--- Title: The Apple Magic Keyboard Subtitle: What Cherry Blues are to some mechanical keyboard lovers, the Apple Magic Keyboard is to me. Date: 2018-11-11 21:20 Category: Tech Tags: [design, hardware] Summary: > What Cherry Blues are to some mechanical keyboard lovers, the Apple Magic Keyboard is to me. --- Assumed audience: nerds who care about keyboards, most of whom will probably think I’m crazy for my views in this post. I was sitting at my kitchen counter this evening, doing a mishmash of things—from writing a little Rust, to sending some text messages to my family, to leaving a note on a programming forum. The whole time, I’ve just had this quiet sense of deep pleasure about the typing. I was slightly confused about why I was enjoying the feel of the *typing* specifically… until I realized what exactly I was typing on. I’m sitting in front of a 2015 MacBook Pro… but I’m not typing on that keyboard. I’m typing on the [Apple Magic Keyboard](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MLA22LL/A/magic-keyboard-us-english) instead, which I brought upstairs from its normal perch on my desk and started using *everywhere*.[^1] This keyboard is *perfect* for me. It’s not what other people love, I know—people who prefer “mechanical keyboards” find it far too shallow. But there is something about the feeling of typing on this particular keyboard that I simply love. For me, it’s a perfect bit of industrial design, because it simultaneously looks good and works exactly the way I want it to, right down to the feeling of every keystroke. Mechanical keyboard lovers: you can keep your Cherry Blues. I’ll just stockpile Apple Magic Keyboards and be happy. --- P.S. Apple should totally just figure out how to put *exactly* this keyboard in their next-generation MacBook Pros. They won’t. But they should. [^1]: What prompted it? I ordered a stand for it for all the times I’m not at my desk with its 5k monitor. And then just decided it was worth doing this way *all* the time.