Sliding Into 2021 - TribPapers

Sliding Into 2021

Both Marshall Scout Troops 521 held an informal Court of Honor ceremony at Wolf Laurel Ski Resort Jan. 29 to award Scouts their merit badges and awards they earned over the long COVID-related absence from Scouting.

Madison County

Marshall Scouts re-unite to snowboard, ski at Wolf Laurel after 2020 Year of COVID-19

A year ago, Marshall Scouts had a full year of camping and events planned. Then, COVID-19 happened and everything got cancelled. 

With a new year and a new vaccine, the kids and leaders of Marshall Cub Scout Pack & Girls’/Boys’ Troops 521 met at Wolf Laurel Ski Resort Jan. 29 to enjoy snowboarding and skiing. 

“I hope that 2021 is better than 2020 because 2020 consisted of the coronavirus and people having to stay home. I couldn’t see any of my friends or anything,” says Clay Coffey, a Boys’ Troop 521 Scout. “I also thought snowboarding was really fun because I got to spend time with my friends. I actually got to go to a new place and do something new. It was really cool.”

The troops also had an informal Court of Honor for the Scouts to recognize merit badges and awards earned over the long absence. The Pack had recognized their Cub Scouts Jan. 28 for awards and rank advancement.

“It was great to see the enthusiasm the kids had even after such a long break,” said Kelly Davis, Pack 521 Assistant Cubmaster. “They are eager to get back to the Scout activities.”

Hitting the slopes

Most of the adult leaders and kids had never been to Wolf Laurel, even though they grew up in Madison County. Taking advantage of the reduced prices on the resort’s student night, the kids got to experience suiting up with the necessary gear, stomping out to the bunny slope in heavy boots and getting their first taste of the slopes.

“It was a lot of fun and I want to go back,” said Arianna Scully, 5th grader at Brush Creek Elementary School and Scout with the Girls’ Troop 521.

“Oh, and Noah (the snowboarding instructor) told us not to eat the snow because it came from a pond,“ said Scully. “I told Vyvienne (Briggs) not to eat the snow while we were waiting for our turn practicing, but she ate it anyway. Then we got back on the snowboards and had fun.”

Both Marshall Scout Troops 521 held an informal Court of Honor ceremony at Wolf Laurel Ski Resort Jan. 29 to award Scouts their merit badges and awards they earned over the long COVID-related absence from Scouting. From left: Boys’ Troop 521 Scoutmaster Donovan Scully, JD Wallen, Jake Scully, Clay Coffey, Vyvienne Briggs, Arianna Scully, Miranda McAninch and Girls’ Troop 521 Scoutmaster Trixie Briggs. Photo submitted by Sarah Scully.

Badges and bushels of fun

In typical Scout fashion, the kids enjoyed themselves while also learning and earning a merit badge – this time, for the Snowsports Merit Badge. The Cub Scouts got a chance to work on their Snow Ski and Board award.

With pink cheeks and excited grins, the kids all trooped inside the lodge for pizza and laughter after an hour-long snowboarding group lesson.

“A special moment for me was when we held up the Scout sign for silence, and everyone in the lodge stopped for our Scout Committee Chair Philip Briggs to lead prayer,” said Donovan Scully, Boys’ Troop 521 Scoutmaster. “That was amazing, unexpected and so respectful.”

While all the Scouts went snowboarding, the Cub Scouts tried out the ski slopes.

“I found my new favorite sport,” said Logan Davis, a 5-year-old Lion and Brush Creek Elementary School student.

“But I didn’t like the boots,” said Audie Edwards, his fellow Lion and BCES kindergarten student.

The Scoutmasters, Scully and Trixie Briggs, and Cubmaster Brandon Edwards have a full schedule of events for the kids during 2021. Camping, hiking, field trips, science exploration, community service and fishing are just some of the experiences ahead for Marshall Scouts.

“After a long hiatus, it’s great to have the pack back on the prowl,” said Edwards.