Wyoming is where the untamed spirit of the West opens your mind and invigorates your senses. Let us help you free yourself from the burdens of everyday life and boldly venture forth so you can take your vacation further."}'); document.documentElement.addEventListener("saveRecentPage", function () { const cp = window.currentPage; if (!cp.title) { if (document.querySelector("h1")) { cp.title = document.querySelector("h1").innerText; } else { const headTitle = document.querySelector("head title").innerText; cp.title = headTitle.split(" - ")[0]; } } if (!cp.description) { const contentRender = document.querySelector(".contentRender_name_plugins_core_textbox"); if (contentRender) { const clone = contentRender.cloneNode(true); clone.querySelectorAll("style, script").forEach(node => node.remove()); cp.description = clone.innerHTML.trim(); } else { cp.description = document.querySelector("head meta[name='description']")?.getAttribute("content") || ""; } } let rpStr = localStorage.recentpages || "[]"; let rpArray = JSON.parse(rpStr); rpArray = rpArray.filter(page => page.url !== cp.url); if (document.title !== "404") { rpArray.push(cp); } if(rpArray.length > 17) { rpArray.splice(0, 1); } if (window === window.top) { localStorage.recentpages = JSON.stringify(rpArray); } }); if (!localStorage.recentpages) { localStorage.recentpages = "[]"; } let rpStr = localStorage.recentpages; let rpArray = JSON.parse(rpStr); rpArray = rpArray.filter(page => { const visitedDate = new Date(page.visited); return (new Date() - visitedDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) < 30; }); localStorage.recentpages = JSON.stringify(rpArray); const title = "Travel Guide"; let image = ""; image = cloudinaryLib.default.createResource(helpers.widgetArgsImg.resource).getThumbnailUrl({width : 300, height : 300, crop : 'fill'}); let description = ""; description = ""; const currentPage = { title: title, image: image, description: description, url: window.location.href, visited: new Date().toISOString(), }; window.currentPage = currentPage; document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("saveRecentPage")); } else { const localStorageAlert = document.querySelector("[data-sv-localstorage-alert]"); function checkCookie() { if (!getCookie()) { localStorageAlert.classList.add("show-alert"); } } function getCookie() { const name = "localStorageAlertCookie="; const cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { let cookie = cookies[i].trim(); if (cookie.startsWith(name)) { return cookie.substring(name.length); } } return false; } function setCookie() { const d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + 3600000); // 1 hour expiration document.cookie = `localStorageAlertCookie=alertOn; expires=${d.toGMTString()}; path=/`; } localStorageAlert?.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if (e.target.classList.contains("close")) { setCookie(); localStorageAlert.classList.remove("show-alert"); } }); checkCookie(); } });
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