The Making of “The Aviator”: Animating a Basic 3D Scene with Three.js

A tutorial that explores the basics of creating animated 3D scenes using Three.js.

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  1. Love this tutorial. I may adapt it for a student club at the university I teach at here in S. Korea. I will contact you with student variations if so!
    Thanks a million!

  2. Hi there! awesome work!! can we just use the code in our websites or are there any copyrights restrictions to it ???

  3. Thank you so much for this tutorial!!! I had a lot of fun and learned a ton. Hope to see more in the future!

  4. This was fantastic!! I have been wanting something that put it all together — and explained it so well! Beautiful tutorial! So excited by it I used it to create a quick little holiday card for my company:
    Turned the aviator into a character called Major Mims (based on the CEOs actual pilot dad) and how he flys after Santa’s sleigh to catch the packages that fall out while avoiding the ice shards from the storm that’s raging! Hope I changed it enough for you the base of it is still there tho and I appreciate that foundation work! THANK YOU! Will tweet it with an @ to you as well! LOVE YOUR WORK!

  5. Those feelings when you thought you were good with JavaScript, and then that guy with Three.js or WebGL knowledge comes in the run. JavaScript? Me? No… no no, not at all!

    As someone who’s worked in both 3D (C4D/3DSM) and JavaScript — this is amazing. Great work!

  6. I always wanted to dive into three.js and this tutorial is just amazing – you are so talented, great work, bravo!

  7. Excelent tutorial. thanks for teaching .. how to load 3dmax object into threejs such as airplane

  8. This is incredible! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I also looked at your profile, and was amazed by how talented an illustrator you are.
    You should add a ‘Buy me a coffee’ link to this page. I would get you one for sure!


    I am doing a fork, with other characters sound etc … I am very doubtful I tried for a degrader without success, but the sound already was ..

    body {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
       background: -webkit-gradient (linear, left bottom, left top, from (# 4b6cb7), to (# 000000));
       background: linear-gradient (to top, # 4b6cb7, # 000000);
       height: 100%;
       position: inherit;
       z-index: 1;