tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5848012286026687939.post8508364240142369236..comments2025-02-19T09:40:32.014-07:00Comments on The Vatic Project: Is the SPLC An American Arm of the Mossad?M. C. Brueckehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11749873350461333806[email protected]Blogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5848012286026687939.post-76004966733206149672010-09-21T20:19:32.784-06:002010-09-21T20:19:32.784-06:00Where there is a pattern as you rightly noted, th...Where there is a pattern as you rightly noted, there is a "PLAN" which is reflected in that pattern. <br /><br />The SPLC and the ADL are arms of Mossad here in the US, just like the CIA is part of the Ford foundation when it travels to other countries. The goal of the zionists right now is to divide us into fear and hate of each other as Americans.<br /><br />Then the civil war is suppose to break out with them shooting each other. Then martial law can be declared and Israel can take over the US without having to fire a shot, and do it with the aid of our treasonous leaders. <br /><br />That about sums up what you are seeing and the plan is obvious. First they tried Christians against muslims and that didn't work and now they are back to the old HATE THE OTHER PARTY syndrome that has not worked either. They are in serious trouble because if there is even one false flag that kills just one more American, they are out of here on a rail. Or in jail for life.Vatichttps://www.blogger.com/profile/00416190968165845127[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5848012286026687939.post-79601014682136409652010-09-21T17:03:08.170-06:002010-09-21T17:03:08.170-06:00I've read numerous reports by the SPLC & I...I've read numerous reports by the SPLC & I noticed a pattern of nearly all reports slanted against moderates/conservatives leving leftist groups unreported.Anonymous[email protected]