# Django Carrots Workshop – PyCon Edition!
Django Carrots – PyCon Edition is a one-day, intensive, free programming workshop for anyone who wants to learn how to code.
- When: Monday April 13th, during PyCon 2015
- Where: Room 513B, Palais de Congres in Montreal
- More information: Workshop description
- Cost: Free!
Organized by Geek Girls Carrots (GGC), the Django Carrots curriculum emphasizes individual contact between the student and mentor (before, during and after the workshop), a horizontal structure (students learn from mentors but also from each other), and sharing general knowledge about communities, organization and internet resources to help our participants after the workshop.
### How can I sign up?
Please fill out this registration form. Registration is open from February 2nd to March 1st. Everyone who registered should get a response before March 5th. You do not need a ticket for PyCon to attend the Django Carrots workshop during PyCon, but we strongly encourage you to attend the conference as well.
### What do I need during the workshop?
- laptop & charger
Remember: You don’t need to have any additional knowledge about programming to attend (we mean that!). The most important thing is your motivation and readiness to learn!
### Who are the mentors?
Our mentors are active programmers working in leading tech companies and universities in Europe and North America. In addition to knowledge and job experience, they are skilled educators who care about diversity and cultural changes in the tech industry.
### We look forward to coding with you in Montreal!
Geek Girls Carrots is a global community and social enterprise focused on connecting, teaching and inspiring women in Tech and IT. We create community by organizing meetings, workshops, hackathons and other events, gathering people to share their knowledge and experience. We gather in 22 cities, including Warsaw, NYC, London, Berlin, Luxembourg and Sydney.