What is VICE?

VICE is a program that runs on a Unix, MS-DOS, Win32, OS/2, BeOS, QNX 4.x, QNX 6.x, Amiga, Syllable or Mac OS X machine and executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C64DTV, the C128, the VIC20, practically all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610/C510). An extra emulator is provided for C64 expanded with the CMD SuperCPU.


[NEW] (24 Dezember 2024) Version 3.9 released

We always need more help to keep all things going, so here is the usual call for volunteers... ;-) If you like to join our group, and help us in any way , please send a mail to [email protected] or catch us in #vice-dev on Libera.Chat IRC. Anyone interested in helping development of VICE is welcome. Please contact us to avoid doing something that someone else has done already. (-: (You might also want to have a look at our TODO list)

There is also an official-inoffical VICE Discord server that some of us idle in, feel free to join and say hi.

Before contacting us, have a look at the the VICE Manual if your question is answered there. Keep in mind that we work on VICE in our spare-time, so the more time we don't need to answer the same questions over and over again, the more time we have to improve the emulation itself. On the other hand, that does not mean that you should not contact us, especially if you find bugs or have suggestions which might improve the emulation. The list of already known BUGS is also available.

Download VICE

You can download the latest VICE distribution here. If you want to help improving the official ports and/or want to provide binaries, please get in touch with us. Occasionally we might upload unofficial test builds here.

Source distributions

Binary distributions

We recommend the GTK3 user interface over SDL2.


Apple Silicon Mac (macOS 12.0+)

Intel Silicon Mac (macOS 12.0+)

Old binary distributions

Related resources


The binary monitor interface is stable now. Examples of projects using it:




Current VICE team members: Pottendo, Marco van den Heuvel, Fabrizio Gennari, Groepaz, Errol Smith, Ingo Korb, Olaf Seibert, Marcus Sutton, Kajtar Zsolt, AreaScout, Bas Wassink, Michael C. Martin, Christopher Phillips, David Hogan, Empathic Qubit, Roberto Muscedere, June Tate-Gans, Pablo Roldan.

Of course our warm thanks go to everyone who has helped us in developing VICE during these past few years. For a more detailed list look in the documentation.


The VICE is copyrighted to: Pottendo, Marco van den Heuvel, Fabrizio Gennari, Groepaz, Errol Smith, Ingo Korb, Olaf Seibert, Marcus Sutton, Kajtar Zsolt, AreaScout, Bas Wassink, Michael C. Martin, Christopher Phillips, David Hogan, Empathic Qubit, Roberto Muscedere, June Tate-Gans, Pablo Roldan, Stefan Haubenthal, BSzili, Andreas Matthies, Daniel Kahlin, Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux, Ulrich Schulz, Thomas Giesel, Antti S. Lankila, Christian Vogelgsang, Dag Lem, Spiro Trikaliotis, Hannu Nuotio, Andreas Boose, Tibor Biczo, M. Kiesel, Andreas Dehmel, David Hansel, Markus Brenner, Thomas Bretz, Daniel Sladic, Andre Fachat, Ettore Perazzoli, Teemu Rantanen, Jouko Valta, Jarkko Sonninen, Mikkel Holm Olsen, Manuel Antonio Rodriguez Bas, Paul Dube, Czirkos Zoltan, Karai Csaba, Andrea Musuruane, Jesse Lee, Jarek Sobolewski, Michael Litvinov, Peter Krefting, Emir Akaydin.

VICE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

VICE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.� See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Winner of the Innovation Prize 2008

Commodore User group: Innovation Price: Software 2008 We are proud that VICE has been selected as the "best software innovation of the last few years" of the Dutch Commodore user group. Fabrizio Gennari was able to attend the ceremony and took the medal in the name of the whole VICE team. We are very proud of it, as it tells us how much you, the users, value our work. Thank you very much!