Our APIs allow you to submit URLs for scanning and retrieve the results once the scan has finished. Furthermore, you can use an API for searching existing scans by attributes such as domains, IPs, Autonomous System (AS) numbers, hashes, etc. To use the APIs, you should create a user account, attach an API key and supply it when calling the API. Unauthenticated users only received minor quotas for API calls.

The fastest way to start working with our APIs is by using one of the many existing Commercial or Open Source integrations. Check out the comprehensive list of Available API Integrations.

Scan Visibility Levels

Scans on our platform have one of three visibility levels, make sure to use the appropriate level for your application:

PublicScan is visible on the frontpage and in the public search results and info pages.
UnlistedScan is not visible on the public page or search results, but is visible to vetted security researchers and security companies in our urlscan Pro platform. Use this if you want to submit malicious websites but are concerned that they might contain PII or non-public information.
PrivateScan is only visible to you in your personalised search or if you share the scan ID with third parties. Scans will be deleted from our system after a certain retention period. Use this if you don't want anyone else to see the URLs you submitted.

API Use Best Practices

These are some general pieces of advice we have collected over the years. Please stick to them, our life will be a lot easier!

  • DO NOT attempt to mirror or scrape our data wholesale. Please work with us if you have specific requirements.
  • TAKE CARE to remove PII from URLs or submit these scans as Unlisted, e.g. when there is an email address in the URL.
  • ATTENTION Certain JSON properties in API responses might occasionally be missing, make sure you handle this gracefully.
  • Use your API-Key for all API requests (submit, search, retrieve), otherwise you're subject to quotas for unauthenticated users.
  • Use the api-key HTTP header and not any other header name (e.g. x-api-key).
  • Any API endpoint not documented on this page is not guaranteed to be stable or even be available in the future.
  • Make sure to follow HTTP redirects (HTTP 301 and HTTP 302) sent by urlscan.io.
  • Use exponential backoffs and limit concurrency for all types of requests. Respect HTTP 429 response codes!
  • Use a work queue with backoffs and retries for API actions such as scans, results, and DOM / response downloads.
  • Consider using out-of-band mechanisms to determine that the URL you want to submit will actually deliver content.
  • Consider searching for a domain / URL before submitting it again.
  • Search: Limit your it by date if possible, e.g. if you query just the last 24 hours or seven days.
  • Integrations: Use a custom HTTP user-agent string for your library/integration. Include a software version if applicable.
  • Integrations: Expose HTTP status codes and error messages to your users.
  • Integrations: Expect properties to be added to any JSON response object at any point in time, handle gracefully.

Quotas & Rate Limiting

  • Some actions on urlscan.io are subject to quotas and rate-limits, regardless of performed in the UI or via the API.
  • There are separate limits per minute, per hour and per day for each action. Check your personal quotas for details.
  • Only successful requests count against your quota, i.e. requests which return an HTTP 200 status code.
  • We use a fixed-window approach to rate-limit requests, with resets at the full minute, hour and midnight UTC.
  • If you exceed a rate-limit for an action, the API will respond with a HTTP 429 error code for additional requests against that action.
  • You can query your current limits and used quota like this:
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "API-Key: $apikey" "https://urlscan.io/user/quotas/" 

The API returns X-Rate-Limit HTTP headers on each request to a rate-limited resource. The values only apply to the action of that API request, i.e. if you exceeded your quota for private scans you might still have available quota to submit unlisted scans or perform a search request. The limit returned is always the next one to be exceed in absolute numbers, so if your per-hour quota still has 1000 requests remaining but your per-day quota only has 500 requests left, you will receive the per-day quota. Make sure to respect the rate-limit headers as returned by every request.

X-Rate-Limit-Scope: ip-address
X-Rate-Limit-Action: search
X-Rate-Limit-Window: minute
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 30
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 24
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 2020-05-18T20:19:00.000Z
X-Rate-Limit-Reset-After: 17

X-Rate-Limit-ScopeEither user (with cookie or API-Key header) or ip-address for unauthenticated requests.
X-Rate-Limit-ActionWhich API actions the rate-limit refers to, e.g. search or public.
X-Rate-Limit-WindowRate window with the least fewest remaining calls, either minute,hour, or day.
X-Rate-Limit-LimitYour rate-limit for this action and window.
X-Rate-Limit-RemainingRemaining calls for this action and window (not counting the current request).
X-Rate-Limit-ResetISO-8601 timestamp of when the rate-limit resets.
X-Rate-Limit-Reset-AfterSeconds remaining until the rate-limit resets.

Submission API

The submission API allows you to submit a URL to be scanned and set some options for the scan.

curl -X POST "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/scan/" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "API-Key: $apikey" \
      -d "{ \
        \"url\": \"$url\", \"visibility\": \"public\", \
        \"tags\": [\"demotag1\", \"demotag2\"] \
import requests
import json
headers = {'API-Key':'$apikey','Content-Type':'application/json'}
data = {"url": "https://urlyouwanttoscan.com/path/", "visibility": "public"}
response = requests.post('https://urlscan.io/api/v1/scan/',headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
  "url": "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/scan/",
  "content_type": "json",
  "method": "post",
  "payload": {
    "url": "https://tines.io/",
    "visibility": "public",
      "demotag1", "demotag2"
  "headers": {
    "API-Key": "{% credential urlscan_io %}"
  "expected_update_period_in_days": "1"
If the
parameter is omitted, scans will default to your configured default visibility.
The response to the API call will return the following JSON object, including the unique scan UUID and API endpoint for the scan. With the unique UUID you can retrieve the scan result, screenshot and DOM snapshot after waiting for a while. While the scan is still in progress, the Result API endpoint will respond with the HTTP 404 status code. The suggested polling logic would be to wait 10-30 seconds directly after submission and then polling in 5-second intervals until the scan is finished or a maximum wait time has been reached.
  "message": "Submission successful",
  "uuid": "0e37e828-a9d9-45c0-ac50-1ca579b86c72",
  "result": "https://urlscan.io/result/0e37e828-a9d9-45c0-ac50-1ca579b86c72/",
  "api": "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/result/0e37e828-a9d9-45c0-ac50-1ca579b86c72/",
  "visibility": "public",
  "options": {
    "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36"
  "url": "https://urlscan.io",
  "country": "de"

Other options that can be set in the POST data JSON object:

  • customagent: Override User-Agent for this scan
  • referer: Override HTTP referer for this scan
  • visibility: One of public, unlisted, private. Defaults to your configured default visibility.
  • tags: User-defined tags to annotate this scan, e.g. "phishing" or "malicious". Limited to 10 tags.
  • overrideSafety: If set to any value, this will disable reclassification of URLs with potential PII in them. Use with care!
  • country: Specify which country the scan should be performed from (2-Letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country). See the API endpoint for possible values. If you omit this value, urlscan will try to do automatic country detection based on the TLD of the URL, GeoIP information of the server and of the user.

If you have a list of URLs, you can use the following code-snippet to submit all of them:

echo list|tr -d "\r"|while read url; do
  curl -X POST "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/scan/" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "API-Key: $apikey" \
      -d "{\"url\": \"$url\", \"visibility\": \"public\"}"
  sleep 2;

Result API, Screenshots & DOM snapshots

Using the Scan ID received from the Submission API, you can use the Result API to poll for the scan. The most efficient approach would be to wait at least 10 seconds before starting to poll, and then only polling 2-second intervals with an eventual upper timeout in case the scan does not return.

curl https://urlscan.io/api/v1/result/$uuid/
  "url": "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/result/{{.uuid}}/",
  "content_type": "json",
  "method": "get",
  "expected_update_period_in_days": "1"
Until a scan is finished, this URL will respond with a HTTP 404 status code.

If a scan result has been deleted, it will respond with an HTTP/410 error code. This can happen at any time, even right after scan submission!

Once the scan is finished, the Result API URL will respond with HTTP 200 and return a JSON object with a number of properties. The properties are documented in detail in the Result API Reference.

With the UUID you can also retrieve the DOM Snapshot and PNG Screenshot for a particular scan using the following URLs:

curl https://urlscan.io/screenshots/$uuid.png
curl https://urlscan.io/dom/$uuid/

If either of these endpoints respond with HTTP 404 after the scan has finished it means that we did not store the DOM snapshot or screenshot.

Search API

You can use the same ElasticSearch syntax to search for scans as on the Search page. Each result has high-level metadata about the scan result and a link to the API for the full scan result. For a comprehensive list of available searchable fields, consult the urlscan.io Search API Reference.

  "url": "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/search/",
  "content_type": "json",
  "method": "get",
  "payload": {
    "q": "domain:tines.io OR domain:urlscan.io"
  "expected_update_period_in_days": "1"
Available query parameters for the search endpoint:
The query term (ElasticSearch Query String Query). Default: "*"
Number of results returned. Default: 100, Max: 10000 (depending on your subscription)
For retrieving the next batch of results, value of the sort attribute of the last (oldest) result you received (comma-separated).

The search API returns an array of results where each entry includes these items:

The UUID of the scan
The sort key, to be used with search_after
Information about the page after it finished loading
Parameters for the scan
High-level stats about the page
Pro Only Detected phishing against specific brands
For comprehensive list of available searchable fields, consult the urlscan.io Search API Reference.

The API search will only indicate an exact count of results up to 10,000 results in the total property. After that the has_more flag will be true. Use the sort value of the last (i.e. oldest) scan result in the current list of results as a parameter for the next Search API call. Supply this value in the search_after query parameter for getting the next (older) batch of results.

API search will find Public scans performed by anyone as well as Unlisted and Private scans performed by you or your teams.

Error Codes

The API returns different error codes using the HTTP status and will also include some high-level information in the JSON response, including the status code, a message and sometimes a more elaborate description.

For scan submissions, there are various reasons why a scan request won't be accepted and will return an error code. This includes, among others:

  • Blacklisted domains and URLs, requested to be blacklisted by their respective owners.
  • Spammy submissions of URLs known to be used only for spamming this service.
  • Invalid hostnames or invalid protocol schemes (FTP etc).
  • Missing URL property ... yes, it does happen.
  • Contains HTTP basic auth information ... yes, that happens as well.
  • Non-resolvable hostnames (A, AAAA, CNAME) which we will not even try to scan.

An error will typically be indicated by the HTTP 400 status code. It might look like this:

  "message": "DNS Error - Could not resolve domain",
  "description": "The domain .google.com could not be resolved to a valid IPv4/IPv6 address. We won't try to load it in the browser.",
  "status": 400

If you think an error is incorrect, let us know via mail!

Manual & Automatic Submissions

Manual submissions are the submissions through our website. No registration is required. Manual submissions have the same features as API and automatic submissions.

Automatic Submissions are URLs we collect from a variety of sources and submit to urlscan.io internally. The reason behind this to provide a good coverage of well-known URLs, especially with a focus towards potentially malicious sites. This helps when scanning a new site and searching for one of the many features (domain, IP, ASN) that can be extracted.

Automatic Sources

  • OpenPhish AI-powered list of potential phishing sites: OpenPhish
  • PhishTank List of potential phishing sites: PhishTank
  • CertStream Suspicious domains observed on CertStream
  • Twitter URLs being tweeted / pasted by various Twitter users.
  • URLhaus Malware URL exchange by Abuse.ch: URLhaus