--- Title: Sibelius 8 Subtitle: A higher price and less value than ever Date: 2015-07-28 12:25 Template: formats/link Category: tech Tags: [links] Link: http://www.sibeliusblog.com/news/sibelius-8-is-here/ ... Avid: [charging Sibelius users more money than ever for less value than ever][link], after laying off their dev team a couple years ago just to maximize profits. [link]: http://www.sibeliusblog.com/news/sibelius-8-is-here/ This is *not* [Winning Slowly​] material here, folks. They lost me (and many other) customers along the way, and they're headed further down that road here. [Winning Slowly​]: http://www.winningslowly.org/ Subscription models for software can be valuable and reasonable—but the providers have to justify them with product to match. Avid isn't, and hasn't been. I've no doubt they're continuing to profit in the short term, but this will no doubt erode their market position and waste an amazing product in the long term. Greed destroys good things.