"The Real Murders of Orange County" delves into the most horrific, sinful a...
"The Real Murders of Orange County" delves into the most horrific, sinful and salacious cases that rocked a wealthy Southern California coastal commun...
"The Real Murders of Orange County" delves into the most horrific, sinful and salacious cases that rocked a wealthy Southern California coastal community also known for a certain soapy prime-time drama, wine-sipping Housewives and the ups and downs of the hot and privileged in Laguna Beach. From a lethal tale of mistaken identity to the deadly pursuit of the perfect family image, and from a murder-for-hire gone wrong to families turning on their own, viewers hear the harrowing tales of privilege leading to problems and greed leading to murder as each episode delves into a startling case of privilege and prosperity gone fatally wrong.
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