Millions of Dead Fish in Redondo Beach

08 Mar

Since it’s Ash Wednesday tomorrow which we observe by abstaining from meat, I can’t decide whether to have seafood pasta or fish, then came this breaking news…

Millions dead fish, including anchovies, sardines and mackerel, are apparently floating up to the surface from the ocean floor and washed up in King Harbor near Redondo Beach.

Fish and game officials are still investigating what might have killed the fish. There are initial reports that a red tide, an algae bloom that sucks oxygen out of the water may have killed this large numbers of fish. But officials said they weren’t aware of any red tides, or other issues that could have caused such a massive killing.

So, what do you think may be the reason? We have heard a lot of similar incidents before about mass animal deaths but the findings were all inconclusive.

Right now, the Twitter world is exploding with messages about the signs of the apocalypse.

Meanwhile, all I can think of is what I could have done with all those fishes… fried, steamed, grilled, you name it…


Posted by on 03/08/2011 in Blogs, U. S. News


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4 responses to “Millions of Dead Fish in Redondo Beach

  1. Mama Mia

    03/08/2011 at 3:29 pm

    The anchovies could have been made into fish bagoong while the rest could be fish sauce.

  2. Ken & Barbie

    03/09/2011 at 10:10 am

    We were just planning to go on a cruise with our yacht but can’t board because of these dead fishes around it. OMG, the smell is indescribable.

  3. Jojo

    03/09/2011 at 3:53 pm

    Would this mean prices of fish will go up because there won’t be enough to meet the demands of consumers? Remember the law of supply and demand? Gee, everything is going up. Look at gasoline. The price continues to spike up.

  4. UmpUp

    03/09/2011 at 9:19 pm

    I can imagine how many hungry people would have been fed with those fish.


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