
ACTIVE GALACTIC @active_galactic

恐竜がいた時代の沿岸に堆積した藻類の死骸が,1億年後の現代,綿花栽培の良い土壌となり,人口比で相当割合の黒人が奴隷としてつれてこられ,赤い南部州に民主党支持の青いバンドを作り出す。かなり遠大な政治物語だ。 twitter.com/RebeccaRHelm/s…

2020-11-04 06:42:04
Rebecca R Helm @RebeccaRHelm

In the South, there is a political strip of blue in a sea of red, and that strip hints at a 100 million-year-old coast that still shapes our world today... [thread based on the article by @DrCraigMc] #ElectionNatureMarathon 📸 bit.ly/2HWhWeC deepseanews.com/2012/06/how-pr… pic.twitter.com/aLqjqsHIBX

2020-11-04 04:56:26


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

In the South, there is a political strip of blue in a sea of red, and that strip hints at a 100 million-year-old coast that still shapes our world today... [thread based on the article by @DrCraigMc] #ElectionNatureMarathon 📸 bit.ly/2HWhWeC deepseanews.com/2012/06/how-pr… pic.twitter.com/aLqjqsHIBX

2020-11-04 04:56:26


リンク Deep Sea News How presidential elections are impacted by a 100 million year old coastline Hale County in west central Alabama and Bamberg County in southern South Carolina are 450 miles apart. Both counties have a population of 16,000 of which around 60% are African American. The median households and per capita incomes are well below their re 3 users 92
High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

That strip of blue was formed at the birth of the Atlantic, a fertile coast a the edge of a continent still ruled by dinosaurs like Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, and relatives of the velociraptor. At the warm shore of the future southern US... pic.twitter.com/WKXgHZIje5

2020-11-04 04:57:31


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

The waves glistened with algae that grew in the shallow depths, & when these algae died their minuscule remains sank to the seafloor, forming a thick grave of carbonate skeletons, building up over millennia. And when the Atlantic began to retreat, what remained... pic.twitter.com/xScoTj433r

2020-11-04 04:58:32


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

was a porous rich band of black soil, known as the Black Belt. Over 100 million years after those algae basked in that shallow sea, their bodies would give rise to cotton: at times over 4,000 bales a year. And that cotton... pic.twitter.com/XzT3DtARTe

2020-11-04 04:59:03


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

Was harvested by enslaved people who were shipped across the now vast Atlantic, carried from Africa to the Americas against their will to pick cotton in that fertile black soil... pic.twitter.com/u1DhCfCzXG

2020-11-04 05:06:24


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

And so the Black Belt, originally named for the soil, took on a different meaning... pic.twitter.com/rbFO5BeBxC

2020-11-04 05:06:46


リンク Wikipedia ブラックベルト ブラックベルト(Black Belt)はアメリカ合衆国の地域の呼称の1つ。 この呼称は元来、アラバマ州中央部からミシシッピ州北東部にかけて広がるプレーリーと黒土に由来しているものだった。 しかし、アフリカ系アメリカ人の割合が高い、貧困、過疎、不十分な教育制度、低い教育水準、貧弱な健康対策、標準以下の住宅、高い犯罪と失業率などに特徴づけられるアメリカ南部の広範囲を指し示すものとして長く使われている。 ブラックベルトの指し示す地域に関しては様々な定義があるが、一般的にはディープサウス(深南部)中央部を通り、北 2 users
High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

And as @DrCraigMc states "The legacy of ancient coastlines, chalk, soil, cotton, and slavery can still be seen today. African Americans make up over 50%, in some cases over 85%, of the population in Black Belt counties..." pic.twitter.com/SBjuU2WRZ4

2020-11-04 05:07:55


High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm

And these Black Belt counties consistently vote Democratic in elections, even in the largely conservative South. And that is how an ancient ocean shaped, and still shapes, our history today. [End of Thread] (image = wiki) pic.twitter.com/wctIVqABCN

2020-11-04 05:08:41


リンク Wikipedia アメリカ合衆国の奴隷制度の歴史 アメリカ合衆国の奴隷制度の歴史(アメリカがっしゅうこくのどれいせいどのれきし、英:The history of slavery in the United States)は、イギリスがバージニア植民地に初めて入植したすぐ後に始まり、1865年のアメリカ合衆国憲法修正第13条の成立で終わったことになっている。 動産としての奴隷制が拡がる前に、白人と黒人などの間に典型的なものでは4年から7年の間で続く「年季奉公」と呼ばれる労働契約の仕組みがあった。1662年までに、アメリカにおける奴隷制は法令の整備によって制 16 users 5


安田鋲太郎@楽しい蘊蓄 @visco110


2020-11-04 23:41:28
笠島 @kasajimajima
