Papers by Anastasio Arguello
Journal of Dairy Science, 2008
Journal of Proteomics, 2020
rights and content Highlights • Tropical animal production systems are subjected to harsh conditi... more rights and content Highlights • Tropical animal production systems are subjected to harsh conditions that limit production sustainability • Omics technologies provide insight to resilience mechanisms and product quality at the molecular level • Application of omics in the tropical animal production context could help improve the productivity of low-resource areas
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2018
Earley (2018) Effect of passive transfer status on response to a glycoprotein E (gE)-negative bov... more Earley (2018) Effect of passive transfer status on response to a glycoprotein E (gE)-negative bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccine and weaning stress in pre-weaned dairy calves,

Journal of the science of food and agriculture, Jan 26, 2017
The use of milk replacers to feed suckling kids could affect the shelf life and appearance of the... more The use of milk replacers to feed suckling kids could affect the shelf life and appearance of the meat. Leg chops were evaluated by consumers and the instrumental color was measured. A machine learning algorithm was used to relate them. The aim of this experiment was to study the shelf life of the meat of kids reared with dam's milk or milk replacers and to ascertain which illuminant and instrumental color variables are used by consumers as criteria to evaluate that visual appraisal. Meat from kids reared with milk replacers was more valuable and had a longer shelf life than those reared with natural milk. Consumers used the color of the whole surface of the leg chop to assess the appearance of meat. Lightness and hue angle were the prime cues used to evaluate the appearance of meat. Illuminant D65 was more useful for relating the visual appraisal with the instrumental color using a machine learning algorithm. The machine learning algorithms showed that the underlying rules used...

Journal of Dairy Research, 2017
Goat dairy products are an important source of animal protein in the tropics. During the dry seas... more Goat dairy products are an important source of animal protein in the tropics. During the dry season, pasture scarcity leads animals to lose up to 40% of their body weight, a condition known as Seasonal Weight Loss (SWL) that is one of the major constraints in ruminant production. Breeds with high tolerance to SWL are relevant to understand the physiological responses to pasture scarcity so they could be used in programs for animal breeding. In the Canary Islands there are two dairy goat breeds with different levels of tolerance to SWL: the Palmera, susceptible to SWL; and the Majorera, tolerant to SWL. Fat is one of the milk components most affected by environmental and physiological conditions. This study hypothesises that feed-restriction affects Majorera and Palmera breeds differently, leading to different fatty acid profiles in the mammary gland and milk. An interaction between breed and feed-restriction was observed in the mammary gland. Feed-restriction was associated with an ...

Journal of Dairy Research, 2016
Colostrum and milk feeding are key factors for the newborn ruminant survival, affecting the futur... more Colostrum and milk feeding are key factors for the newborn ruminant survival, affecting the future performance of the animal. Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the potential of feeding newborn ruminants (mainly goat kids and lambs) with colostrum and milk from other more productive ruminant species (mainly cows). Although some studies regarding differences between colostrum and milk from these three species have been performed, herein we conduct for the first time a comparison using a proteomics 2-Dimensional Electrophoresis gel-based approach between these three ruminant species. In this study colostrum and milk samples from six Holstein cows, six Canarian sheep and six Majorera goats were used to determine the chemical composition, immunoglobulin G (IgG) and M (IgM) concentrations and proteomics profiles. Results showed that in general sheep colostrum and milk contained higher fat, protein and lactose percentages compared to bovine and goat samples. Additionally, no dif...

espanolPara la realizacion del estudio de la calidad de la carne se utilizaron cuarenta cabritos ... more espanolPara la realizacion del estudio de la calidad de la carne se utilizaron cuarenta cabritos pertenecientes a la ACC, divididos en cuatro lotes, sobre los cuales se valoro el efecto del tipo de lactancia (natural vs artificial) y del peso sacrificio (6 vs. 10 kg.), controlandose la evolucion del pH, color, capacidad de retencion de agua, dureza, composicion quimica y fibrilar. La mayor parte de variacion entre distintos parametros es debida al efecto del propio aumento de peso al sacrificio. Como conclusion, el empleo de un lactorreemplazante no afecto negativamente a la calidad quimico-fisica de la carne producida. EnglishIn the study of meat quality were used 40 ACC kids, which were distributed in four subgroups. It was evaluated suckling method effect (natural vs artificial) and slaughtered weight (6 vs 10 Kg). After that, it was controlled pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture, chemistry and fibre composition. The major variability between different parameters was due to the increase of slaughter weight. To sum up, to use a milk replacer did not affect the chemist-physics meat quality.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена аналитическому обзору исторического развития и современного состояния... more Аннотация. Статья посвящена аналитическому обзору исторического развития и современного состояния сталежелезобетонных конструкций, их преимуществ и недостатков, краткому обзору особенностей методов расчета и исследований сталежелезобетонных конструкций. Основная цель исследования-дать обоснованную оценку реальному положению сталежелезобетонных конструкций в современном строительстве. Для достижения поставленной цели применялся такой метод исследования, как анализ объекта исследования. По результатам проведенного исследования и изучения литературы и нормативных документов можно сделать главный вывод о перспективности применения сталежелезобетона для России вследствие высоких показателей эффективности конструкций из этого материала. В России постепенно расширяется нормативная база в области сталежелезобетонных конструкций, что создает предпосылки для их более широкого применения. Ключевые слова. Сталежелезобетон, сталежелезобетонные конструкции, эффективность, расчет конструкций, гражданское строительство, строительство, здания и сооружения.

ABSTRACT Las Islas Canarias son una región endémica de dirofilariasis, una enfermedad que afecta ... more ABSTRACT Las Islas Canarias son una región endémica de dirofilariasis, una enfermedad que afecta predominantemente a los perros, aunque también a gatos y al ser humano. Esta enfermedad está causada por un parásito, Dirofilaria immitis, que es transmitido por la picadura de un mosquito infec-tado. En los perros, esta enfermedad puede tener una sintomatología grave, logrando desencadenar la muerte del animal. No obstante, afortunadamen-te en el caso de los humanos, la enfermedad cursa ge-neralmente de manera asintomática. Estudios previos en las Islas Canarias, desarrollados a mediados de la década de los 90, demostraron que razas de perros canarios, tales como el Presa Canario, el Bardino y el Podenco Canario, eran las más afectadas por esta enfermedad, probablemente debido a su vinculación con ambientes rurales, lo que podría aumentar su susceptibilidad al ataque de los mosquitos. Aunque no deben de olvidarse las medidas profilácticas y un adecuado cuidado sanitario de los animales, es necesario desarrollar es-tudios que nos muestren los mecanismos que median en la transmisión de estos parásitos, especialmente debido a la importancia que podría tener sobre especies de interés o el propio ser humano. Por este motivo, hay que estudiar los tres "actores" principales de esta interacción: los vectores (mosquitos), el parásito (en este caso particular Dirofilaria immiti) y el hos-pedador vertebrado, para así poder identificar: a) los animales susceptibles de infectarse por el parásito (interacción parásito-hospedador), b) los mos-quitos que podrían transmitir el parásito (interacción mosquito-parásito) y c) las especie de vertebrados que son picadas por estos mosquitos (inter-acción hospedador-mosquito). En este sentido, hasta el momento la inmensa mayoría de los estudios sobre esta enfermedad en las Islas Canarias se han centrado en los ani-males vertebrados (incluyendo al hombre) que son parasitados, mientras que los aspectos relacionados con los mecanismos de transmisión del parásito apenas han sido estudiados. Así, a lo largo de las últimas décadas, se ha estimado que en perros la seroprevalencia (una medida para cono-cer aquellos animales que han tenido contacto con el parásito) oscila entre el 19% y el 59%, dependiendo de la época del año y zona geográfica. No obstante, recientemente, primero en Madeira y, después, en Gran Canaria, también se han identificado los mosquitos potenciales transmi-sores de Dirofilaria immitis, señalando a una especie de mosquito, Culex theileri, como el principal protagonista. Con estos avances en el conocimiento del problema, una vez cono-cidos los hospedadores vertebrados del parásito y sus transmisores, faltaba identificar las especies de vertebrados que serían susceptibles al ataque del mosquito. Para ello, capturamos mosquitos en dos granjas de las Islas Canarias, una en Gran Canaria y otra en Tenerife. La elección de estos lugares se basó en dos aspectos funda-mentales, por un lado, las prácticas ganaderas ofrecen lugares idóneos para la cría de mosquitos y, por otro, e-xistían evidencias previas sobre la posibilidad de que precisamente aquellos perros más relacionados con las labores de campo fuesen más susceptibles al ataque de los mosquitos. Así, una vez capturados e identificados los mosquitos en base a su morfología con la ayuda de una lupa, seleccionamos aquellas hembras de mosquitos (el único sexo que se comporta como hematófago) que mostraban signos evidentes de estar alimentados, esto es, que presenta-ban sangre en su abdomen. Para identificar el animal de procedencia de esta sangre usamos técnicas basadas en la amplificación y secuenciación del material genético y más concretamente de un fragmento del gen mitocondrial para la subunidad 1 de la citocromo oxidasa (COI). Utilizando estas novedosas técnicas pudimos identificar la fuente de alimento de un total de 125 mosquitos de dos especies diferentes, comprendiendo 121 ejemplares de la especie Cx. theileri y 4 de Culex pipiens, esta última es-pecie también potencialmente involucrada en la transmisión de la dirofila-ria, como se ha podido demostrar en otros lugares. En conjunto, se identificaron un total de siete especies de hospedadores vertebrados, al-gunas de interés ganadero como serían las cabras, las ovejas o las vacas. Perros, gatos y humanos, estos de interés para el caso de la dirofilariasis, también fueron identificados como potenciales hospedadores de los mosquitos estudiados. Además, pudimos identificar la susceptibilidad de las aves, en este caso de las gallinas, al ataque de estos insectos. En conjunto, los resultados obtenidos fruto de este estudio, apoyarían en principio la potencialidad de estos insectos para transmitir el parásito Dirofilaria immitis en las Islas Canarias. Además, este estudio sienta las bases de futuras investigaciones en las que identificar los posibles efectos negativos que pu-dieran causar las picaduras de los mosquitos en las diferentes especies que parasitan,…
... de Andalucía por la financiación del presente trabajo con el proyecto Nº 75 (EXPDTE.: 92162/1... more ... de Andalucía por la financiación del presente trabajo con el proyecto Nº 75 (EXPDTE.: 92162/1). Así mismo agradecer de forma especial a la ganadera Daniela Hinojo Antille ... Flores, A., Puerta, A., Guzmán, JL, Delgado-Pertíñez, M., Zarazaga, LA, Argüello, A., Forero, J., 2007. ...
Jounal of Animal …, 1999
... Other milk breeds, like Saanen or Alpine presents similar DGG (Owen and Mtenga, 1980; Fehr an... more ... Other milk breeds, like Saanen or Alpine presents similar DGG (Owen and Mtenga, 1980; Fehr and Sauvant, 1976) when they are raised together with their dams. ... Fleischwirtschaft, 65(2): 194-196, 199-200. Nunez, FAN, Owen E. and Cereceres, MTA (1983). ...

Small Ruminant Research, 2003
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration, several different methods of ... more The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration, several different methods of thawing, and pasteurization on the concentration of IgG in goat colostrum. Three different experiments were designed to analyse these effects. In the first of these, 50 samples of goat colostrum were stored in a cold-storage room at a temperature of 4 • C for a 3-month period. No statistically significant effects were observed within this time, although there was a reduction in IgG concentrations (32.98 and 25.11 mg/ml IgG at day 0 and 91, respectively). In the second experiment, 20 samples of goat colostrum were frozen and subsequently thawed using four different methods: hot water (60 • C), refrigeration (4 • C), room temperature (27 • C) and microwave (55 • C). The process was carried out seven times for each of the four methods. The method of thawing did not affect the colostrum IgG concentration. However, the repetition of freezing and thawing tended to reduce IgG concentrations, albeit to no significant degree (15.50 and 10.73 mg/ml IgG at cycle 0 and 7, respectively). In the third experiment, 30 goat colostrum samples were used and a reduction of approximately 35% of IgG concentration after pasteurization was observed. Refrigeration, freezing and pasteurization are suitable methods for conserving goat colostrum.
Livestock Production …, 2004
... Al-Jawad and Lees (1985), in contrast, did not find any differences in absorption efficiency ... more ... Al-Jawad and Lees (1985), in contrast, did not find any differences in absorption efficiency in Clun Forest breed lambs when they were fed with a variety of different sources of Ig, which ranged in concentration from 139 g/l (sheep colostrum) to 38 g/l (sheep blood serum). ...

PloS one, 2016
Seasonal weight loss (SWL) is the most important limitation to animal production in the Tropical ... more Seasonal weight loss (SWL) is the most important limitation to animal production in the Tropical and Mediterranean regions, conditioning producer's incomes and the nutritional status of rural communities. It is of importance to produce strategies to oppose adverse effects of SWL. Breeds that have evolved in harsh climates have acquired tolerance to SWL through selection. Most of the factors determining such ability are related to changes in biochemical pathways as affected by SWL. In this study, a gel based proteomics strategy (BN: Blue-Native Page and 2DE: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis) was used to characterize the mitochondrial proteome of the secretory tissue of the goat mammary gland. In addition, we have conducted an investigation of the effects of weight loss in two goat breeds with different levels of adaptation to nutritional stress: Majorera (tolerant) and Palmera (susceptible). The study used Majorera and Palmera dairy goats, divided in 4 sets, 2 for each breed: ...

Journal of proteomics, Jan 24, 2016
Seasonal weight loss (SWL) is a significant limitation to animal production. Breeds that have evo... more Seasonal weight loss (SWL) is a significant limitation to animal production. Breeds that have evolved in harsh climates have acquired tolerance to SWL through selection. Herein, label free proteomics was used to characterize the effects of SWL in two goat breeds with different levels of adaptation to nutritional stress: Majorera (tolerant) and Palmera (susceptible). Nine Majorera and 10 Palmera dairy goats were used, divided in 4 sets, 2 for each breed: underfed and a control group: Majorera Control (MC), Palmera Control (PC), Majorera Restricted (ME) and Palmera Restricted (PE). At day 22, mammary gland biopsy samples were obtained. Label free proteomic analysis enabled the identification of over 1000 proteins, of which 96 showed differential expression between two of the groups within studied comparisons. Majorera breed showed higher expression of immune system related proteins. In contrast, Palmera breed showed higher expression of proteins related to apoptosis. Results indicate ...
Papers by Anastasio Arguello