Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

Fairy tales come to the set of the show as a princess is crowned, causing two knights to form a fierce rivalry over love. Despite fighting his way through dragons and ogres, one knight finally meets his ultimate end in the game and gets his long waited comeuppance after the princess refuses to return his love.



Lindsay and Beth's "friendship burrito" for Duncan's contest.

The episode begins with Duncan hosting a burrito making contest. Courtney is sitting at the other table, saying she is "too busy 'strategizing' to win the competition" to participate in the contest. Beth and Lindsay combine their burritos using a friendship bracelet, giving it the name of BFF ("Burrito Friends Forever"), while Harold makes one called the Luscious Leshawna, which is crudely modeled after the recently departed Leshawna. Justin makes a burrito modeled after his muscles to impress Beth and Lindsay, but they feel no sense of attraction, which worries him about his control over them. Despite being disgusted, Duncan picks Harold's burrito to be the winner, as it is the biggest, which was the original objective. Harold does not notice the shady remark towards Leshawna's weight. When Justin demands another opinion, Courtney says that all of them show signs of "Reality Show-itis", which apparently causes them to turn everyday tasks into challenges.

TDA Justin
When my good looks went, so did my winning edge, but Courtney's still managing to kick butt, and she's not nearly as good looking as I am! Okay, as I was.

Justin goes over to Courtney, compliments her strategy, then asks her how she gets through life with all of her "deformities." When she says she doesn't have any, he assumes that her answer is denial.

Story time

Chris tells the story of "Princess Courtney."

Chef and Chris walk in to announce the challenge. Beth correctly guesses the challenge based on fairy tale movies due to the glass boot Chris is carrying before they announce it, which results in Chris threatening to personally kick Beth off the show. Chris says that the first female castmate who fits into the glass boot will be the challenge's princess, but he immediately rules Beth out, saying that it has to be a fair princess, which he considers that it'd be fair that only the winners from the last challenge can participate, which makes Beth bitter.

TDA Beth
They're totally typecasting me as the ugly stepsister! But now that my braces are off, I'm absolutely princess material!

Lindsay takes off her boot and reveals that she has big feet — which are never actually seen, but the boot can only just fit over her big toe — then Courtney tries to put on the boot. Chris says that he can find a different way of selecting the princess, but Courtney manages to get the boot on her foot. Chef then dubs Courtney as "Princess Courtney." Courtney's glass boot then suddenly shoots off her foot, hitting Justin in his eye.

TDA Justin
I have become the beast instead of the beauty, a prince turned into a frog! Did Courtney do that on purpose? No, no. She's not evil; she's just feisty. I like feisty; I like it a lot.

As Chris tells a story, the first challenge begins: Crossing a bridge with an "Terrible Toothless Troll." Everybody is given a fairytale role, complete with accessories that covers their eyes for their costumes. It becomes apparent that they'll be crossing the bridge blindfolded. Beth goes first, and the Terrible Toothless Troll throws "wicked witches' apples" at Beth, making her fall, and Chris says that proves she's not princess material.

TDA Beth
Hey, how do you know if you have a concussion? Is seeing double a bad sign?

Harold is able to run past Chef, as he does it for Leshawna.

TDA Harold
Yours truly has developed some mad blind running skills.

Lindsay steps with her big feet on the bridge, making it break, dropping Chef and then herself. Justin goes next and believes his helmet will protect him from more indignities, as he crashes into a post. Duncan tries to give him a hand, but he just makes him crash again twice, laughing, and pushing him towards Chef.


Justin "uses his head" to win, literally.

TDA Justin
There I was, down, dirty, and deafened, and I thought "W.W.C.D." — What would Courtney do? — and then it came to me! She'd use her head.

Justin is able to make it past Chef. Duncan is able to use Chef's Rapunzel wig as a rope vine to get across, even though he cheats by moving the blindfold around to see. Even though Justin notices that Duncan can see, Chris doesn't see that he cheated. Beth and Lindsay get injured from falling off of the bridge after they fail to get across it, so they sit near Chris to watch and listen to the story.

The next part of the challenge begins as Courtney is leveled down, dressed like a princess. She begins singing a song called "My Prince Will Be", which enthralls both Duncan and Justin. Justin realizes that he finds Courtney attractive and points out that he and Courtney would be "the best looking couple in the kingdom." Duncan hears this, and the two get into an argument about who should be with Courtney in the final challenge. During Courtney's song, the boys try to prove to her that they are the best for her, and at the same time, Chris advertises a CD of Courtney's song, telling the audience to buy it now before everyone else downloads it illegally. Harold gets one so he can think of Leshawna while listening to it.

TDA Harold
[singing] My prince will buy me lots of hot dogs, my prince will love ponies, too. [gets a letter] It's from Leshawna! 'Yo, Harold. If you play that skinny rich girl's song and think about me, I'll have to kill you.'

After the song, Justin compliments Courtney's brain and beauty. Duncan just thinks he is sucking up, but Courtney points out that it is nice to get compliments for once. She then throws her glass slipper at Justin (which accidentally hits him in the face), explaining that she has chosen him to receive an advantage in the second challenge.

TDA Justin
Falling for Courtney has been hard on the face. I think we'll have a no-shoes policy once we're dating.

Chef "kidnaps" Courtney and takes her up the water tower (designed to look like a medieval castle tower). The three boys are given wooden swords (Justin gets the biggest one for his advantage) and are told to use them to slay a dragon (the mechanical monster with wings taped on), and then climb the tower to rescue Princess Courtney. Justin calls a truce with Harold to get Duncan to lose, and Harold comes up with a plan, where both should chase Justin.

TDA Harold
For a mathlete, it was elementary. Ye old alien dragon was 6 meters from Justin and 3 meters from Duncan. They were running at approximately 12 kilometers an hour, or 3.3 meters, which made it a matter of timing, and I've got mad crazy timing skills.

Justin and Courtney almost share a kiss.

However, Justin later betrays Harold (claiming he would have done the same if the princess was Leshawna), and leaves Duncan crushed by the dragon as he makes his way up. Right before Justin and Courtney kiss, Chris informs them that the challenge isn't over; the two must now duel with their swords, with the winner gaining invincibility. Out of chivalry, Justin refuses to battle. Courtney, however, doesn't want to risk losing invincibility and knocks him off the tower, causing him to crash into the ground (placing him in a full body cast). Chris also advertises Princess Courtney dolls which are "more fun and less dangerous than playing with the real Courtney."


An injured Justin is eliminated.

At the award ceremony, Chris gives Courtney her Gilded Chris before announcing that her lawyers want 80% of the profits from the Princess Courtney merchandise. In an attempt to avoid this, he changes all the dolls to Princess Beth dolls (and gives her a contract stating she gets no profits off the merchandise), because she's the only other brunette girl, much to Beth's happiness. He then gives Beth her Gilded Chris Award along with the contract and a doll. Lindsay and Harold receive Gilded Chris awards too, meaning it comes down to Justin and Duncan in the bottom two. Chris announces that the final Gilded Chris goes to Justin, and Duncan is out of the competition. Courtney is taken aback and loudly voices her protest, but Chris confesses the truth, saying he was only joking; Duncan is, in fact, safe, while Justin has been voted off. Justin bids everyone farewell, but to his surprise, none of them are sad to see him go, not even Courtney who barely acknowledges him.

TDA Courtney
All I meant was that Justin deserved to go home! I worked really hard at getting him to fall for me. It’s called strategy. My feelings had nothing to do with Duncan getting voted off. As if I'd care about that! I don't!

Justin then carefully makes his way to the Lame-o-sine with his injured body saying this show has got 80% less handsome. A moment later, Justin bangs his head against the lame-o-sine, then says that the show got 79% less handsome. Chris and Chef then end the episode playing with the Princess Beth dolls, which Chef has a war with. Then Chris mentions that the target audience might be too old to play with dolls, but then demonstrates to Chef how to "properly" play with dolls.

Exclusive clip

My princess

Justin in the Lame-o-sine.

TDA Justin bw
What I've learned? Well, maybe the good looks won't take you everywhere you want to go. I mean, what have I ended up with? A wounded face, a bruised ego and a shoe that I can't even wear. Oh, Courtney, maybe if I stopped modeling and threw all my energy into getting smarter, you could fall in love with me, but modeling pays! And Jesús, my booker, says that even with my severe facial wounds, he could get me a bunch of leg modeling and some celebrity kid's birthday party, so love shmove! (tosses boot out)


Voice actor Role(s)
Christian Potenza Chris
Sarah Gadon Beth
Clé Bennett Chef Hatchet
Emilie-Claire Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Brian Froud Harold
Adam Reid Justin
Stephanie Anne Mills Lindsay

Elimination Ceremony

Elimination Ceremony 10
Status Contestant
WIN TDA Courtney
IN TDA BethTDA LindsayTDA Harold
Beth, Lindsay, Harold
LOW TDA Duncan
OUT TDA Justin

Still in the running

TDA Bridgette bw
TDA Geoff bw
TDA Trent bw
TDA Gwen bw
TDA Izzy bw
TDA Owen bw
TDA Heather bw
TDA Leshawna bw
TDA Justin bw
TDA Beth
TDA Courtney
TDA Duncan
TDA Harold
TDA Lindsay



  • With Justin's elimination, all three males that were on the Killer Grips have been eliminated.
  • With Justin's elimination, the pattern of couples being eliminated consecutively ends.
    • Leshawna was the previous contestant eliminated, but Harold still remains.
  • This episode contains more injuries than any other episode in the season (not counting Total Drama Action Aftermath episodes in which injuries are highlighted). With the exception of Courtney, Duncan, and Harold, all the castmates were shown to be seriously injured by the end of this episode. However, all of the cast got physically hurt at least mildly in this episode.
    • Duncan was crushed by the "dragon."
    • Justin pushed Harold off the "dragon," and Duncan broke Harold's back.
    • Beth and Lindsay both fell off the bridge in the first challenge.
    • Justin fell off the tower, got a black eye from the glass boot twice, and got kicked in the face by the horse.
    • Courtney hurt her back at the awards Ceremony, apparently due to Lindsay and Beth using the Princess Courtney dolls as voodoo dolls.
      • It can be noted that all the competing former Screaming Gophers members got seriously hurt (Justin, Lindsay, and Beth) while all the former Killer Bass members (Duncan, Harold, and Courtney) did not.
  • The costumes that the contestants wore:
    • Courtney as the Princess.
    • Justin as the Frog Prince.
    • Beth as the Ugly Stepsister.
    • Lindsay as Sleeping Beauty.
    • Harold as the eighth of the Seven Dwarfs.
    • Duncan as Little Red Riding Hood (changed to "Little Red Riding Hoodlum" as requested by Duncan). He was also called "Captain Hood."
  • This is the only time Duncan has cheated in a competition without getting caught by Chris or disqualified from the challenge.
  • Justin tries to call Duncan out for cheating. Ironically, last season in "The Big Sleep," Justin himself is called out for cheating by Eva.
    • Coincidentally. both methods involve the eyes (Justin painted his to look like he was awake while Duncan peeks from under his blindfold).
  • Chris mistakenly associates the Seven Dwarfs with Sleeping Beauty instead of Snow White.


  • Justin falling off the tower and hitting many objects on the way down is similar to "Hook, Line, and Screamer," where Owen fell off the cliff and hit many objects on the way down.
    • Coincidentally, both episodes are the nineteenth episode of their respective season.
  • This is the second episode in which Chris attempts to sell things to the audience, as in this episode, he attempts to sell Princess Courtney dolls and a Princess Courtney CD.
  • The monster from "Monster Cash" is reused in this episode.
  • This is the first episode following an aftermath where someone does not return.
  • This elimination marks the first person to be voted off that did not make it to the merge in Total Drama Island.
  • Courtney sings for the first time in the series. Notably, Courtney's voice actress, Emilie-Claire Barlow, is actually a famed Canadian singer.
    • Like Courtney, Harold sings for the first time in the series as well.
  • This is the first time ever that Chris has given false information about who is eliminated.
  • This is the first time the cast is contacted outside of the competition.
  • This is the second episode in the series where a contestant gets eliminated while severely injured.
  • This is the first episode in the series in which more than one contestant is wearing a cast.
  • This is the second time a contestant has sung in Total Drama Action.


  • This episode's title is a reference to the 1987 movie The Princess Bride.
  • Courtney's princess dress looks just like the ballgown worn by Cinderella in the Disney movie adaptation of Cinderella.
    • Additionally, the requirement of wearing a glass boot is an obvious reference to Cinderella.
      • Beth's role as the "Ugly Stepsister" is also a reference to the fairytale.
  • Justin thinking W.W.C.D. ("What would Courtney do?") is a reference to W.W.J.D. ("What would Jesus do?").
  • Harold bidding farewell to Justin in many different ways is a reference to Mel Brooks' Robin Hood: Men in Tights in which Robin says goodbye to Maid Marian in many languages.
  • Notable Fairytales referenced in this episode include Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Frog Prince, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Beauty and the Beast, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel.


  • Justin's swollen eye disappears and reappears throughout the episode, which is similar to what happened in "Dial M for Merger."
  • In the first challenge, Lindsay breaks the bridge, but it's still there for when Duncan and Justin are up for the challenge.
  • After Chef falls when the bridge breaks, the next scene shows him standing on it with the bridge itself intact.
  • Beth said she couldn't scream in "The Sand Witch Project," but she squeals when she finds out that they are going to sell Beth dolls.

Beth squeals, even though she claimed that she was unable to actually scream.

  • The Princess Courtney dolls have their hair in a ponytail wearing Courtney's original outfit, but Courtney ties her hair into a ponytail only when she is wearing her bathing suit or her pajamas.
  • Chris' plate of cookies keeps refilling itself without explanation, although it may be that the interns are replacing the eaten cookies off-screen.
  • When Chef is acting like a troll and puts marker on his teeth to look like he lost them, there are certain times when Chef's teeth are actually missing and you can see the back of his mouth.
  • Harold states that 12 kilometers is equal to 3.3 meters. However, 12 kilometers is actually 12,000 meters.
  • When Justin falls from the tower and lands, his left hand only has three fingers.
  • Chef Hatchet's unibrow splits when Justin headbutts him.
  • Lindsay is described as having huge feet in this episode. However, she has been seen barefoot many times both before and after it, and her feet are normal-sized every time they are shown.
  • On the front of the Princess CD, Courtney is still wearing her tiara, but she has her normal shirt collar and a black recolor of her vest on, rather than then princess outfit.
  • During the gilded Chris ceremony, Duncan's nose piercing is missing.


See also
