Woodfin – The Town of Woodfin announced the hiring of Luke Williams as its new Project and Facilities Manager. Williams brings over 18 years of civil engineering and project management experience in both the private sector and the US Air Force. In addition, Williams possesses a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master’s degree in business administration.
A resident of Buncombe County for more than a decade, Williams’ professional experience and knowledge of the area provide the broad foundation required to oversee Woodfin town projects.
“The scale and scope of Williams’ work portfolio closely mirror the work being done in Woodfin, which includes tackling an ambitious Greenway and Blueway project, necessary stormwater improvements and other major capital improvements,” states Woodfin Town Administrator, Eric Hardy. Additionally, “Williams says that if he were writing the perfect job description to match his skills and experience, it would be this role in Woodfin. I flip that around to say that if we were looking for the optimal combination of knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities, it would be exactly what Williams offers.”
Dedicated to the completion of the Woodfin Greenway and Blueway project, the Woodfin Board of Commissioners recently approved, under a unanimous decision, the creation of this newly appointed position to manage all aspects of the expanding Woodfin Parks systems.
“I’m excited to step into a role where my skills and experience can have a positive impact on our local community for years to come,” shares Williams. “This position pulls together all of my experience and allows me to utilize and harness my skills for the betterment of my community. I’m passionate about recreational opportunities and sustainable growth within Western North Carolina.”
Williams begins his new role with the Town of Woodfin on September 27, 2021.