--- Title: Run With Me! Subtitle: A new (micro-)podcast (yes, I know I'm crazy) Date: 2016-04-11 21:35 Tags: [fitness, podcasting, design] --- I may have gone mad with power or something, but I launched another podcast today! Crazy, I know. It's both more and less crazy than it might sound, though. More, because of what the podcast is, and less, because of what the podcast is. So what is it? [_Run With Me_] is a microcast, with 3--5-minute long episodes *about* running, recorded *while* running. [_Run With Me_]: //runwith.chriskrycho.com ![_Run With Me_](//cdn.chriskrycho.com/runwith/cover-web.jpg "_Run With Me_ cover art") I allow myself an absolute maximum of ten minutes to edit and publish the episodes. (So far, I've never needed more than about *three* minutes.) So, for anyone worried that I'm unnecessarily or unwisely adding something more to my already-full plate: don't be. Apart from spending some of my relaxation time this weekend building the site, the only time I'll spend on this will be time I would already be spending running or cooling down after a run. So far (two episodes in!) it's a ton of fun. I've enjoyed the process of recording it, and it's nice to be able to talk about running confident that whoever listens is actually interested. (As I explain further on the show, that interest in not boring my audience is part of why I'm doing this, rather than just talking to people I know.) If you have any interest in running, and especially if you like listening to podcasts while you run, I think you'll enjoy this. I'd love it if you subscribed! - [ iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/run-with-me/id1102273878?mt=2) - [ Overcast](https://overcast.fm/p418939-N58r18) - [ PocketCasts](http://pca.st/5toh) - [ Old-fashioned RSS](http://runwith.chriskrycho.com/feed.xml) --- A few comments on the podcast from a form/genre angle, and a few from a technical angel: You can think of ["microcasts"] as being not terribly dissimilar from a [microblog post] in its own way. I'm happily stealing the idea of a microcast from [Manton Reece], whose [Timetable] show is a delightful little thing. (It's not original to him; a quick [Google search] will turn up instances of the term dating back several years at least, but he's where I got the idea, and I think he's certainly one of the first to be popularizing the form.) ["microcasts"]: //www.manton.org/2016/01/new-podcast-timetable.html [microblog post]: //v4.chriskrycho.com/micro/ [Manton Reece]: //www.manton.org [Timetable]: //timetable.manton.org I find podcasting as a medium extremely interesting in general (I'm [sure][WS] you would [never][NR] have [guessed] that), and I think microcasts will proliferate rapidly. As my friend [Oluseyi Sonaiya] and I have often discussed, brevity is a real virtue in podcasting, and one too-little appreciated by many amateur producers in the space. [Stephen] and I aim for that balance with [Winning Slowly][WS], and it's always been a part of my consideration with [New Rustacean][NR] as well. People's time is valuable. Saying something and then *being done* is a kindness to your audience.[^comments] [WS]: //www.winningslowly.org [NR]: //www.newrustacean.com [guessed]: //www.sap-py.com [Oluseyi Sonaiya]: http://oluseyi.info [Stephen]: http://independentclauses.com And then, practically speaking, there's the simple reality that it's just *harder* to record a long-form podcast while running. Especially a good one. At a tech level, producing the podcast is incredibly simple: I use the built-in microphone in the headphones that come with an iPhone to record, and do the recording and (extremely minimal) audio production in [Ferrite]. When I say minimal, I mean really minimal: I chop off the bits before I start talking, and the bits after I start talking, and I do all of that on my iPhone. Then I export to Dropbox, and from there to my CDN. That's it. [Ferrite]: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/app/ferrite-recording-studio/id1018780185?mt=8&at=1001l4KM [^comments]: No comments about the length of my blog posts, please.