Enter your Bluesky handle, select the verification source and enter your ID there to become part of verified Bluesky lists and starter packs and get a label on your profile and posts.

This is your handle on Bluesky. If you open your profile, you see it below your name, after the @.
Select the source for verifying you.


Here you can find all Starter Packs and lists with verified Bluesky users created with this tool. To see the labels, go to the "host account" and subscribe to the labeler.
This tool is one of many available for Bluesky, focusing on verification sources in the Tech / IT industry and in no way affiliated with Bluesky!
This little tool works by checking first whether the Bluesky handle that you enter is a valid one and then whether the verification ID that you enter is valid for the selected source. Last it checks whether the Bluesky handle appears on the selected source with that ID. If all is valid, you will be added to the appropriate Bluesky starter packs and lists that correspond to the selected source. The idea is that you own the site on the selected source or at least control the content, so if there is a link to the given Bluesky handle there, it means that you are the owner of the site and the Bluesky handle. If anyone trusts the source, then they can also trust that it is you on Bluesky.
As a positive side effect, we get a nice collection of Starter Packs and lists fo those sources with only verified members. Currently we have the following numbers of verified Bluesky users:
Please note that in order to validate continuously whether the verification is still OK, we store your Bluesky handle and the verification ID in our backend. We will never share that data with anyone, but if you don't want the combination of your Bluesky handle and the verification ID to be stored with us, please don't use this service.
If you run into any issues, have ideas for other verification sources, want to check the code or have any other feedback, please visit the GitHub repository or contact the "host account" for the Starter Packs and lists on Bluesky. Next steps for this little project will be a directory of the available Starter Packs and lists to make it easier to find them.
Please note that this is very much work in progress, so no guarantees that it works as expected, that it will stay the same or even stay available. I might also have to reorganize things and then you might have to re-enter your data. I will try to avoid that, but I can't promise it. To learn about more how this works, check this blog post about it.