Skatoony is a partially animated and partially live-action game show in which cartoon characters and children compete against each other. It premiered in many countries and their networks including Canada's Teletoon. It is based on the United Kingdom's format of the show. Several Total Drama characters are seen in the promotional material and in the show itself.
Game format[]
The show's format is that three live-action child contestants and three cartoon characters compete in a quiz show lasting for three rounds. After the first two rounds, two contestants are eliminated. The first round is always Bang On! Or Bogus?, a rapid-fire true-or-false questioning round, while the last two rounds vary between episodes. As contestants are eliminated, they are usually catapulted out of their seats while the two hosts, Chudd Chudders and The Fabulous Earl, sing a song entitled "You're Outta Here!".
Vignettes featuring eliminated contestants interacting with Chudd or The Earl as well as Charles la Puck, their boss, on Skatoony North America, also appear during the progression of the show. In Skatoony North America, this extends to the "during the commercial break" web extras available on the Skatoony website.
Most Total Drama characters make it to the second round before being kicked out. To date, there have been twenty-two second round eliminations (not counting Harold quitting) out of thirty-two total competing appearances. First round eliminations are less common, but do exist, at seven. Occasionally, a character will be kicked off under unfair circumstances. Such examples include B, who never spoke, Chris, since he took over hosting that round and couldn't answer any questions, and Dakota, who underwent a body swap. Only Izzy and Sam have managed to make it to the third and final round. None have actually won, as the show is set up so a live action contestant always emerges victorious.
Total Drama characters seen on Skatoony[]
Season 1[]
- Bridgette (Episode 8: Quizoo) Eliminated in Round 2
- Chef Hatchet (Episode 11: Superheroes) Eliminated in Round 2
- Chris (opening)
- Courtney (Episode 9: Hoo Loves You Baby!) Eliminated in Round 2
- Eva (Episode 3: I Stink, Therefore I Am) Eliminated in Round 2
- Ezekiel (Episode 12: Dinosaur) Eliminated in Round 2
- Gwen (Episode 7: To the Quiz Cave) Eliminated in Round 2
- Harold (Episode 5: Skeleton Crew in Da House) Eliminated in Round 2
- Izzy (Episode 4: Pirates) Eliminated in Round 3
- Justin (Episode 13: Hooray for Bollywood) Eliminated in Round 2
- Katie and Sadie (Episode 6: Xcqankly) Eliminated in Round 1
- Leshawna (Episode 10: Quiziatori Gladihost) Eliminated in Round 2
- Noah (Episode 2: Invasion) Eliminated in Round 2
- Owen (Episode 1: Knights and Daze) Eliminated in Round 2
- Sierra (Various episodes: Audience)
Season 2[]
- B (Episode 7: Stop the Pop) Eliminated in Round 1
- Brick (Episode 6: Vikings) Eliminated in Round 2
- Cameron (Episode 13: Destination: Moon) Eliminated in Round 2
- Chris (opening)
- Dakota (Episode 1: Body Swap) Eliminated in Round 1
- Dawn (Episode 11: Out to Sea) Eliminated in Round 2
- Izzy (Episode 5: Trash Talk) Eliminated in Round 2
- Jo (Episode 8: Inside La Puck) Eliminated in Round 1
- Lightning (Episode 2: Sports Academy) Eliminated in Round 1
- Mike (Halloween Episode: Halloween) Eliminated in Round 2
- Sam (Episode 12: Freakshow) Eliminated in Round 3
- Sierra (Audience)
- Staci (Episode 10: I Spy, You Quiz) Eliminated in Round 2
- Zoey (Christmas Episode: Stupid Santa) Eliminated in Round 2
Season 3[]
- Anne Maria (Episode 4: Style Trial) Eliminated in Round 2
- Chef Hatchet (Episode 10: Café Le Quiz) Eliminated in Round 2
- Chris (opening, Episode 5: Pop Video) Eliminated in Round 1
- Katie and Sadie (Episode 1: CJ's Birthday) Eliminated in Round 2
- Leshawna (Episode 7: Broke Charles) Eliminated in Round 1
- Owen (Episode 9: Unusual Suspects) Eliminated in Round 2
- Scott (Episode 2: Amusement Park) Eliminated in Round 2
- Sierra (Audience)
- This is the first, and currently the only non-Total Drama related show to officially feature the Total Drama characters.
- This series marks the only time Chris and Chef Hatchet have ever been contestants. Funnily enough, Chris is eliminated in the first round while Chef in the second round.
- Chef is additionally seen without his apron for the first time.
- Beth, DJ, Geoff, Lindsay, Heather, Duncan, Tyler, Trent, Cody, Blaineley, and Alejandro are the only contestants from the first two generations to not compete in Skatoony.
- Sierra appears in the audience, but does not compete in the show.
- Sierra and Cody participate in the Japanese Skatoony despite not doing so in other countries.
- Harold is the only contestant to have appeared in both the audience and compete. However, Sierra also competes in the Japanese Skatoony so she can be counted as well.
- Izzy and Sam were the only ones to make it to the third round.