A classy affair!

A grand reception at a five-star hotel in Lucknow celebrated the wedding of Arushi Jaiswal and American scientist Sean Cantrell. The event featured a Sufi night by Shafi Sopari and showcased Indian and Mughlai cuisine. American guests experienced Lucknow's vibrant cultural heritage.
A classy affair!
(L) Kshitij and Pooja (R) Pragya Singh (BCCL/ Manas Mishra)
A grand reception was hosted at a five-star hotel in Lucknow to celebrate the marriage of Arushi Jaiswal, daughter of Umesh Jaiswal and Dr Pushpa Jaiswal, with American scientist Sean Cantrell, son of John Cantrell, a NASA scientist. The couple had tied the knot earlier in October, celebrating their marriage in a Hindu ceremony at a temple in New York.
(L) Akriti (R) Archana
(L) Akriti (R) Archana
(L) Asha Singh (R) Dr Divya Singh
(L) Asha Singh (R) Dr Divya Singh
Amit and Anu
Amit and Anu

The evening was made unforgettable with exquisite decor and a vibrant atmosphere. Umesh and Pushpa warmly welcomed and greeted the guests upon their arrival, while Arushi graciously introduced Sean to family and friends.
(L) Lakshmi Singh (R) Nalini Singh
(L) Lakshmi Singh (R) Nalini Singh
(L) Priyanka Jayal (R) Sonia
(L) Priyanka Jayal (R) Sonia

The event featured a Sufi night, led by the renowned artist Shafi Sopari from Srinagar. His soulful music set the perfect backdrop for the evening, blending beautifully with a culinary spread that showcased the richness of Indian and Mughlai cuisine. The event also saw the presence of several American guests, who were warmly welcomed to experience the vibrant cultural heritage of Lucknow.
— Manas Mishra
Suresh Kumar Khanna (L) and RP Singh
Suresh Kumar Khanna (L) and RP Singh
(L) Tulika Charan (C) Yashika Singh (R) Mukesh Chaddha
(L) Tulika Charan (C) Yashika Singh (R) Mukesh Chaddha

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