope that doesn't happen. But …

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IWander IWander 22 May 2017

Original shorts

These shorts were created by Alian Turiel in 2012 for his website. They were probably taken off due to it becoming an actual series.

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