Using BrantSteele to simulate an alternate timeline of Total Drama Island. To prevent this from becoming a vanilla simulator, I made Katie and Sadie have an unbreakable bond as they are BFFFLs who knew each other before the show.
Not So Happy Campers[]
- Notes: Beth is the only chicken, so the Bass win the wagons.
- Winners: Killer Bass
- Events
- Justin is impressing the Gophers.
- Lindsay and Trent form an alliance.
- DJ and Katie bond slightly.
- Killer Bass form a large alliance consisting of Bridgette, Eva, Geoff, Harold, Katie, Sadie, and Tyler.
- Sadie and Tyler form an alliance.
- Eliminated: Beth
- Reason for Elimination: Beth is the only one who refused to jump off the cliff.
- Votes
- Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, and Trent voted for Beth
- Beth and Izzy voted for Noah
The Big Sleep[]
- Challenge
- Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, DJ, Eva, Geoff, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Katie, Noah, Owen, Sadie, Trent, and Tyler made it back in time for a dinnertime feast.
- The order of sleepers is: Noah, Cody, Trent, Katie, DJ, Sadie, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, Lindsay, Geoff, Justin, Owen, Tyler, Courtney, Leshawna.
- Winners: Bridgette, Duncan, Harold, Eva, Ezekiel
- Events
- Owen and Trent have a small fight.
- Heather and Izzy have a major fight.
- Gwen and Heather have a major fight. (lasting impact)
- After Lindsay ditches her alliance, Trent starts a new alliance with Heather and Justin.
- Ezekiel and Harold find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Sadie leaves her alliance with Tyler and starts a new one with Duncan.
- Eliminated: Heather
- Reason for Elimination: Gwen and Heather's major fight landed them in the bottom two, with Heather receiving more votes.
- Votes
- Cody, Gwen, Izzy, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Owen voted for Heather
- Heather, Justin, Noah, and Trent voted for Gwen
- Challenge
- Round 1 consists of Cody, Gwen, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Noah vs. Courtney, Duncan, Eva, Harold, and Katie. (Bass win)
- Round 2 consists of Gwen, Izzy, Justin, Leshawna, and Lindsay vs. Duncan, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, and Tyler. (Bass win)
- Round 3 consists of Cody, Gwen, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Noah vs. Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Katie, and Sadie. (Gophers win)
- Round 4 consists of Cody, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, and Trent vs. DJ, Ezekiel, Harold, Katie, and Tyler. (Gophers win)
- Round 5 consists of Cody, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, and Trent vs. Bridgette, DJ, Duncan, Eva, and Harold. (Gophers win)
- Winners: Screaming Gophers
- Events
- Lindsay and Trent find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Cody and Gwen have a small fight. (lasting impact)
- Justin leaves his alliance and starts a bigger one with Gwen, Izzy, Lindsay, Noah, and Owen.
- Courtney and Tyler bond strongly.
- Duncan ends his alliance with Sadie.
- Eliminated: DJ
- Reason for Elimination: DJ cost his team the challenge, since Gophers started winning rounds once he started participating.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Courtney, Eva, Geoff, Harold, Katie, Sadie, and Tyler voted for DJ
- DJ and Duncan voted for Sadie
- Ezekiel voted for Tyler
Not Quite Famous[]
- Challenge
- Leshawna, Lindsay, and Noah competed for Screaming Gophers
- Bridgette, Duncan, and Tyler competed for Killer Bass
- Winners: Bridgette, Duncan, Tyler
- Events
- Cody and Leshawna have a small fight. (lasting impact)
- Leshawna and Lindsay have a minor disagreement.
- Cody and Trent bond strongly. (lasting impact)
- Tyler has a major meltdown.
- Geoff is impressing the Bass.
- Eva leaves the big Killer Bass alliance and starts two new ones. One alliance sees Eva allying with Geoff and Harold, while the other sees Eva allying with Duncan, Ezekiel, and Katie.
- Eliminated: Trent
- Reason for Elimination: After Noah loses the talent show, he leads his alliance into blindsiding Trent, even though Trent had nothing to do with the Gophers losing. Though after Lindsay had a minor disagreement with Leshawna, she convinced Izzy to attempt voting her off for that.
- Votes
- Gwen, Justin, Noah, and Owen voted for Trent
- Izzy, Lindsay, and Trent voted for Leshawna
- Cody and Leshawna voted for Owen
The Sucky Outdoors[]
- Winners: Screaming Gophers
- Events
- Leshawna and Gwen have major meltdowns.
- Gwen and Owen find something in common.
- Leshawna and Lindsay get over their minor disagreement in the previous episode and form an alliance.
- Ezekiel and Harold find something in common.
- Harold and Sadie bond strongly.
- Eva and Ezekiel have a major fight. (lasting impact)
- Courtney and Tyler form an alliance.
- Eliminated: Tyler
- Reason for Elimination: During the race back to camp, Tyler trips and falls, causing the Bass to fall behind and ultimately lose at the last second. He's voted off for costing his team the challenge.
- Votes
- Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, and Sadie voted for Tyler
- Bridgette, Courtney, Katie, and Tyler voted for Geoff
Phobia Factor[]
- Challenge
- Cody manages to defuse a time bomb under pressure.
- Duncan fails to overcome his fear of Celine Dion music store standees.
- Leshawna manages to overcome her fear of spiders.
- Sadie fails to overcome being separated from Katie.
- Gwen overcomes her fear of being buried alive.
- Geoff overcomes his fear of hail.
- Lindsay manages to walk through a minefield in high heels.
- Courtney fails to overcome her fear of green jelly.
- Justin fails to overcome his fear of becoming ugly.
- Katie fails to overcome being separated from Sadie.
- Owen overcomes his fear of flying.
- Ezekiel overcomes his fear of women.
- Izzy overcomes her fear of planes.
- Harold overcomes his fear of ninjas.
- Winners: Screaming Gophers (6-3)
- Events
- Cody and Lindsay bond strongly.
- Noah impresses the Gophers when he brags about never having to face his fear at all.
- Cody, Izzy, and Leshawna form an alliance.
- Bridgette and Geoff find something in common.
- Katie starts to impress the Bass to make up for her failure in the challenge.
- Courtney and Ezekiel find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Ezekiel leaves his alliance.
- Eliminated: Ezekiel
- Reason for Elimination: Ezekiel makes sexist comments after the girls on the Bass either failed to conquer their fears (Courtney, Katie, Sadie) or didn't participate at all (Bridgette, Eva). This angers Eva the most, and when she tries to bring up Duncan failed to conquer his fear, Ezekiel just calls him a big baby, digging himself deeper.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Eva, Geoff, Harold, and Katie voted for Ezekiel
- Courtney, Ezekiel, and Sadie voted for Eva
- Duncan voted for Sadie
Up the Creek[]
- Winners: Killer Bass
- Events
- Gwen is impressing the Gophers.
- Izzy and Justin have a major fight. (lasting impact)
- Izzy and Noah have a minor disagreement.
- Courtney and Harold have a small fight. (lasting impact)
- Eva and Katie have major meltdowns, which cause their alliance with Duncan to dissolve.
- Eliminated: Leshawna
- Reason for Elimination: Justin and Leshawna get into a major fight during the canoe ride. It was so bad that by the time the Gophers reach Boney Island, the Bass have already brought their canoes back to the start. Justin then convinces his alliance to vote off Leshawna, since he despises her.
- Votes
- Gwen, Izzy, Justin, Lindsay, and Owen voted for Leshawna
- Cody, Leshawna, and Noah voted for Owen
Paintball Deer Hunter[]
- Challenge
- Hunters for Screaming Gophers: Cody, Gwen, Noah
- Deer for Screaming Gophers: Izzy, Justin, Lindsay, Owen
- Hunters for Killer Bass: Bridgette, Duncan, Harold, Katie
- Deer for Killer Bass: Courtney, Eva, Geoff, Sadie
- Elimination Order: Justin (shot by Katie), Izzy (shot by Bridgette), Owen (shot by Bridgette), Courtney (shot by Gwen), Geoff (shot by Gwen), Sadie (shot by Noah), Eva (shot by Noah)
- Winner: Lindsay
- Events
- Cody and Noah have a small fight.
- Izzy is impressing the Gophers.
- Eva is impressing the Bass.
- Eva and Geoff find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Eliminated: Courtney
- Reason for Elimination: Once Courtney gets shot, everything goes downhill for the Bass. She gets voted off for costing her team the challenge.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Geoff, Harold, Katie, and Sadie voted for Courtney
- Courtney, Duncan, and Eva voted for Sadie
If You Can't Take the Heat...[]
- Challenge
- Screaming Gophers appointed Owen as head chef
- Killer Bass appointed Duncan as head chef
- Winners: Screaming Gophers
- Events
- Cody and Noah have a major fight.
- Cody and Izzy bond slightly.
- Duncan is impressing the Bass.
- Eliminated: Katie
- Reason for Elimination: Eva finally realizes the BFFFLs are too dangerous to keep together. She convinces her alliance to split them apart. Bridgette votes with them because she has a separate alliance with Geoff and Harold. Katie was chosen because she was the one who brought a tiki doll from Boney Island, causing the team's losses in the previous episode and this episode.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Eva, Geoff, and Harold voted for Katie
- Katie and Sadie voted for Eva
- Duncan voted for Sadie
Who Can You Trust[]
- Challenge
- The first challenge features Cody and Lindsay vs. Bridgette and Sadie, with Gophers winning.
- The second challenge features Noah and Owen vs. Eva and Geoff, with Bass winning.
- The Blind William Tell features Izzy and Justin vs. Bridgette and Sadie, with Gophers winning.
- The Blind Trapeze features Gwen and Noah vs. Eva and Harold, with Bass winning.
- The Blind Toboggan Race features Izzy and Lindsay vs. Bridgette and Duncan, with Bass winning.
- Winners: Killer Bass
- Events
- Gwen has a major meltdown.
- Gwen and Justin find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Cody and Noah have a minor disagreement. (lasting impact)
- Izzy leaves her bigger alliance, sticking to her alliance with Cody.
- Bridgette and Eva bond slightly. (lasting impact)
- Harold and Sadie bond strongly.
- Bridgette and Duncan form an alliance.
- Eliminated: Izzy
- Reason for Elimination: In the Blind William Tell challenge, Izzy was shooting apples at Justin. Izzy is a reckless shooter and assaults Justin relentlessly, making him throw a tantrum over how his looks are ruined. Then in the Blind Toboggan Race, Izzy was the navigator and just shouts random directions for no reason. When Noah finds out about this, he manipulates Izzy into leaving her bigger alliance, then votes her off for costing the Gophers the challenge.
- Votes
- Gwen, Justin, Lindsay, and Noah voted for Izzy.
- Cody and Izzy voted for Gwen.
- Owen voted for Cody.
Basic Straining[]
- Notes: The elimination order is Lindsay, Duncan, Bridgette, Sadie, Eva, Cody, Geoff, and Harold.
- Winners: Justin, Gwen, Owen, Noah
- Events
- Owen is impressing the Gophers.
- Geoff and Sadie have a major fight.
- Eliminated: Duncan
- Reason for Elimination: Duncan is the first Bass to drop out of the challenge.
- Votes
- Eva, Geoff, Harold, and Sadie voted for Duncan
- Bridgette voted for Eva
- Duncan voted for Sadie
X-Treme Torture[]
- Challenge
- Extreme Sofa Bed Skydiving features Justin vs. Harold, with Gophers winning the point.
- Extreme Rodeo Moose Riding features Owen vs. Sadie, with Gophers winning the point.
- Winners: Screaming Gophers
- Events
- Cody and Gwen have a major fight. (lasting impact)
- Justin leaves his alliance to start a smaller one with Lindsay.
- Sadie is impressing the Bass.
- Eva and Harold find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Eliminated: Sadie
- Reason for Elimination: As the challenge proves, Sadie is just deadweight. Eva likes her, but considers her to be the weakest link in the team.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Eva, and Geoff voted for Sadie
- Harold voted for Geoff
- Sadie voted for Eva
Brunch of Disgustingness[]
- Challenge
- Beef testicles: Harold fails to finish, Girls score.
- Pizza covered with live grasshoppers, jellyfish, and live anchovies: The Guys are too disgusted, Girls score.
- Live worms covered in slime and hairballs: Bridgette and Gwen don't eat, Guys score.
- French Bunion Soup with hangnail crackers: Eva, Gwen, and Lindsay fail to finish. Guys score.
- A ball made of pre-chewed bubble gum: Harold fails to finish. Girls score.
- A shake made purely out of a skunk's liquefied odor: Lindsay fails to finish. Guys score.
- A sandal with a smiley face made of silicone icing: The Guys are too disgusted, Girls score.
- A stew made from garbage like banana peels, dead fish, and soda cans: Bridgette, Eva, and Gwen fail to finish. Guys score.
- Hot dogs made of dolphin meat: Bridgette refuses to eat. Guys score.
- Winners: Guys
- Events
- Eva has a major meltdown.
- Noah leaves his alliance.
- Harold and Owen find something in common.
- Harold and Noah bond strongly. (lasting impact)
- Cody and Geoff bond strongly.
No Pain, No Game[]
- Returning: Courtney and Sadie
- Challenge
- Eva passes Grizzly Bear Log Roll.
- Lindsay fails Water Balloon Headshots.
- Sadie fails Electric Eel Defibrillator.
- Noah fails Voice to Self.
- Gwen fails Spike Bed.
- Courtney passes Kanga-Roo.
- Bridgette fails Turtle Slapshots.
- Justin passes Beratement without complaint.
- Justin makes Courtney do Icecream Brain Freeze; Courtney fails.
- Harold fails Skunk Jump.
- Cody passes Goo Shoes.
- Owen fails Wooden Shorts.
- Geoff passes Snake Wrap.
- Eva passes Poison Ivy Spa Treatment.
- Justin fails New Age Music.
- Cody passes Tickle Onslaught.
- Geoff fails Hair Plucking.
- Eva passes You Smell, eliminating Cody.
- Winner: Eva
- Events
- Geoff is impressing everyone.
- The first post-merge alliance is formed; consisting of Courtney, Eva, Justin, Noah, and Sadie.
- Votes
- Bridgette voted for Noah as part of her Killer Bass alliance.
- Cody voted for Noah because he hates him.
- Courtney voted for Cody after joining an alliance targeting him.
- Eva voted for Cody for the same reason as Courtney.
- Geoff voted for Noah for the same reason as Bridgette.
- Gwen voted for Cody because of their major fight two episodes ago.
- Harold voted for Cody for the same reason as Bridgette.
- Justin voted for Lindsay because he hates her.
- Lindsay voted for Cody because of her alliance with Gwen.
- Noah voted for Cody because he hates him.
- Owen voted for Noah as revenge for Up the Creek when Noah tried to eliminate Owen.
- Sadie voted for Cody for the same reason as Courtney.
- Eliminated: Cody
Search and Do Not Destroy[]
- Challenge
- Courtney wins a leg lamp.
- Noah wins an accordion.
- Eva wins a gift basket.
- Sadie couldn't find a key and wins nothing.
- Gwen wins a leg lamp.
- Owen found a dud key.
- Bridgette wins two ships in a bottle.
- Geoff found a dud key.
- Harold wins a toaster.
- Lindsay found a dud key.
- Justin wins chips and a can of pop.
- Winner: Eva
- Events
- Noah and Sadie bond slightly.
- Courtney and Sadie have a minor disagreement.
- Courtney and Justin bond strongly. (lasting impact)
- Eliminated: Gwen
- Reason for Elimination: After getting rid of Cody, Noah decides to target Gwen next, since he also hates her.
- Votes
- Bridgette, Courtney, Eva, Harold, Justin, Noah, and Sadie voted for Gwen
- Geoff, Gwen, and Owen voted for Noah
- Lindsay voted for Justin
Hide and Be Sneaky[]
- Winner: Harold
- Events
- Courtney and Owen bond slightly. (lasting impact)
- Geoff and Noah bond strongly.
- The extremely weak alliance between Justin and Lindsay is over after Justin found out Lindsay voted for him.
- Eliminated: Owen
- Reason for Elimination: Yet another elimination orchestrated by Noah's alliance, since he hates him.
- Votes
- Courtney, Eva, Geoff, Justin, Noah, and Sadie voted for Owen
- Bridgette, Harold, Lindsay, and Owen voted for Justin
That's Off the Chain![]
- Challenge
- Justin rides Lindsay's bike.
- Harold rides Courtney's bike.
- Noah rides Eva's bike.
- Lindsay rides Noah's bike.
- Sadie rides Justin's bike.
- Geoff rides Sadie's bike.
- Bridgette rides Harold's bike.
- Courtney rides Geoff's bike.
- Eva rides Bridgette's bike.
- Part One: Lindsay, Harold, Justin, Bridgette, Eva, Sadie, and Geoff cross the finish line. Noah and Courtney fail to finish, eliminating Eva and Geoff.
- Part Two: Bridgette is first, Sadie is second, Justin is third, Lindsay is fourth, Harold is fifth. Courtney and Noah fail to finish the race.
- Winner: Bridgette
- Eliminated: Harold
- Events
- Bridgette and Noah have a small fight. (lasting impact)
- Sadie is impressing the campers.
- Courtney and Sadie have a small fight. (lasting impact)
Hook, Line, and Screamer[]
- Notes: The kill order is Justin, Sadie, Bridgette, Lindsay, Geoff, Eva, Noah.
- Winner: Courtney
- Events
- Eva has a major meltdown.
- Courtney and Lindsay bond slightly. (lasting impact)
- Justin and Sadie find something in common.
- Eliminated: Eva
- Reason for Elimination: Eva had a major meltdown during the challenge, making her the worst at surviving. She is automatically eliminated.
Wawanakwa Gone Wild![]
- Notes: The order in which the campers brought their animals back is Geoff with beaver, Sadie with deer, Noah with frog, Lindsay with bear, Courtney with chipmunk, Justin with duck, and Bridgette with raccoon.
- Events
- Geoff is impressing the campers.
- Justin and Sadie have a minor disagreement. (lasting impact)
- An alliance featuring Bridgette, Lindsay, and Noah is formed.
- Eliminated: Lindsay
- Reason for Elimination: The vote was between Justin and Lindsay due to their rivalry, but after Lindsay gets mauled by the bear during her challenge, at least one person got swayed to flip to Lindsay out of sympathy.
- Votes
- Courtney, Justin, Noah, and Sadie voted for Lindsay
- Bridgette, Geoff, and Lindsay voted for Justin
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon[]
- Challenge
- The pairs are Justin and Noah, Bridgette and Geoff, and Courtney and Sadie.
- Bridgette and Geoff win Competitive Chowdown.
- Justin and Noah return Katie's cursed tiki to Boney Island.
- Justin and Noah win The Totem Pole of Shame and Humiliation.
- Winners: Justin and Noah
- Events
- Bridgette and Justin bond strongly.
- Geoff and Justin have a minor disagreement.
- Eliminated: Geoff
- Reason for Elimination: Same as canon. His popularity made him a threat.
- Votes
- Courtney, Noah, and Sadie voted for Geoff
- Bridgette and Geoff voted for Courtney
- Justin voted for Bridgette
Haute Camp-ture[]
- Eliminated: Noah
- Reason for Elimination: After Chris announced the eliminated campers get to decide the next elimination, the majority voted off Noah because he's a threat that caused so many eliminations. The votes for Bridgette were from people who misunderstood Chris's instructions and attempted to reunite her with Geoff. Simply put, the vote was close between eliminating a challenge threat or eliminating the other half of a power couple.
- Votes
- Cody, Eva, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Izzy, Owen, Trent, and Tyler voted for Noah
- Beth, DJ, Duncan, Ezekiel, Heather, Katie, Leshawna, and Lindsay voted for Bridgette
Are We There Yeti[]
- Winners: Courtney and Sadie defeated Bridgette and Justin.
- Events
- Courtney and Sadie bond strongly.
- Bridgette and Courtney find something in common. (lasting impact)
- Justin is impressing the campers.
- Eliminated: Justin
- Reason for Elimination: Chef eliminated Justin because Justin was allied with the infamous Noah, and he's had enough of villainy.
I Triple Dog Dare You![]
- Challenge
- Beth's dare is to drink a blended puree of Chef's mystery meat. Sadie passes it to Courtney and she passes.
- Noah's dare is to walk a tight rope over a shark-infested area while while wearing a raw meat necklace and using a balancing stick covered in raw meat. Courtney passes it to Sadie and she passes.
- DJ's dare is to pretend to be a chicken while wearing a chicken hat. Bridgette passes it to Sadie and she refuses. She's already stressed out from Noah's dare and besides, it's unfair for a returnee to win the season. Courtney of course has an outburst at that declaration.
- Events
- Bridgette and Courtney have a minor disagreement. (lasting impact)
- Bridgette and Sadie bond strongly.
- Courtney and Sadie have a minor disagreement. (lasting impact)
The Very Last Episode, Really![]
- Bridgette's Supporters: Beth, DJ, Duncan, Ezekiel, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Tyler
- Courtney's Supporters: Cody, Eva, Geoff, Gwen, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Sadie, Trent
- Hats: Bridgette wears the cow hat, Courtney wears the chicken hat.
- Winner: Bridgette wins after Sadie defects from Courtney's side and cheers for someone who has been participating since the beginning.
Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island[]
- Comments: I was hesitant to do the special, since I don't even know if BrantSteele will ever release a Total Drama Action Simulator to the public. But in the end, I decided to list everyone just in case.
- Qualified for Action: Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Ezekiel, Harold, Izzy, Leshawna, Owen, Sadie, Trent, Tyler