Minimum funding goal reached!

3 years ago by tori truslow (@toritruslow)
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Hi folks! Just a quick one to say a huge thanks to everyone who's supported and shared this project so far - thanks to you we've passed the £500 mark, which means costs will be covered and I can really start working on the full release in earnest. 

It also means that half the proceeds from this point will go to the emergency meal project for people hit hardest by the pandemic in my area of London. Again, thank you!!! The other half will let me make more zines and pay myself for my work.

If anyone's interested in some of the thoughts and influences behind this project, I put up a thread on twitter yesterday discussing that. I also started another thread about other ZIMO projects I'm excited about!

Finally, I want to shout out this amazing spreadsheet put together by ZIMO community members that highlights projects that most need support to meet their funding goals. Go check it out!

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Congratulations! Looks such a promising and fascinating concept for a game, I've just printed your "development" version and will be looking it over this week!

thank you so much!