
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

Don't know why I have @sierraboggess name plate. Found it in my winter coat a day or so ago. Hence the pic. On my wall in dressing room now

2012-02-26 03:50:48
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo wow. I'm so glad you have that in its rightful place. Your dressing room. :)

2012-02-26 04:28:28

これは↓0:51あたりに映ってる「Love Never Dies」のネームプレートかな?



Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_bogges even I appreciate this Sie. been too long already. Did you get the script I sent you for Kenny Powers, The Noise Musical? Ha

2012-02-12 00:47:08
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo yes I did. Can you let me know which role I should be looking at?

2012-02-12 01:03:49
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_boggess the obvious one. I mean is it even a question?

2012-02-12 01:09:32
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo Great, that's settled then. I also think calling it Kenny Powers... You're Welcome, is a great title.

2012-02-12 01:27:17
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_boggess I knew you would. Wait till you hear the song ... Hold on to your Di..... Hang on be right back. Lol

2012-02-12 01:30:25
Sierra Boggess @sierraboggess

@raminkarimloo this just in! I just choreographed the act 1 closer called "I've got priors so I gotta go"

2012-02-12 02:17:27
Ramin Karimloo @raminkarimloo

@sierra_boggess I want that for my tour poster. Hahahaha. I love him. Our new musical is a sure fire hit. Kenny powers me.

2012-02-12 07:29:45
1 ・・ 13 次へ
まさわ @satomasawa

双子座。三姉妹の末っ子。好きなものは少なく、偏愛します。音楽は小谷美紗子、中村一義。作家は角田光代、高野秀行、内田百閒。人間はMichael Jackson