4.10.18. 各種~form~controlに共通な属性 要素~方向性の提出-法: `dirname^a 属性
要素の`方向性$の提出を可能化し,`~form提出$の際に この値を包含させる名前を与える。
The dirname attribute on a form control element enables the submission of the directionality of the element, and gives the name of the control that contains this value during form submission. If such an attribute is specified, its value must not be the empty string.
In this example, a form contains a text control and a submission button:
"comment", "comment.dir", "mode"
]と称される 3 個の欄を含める。
利用者が "Hello" と手入力していたなら、
When the user submits the form, the user agent includes three fields, one called "comment", one called "comment.dir", and one called "mode"; so if the user types "Hello", the submission body might be something like:
If the user manually switches to a right-to-left writing direction and enters "مرحبا", the submission body might be something like:
comment=~rtlWord1&comment.dir=rtl&mode=add ~form提出用の属性
`form$e 要素にも,`提出-~button$†にも指定できる。
(† ~formを提出する~buttonを表現する要素
— 例えば `input$e 要素のうち `type$a 属性が `Submit$st 状態にあるもの。)
Attributes for form submission can be specified both on form elements and on submit buttons (elements that represent buttons that submit forms, e.g. an input element whose type attribute is in the Submit Button state).
`form$e 要素には、
`action$a, `enctype$a, `method$a, `novalidate$a, `target$a
The attributes for form submission that may be specified on form elements are action, enctype, method, novalidate, and target.
`formaction$a, `formenctype$a, `formmethod$a, `formnovalidate$a, `formtarget$a
— これらの属性の省略-時の既定は、
`form$e 要素に与えられた対応する属性の値になる。
The corresponding attributes for form submission that may be specified on submit buttons are formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget. When omitted, they default to the values given on the corresponding attributes on the form element.
The action and formaction content attributes, if specified, must have a value that is a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces.
%要素 の
%要素 は`提出-~button$である
%要素 は `formaction$a 属性を有する
~RET その属性の値
%要素 ~SET %要素 の`~form所有者$
%要素 ~NEQ ~NULL
%要素 は `action$a 属性を有する
~RET その属性の値
~RET 空~文字列
The action of an element is the value of the element's formaction attribute, if the element is a submit button and has such an attribute, or the value of its form owner's action attribute, if it has one, or else the empty string.
次に挙げる~keyword, とり得る状態, それらの対応付けが定義される:
The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states:
| 状態
| 概略的な記述
| `GET@st
~HTTP `GET$M ~methodを利用することになる。
| `POST@st
~HTTP `POST$M ~methodを利用することになる。
| `dialog@st
それが見出される `dialog$e ~boxが[
在るならば それを閉じる/
無いならば 提出しない
Keyword|State|Brief description
get|GET|Indicates the form will use the HTTP GET method.
post|POST|Indicates the form will use the HTTP POST method.
dialog|Dialog|Indicates the form is intended to close the dialog box in which the form finds itself, if any, and otherwise not submit.
`method$a 属性の[
`GET$st とする。
The method attribute's missing value default and invalid value default are both the GET state.
`formmethod$a 属性の[
`欠落~値~用の既定の状態$は ε /
`妥当でない値~用の既定の状態$は `GET$st
The formmethod attribute has no missing value default, and its invalid value default is the GET state.
上に挙げた いずれかの状態をとる
— それは、[[
要素は `formmethod$a 属性を有する
]ならば その属性の状態 /
~ELSE_ 要素の`~form所有者$の `method$a 属性の状態
The method of an element is one of those states. If the element is a submit button and has a formmethod attribute, then the element's method is that attribute's state; otherwise, it is the form owner's method attribute's state.
`method$a 属性を利用して 既定の値 `get$v を明示的に指定する例
— 探索~queryは、
Here the method attribute is used to explicitly specify the default value, "get", so that the search query is submitted in the URL:
他方, `method$a 属性に値 `post$v に指定した場合、
On the other hand, here the method attribute is used to specify the value "post", so that the user's message is submitted in the HTTP request's body:
`form$e は `dialog$e に利用される。
`method$a 属性には `dialog$v ~keywordが利用されている。
In this example, a form is used with a dialog. The method attribute's "dialog" keyword is used to have the dialog automatically close when the form is submitted.
— それぞれ、
The enctype and formenctype content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states:
The "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" keyword and corresponding state.
The "multipart/form-data" keyword and corresponding state.
The "text/plain" keyword and corresponding state.
`enctype$a 属性の[
`application/x-www-form-urlencoded$v とする。
The attribute's missing value default and invalid value default are both the application/x-www-form-urlencoded state.
`formenctype$a 属性の[
`欠落~値~用の既定の状態$は ε/
`妥当でない値~用の既定の状態$は `application/x-www-form-urlencoded$v
The formenctype attribute has no missing value default, and its invalid value default is the application/x-www-form-urlencoded state.
上に挙げた 3 種の状態いずれかをとり,[
`formenctype$a 属性を有する
]ならばその属性の状態 /
~ELSE_ 要素の`~form所有者$の `enctype$a 属性の状態
The enctype of an element is one of those three states. If the element is a submit button and has a formenctype attribute, then the element's enctype is that attribute's state; otherwise, it is the form owner's enctype attribute's state.
The target and formtarget content attributes, if specified, must have values that are valid navigable target names or keywords.
The novalidate and formnovalidate content attributes are boolean attributes. If present, they indicate that the form is not to be validated during submission.
~IS ~OR↓ になるとする:
要素は `formnovalidate$a 属性を有する
~NULL でない, かつ `novalidate$a 属性を有する
The no-validate state of an element is true if the element is a submit button and the element's formnovalidate attribute is present, or if the element's form owner's novalidate attribute is present, and false otherwise.
検証~拘束を備える~formに “保存-” ~buttonを含ませて,[
2 個の必須の欄に加えて, 3 個の~button
— ~form提出-用の~button(両~欄とも埋めることが要求される),
~formを まるごと取消す~button —
This attribute is useful to include "save" buttons on forms that have validation constraints, to allow users to save their progress even though they haven't fully entered the data in the form. The following example shows a simple form that has two required fields. There are three buttons: one to submit the form, which requires both fields to be filled in; one to save the form so that the user can come back and fill it in later; and one to cancel the form altogether.
`action$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
`action$a 内容~属性を有していて,その値 ~NEQ 空~文字列
The action IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the element's node document's URL must be returned instead.\
`target$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The target IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.\
`method$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
`enctype$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The method and enctype IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name, limited to only known values.\
The encoding IDL attribute must reflect the enctype content attribute, limited to only known values.\
`novalidate$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The noValidate IDL attribute must reflect the novalidate content attribute.\
`formaction$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
`formaction$a 内容~属性を有していて,その値 ~NEQ 空~文字列
The formAction IDL attribute must reflect the formaction content attribute, except that on getting, when the content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the element's node document's URL must be returned instead.\
`formenctype$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The formEnctype IDL attribute must reflect the formenctype content attribute, limited to only known values.\
`formmethod$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The formMethod IDL attribute must reflect the formmethod content attribute, limited to only known values.\
`formnovalidate$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The formNoValidate IDL attribute must reflect the formnovalidate content attribute.\
`formtarget$a 内容~属性を`反映する$モノトスル。
The formTarget IDL attribute must reflect the formtarget content attribute. ~autofill
4.10.19. ~text~control選択~用の~API
`input$e / `textarea$e
The input and textarea elements define several attributes and methods for handling their selection. Their shared algorithms are defined here.
始端/終端/隣接する ある 2 個の`符号単位$の狭間
`~offset$ 0 は~textの始端を指すとする(したがって,`~offset$[
(原文の “`offset^en” は、
文字列~内の “`符号単位$の~offset” を表していて,記述がまわりくどいので)。
- %element.`select()$m
Selects everything in the text control.
- %element.`selectionStart$m [ = %value ]
Returns the offset to the start of the selection.
Can be set, to change the start of the selection.
- %element.`selectionEnd$m [ = %value ]
Returns the offset to the end of the selection.
Can be set, to change the end of the selection.
- %element.`selectionDirection$m [ = %value ]
Returns the current direction of the selection.
Can be set, to change the direction of the selection.
`forward^l, `backward^l, `none^l
The possible values are "forward", "backward", and "none".
- %element.`setSelectionRange(start, end [, direction])$m
始端, 終端, 方向
%start, %end, %direction
%direction が省略された場合、
方向は~platformの既定のそれ( `forward^l または `none^l )に再設定される。
Changes the selection to cover the given substring in the given direction. If the direction is omitted, it will be reset to be the platform default (none or forward).
- %element.`setRangeText(replacement [, start, end [, selectionMode ] ])$m
%start, %end 引数が供されない場合の範囲は、
Replaces a range of text with the new text. If the start and end arguments are not provided, the range is assumed to be the selection.
~textが置換された後に,選択が どう設定されることになるかを決定する。
The final argument determines how the selection will be set after the text has been replaced. The possible values are:
- `select$l
Selects the newly inserted text.
- `start$l
選択の始端, 終端ともに 挿入された~textの直前に移動する。
Moves the selection to just before the inserted text.
- `end$l
選択の始端, 終端ともに 挿入された~textの直後に移動する。
Moves the selection to just after the selected text.
- `preserve$l
Attempts to preserve the selection. This is the default.
これらの~APIが`適用される$すべての `input$e 要素, および `textarea$e 要素
— これらは、
All input elements to which these APIs apply, and all textarea elements, have either a selection or a text entry cursor position at all times (even for elements that are not being rendered), measured in offsets into the code units of the control's relevant value. The initial state must consist of a text entry cursor at the beginning of the control.
~text手入力~cursor位置は,実質的には “始端と終端が一致する空な選択” と同じに見受けられる( “空な選択” と “選択なし” を区別するための用語かもしれないが、
`input$e 要素に対しては その`値$fe /
`textarea$e 要素に対しては その`~API値$fe
For input elements, these APIs must operate on the element's value. For textarea elements, these APIs must operate on the element's API value. In the below algorithms, we call the value string being operated on the relevant value.
`textarea$e 要素~用に`生の値$tAに代えて`~API値$feを利用することは、
文字 `000D^U `CR^cn が正規化されて消えることを意味する。
The use of API value instead of raw value for textarea elements means that U+000D (CR) characters are normalized away. For example,
`生の値$tA `A\r\nB^l に演算した場合、
文字~並び `A\r^l が置換される結果 `replaced\nB^l になるが、
`~API値$fe `A\nB^l を利用するので,文字~並び `A\n^l が置換される結果 `replacedB^l になる。
If we had operated on the raw value of "A\r\nB", then we would have replaced the characters "A\r", ending up with a result of "replaced\nB". But since we used the API value of "A\nB", we replaced the characters "A\n", giving "replacedB".
選択は 可視でない文字のみを含むこともあり,~text挿入~cursorは そのような文字の前後いずれかの側に配置され得る。
Characters with no visible rendering, such as U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER, still count as characters. Thus, for instance, the selection can include just an invisible character, and the text insertion cursor can be placed to one side or another of such a character.
Whenever the relevant value changes for an element to which these APIs apply, run these steps:
If the element has a selection:
選択の始端は `関連な値$の終端を過ぎている
選択の始端 ~SET `関連な値$の終端
If the start of the selection is now past the end of the relevant value, set it to the end of the relevant value.
選択の終端は `関連な値$の終端を過ぎている
選択の終端 ~SET `関連な値$の終端
If the end of the selection is now past the end of the relevant value, set it to the end of the relevant value.
選択の始端, 終端とも`関連な値$の終端を指している
選択を除去した上で,要素の`~text手入力~cursor位置$ ~SET `関連な値$の終端
If the user agent does not support empty selection, and both the start and end of the selection are now pointing to the end of the relevant value, then instead set the element's text entry cursor position to the end of the relevant value, removing any selection.
~ELSE( 要素は`~text手入力~cursor位置$を有する)
`~text手入力~cursor位置$は `関連な値$の終端を過ぎている
`~text手入力~cursor位置$ ~SET `関連な値$の終端
Otherwise, the element must have a text entry cursor position position. If it is now past the end of the relevant value, set it to the end of the relevant value.
例えば `textarea$e 用の `value$m 設定子など。
In some cases where the relevant value changes, other parts of the specification will also modify the text entry cursor position, beyond just the clamping steps above. For example, see the value setter for textarea.
`input$e / `textarea$e
— 例えば すべてに同じ~eventが発火されるように。
Where possible, user interface features for changing the text selection in input and textarea elements must be implemented using the set the selection range algorithm so that, e.g., all the same events fire.
`input$e / `textarea$e
The selections of input and textarea elements have a selection direction, which is either "forward", "backward", or "none".\
当の~platformが~supportするならば `none^l /
~ELSE_ `forward^l
The exact meaning of the selection direction depends on the platform. This direction is set when the user manipulates the selection. The initial selection direction must be "none" if the platform supports that direction, or "forward" otherwise.
( %方向 )
要素の`選択~方向$ ~SET [
次が満たされるならば `forward^l /
~ELSE_ %方向
%方向 ~EQ `none^l
~platformは %方向 を~supportしない
To set the selection direction of an element to a given direction, update the element's selection direction to the given direction, unless the direction is "none" and the platform does not support that direction; in that case, update the element's selection direction to "forward".
Windows 上では、
`forward^l ならば選択の終端 /
`backward^l ならば選択の始端
Windows に `none^l 方向はない。
On Windows, the direction indicates the position of the caret relative to the selection: a "forward" selection has the caret at the end of the selection and a "backward" selection has the caret at the start of the selection. Windows has no "none" direction.
Mac では、
Shift + 矢印~UIkeyを利用して,選択~範囲を調整するときに 選択のどちらの端が影響されるかを指示する:
`forward^l ならば選択の終端 /
`backward^l ならば選択の始端
Mac では、
`none^l 方向が既定であり,特定0の方向はまだ選択されてないことを指示する。
On Mac, the direction indicates which end of the selection is affected when the user adjusts the size of the selection using the arrow keys with the Shift modifier: the "forward" direction means the end of the selection is modified, and the "backward" direction means the start of the selection is modified. The "none" direction is the default on Mac, it indicates that no particular direction has yet been selected. The user sets the direction implicitly when first adjusting the selection, based on which directional arrow key was used.
The select() method, when invoked, must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
If this element is an input element, and either select() does not apply to this element or the corresponding control has no selectable text, return.
`<input type=color>@~HEinput#color-state-(type=color)$e
16 進~色~codeを受容する~text~control
For instance, in a user agent where <input type=color> is rendered as a color well with a picker, as opposed to a text control accepting a hexadecimal color code, there would be no selectable text, and thus calls to the method are ignored.
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( 0, `無限大^i )
Set the selection range with 0 and infinity.
The selectionStart attribute's getter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
If this element is an input element, and selectionStart does not apply to this element, return null.
~RET コレに`関連な値$の中で`~text手入力~cursor位置$を指す`~offset$
If there is no selection, return the code unit offset within the relevant value to the character that immediately follows the text entry cursor.
~RET コレに`関連な値$の中で`選択$の始端を指す`~offset$
Return the code unit offset within the relevant value to the character that immediately follows the start of the selection.
The selectionStart attribute's setter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
~THROW `InvalidStateError$E
If this element is an input element, and selectionStart does not apply to this element, throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
%終端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionEnd$m 取得子~手続き()
Let end be the value of this element's selectionEnd attribute.
%終端 ~LT 所与の値
%終端 ~SET 所与の値
If end is less than the given value, set end to the given value.
%方向 ~LET コレ上の `selectionDirection$m 取得子~手続き()
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( 所与の値, %終端, %方向 )
Set the selection range with the given value, end, and the value of this element's selectionDirection attribute.
The selectionEnd attribute's getter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
If this element is an input element, and selectionEnd does not apply to this element, return null.
~RET コレに`関連な値$の中で`~text手入力~cursor位置$を指す`~offset$
If there is no selection, return the code unit offset within the relevant value to the character that immediately follows the text entry cursor.
~RET コレに`関連な値$の中で`選択$の終端を指す`~offset$
Return the code unit offset within the relevant value to the character that immediately follows the end of the selection.
The selectionEnd attribute's setter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
~THROW `InvalidStateError$E
If this element is an input element, and selectionEnd does not apply to this element, throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
%始端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionStart$m 取得子~手続き()
%方向 ~LET コレ上の `selectionDirection$m 取得子~手続き()
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( %始端, 所与の値, %方向 )
Set the selection range with the value of this element's selectionStart attribute, the given value, and the value of this element's selectionDirection attribute.
The selectionDirection attribute's getter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
If this element is an input element, and selectionDirection does not apply to this element, return null.
~RET コレの`選択~方向$
Return this element's selection direction.
The selectionDirection attribute's setter must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
~THROW `InvalidStateError$E
If this element is an input element, and selectionDirection does not apply to this element, throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
%始端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionStart$m 取得子~手続き()
%終端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionEnd$m 取得子~手続き()
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( %始端, %終端, 所与の値 )
Set the selection range with the value of this element's selectionStart attribute, the value of this element's selectionEnd attribute, and the given value.
`setSelectionRange(start, end, direction)@m
The setSelectionRange(start, end, direction) method, when invoked, must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
~THROW `InvalidStateError$E
If this element is an input element, and setSelectionRange() does not apply to this element, throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( %start, %end, %direction )
Set the selection range with start, end, and direction.
~text~control【を表現する要素】 %要素 の
%始端 (負でない整数, ~NULL のいずれか),
%終端 (負でない整数, ~NULL, `無限大^i のいずれか),
%方向 (文字列, 省略時は ε)
— 以下においては、
値 `無限大^i は他のどの値よりも大きいとする:
To set the selection range with an integer or null start, an integer or null or the special value infinity end, and optionally a string direction, run the following steps:
%始端 ~EQ ~NULL
%始端 ~SET 0
If start is null, let start be zero.
%終端 ~EQ ~NULL
%終端 ~LET 0
If end is null, let end be zero.
%L ~LET %要素 に`関連な値$の`長さ$
%終端 ~LET { %終端, %L } の最小
%始端 ~LET { %始端, %L, %終端 } の最小
%要素 に`関連な値$の中で,`選択$の範囲を[
%始端 `~offset$ 〜 %終端 `~offset$
— 範囲が空になる場合、
空~選択の概念がない~UAにおいては,~cursorを %終端 `~offset$に設定する
Set the selection of the text control to the sequence of code units within the relevant value starting with the code unit at the startth position (in logical order) and ending with the code unit at the (end-1)th position. Arguments greater than the length of the relevant value of the text control (including the special value infinity) must be treated as pointing at the end of the text control. If end is less than or equal to start then the start of the selection and the end of the selection must both be placed immediately before the character with offset end. In UAs where there is no concept of an empty selection, this must set the cursor to be just before the character with offset end.
%方向 ~NIN【!identical】 { `backward^l, `forward^l }
%方向 ~EQ ε
%方向 ~SET `none^l
If direction is not identical to either "backward" or "forward", or if the direction argument was not given, set direction to "none".
%要素 の`選択~方向を設定する$( %方向 )
Set the selection direction of the text control to direction.
前~段までにより,~text~controlの`選択$は改変された(その範囲, `選択~方向$いずれにせよ)
`要素~taskを~queueする$( `利用者~対話~task~source$, %要素, 次の手続き )
If the previous steps caused the selection of the text control to be modified (in either extent or direction), then queue an element task on the user interaction task source given the element to\
`~eventを発火する$( %要素, `select$et )
— 次のように初期化して
`bubbles$m 属性 ~SET ~T
fire an event named select at the element, with the bubbles attribute initialized to true.
`setRangeText(replacement, start, end, selectionMode)@m
The setRangeText(replacement, start, end, selectMode) method, when invoked, must run the following steps:
コレは `input$e 要素である
~THROW `InvalidStateError$E
If this element is an input element, and setRangeText() does not apply to this element, throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
コレの`値は~dirtyか$fe ~SET ~T
Set this element's dirty value flag to true.
%選択~始端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionStart$m 取得子~手続き()
%選択~終端 ~LET コレ上の `selectionEnd$m 取得子~手続き()
%start 以降の引数は与えられていない
( %start, %end ) ~SET ( %選択~始端, %選択~終端 );
%selectionMode ~SET `preserve$l
If the method has only one argument, then let start and end have the values of the selectionStart attribute and the selectionEnd attribute respectively.
Otherwise, let start, end have the values of the second and third arguments respectively.
%start ~GT %end
~THROW `IndexSizeError$E
If start is greater than end, then throw an "IndexSizeError" DOMException.
%L ~LET コレに`関連な値$の長さ
%始端 ~SET { %start, %L } の最小
If start is greater than the length of the relevant value of the text control, then set it to the length of the relevant value of the text control.
%終端 ~SET { %end, %L } の最小
If end is greater than the length of the relevant value of the text control, then set it to the length of the relevant value of the text control.
↑↑Let selection start be the current value of the selectionStart attribute.
↑↑Let selection end be the current value of the selectionEnd attribute.
%始端 ~LT %終端
%始端 `~offset$ 〜 %終端 `~offset$
If start is less than end, delete the sequence of code units within the element's relevant value starting with the code unit at the startth position and ending with the code unit at the (end-1)th position.
コレに`関連な値$の %始端 `~offset$に %replacement の値を挿入する
Insert the value of the first argument into the text of the relevant value of the text control, immediately before the startth code unit.
%新~終端 ~LET %始端 + ( %replacement の`長さ$ )
Let new length be the length of the value of the first argument.
Let new end be the sum of start and new length.
%selectionMode に応じて:
Run the appropriate set of substeps from the following list:
- `select@l
If the fourth argument's value is "select"
( %選択~始端, %選択~終端 ) ~SET ( %始端, %新~終端 )
Let selection start be start.
Let selection end be new end.
- `start@l
If the fourth argument's value is "start"
( %選択~始端, %選択~終端 ) ~SET ( %始端, %始端 )
Let selection start and selection end be start.
- `end@l
If the fourth argument's value is "end"
( %選択~始端, %選択~終端 ) ~SET ( %新~終端, %新~終端 )
Let selection start and selection end be new end.
- `preserve@l
If the fourth argument's value is "preserve"
↑↑If the method has only one argument
%差分 ~LET ( %replacement の長さ ) − ( %終端 − %始端 )
Let old length be end minus start.
Let delta be new length minus old length.
%選択~始端 ~GT %終端
%選択~始端 ~INCBY %差分
( %差分 が負である場合,すなわち 新たな~textが置換された~textより短い場合、
%選択~始端 の値は減ることになる)
If selection start is greater than end, then increment it by delta. (If delta is negative, i.e. the new text is shorter than the old text, then this will decrease the value of selection start.)
%選択~始端 ~GT %始端
%選択~始端 ~SET %始端
( %選択~始端 が置換された~textの途中にあった場合,選択の始端は新たな~textの始端に留められる)
Otherwise: if selection start is greater than start, then set it to start. (This snaps the start of the selection to the start of the new text if it was in the middle of the text that it replaced.)
%選択~終端 ~GT %終端
%選択~終端 ~INCBY %差分
If selection end is greater than end, then increment it by delta in the same way.
%選択~終端 ~GT %始端
%選択~終端 ~SET %新~終端
( %選択~終端 が置換された~textの途中にあった場合,選択の始端は新たな~textの終端に留められる)
Otherwise: if selection end is greater than start, then set it to new end. (This snaps the end of the selection to the end of the new text if it was in the middle of the text that it replaced.)
コレの`選択~範囲を設定する$( %選択~始端, %選択~終端 )
Set the selection range with selection start and selection end.
The setRangeText() method uses the following enumeration:
enum `SelectionMode@I {
`preserve$l //
To obtain the currently selected text, the following JavaScript suffices:
var %selectionText = %control.value.substring(%control.selectionStart, %control.selectionEnd);
( %control は[
`input$e / `textarea$e
...where control is the input or textarea element.
3 つの属性を保全して,~text選択は保守しながら、
To add some text at the start of a text control, while maintaining the text selection, the three attributes must be preserved:
var %oldStart = %control.selectionStart;
var %oldEnd = %control.selectionEnd;
var %oldDirection = %control.selectionDirection;
var %prefix = "http://";
%control.value = %prefix + %control.value;
%control.setSelectionRange(%oldStart + %prefix.length, %oldEnd + %prefix.length, %oldDirection);
( %control は[
`input$e / `textarea$e
...where control is the input or textarea element.